Alkine Academy

Chapter Ora • 40

All the guys povs.

She's back!

Thank fuck!

After Faron and Asher left with Trina in tow, I stayed behind to keep an eye on Jaci.

It's my week after all.

Greg is my day time worker but at night it's my turn to shine.

It's been two days since Asher suck down Nylas soul although I haven't talked to Jaci since then I'm happier now that we have finally have been able to reach an understanding.

She's informed us that she's not going to reject me or my brothers before Asher and Faron left, thankfully.

Those words lifted my spirits wondrously.

I still have a long road ahead of me to earn back some of Jacis trust understandably but at least it's a start in the right direction.

When she carved those words into Nylas chest she literally shocked me. I haven't seen that side of her before but for some odd reason watching her do it did things to me that I definitely wasn't expecting.

The way she delicately twisted the knife into her skin had me thinking very unclean thoughts about her and I.

I could barely contain my swollen cock from twitching inside of my jeans just from watching her being so damn visceral.

It was extremely erotic.

If I had any doubts about her being able to handle being our Queen they were dispelled quickly from my mind as I watched how malicious she was toward Nyla.

That's my woman, I'm very proud to say, that she has excelled in every possible way imaginable, she is admirable and fully devoted to us. To me.

I still can't believe she forgave me so easily. I recognize that we still have a long way to go but and I will do everything in my power to convince her that I love her now more than ever.

That's why I'm here standing behind the counter at the local floral shop waiting to buy Jaci a dozen red roses.

Hoping this unexpected gift will shrink the tension between us two.

"How may I help you?" The lady behind the counter ask me.

I place my order, sign the card, and pay her diligently. Leaving the flower shop to head back the to the hotel to get some much needed sleep.

A ringing in the hotel room brings me out of my sleep regrettably, rubbing my eyes I try to focus on the annoying fucking sound.

My cellphones ring keeps splintering loudly throughout the hotel room, aggravating me. I reach for my cell on the table beside the bed, the light piercing out from the screen blinds me momentarily. Squinting at the screen I suddenly realize that Greg is the one calling me.

Hurriedly I answer the phone, dreading the thought of why Greg might be calling me. Knowing it can't be good news.

"What?" I skip the pleasantries.

"She's missing!" He shakily informs me. It takes me a second to realize the who he is actually referring about, not fully awake yet.

When it dawns on me that he's talking about my Jaci, I start to panic, who fucking took her?

"What are you talking about?" I frantically ask him, jumping out of the bed, I quickly dress, clumsily, with my phone still pressed to my ear.

"This black van pulled up to the clinic entrance and grabbed her right under my nose I didn't even have a chance to get the damn tag number. I'm so sorry boss. I lost her!" I'm going to kill him.

"I'm on my way!" Hanging up rudely on Greg, I nervously dial Cals number, he answers after the second ring thankfully.

"Put me on speaker!" I command of him ungraciously even before he has a chance to speak.

"Jacis missing." I tell them the two words I will regret till my dying day.

I relate to them about everything Greg informed me of, not leaving out a single detail.

"We're on our way?" Faron's the one who replies for them.

After I finish getting dressed I rush out of the hotel angrily.

Whoever has Jaci will definitely pay with their very own fucking life. I just got her back into my life, there's no way in hell I will allow anyone to take her away from me again.

This time I'm not fucking fooling around. I'm done with all of these stupid ass games!

If one little hair on her head is out of place I will rip whoever has her to fucking shreds.

I have no doubts that it's DC who has finally got his grubby fucking hands on her.

It's time for me and DC to have the ultimate fucking showdown!

We haven't got a single clue!

It's like she disappeared off the face of the fucking planet with no one being non the wiser to her whereabouts.

After my brothers showed up we started interrogating everyone at the clinic. Not a single person even noticed the black van or Jaci being abducted.

We searched her room but came up empty handed. All we were able to find was Jacis items, clothing, and essentials. Plus her dozen red roses that was placed in a vase on her bedside table from me. The card was still attached to them.

I walked over to the card to read off the inscription that I wrote to her earlier.


With all of my heart and love.

Thank you for forgiving me.

I will never let you down again.

I love you sweet cheeks,


Reading the card it damn near tore me apart.

Greg is utterly useless. The only description that he can give us is that it definitely was a black van with blacked out tinted windows.

The asshole was running across the street when he noticed a large man dragging Jaci unwillingly into the side of the van. By the time he got to the clinic the van already raced off out of his sight without giving him a chance to view the number written on the vans back tags.

He's apologized profusely, although I know it's not his fault that they got the jump on him, I'm still pissed outrageously at him for his lack of being able to protect my most prized possession.

I have no idea where to even start looking for her!

I still feel our connection through our bond with her but I can't mind-link her or even sense that she's alright and it's frustrating me maddeningly.

I don't know what to fucking do!

My brothers keep anxiously staring at me hoping I have all of the fucking answers for them, unfortunately there's not one answer I can give them and it's tearing me apart.

I'm the eldest I should know how to solve these problems but when it comes to the love of my life being taken away from me I'm the one who is utterly useless to them and myself and especially to her.

It's like deja vu' all over again.

This cycle can't keep repeating.

"We have to find her Ora!" Asher desperately tells me.

The forlorn look in his eyes, in all of their eyes, has me drastically overwhelmed.

I can't take seeing them all so damn broken. There has to be someway we can find out where she's located.

"We can try DCs castle!" I tell them. It's a fucking long shot but it's all that I have got at the moment.

I'm searching for answers that I just can't find.

"Then let's go!" Cal suggest hysterically.

We all rush off in a stampede headed to DCs monster castle. I just hope my intuitive analysis is correct and that we will all find Jaci alive and well before DC manages to do something to her that we can never come back from.


This shit is starting to get old!

I'm fed up DCs fucking schemes! The asshole is going to die by hands tonight, if I can help it!

I'm done with Jaci always being the catalyst to someone's evil intentions! She doesn't deserve this shit that's constantly happening to her.

When we get her back I'm locking her up in the manor and she is never going to be able to leave my sight ever fucking again!

Asher, Cal, and I discussed our relationship with Jaci. We came to the conclusion that, though it's not typicality original for our kind, we are going to ask her for her hand in marriage.

She is ours to keep forever. We want to make it as permanent for her as we can manage.

Showing our love for her in a nontraditional way is our own declaration of solidarity for her.

Even though it was Asher's idea, I stand behind it one hundred percent.

I want to give her everything her heart desires and more.

She is my finality. My one and only. My heart and my soul and I'm going to show her just how much she means to me. Once we get her back and we definitely will!

I will kill anyone who stands in my way!


I fucking hate this!

The constant corruption and violation within our family.

Especially when it comes to Jaci. There's always something getting in the way between us.

It's like a never ending loop-da-loop.

Regardless, if it's women or DC or fucking Terry, the list of our enemies are limitless.

We keep repeating the same fucked up cycle. Something has to stop this endless violence.

We are always, somehow, putting Jacis life in danger, like now, and I'm tired of all of the crazy bullshit!

It's time we put our feet down and show the entire world we won't put up with any type of this shit anymore.

I'm definitely down with showing everyone exactly who they shouldn't fuck with.

This time is just one time too many, especially when it comes to the woman I would sacrifice anything for.

"We need to hurry?" Cal informs Ora.

Ora is driving with me in the front passengers seat and Cal, Faron, and Greg in the backseat of the vehicle.

We've already called the other members of our gang to meet us at DCs haunted mansion.

This time DC is not walking away from this alive! If he is the one that actually has her, I will bite down so hard on his damn neck devouring his spiteful fucking soul with the upmost glee.

The bastard won't ever get the chance to know what's coming to him. I'll do it quickly and enjoy every damn second of doing it. You can count on that.

"I fucking know this Cal. I'm going as fast as I damn well can!" Ora frustratingly tells Cal.

The staggering possibility of Jaci being hurt is driving each one of us close to being irrationally insane.

It's amazing to me how we all ended up loving Jaci so damn much after so much tribulation in our relationships with her.

She has remarkably turned out to be the best thing possible for all of us. I know that I, myself, has loved her from the very start but it doesn't take to much to love Jaci.

But the others have come a long way with her. That makes me more than ecstatic that we finally are all on the same path with her. Finally becoming a real family unit.

With that knowledge, of knowing how they all feel toward her now, brings me even more worry.

She's our gorilla glue.

She's the one thing that's been able to hold us all together. Although there's been some ups and downs, well a lot of ups and downs, she has stood by each of us throughout all of it.

She's our treasure and DC is fucking with our gold!

I love her far too much to let DC or whoever has her to take her away from me. From us.

I won't let them!

She's my everything. If something happens to her I will tear this fucking world apart to avenge her.

That my friend is my fucking promise!


After mine, Asher's, and Faron's discussion, I went online and purchased the perfect ring for her.

I couldn't wait.

When they mentioned their idea to me about wanting to marry Jaci, at first, I thought the very idea of it was preposterous.

But then I started thinking that it did have some merit. It was a way to show Jaci just how much we love her and want to be with her forever.

Committing to her for eternity.

We haven't discussed it with Ora yet but I'm pretty damn sure he will agree with us once he's heard all of details and why we want to do it.

It's crazy how this is crossing my mind as we hightail it to DCs spooky castle.

I think it's because of our high pressured situation we're in that has the fleeting thoughts even entering my mind at this time.

Trying my best to stop thinking about what might be happening to Jaci at this precise moment.

I want so badly to be able to place that ring on her finger, declaring my love for her in front of everybody. Showing her and the world exactly what she means to us. To me.

The slight chance that someone has her in their clutches with the intention of hurting her or more is making me fucking delirious.

The bumpy road jostles me in my seat, as we race forward to rescue Jaci from her assailant. Making me all the more anxious to be at our location already.

I can't stand the very thought of someone hurting her. My dragon is already on edge just from the very idea of it.

My love for her is unconditional. I will devour anyone who lays a fucking hand on her. If it's DC that has abducted her I will relish ripping his fucking head off of his shoulders, just like I did with that asshole Terry!

"We're almost there!" Faron informs us.

"Guys I'm so fucking sorry?" Greg keeps apologizing repeatedly.

The guilt of Jacis abduction is eating away at him. It's not his fault that someone got the upper hand on him.

I've learned through our past experiences with these type of situations that it's easy to cast the blame on some unwilling participants.

"It's not your fault?" I tell him for what seems like the twentieth time tonight.

"We will get her back unharmed!" Ora tries to reassure us.

We better get her back safe and sound or else I will demolish whoever has the audacity to even kidnap or harm our Queen!

"Let's hope so." Greg guilty replies to Ora. In his state who can blame him for feeling so remorseful.

I don't but I do wish that he was a little bit more vigilant in his duties to protect Jaci from any type of harm.

But who can predict what will ever happen especially with these type of cases. I know, I for one, would be feeling exactly like Greg does at this precise moment.

It doesn't matter, we will get her back and we will make whoever has her pay with their very own life.

I guarantee it.

Then after we are able to retrieve Jaci from the culprits clutches, I, along with my brothers, are going to ask Jaci for her hand in marriage and if anyone dares to try to come in between us ever again, I will ungraciously demolish them all, happily.

"We're here!" Ora says.

Pulling up to the newly repaired iron gates of DCs morbid homestead.

I notice that there is a giant lock in the center of the gates. Making our entry into his grounds even more difficult to manage.

"What's the plan?" I ask everyone in the vehicle.

As the car stops right in front of the gates we all stare at it in confusion.

The only way into the grounds is me shifting into my dragon like the last time. The gate is far to high to try to climb. The fence around the property is also to way to high off of the ground to be able to maneuver over it. With a crap load of barbed wiring placed on the very top of the fencing. None of the others have the ability to knock the gates down but me.

"Guess it's up to me." I tell them but they probably already realize this assumption by now.

Opening the car door to exit the vehicle, I freeze! With my leg hanging loosely out of the side of the car.

We all hear an explosion go off from the area surrounding DCs castle.

The sudden sound of the eruption startles us for just a second. The impact from the explosion even rattles the drive through where our vehicle is presently parked.

Then the dawning of what actually just happened kicks us all into high gear immediately.

We all jump out of the car frantically. Running up to the gate. Looking through the bars of the iron gates. Trying to see just what occurred.

There's fire and smoke floating in the sky off in the distance. A giant mushroom of fire is escaping from DCs home. Billowing out of it like a wall fire flower.

Fear suddenly resides inside of all us.



"Shift Cal!" Ora screams at me.

I quickly transform into my dragon without any hesitation. Releasing my demon within me angrily and fiercely.

I'm terrified of the thought that Jaci might of been in DCs castle when it suddenly exploded.

If I lose her then I'll lose myself entirely. I wouldn't want to go on, not without her. I just can't.

Stomping through the iron gates, ripping them both completely off their hinges, they fall on the ground, bouncing, behind the giant ass fencing with a resounding bang.

Pounding my way through the estate. Outrageously pissed off and scared to fucking death of what the outcome might be for Jaci and for us.

This is all DCs fault, I'm more than sure of it, he may want Jacis abilities for his own power and selfish ass reasons but I'm about to show him what true power really is.

Here we come fuckers!

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