Alkine Academy

Chapter Asher • 39

What an arrogant asshole!

Of all the stupid things I could ever picture Ora doing this by far is one of the most fucking stupidest.

He has jeopardized everything between us and Jaci!

So irate over his lack of judgment, I can't hardly concentrate, I have already been late for two classes today already, unfortunately I'm late for another.

Ms. Zed is going to have my head for my late attendance.

"Asher!" Hearing my name being called out from the end of the hall, I stop in my tracks, highly aggravated, looking over my shoulder.

Dedra, Nylas youngest sister, is hastily trying to catch up to me. Waving one arm around in the air to get my attention in the other she holds some books.

This is all I fucking need today!

She's honestly is a sweet a girl and I think she has a little crush on me but with everything that her damn sister has done lately I'm just not in the mood to deal with her antics right now.

When she finally catches up to me I reserve myself from the tongue lashing I was going to berate her with. By the look on her face she seems worried and a little bit terrified over something.

"What's wrong Dedra?" I ask her genuinely curious.

It's not like her to be scared at all, she usually has a bright and cheery attitude.

"I need to talk to you." She whispers lowly to me, "in private." I nod my head, searching the hall I notice a tiny storage closet, I grab her hand to direct her to it.

The doors unlocked thankfully, once we're both inside I search for a light switch on the wall, finally finding it nestled behind a metal shelf the room suddenly illuminates when I switch it on.

Turning in her direction I can see the trepidation on her face. Scowling at her discomfort I motion, with my hand, for her to sit down on a little blue plastic crate on the side of the cramped room.

Once she's seated she looks up at me, she presses the books that was settled in her arm up against her chest like a shield of protection.

"What's wrong?" I ask her again.

She sighs out of nervousness, it's starting to make me very anxious. I don't think I've ever seen her quite so uncomfortable before.

"I have something to tell you about my sister but you have to promise me that you won't hurt her when I tell you please." I should of known this was over Nyla. The bitch is going to be more of a problem than I first originally thought.

"What about her?" I skip over promising her anything.

"She did something to Ora." Her vagueness is beginning to get very annoying. Though I know she doesn't mean to be vague it still irritates me nonetheless.

"What?" I growl out trying my best to contain my anger.

"She put some pills in Oras drinks at the party. I overheard her telling Trina last night. She wanted to drug Ora because she said something about being a Queen. I don't know what that means but they were laughing about it saying that it wouldn't be long now and that Ora was calling her Jaci all night. I know that's your girlfriend and I didn't want her to hurt you so I thought I would tell you." I definitely didn't see that one coming.

So basically Nyla set Ora up! If what I'm understanding is be correct.

She gave Ora some type of pills?

"What type of pills did she give Ora?" I ask her confused on the aspects of her story.

"I don't know what they are called but she told Trina they were like suppose to make him," she leaned in toward me, lowering her voice, "have sex with her." Leaning back her cheeks take on a rosy glow. Way too innocent for this type of conversation, "but it didn't work. She said it was because of all the other drugs he was doing at the party. She was trying to get....pregnant by Ora. Mom would kill her if she did that! I don't understand why so would be so mean. Anyway, she wanted to be this Queen she kept mentioning." She stops talking quickly. Dedra starts to squirm on the crate. There's something she wants to tell me but she's probably too afraid to do so.

As long as I've known Nyla she has always been a vile person. She picks on her sister constantly. I can understand why Dedra is so frightened of her.

"It's ok Dedra. You can tell me anything." I try to reassure her.

She hesitates, sighing, fiddling with the edge of her book consistently.

"She also told Trina that even if she has to hurt Jaci she will end up with Ora. I don't know why she doesn't like her but you have to protect her Asher. Jaci is a sweet person. She stopped Nyla from picking on me when she first started here at the Academy. I don't want to see her get hurt. She's my friend." It warms my heart that she is so concerned over Jaci.

But she's definitely right. Nyla is viscously corrupt none unlike myself. If there's a chance that she can get Jaci out of the picture Nyla wouldn't hesitate for a second to do it.

"Don't worry Dedra I'll take care of it. I promise." I console her but that's a definitely a promise I fully intend on keeping.

"Shut the fuck up Faron!"

After arriving back home at the manor I came into the living room only to hear Ora and Faron arguing.

I came in on the tail end of their argument, being clueless as to why they are at each other's throats but it definitely can't be good.

"What's going on?" I yell.

Stepping in between them trying to pry them apart from each other, with my hands placed on both of their chest. They're both extremely furious.

"Ask the asshole." Faron non to discreetly screams at me.

My eyes are bouncing back and forth between my brothers. Both of them are acting like rivals. It's fucking ridiculous.

"Ora?" I ask.

Ora just scowls, ignoring me completely, glaring daggers at Faron like he's his enemy.

After the fucking day I've had I really don't need this shit right now. Aggravated beyond belief at their stupid antics. I forcibly push them away from each other.

"Someone needs to tell me fucking something." I am fed up with all of this bullshit already.

After a while Ora begrudgingly tells me of his and Jacis encounter. With each word that escapes his mouth my temper grows exponentially.

Fully grasping the seriousness of the situation I finally hit my boiling point.

Without uttering a single word in return, I rear my arm back and punch Ora squarely in his fucking nose.

He stumbles back, falling on the living room floor, knocking off a lamp from the side table beside the sofa.

Jumping on him I continue my onslaught of demanding punches, not easing up on him for a second until Faron yanks me off of him regrettably.

I'm trying to fight my way out of Faron's hold on me anxious to get my hands on Ora.

Of all the stupid fucking shit I've had to put up with today this is at the top of the shit pile.

Jaci is going to reject us and it's all because of my dumb ass brother, I couldn't be more livid.

"Why are you always fucking up shit?" I yell at him, still immobilized by Faron's grasp on me.

Ora slowly scrambles off of the floor very ungracefully, nearly falling over again as he finally rises to his feet. His nose is abundantly red from my beating.

"Stop Asher! We need to find a way to fix this." Faron implores me.

I falter suddenly from trying to escape from Faron's tight gripped hold on me.

Then the conversation I had with Dedra earlier reminds of why were now in this situation.

"I think I have a solution." I tell them flexing out my fingers from the pain of my abuse toward Ora.

I unload all of the details of mine and Dedras conversation at the Academy to them both.

Watching Oras face go from total disappointment to pure unadulterated fury in a hot flat second along with Farons is kind of humorous in a way.

I, at least, thought he would be somewhat relieved at the acknowledgement that he didn't actually sleep around on Jaci.

"We have to tell her!" Faron presses after I finish telling them them both the basics of Nylas deception.

"She won't believe me. Trust right now between her and I, is a delicate issue." I do agree with Ora.

We have to find a way to inform Jaci that Ora is actually innocent of his alleged adultery. But I just don't know how precisely.

There has to be a way.

Then all of the sudden it hits me.

"I know what to do but it's going to take a lot of ingenuity." I insist deviously.

I'm bound and determined. I will not lose Jaci over this fucked up folly.

It took two days of planning but I think we have it finally mastered.

Cal has returned back home to the manor leaving Ora, Faron, and I to watch over Jaci.

But we didn't come alone.

Nyla is precariously tied up in thrifts stores basement awaiting her judgment.

The only way Jaci is going to even come close to believing us is if it comes straight from the horses mouth or rather from the bitches mouth in this case.

Even if Nyla evades confessing to Jaci we also have a back up plan in store. We brought along Trina with us.

One of these bitches is going to set the record straight or I will have no choice but to kill them.

I may just do that anyway because I don't think Nyla will give up on her evil schemes to get Jaci out of the picture. I'll put a stop to her misconceptions very quickly. She will never be half the woman Jaci is and she sure as hell will never be our fucking Queen!

Not as long as I'm still breathing.

Faron went to go retrieve Jaci while Ora and I wait for them in the basement along with Nyla who is now tied up nice and tight on a beam in the center of the room.

Trina is hidden, stuffed behind an old bookshelf, drugged and tied up just in case we need her to collaborate our story.

They should have known better than to fuck with the Four Fragnites gang especially trying to dethrone our very own beloved Queen. There's no way in hell we would ever allow such an atrocity ever happen. Not in this lifetime. Not ever.

"Ora let me go! For the last time I didn't do anything wrong baby." Nyla has been begging Ora for her release for the last two and half fucking hours.

The shit that has been spewing out of her damn mouth is truly unbelievable. From trying to coax Ora with the offer of any type of sex he wants to preform on her to promising him that she would gladly carry his baby for him. It is down right ridiculous the lengths she will go through just to be with him.

I'm actually impressed at her corrupted views, in a way. Her audacity is utterly mind blowing.

"You're a low down conniving little bitch Nyla. Trust me I know I'm not innocent in some of the stuff I did but what you did is fucked up. Trying to get impregnated by me just to be our Queen is fucking insane!" Hearing a sweet little gasp behind us has Ora and I both turning around quickly.

Jaci and Faron are standing just beyond the basement door, surprisingly, listening to Oras and Nylas conversation.

Although our reunion is one of treachery and deceit I'm overjoyed to see her.

She actually looks surprisingly better than she was before she left us to enter into the WeCare clinic. My heart starts racing faster just from the sight of her.

I know it's only been barely over a week since I have seen her last but I have desperately missed her.

Rushing over to her, I place my hands on her soft cheeks, dipping my head I don't hesitate to ravish her luscious mouth. Feeling the sparks that, as usual, lights up within me every-time I get the chance to touch her, it warms me to my very soul.

Departing my lips from hers, I keep my hands on her cheeks, searching her face to absorb every detail of her.

"I missed you baby." I softly whisper to her.

Every fiber in my being missed her more than she will ever really realize. This woman, to me, is my very reason for waking up every damn morning.

I can't believe that the bitch Nyla nearly took her away from me! From us! It's mind boggling.

"I missed you too. What's going on Asher? What does she mean?" She ask as she points in Nylas direction.

"We're going to let her explain." I simply inform her.

Grabbing her dainty hand into mine, I walk her over to stand beside Ora, Faron is following behind us. We stop directly in front of Nyla.

I notice the apprehension on Oras face when he looks down at Jaci longingly.

"Tell her!" Ora commands gruffly.

Nyla laughs at Oras demand glaring directly at Jaci menacingly.

"Tell her what? That we fucked three times. That I might be pregnant with your child? That I am going to be the next Queen? Which one would you like me to inform her of?" Nyla lies greedily straight to Jacis face. She's only putting off the inevitable in my opinion.

"Really? So your saying that you and Ora had sex three times in one night and now you think your pregnant? Don't you think that's a bit drastic?" Jaci sweetly replies, she drops my hand, stepping up closer to Nyla with a fierce look of determination on her face.

"You want to know what I think? I think you're fucking lying! You're a pitiful excuse for a Queen if you think that this moronic plan of yours would actually work! I may have some trust issues with Ora but I believe him when he goes through this much damn trouble to prove himself to me. There's also the one thing that I have that you will never have though." Jacis fury is overwrought and climaxing.

"What's that bitch?" Nyla sneers evilly as she ask Jaci.

"Oras love and devotion. I don't have to play silly little fucked up games to be his Queen." Jaci puts a strand of Nylas braided hair into her hand, fisting it, pulling her face down closer to her.

"And do you want to know why?" Jaci sneers. Tugging Nylas braid even harder.

"Why?" Nyla weakly asks.

"Because I am his Queen bitch and you will bow down and obey!" Jaci yanks Nylas braid nearly ripping it right out of her scalp.

Would it be wrong of me to say that hearing those words escape from Jacis mouth is a major fucking turn on!

I think my jeans just got three sizes smaller from my fucking hard as a rock dick at watching Jaci being so damn formidable.

Sexy as fucking hell!

Adjusting my jeans, suddenly looking around to see if anyone notices my own discomfort, I breath out heavily trying to contain my raging hard on.

"Give me your knife!" Jaci ask me. Holding out her hand with her palm up waiting.


I never want Jaci to have to be in this type of predicament.

Glancing over to Ora for reassurance, he just shrugs his shoulders dismissively, the arrogant asshole is no help whatsoever.

"She is the Queen!" His quip is irksome.

Looking back at Faron, he's just smiling gleefully at Jacis command. Neither of them are any help to me in anyway.

"Like he said!" Faron agrees.

"Jaci are you sure this is what you want to do baby? I mean, once you do it there's no coming back from it. Think really hard before you make this type of decision. It changes you and I don't want it to change you from being who you are now." I plead with her with true sincerity.

If she does this she will never be the same person. It takes something away from you that you can never get back and after everything that she's been through already I honestly don't think that she can handle taking a life like this.

"I'm not going to kill her Asher. I just want to make a point. Please." Jaci practically begs.

How can I resist her. I reach into the front pocket of my jeans, dragging out my knife for her. I slowly hand it to her, placing it in her palm hesitantly.

What she does with the knife surprises all of us. She was true to her word she didn't kill Nyla instead of killing her, she fucking marked her.

She carved the words into Nylas chest. One word is above her breast the other on her stomach and one word is in between them both.

Nylas blood is dripping down her body from the carving, eerily slow, onto the basement floor making a tiny little puddle of blood in the shape of a lopsided heart miraculously.

The words are basically simple but it gets Jacis point across alright.




Showcases across Nylas chest gruesomely.

When Jaci is finally finished with her own brand of torture, she hands me back my now blood soaked knife.

She walks over to Ora, standing on her tiptoes, with her bloodied hands on her face, she deeply kisses him.

Showing Nyla exactly who Ora belongs too apparently.

"Theres my sweet cheeks." Ora sensually tells her. Smiling down at her mischievously.

When she finishes her kiss with Ora she gives one last look at Nylas blood soaked body then walks over to me with a smirk plastered on her face.

"Hungry?" I understand exactly what she's trying to imply.

She wants me to suck the very soul out of Nyla as punishment for her crimes.

"Yes!" I give her sly smirk of my own.

Walking over to Nyla, I raise her head up, glaring at her. Leaning in I elongate my fangs then sink them into her neck happily.

The taste of Nylas soul is sour but I devour it all in a matter of seconds. Her screams throughout her demise makes my dick even harder. It's such an euphoric feeling. Pure fucking bliss in my opinion.

When I'm finished I wipe my mouth off with the back of my hand then walk back over Jaci.

The smile planted on her beautiful face is worth the sour taste that's resting on my tastebuds. It's worth everything.

"Thank you." She deviously tells me.

"You're so welcome." Yanking her into my arms I begin to ravish her mouth again lustfully.

I can't wait till she returns back to us. Once she's done with the clinic I'm never letting her out of my sight again.

Unfortunately I'm the one who has the misfortune of being picked for the last week of protecting her but hopefully I will be able to get some much over needed quality time with her. Just her and I.

When that time comes I plan on coming myself.

Over and over again!

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