Alkine Academy

Chapter Ora • 17

Regret is a word that is usually not in my vocabulary.

But what I am feeling at this moment is an all consuming feeling it.

I regret a lot.

How I treated her. How I just casually dismissed her. How I made her feel. How I pushed her away.

Even more so is how I ran to Cynthia because I didn't want to feel.

For years all I felt was anger rolled into pain. From my parents and their half ass attempts at raising us or not raising us for that matter.

For them abandoning me and my brothers so callously without a fucking care or thought.

My anger and resentment toward them brought out this hateful beast inside of me, one who wants to rage out at the world for all that I have lost, for all that my brothers have lost.

Seeing Jaci lying on that bed all broken, broke me.

That has only happened once in my life, the day my fucking parents left us all alone at the Academy. I was just sixteen at the time, dumb and clueless about the world. Left alone and in charge of my brothers so they could go off living their own fucked up life of depravity.

I remember my fathers last words to me like it just happened yesterday.

"You're old enough to take of these fucking brats now. Stop you're fucking crying boy! Be a damn man!" Him and mother just dropped all of us at the Academy. My brothers aren't even old enough to attend yet. I don't understand what my parents are thinking.

"But father, how will we survive?"

"That Ora is completely up to you, me and your mother are done with arrogant pricks! You're on your own now!" The fat fuck was always calling us degrading names. His disregard for us always pissed me off.

"Fuck you old man! You're a worthless excuse for a father!"

"Who said anything about me being your father?" With those parting words the asshole left and we haven't heard from him or my mother since.

Before that he would always beat us. Mother would stand by and let him get away with it every damn time.

Even though my father own the Academy the alumni never did a thing to help us. No one did.

So I had to take the responsibilities that landed in me with a big fat fuck you and a smile!

Two months later Cal confessed to me that our mother sexually abused him! The worthless bitch. Using her influence to manipulate a child! Her own fucking son! She is a sick bitch! If I knew where the hell they were I would gladly remove them from this earth.

"Need a refill?" The sexy bartender ask me seductively. If I was in my right frame of mind I would probably pound into her pussy like there was no tomorrow. But unfortunately all I have on my mind is Jaci.

"Sure." Throwing back my drink, the liquid burns going down my throat. She slides me another shot, winking at me with a flirtatious smile.

I simply ignore her flirtations. Im really not in the mood for it tonight.

Sitting in the stool in this rundown bar, I search the room. There's only a few patronages left in the building, nearing closing time.

I keep putting off returning home knowing full well that my brothers have taken Jaci there to recover and after what Braxton pulled I can't stand to see that mark on her chest. The bastard will get what's coming to him I can damn well guarantee it.

I can't bear to see the look on my brothers faces at the moment. Knowing I was the cause of Jacis incapacitation and Braxtons incredulous assault on her, they would all hold me accountable and who could exactly blame them? I blame myself.

I should have never let her try to prove herself in those challenges. Seeing her so beat down, regret hit me instantly. There's that fucking word again.

My condescending ass just couldn't let it go. I couldn't resist. I tortured her in so many ways and now the devil has to pay his dues I guess.

Swallowing back my last shot of the night, about to leave and face my demons, I feel a presence sit down beside me. Turning my head I notice a man covered in a gray hoodie, trying his best to hide his identity.

He looks familiar but not being able to his full face hinders my ability to recognize him.

He quickly stands, never ordering a drink, which seems strange. As I watch him leave the bar in a hurry, I turn back around ready to settle up my bill when I notice a piece of folded up paper on the bar before me.

Grabbing the paper, I open it curiously, reading the words written in a hasty scribble, I scowl at it angrily.

Jerking back around I look to the door but the mystery man has already disappeared.

Looking back at the note I reread the threatening letter closely.

Alkine brothers,

The abuse you put your mate through tonight will not go unpunished!

How dare you hurt my pretty little precious eyes!

You will pay!

She is mine!

There's no signature at the bottom of the letter making it seem even more ominous.

How dare somebody threaten me and my brothers!

Whoever this fucker is apparently doesn't know who the hell he is fucking with!?

I will end him!

Throwing the cash on the bar I leave the building promptly. Boiling over with absolute anger!

This fucker is dead! I don't allow anyone to threaten the people I love! He won't get near my brothers or even my mate!

Returning to our manor I call out for my brothers multiple times. Fury still residing within me.

They each come stumbling in one by one groggily. I totally forgot about the late hour.

Standing at the dinning table I slam the letter down on top of it forcibly. Startling each of my brothers, awakening them from their sleepy haze.

"What the hell Ora!" Cal grumbles. I ignore his blatant disrespect toward me for once. More concerned about the matter at hand.

"Read it!" I demand. Cal reaches for the letter as Faron and Asher both stand behind him, they each read the letter with different expressions on their faces. Disbelief being the major one.

"Where did you get this?" Faron ask.

I explain in detail how I came upon the note and the creepy mysterious man who left it.

"How would he even know? Unless he's a member of the gang or someone in the gang told someone there's no way anyone would know what happened earlier." Asher explains, I can see the fury enter each of their eyes just like they are in my own.

"What about Braxton he could of told someone or have someone deliver the letter to you?" Cal ask, furrowing his brows, deep in concentration.

"He was unconscious when Jaci did the challenge. Unless someone informed him about it later then he doesn't have a clue what happened after he lost consciousness. I'm pretty sure he's still acting unconscious somewhere still." Faron puts in his input.

I'm so aggravated at this situation that I can't even begin to think clearly. If this asshole is trying to scare us he is highly mistaken. We don't get scared we get mad and most importantly even.

"Whoever it is we need to find them and take care of him! He is clearly obsessed with Jaci! Have any of you noticed anyone suspicious around her lately?"

"Well thanks to you and Cal we haven't been able to be around her like we wanted too. So no Ora apparently we haven't!" Faron sarcasm is duly noted!

I can't argue with that fact. If it wasn't for us and our stupidity Jaci would have been around us and we would have been able to notice any strange occurrences.

Regret is the magic word of the night!

"Is...,she ok?" I ask them changing the subject.

At first they all three look shocked at my concern. I can't blame them. I've been nothing but a total ass to her.

"Why do you care all of the sudden?" That's exactly what expect from Asher. He's always made his feelings known when it comes to her. If I wasn't such a prick I would have noticed his passion for her sooner.

"Look guys I'm sorry for the way I've been acting toward her and you. I was an ass and out of control. Somehow I will make it up to you." Asher scowls at my answer.

"You need to make it up to her not us! We can forgive your I'll mannered ways more than she can. She didn't deserve what you've done to her?" I know what Asher is implying but I have no idea how to even start making any of this up to her.

"So does this mean you're done with Cynthia and all the other women. Are finally excepting that she's your mate?" Faron ask curiously.

Am I?

In some way I want to accept her as my mate. In others I'm not so sure.

I'm an incubus I thrive and survive on sex. If I don't have that then my body will inevitably falter.

Could Jaci understand my dilemma? Could she give me what I so need and desire? Would she be able to accept me for who I am? A pure monster? Could I give up my devious ways just for her?

The questions seems endless with no answers in sight.

"I don't know. I have to sex to survive Faron! You all know this. If Jaci can't accept that then I will have to find it elsewhere. I don't want to hurt her...any more than I already have but if she can't feed me like I need then I may not have any other choice in the matter!" I tell them. Hoping at least they will understand my issues.

"Talk to her. Explain to her what you need and try to at least be faithful to her...that is until you can't any longer. Jaci is understanding she's a succubus she knows and understand your conflicts Ora. Just open up to her." Cal informs me. Making me realize just how far he has come along since mother.

I couldn't be more proud of him.

The psychological abuse let alone the sexual that he has suffered should have never happened to him. Before all of this bullshit he was such a gentle soul. Always looking out for others. Tonight I'm happy to see the old Cal spiking through once again.

"First things first. We need to find out who this guy is before he attempts to do what he claims in that letter. If he has threatened to come after us over hurting Jaci then you can bet your ass he plans to get to her sooner or later." With that thought in mind we all sit down and plan out what we can do to protect Jaci from this asswipe of a coward.

"Can I talk to you. Please."

Entering Faron's room slowly, I see Jaci propped up on his bed with pillows supporting her back.

The bruises that appeared on her face are starting to disappear thanks to her supernatural healing. I grimace when I see them. There is a large purple and black one under her right eye with a collection of bruises and scrapes on her arms.

Regret again fills me instantly. That word will forever haunt me.

I should have put a stop to it. I shouldn't have been so damn stupid and blind.

"Sure." She pats the side of Faron's bed, allowing me sit beside her.

"Thanks." I make my way to the bed, sitting on it gently. I don't want to hurt her anymore than she already has been.

Jaci eyes me wearily.

I can't blame her either. After all I put her through I'm actually surprised she's even allowing me to occupy the same as her.

"I've come to apologize." The surprise on her face has me half smirking. It honestly shouldn't be this way, I again regret everything.

"I fucked up Jaci. I treated you like an outcast. I hurt you. I made you cry and leave. I've done a lot of things to you and for that I'm truly sorry. I would do anything to make it up to you if you would allow me to." I can see the confusion on her beautiful bruised face. Before she can reply to me I carry on.

"I also need to talk to you about my adulterous affair and the reason behind it. Actually I know there is no excuse for it but it is problematic."

Discussing in full detail to her about my misgivings and cravings. What I need to actually survive and what we, as in her and I, have to do to achieve it.

During my rant her face shows different emotions. By the time I'm finished the one expression on her face is symptomatic. She holds sympathy for me. After everything I have put her through, everything that I have done to her she shows me sympathy.

It amazes me to no end. How can she show me, of all people, such an emotion?

Me being who I am and what I've done I definitely don't deserve it.

"I understand but Ora I can't just forget about everything you have done. I will help you with what I can. I know your an incubus and I know all the things that it demands of you but you can't you also feed off of other people who have sex around you?" Her question has merit.

I can survive on other peoples arousals and pheromones they secrete during their fornication, I don't get as full from it but I can initially survive.

I explain it to her even though I know that she knows this information already, with her being a succubus she definitely has this type of knowledge.

"Here's an idea. Until I can forgive you and trust you completely you can feed off of me through sex with Faron and Asher." Jaci grabs my hand, I clasp my hand into her own tiny one. Urging me to be compliant.

"So you would let me watch but not physically touch you?"

"Yes. Well until you and I can reach the point of being in a relationship. If you can show me that what your saying is truly genuine then later we can redefine the terms." She looks at me hopefully. If she's willing to reach out and forgive me? Then how can I deny her this one request?

"Deal and I promise that I will do everything in my power to make this up to you." I vow to her and I mean every word of it.

Leaning in, I take the chance, I kiss her on her bruised cheek gently. Sealing the deal. I'm shockingly aware that she is allowing me to do just this but it's enough for me, for now.

"Thank you for understanding. I'll let you get some rest now." Jaci nods her head blessing me with a genuine smile. Her smile honestly takes my breath away.

It maybe small but at least it's a start in the right direction. I have a lot to make up for with her.

Standing from the bed I turn to make my exit. Before I leave I glance over my shoulder, looking directly at Jaci.

"You don't have to do the final challenge. You've proved yourself enough already." I tell her. Hoping that this will at least get us started out on the right foot. We both need a new beginning.

"Nope. I am going to finish all of the challenges Ora. I'm not a quitter?" Her voice holds so much determination it startles me for just a second.

"Are you sure? You do know what it requires...right?" I have basically put her through enough shit already I wanted to save her from at least this one traumatic situation.

"I know what it involves and I'm not backing down. Thank you though." Without saying a word to her proclamation I close the door behind me as I exit. Astounded by her gumption.

I had Jaci all wrong from the beginning.

She's braver than I have given her credit for that's for damn sure. Maybe she will be able to be our queen after all?

I desperately need to reconsider my options though. I am sure that Jaci doesn't understand the ramifications of taking a persons life.

It will definitely destroy her.

A week ago that's all I wanted was to destroy her and remove her from our lives.

Now just look at me.

I'm trying to think of a way to stop myself from destroying her.

Shaking my head at the absurdity of my thoughts, there's a few more things I need to accomplish.

One: finding this out who this asshole is and putting a stop to his demented plans.

Two: finding Cynthia to end our relationship.

And finally three: trying to find a way to keep Jaci from losing her humanity.

None of these things will be easy to do especially the last one.

Hopefully with my brothers help we can all come up with easy solution.

I've lost humanity already.

There's no way I'm letting Jaci lose hers!

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