Alkine Academy

Chapter Faron • 16

Back in the dungeon, yet again.

Tonight's the second challenge, all of our gang members are here waiting patiently, plus my brothers and I.

Wondering if Jaci will make an appearance after the ordeal between her and my brothers. I wouldn't blame her if she didn't bother showing her face here ever again.

The way Ora and Cal have been keeping company with Cynthia lately in front of everyone at the Academy makes me fucking sick.

I've heard the stupid rumors floating around. Though Asher and I have tried our best to desperately talk to her, she simply walks away, ignoring us completely but I can still see the sadness in those perfect blue eyes.

Asher and I have been giving our brothers the silent treatment since she up and left, unfortunately they both act like they could care less if we do.

Dumb assholes!

In a way I hope Jaci doesn't show up for this, her being locked in a room with our gang members, getting the very fucking life beat out of her is something I'm not particularly look forward to.

"Finally. The main attraction has arrived." Ora announces.

Braxton gleefully enters the dungeon eyeing every one of us with a deceptively vile smirk.

"I'm here asshole. The great one has arrived." Braxton bodily exclaims. Cocky bastard!

I would love to rip his fucking head off his damn shoulders happily!

I have no idea if Jaci and Braxton ever got around to their pre-planned date but by the look on his disgusting face, I have no doubt that they did.

All thanks to my dumbass fucking brothers!

"Whatever man just get into the cell!" Cal demands of Braxton.

It's not really a cell per say, it's a boxed in room with a door that has a sliding lock, placed into the center of the dungeon clave, Insuring that there's no way any initiative can escape their initial beating but we call it the cell nonetheless.

"But aren't we waiting for one more arrival?" Braxton smiles, crossing his arms on his chest and tilting his head while glaring at Ora, "if I remember correctly isn't your former mate suppose to be in this challenge also?"

I tense up instantly. Why is Braxton acting so arrogantly? And what the hell does he mean by former mate?

"Hey doll face you can join us now." Braxton calls out over his shoulder, his deceitful eyes never leaving Oras.

Hearing tiny footfalls, I turn my head sharply, Jaci walks into main dungeon halls carefully.

I feel my heart rate pick up rapidly.

Man is she a sight for these sore eyes. I've missed her dearly. The outfit she has on now is showing off her sexy body, it has me biting the inside of my cheek, grunting.

Strolling over to her casually, I wrap her up into my wanting arms. All I want to do is to take off with her wrapped up in my embrace, lock her in my room and never let her escape from me ever again.

"Get the hell off of her! She's not yours anymore!" I feel Jaci tense up in my arms from Braxtons over heated demand.

"She's my fucking mate! Not yours!" I growl at Braxton angrily. Releasing Jaci, I turn my heated gaze to him, glaring down at him hatefully.

"She's bonded to me asshole, look?" If a pin could drop on this dungeon floor at this very moment I think everyone in the Academy above us could actually hear it echoing throughout the walls.

Even all of our gang members become mysteriously quiet.

Craning my to head toward Jaci, my eyes roam all over her body and I notice the fucking disgusting symbol that's placed on her chest and of course it's none other than fucking Braxtons.

My flaring temper is hotter than actual boiling lava.

Before I lose all of my control, Ora stops me.

"What the fuck?" Ora exclaims, stomping over to Jaci, placing his hands on her upper arms. Gripping her tightly, he turns her to him facing in his direction. Scowling at the fucking symbol in disgust.

"I enjoyed fucking her too!" Braxton boast. We all become outrageously furious.

Looking over to Jaci, with my eyes wide, I can't understand why she would even do this.

"I'm sorry." Jaci barely whimpers out dropping her head down in shame.

We all turn to Braxton, ready to rip his heart right out of his fucking chest. I honestly don't think I have ever been this upset before in my entire existence.

"Why Jaci?" Asher ask, his voice is low and shaky. I can hear the agony in his spoken words.

"I was drugged ok? Mr. Dumbass over there thought it was a good idea for some reason to do it without my fucking permission!" Ora releases Jacis arms, pounding his feet on the dungeon floor, he makes his way hurriedly over to Braxton. Glaring him down with fire in his eyes.

"You basically raped her jackass. You'll pay for this!" Ora grabs Braxton by his neck. Forcing his feet off of the ground, he throws him in the boxed room forcibly. Braxton slams into the back wall, sliding numbly down to the floor still glaring at Ora.

"You didn't want her asshole but I did! Now, I made damn sure that you can't have her ever! She's mine now Ora and there's not a damn thing you or anyone else can do about it!" Ora laughs evilly, with his hand braced on the door he motions for the gang members to enter the room.

"Beat his fucking ass!" When the last of our gang members enter the room, Ora slams the door in a flurry, sliding the lock into place. He pushes the red button on the side panel, when the loud buzz envelopes the boxed room the sound signifies for our gang members to get this shit started.

My brothers I walk over to the room, looking through the glass window, we watch as each of our gang members beat the ever loving shit out of Braxton joyfully.

Max and Terry deliver the most damage. Kicking him in his ribs, while he's curled up in a ball, laying down on the concrete floor. Blood is pouring out of his nose and mouth, I can see where the bruises are starting to appear on his face and arms as he tries his best to shield his head with his arms from the severe attack.

All of us laugh at his humiliation. The asshole deserves everything that's thrown at him. I just wish I was the one who was doing it to him.

The loud echo from the buzzer blaring, stops the activities quickly. Braxton lies on the floor completely unconscious, our gang members stared down at him in absolute revulsion.

"That will teach the rapist fucker!" Cal grits out in pure anger.

Asher walks gingerly over to Jaci, grabbing both of her hands into his, he angles his head staring straight at her.

"We can get rid of the bond if that's what you want?" Asher's declaration grabs all of our attention.

We eye Jaci wearily waiting with bated breath to hear her reply.

"How?" She ask so innocently it nearly breaks me.

"You're a witch Jaci. You can break the bond with a spell. Since Braxton isn't your true mate, the spell will break the binding easily." Cal explains to her, he walks over to her rubbing his hand tenderly down her arm.

"I don't know how." Her beautiful eyes lock onto Cals, "we can show you. If that's what you want." Cal tells her with such a soft endearing voice, it almost makes me wonder what game he's decidedly playing now?

Hasn't he already done enough damage to her already?

Or is it because Braxton practically raped her? Either way I'm sort of happy that he's finally seeing the light.

Ora grunts out in displeasure, turning on his heels, he unlocks the door. Allowing our fellow gang members to exit. Two members drag out Braxtons unconscious body.

"What should we do with him boss?" Pedro, one of our members ask Ora.

"Throw his treacherous ass in the dumpster I don't really care." Dragging Braxton out of the dungeon, the others members stand waiting patiently for our instructions.

"Guess it's my turn." Jaci determinedly replies, she drops Asher's hands from hers, walking around him and the members. Jaci gradually makes her way to the center of the cursed boxed room.

Every last member looks to Ora surprisingly. With questioning gazes on their faces.

"I ain't hitting no girl boss." Markus demands, with other members nodding their heads vigorously agreeing with him.

"If you want to continue to be a member of my damn gang then you will. Now get your asses in there and do your damn jobs!" They all hesitate but only for a second or two, Markus angrily storms off into the room with an angrier Max and Terry hesitantly following behind him.

"You're really going to go through with this shit?" I ask Ora. "After everything she's been through?"

"Why wouldn't I? She wants in the gang so bad she will have to do what the others have done before her. She's not special Faron when are you going to get that through your thick skull?"

Ora defiantly slides by me, closing the door dramatically but not before he manages to give Jaci a knowing little smirk.

"She is special Ora she's our mate." That statement surprisingly comes from Cal. Asher and I both widen our eyes at Cals rebuttal. Maybe I was right, maybe he has finally come to his damn senses. Maybe he can convince Jaci to forgive him?

Sometimes it's just not that simple though is it?

"You have Cynthia remember? Why would you care about Jacis wellbeing?" Asher ask Cal, in wonderment.

"I just do ok and I don't have Cynthia! She's nothing to me!" Cal refutes.

"But, then why are you with her every fucking day? You and Ora both. Why are you flaunting her around like she's some sort of prize and continue to hurt Jaci because of it?" Asher ask clearly as confused at Cal as I am.

"I only did it to push Jaci away for her own safety. If she stays with us her life is at risk and I can't have that on my conscience, ok?" Out of all the moronic ideas that is the biggest one I have ever heard. I can't help but to laugh at the absurdity.

"We can protect her Cal. That's just stupid! I can't honestly believe that you thought sleeping around with Cynthia would be the best fucking idea to keep Jaci away and protected! That makes no damn sense whatsoever."

"Shut it up Faron!" Ora interrupts gruffly, then he hits the buzzer! What the fucking hell is his damn problem?

Asher and Cal dashes over to the window quickly, watching worriedly down at Jaci.

I join them both hesitantly, I'm terrifyingly afraid at what I may be actually view.

Amazingly, none of our gang members have moved an inch toward Jacis position. They're all standing beside her eyeing her desperately.

Glancing over in Oras direction, I can see the dissatisfied look on his face, making me smirk at his aggravation.

Ora hits the intercom with his fist, the static erupts in the boxed room causing everyone of the members to jump startle.

"What the hell are you waiting around for, start the beat down already?" Ora aggressively yells at them all. "Don't take it easy on her just because she's a damn girl!" What a fucking asshole!

Max is the first to step forward, he leans down, whispering something into Jacis ear. Jaci grants him with a her beautiful smile. She replies back to Max, placing her hand on his shoulder.

Taking a deep breath, Max doubles up his fist hitting Jaci squarely in her stomach. Jaci doubles over in agonizing pain, trying her best to catch her breath.

That's last image of this shit that I can bear to stomach. Grimacing, I turn my head away from the undeserved destruction. I can't watch this shit.

Taking a few timid steps away from the window, I lower my head and close my eyes. Willing with all that I have in me for this shit to just stop already.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I raise my head slowly, opening my eyes. I see Asher beside me with a look of pure agony on his face.

Cal joins us a moment later, just standing beside us silently, with his arms crossed laying on his chest.

We can't watch the horror that's unfolding in the cell, it's just too damn painful. Thank Fuck the room is sound proof, I truly do not think I could take hearing her furious screams of pain.

Thankfully the buzzer finally sounds off. I finally release a ragged breath that I was holding in.

Ora unlocks the door allowing the members to exit one by one.

I rush over to the door pushing the guys and Ora out of my way, when I reach the doorway, I crumble to my knees.

Jaci is on the fucking hard cold floor, bloody, beaten, and unconscious.

Cal pushes me aside running over to Jacis limp body, picking her up bridal style he carries her out of the room carefully.

When he exits the room, he takes Jaci over to the bed we formerly had Willa on during her surgery, placing her tenderly on the bed, I scramble up quickly from my position.

Racing over to Jaci, I grasp her tiny hand into my mine own, Asher stands beside me with Cal on my other side. We all stare down at Jaci with sorrowful expressions written all over our remorseful faces. Thankfully she's still breathing.

I hear the guys behind me exit the dungeon swiftly. The words they whisper hit my ears suddenly.

"I can't believe they would do that to their own mate?"


"They don't deserve her!"


"...precious eyes?"

My wolf goes crazy inside of my head. Howling out in pure shame. It's the first time I have had any connection with him in weeks. Samson let's me know exactly how he feels.

"We should have marked mate!"

"I know!"

"Mate is bonded and hurt!"

My wolf has been silent from me for so long that hearing his voice actually surprises me.

Samson has been ignoring me since Jaci left. I guess the anguish of seeing our mate in such a state has him finally talking to me again. Thank Fuck!

"I'm an asshole!" Oras sudden appearance behind us startles me out of my musing.

"What?" Im stunned for a few seconds. Are my ears failing me? I didn't actually hear what he said, did I?

"I'm an asshole. I've been a asshole to her, to you," he points his finger at me, "to all of you. I...I'm sorry." Ora decidedly leaves us abruptly. Stomping his way out of the dungeon leaving us all in a state of shock.

"Did he just apologize?" Ask Asher.

Devoid of any answers I just nod my head slowly. Watching as Ora makes his exit.

"We need to get her home." Cal suggests.

I have no idea where she's been staying but after this she is definitely coming home with us and if I can help it she is never leaving us ever again.

After hearing Oras apology and seeing Cals sympathy I believe we are finally well on our way to resolving our conflicts with Jaci.

"Mate home. Love mate."

The loving honesty in Samsons voice surprises me momentarily. He loves Jaci? Fuck! I've heard that love is blind but can it make you stupid too?

I'm fucking clueless!

All of these feelings I've been having over Jaci should have been a major clue.

I'm love with Jaci too!

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