Alkine Academy

Chapter Jaci • 29

Smut warning! 🚨

Why do I put up with these damn overbearing men!?

It always seems like I'm the one that's caught in the crossfire between all of them! I end up always giving and never taking and I am so damn sick and tired of it already!

When Ora dropped his bombshell last night about going to Cynthia something inside of just...snapped.

I'm done with all this frivolous bull crap, I just can't keep putting myself out there and always getting hurt in the end.

And why don't I have my own damn room that I can escape to?

"Asher I'm fine. Stop hovering already!" I went to Asher's room last night to brood after Oras confession. I ended up sleeping in Asher's bed last night but I made Asher sleep on top of the covers and he wasn't to pleased about it. Now he keeps trying to coax me to leave his room and talk to Ora. He thinks I should hear Oras side of the story but I keep resisting.

I don't want to leave I'm actually happy laying in his bed for the entire day, ignoring Ora and all of my other problems. I just need an escape from all of the damn madness at least for a little while. I'm trying to get Asher to understand this but unfortunately he keeps on persisting.

"Just talk to him Jaci. If Ora did anything with Cynthia you would of felt it when it happened." Now that gets my intention.

What does he exactly mean by that statement?

"Explain." I demand of him. Sometimes it irritates the hell out of me that I don't know about all of this supernatural stuff. It makes me feel like I'm basically the most clueless one of the bunch.

Asher slowly makes his way to me, sitting on the edge of bed, I put my hand into his, softly holding it, staring at Asher with my eyes full of concern.

"Ora is bonded to you and you to him if he cheated on you then you would have felt an excruciating pain right here," he puts his index finger across my heart, "did you feel anything?" I shake my head no, "then that's proof that he didn't do anything with her Jaci. Ora loves you he would never do anything like that to you knowing how badly it would hurt you." He tenderly explains.

"How badly would it hurt me if he...did something like that?" I ask him curiously.

"It would almost kill you. The bond between you two would stretch out almost snapping it in two and the pain you would be having would be unbearable. He wouldn't put you through that Jaci." Asher says it with so much determination that I have no choice but to believe him.

I'm now abundantly disappointed in myself for not being more knowledgeable about these certain issues.

Leaning back on the headboard, I sigh out loudly in absolute frustration. I jumped the gun last night and I didn't even realize it. Fuck! I even went as far as punching Ora right on his nose. What kind of person does that actually make me?

I have trust issues with Ora and especially with Cal. I have to find someway to get past these occurrences and of not being able to trust them both completely.

It's hard to do though when they have not given me a solid foundation of their own trust. Why does it all have to be so damn complicated?

"I guess I need to go and sooth things over with Ora. I just hope he can understand." Tapping Asher on his leg for him to move off of the bed, I jump up quickly, standing beside him. He gives me a gentle hug and kisses my forehead sweetly.

"He will understand." He whispers to me. I truly hope so. Giving Asher a tight hug I exit his bedroom promptly, headed to the living room in search of Ora. Hoping that we both can reach an understanding.

I found him in the workout room. A little gym they managed to create with a few punching bags, weightlifting machines, and a small boxing ring placed in the center of the room. The music is blaring throughout the room, Linkin Parks In the End is coursing through the speakers loudly. Ora is taking out all of his pent up frustrations out on a punching bag, Cals on the other side of the room lifting weights. They both have probably been here for a while now, I'm guessing, judging by the way they are both are both profusely sweating.

I lean against the doorframe just watching my men in action. I hate to say it but they are both extremely hot as hell. I can't keep my eyes off the sweat that's cascading down both of their bodies and each time their muscles flexes I feel my core tightening.

Ora notices me through a rough round of punches, wiping the sweat off of his forehead, he reaches for his shirt pulling over his head, I can't seem to stop eyeing him seductively. I admire his ripped back muscles when he flexes them through his movements.

Yes I definitely need to get laid pronto. My over active hormones are on full overdrive just by watching them both workout, dripping with sweat and sext masculinity.

Ora grabs a bottle of water off of the side bench, downing it down, as he gulps I watch mesmerized by the water droplets rolling down his magnificent chin and neck. I keep imagining the sinful things his plump lips that are circling around the bottles rim can do. When his thirst is quench, he lowers the bottle, wiping the excess of water off of his mouth with the back of his burly hand. His actions only makes me want to quench my own salivating thirst with a powerful orgasmic purging of my own.

In a very heated and over empowering impulse, I rush to him, jumping up on him I wrap my legs around his waist. Grabbing onto his strong shoulders, I kiss him deeply. Ora drops the water bottle onto the floor, with a thunk, spilling out all of the remaining liquid.

Ora places one hand on the center of my back, the other hand he places behind my head, returning my passionate kiss to me eagerly.

I hear the barbells being placed back onto the rack behind us, diverting our attention away from our heated kiss. Our sensual kiss is broken by the loud and intentional clatter.

Ora pressed his forehead on mine, both of us panting and still full of unspent desire. Regrettably, he places his hands on my waist and lowers me back onto the cold hard floor.

"Jaci I'm s.." Ora starts to say but I place my index finger on his lips stopping the words before he can form them.

"No it's my fault I'm the one who is sorry. I jumped to conclusions when I should have talked it over with you instead of acting so irrational. I'm so sorry I punched you." I honestly apologize to him.

With my index finger still placed on his soft lips, he opens his mouth, with his teeth he starts gently nipping at my finger.

Just by the simple action my thoughts drop into a dangerous territory of illicit gatherings.

Zoning in on only him and his erotic behavior, I eagerly grab his shirt, pulling the upper half of his body down to me. Kissing him again my sensors go into overdrive.

Ora grabs me around my waist again, lifting me off of the floor, he walks me over to a blue flat workout mat that's on the floor in the center of the gym. Laying me down on top of the mat gently, he climbs over my body never once breaking our delectable kiss in the process.

Cal interrupts our interlude by dropping a small red cooler beside our heads loudly, the clanking of the items in the cooler reverberate against the cooler walls.

Ora growls at the interruption, tearing his lips away from mine hesitantly, he scowls angrily up at Cal. "Do you fucking mind?" Ora angrily asks him. Cal shrugs his shoulders dismissively, giving us both a sly little smirk, he stands there eyeing both of us then without speaking a single word to either of us, he turns in his heels and leaves the gym shutting the door loudly behind him.

Ora shakes his head at Cals attitude, dropping my hands away from Ora's neck, I place them in the mat beside me. Feeling deflated.

I know Cals doing all of this shit intentionally. Trying his best to get under my skin because I can't accept his obvious adulatory or his apologies.

What woman could actually? Even if it was with a man it's still considered cheating. No matter what the excuse behind is treachery may be. Cheating is cheating on my book regardless of who it's with.

Ora senses my depressing dilemma, with a heavy sigh, he raises his hand to my face, softly rubbing his palm across my cheek.

"Don't let him get to you. He will work through his issues but for now...where were we?" He sensitively tells me.

Dropping his head he starts to kiss me again, slipping his warm moist tongue into my mouth, our tongues ravage each others.

Placing my hand on the back of his head with the other on his rib cage, I deepen our kiss excitedly.

Oras hands start to roam all over my over heated body, sliding down my neck then on to my breast tenderly. He rips open my buttoned up shirt, sending the buttons flying across the room, they fall everywhere haphazardly.

My hand drops away from his head, I try to throw it behind my head, but when I reach around I accidentally hit the damn cooler that Cal placed on the floor earlier.

Shit that hurt!

We tear away from our kiss, yet again, from the unwelcome intrusion. I moan out from the pain on the back of my hand that hit the fucking cooler.

These disruptions are starting to get agonizingly unnerving.

Ora glances at the treacherous cooler, he starts to laugh a deep guttural laugh then opens the traitorous cooler. Reaching inside of the cooler he pulls out a small piece of ice. The cold water from the ice drips onto the floor and the mat, leaving little droplets in its wake.

Ora brings the piece of cold ice to my chest, he traces it along my breastbone enticingly. The coldness from the ice cube has my skin tingling.

The erotic feeling of the chill from the frozen liquid invokes my immense sensitivities.

I shiver from the feeling of the sliding of the ice provocatively sliding down me.

Ora drops the melting ice cube on the gym floor hurriedly, crashing his lips down on my mouth again we continue our exploring.

I feel his finger trail down slowly over the same area where the ice was previously, he quickly grabs ahold of my bra and rips it just like he did my shirt. Very demandingly.

It's a complete and utter turn on! His overbearing manly actions are making my desire for him even more demanding.

He licks the residue off of me, left from the ice, his soft tongue slides languishingly from the center of my stomach all the way up to the middle of my breast. Changing directions he starts lavishing my mounds, circling around then ending up with his tongue doing a dance across my pert nipples. Sucking it into his mouth hungrily.

Reaching down I grab ahold of the bottom of his shirt, lifting it up quickly over his head, when it's completely pulled off of him I throw it across the room disregarding it.

Ora climbs up on his knees, he swiftly removes my jeans and panties, tossing them both across the room repeating my actions like I did with his shirt.

He freezes, staring down at me, with my bare body completely exposed to him, his eyes roam over my body savagely. "Fuck!" Ora growls out torturously. He licks his bottom lip as he crawls his way back on top of me achingly slow.

Watching his dangerously seductive progression toward me makes me lose all of my inhibitions, I rapidly grab ahold of his broad shoulders, twisting him around and pushing his back down on the mat I jump on top of him, straddling him.

Today I'm a very impatient lover. I need to feel him deep inside of me, ravishing my body like I'm a fucking full course meal on display and all of the treats are just for him.

"Damn!" Ora moans. You got that right big boy!

Wrapping my hand around the girth of his cock, I push it inside of my demanding pussy, filling myself up on his enormous rod.


He feels so damn good!

Sliding up and down his swollen member, I lose myself in the erotic feelings of the friction of his cock gliding along my soft walls.

Mmmm! Fuck me! Oras dick is so damn invigorating.

Ora places his his big beefy hands on my hips, one of them slowly makes it way over to my throbbing clit. His thumb quickly rotates on my over sensitive nub, sending enticing pulses all along it.

My body trembles with heavy ecstasy.

I uncontrollably start grinding my overworked pussy on his giant cock, gyrating my hips automatically. My extra stimulated nub starts pulsing, my eyes roll back into my skull as my thick walls start convulsing around his tremendously erect dick. "Ora!" I scream out his name when my juices explode all over his cock. Waves of euphoria crash right through me.

Oras hips buck up suddenly pushing his harden cock deeper inside of me he roars out a hefty "Fuck Me!" When his warm cum spurts all inside of my drenched walls.

He raises his legs up, bending them behind me, I lean back on them, with my arms bracing me, panting fiercely, completely sated and deeply satisfied.

I told you I needed to get laid and boy did I!

"Damn Jaci what got into you?" Ora laughs while asking me. His body shakes from his laughing with him still deeply embedded in my pussy, my walls tighten up around his cock again.

"Fuck sweet cheeks!" Ora grits out.

"Just wanted to say I'm sorry I guess!" I finally reply still breathing heavily.

Ora barks out a laugh again, my pussy goes on repeat, making my walls clench around his dick for the third time.

"Damn! You can apologize to me that way, anytime you want too. I wouldn't mind it all." This time it's me that laughs out at his wicked but very true statement.

Looking over at him, I can spot the gleam that suddenly appears in his lovely chocolate eyes.

He's changed so much since the first time that I've met him. He now treats me with tenderness and shows me how much he cares for me. He even shows me absolute respect.

I know that everything here lately that has happened to me isn't all necessarily his fault. He had to do what he had to do I guess. But I still don't like that he put in this situation in the first place.

But in some small way I can completely understand exactly why he did it.

He would do anything for the people he loves.

This man has somehow wormed his way into my heart without me even realizing it.

Slowly, pulling away from of him, pushing up on his knees, I slowly stand, his cock flops out me as I raise up.

Ora watches me closely with concern on his handsome face.

I finally stand beside him looking down at him on the mat wondering how I neglected to see just how much I actually care for him.

"Jaci?" Ora drags out my name questioningly.

When I don't reply to him, he climbs up from the mat, looking down at me with a deep curious expression on his face.

"You ok sweet cheeks?" He furrows his brows while placing his large hand on my cheek.

"I..." how do I tell him just exactly how I feel? Why can't I just say the words?

I know exactly why: I'm scared!

I'm scared of getting hurt again, I'm scared of my own emotions, and mainly I'm scared that if I say what I'm feeling that everything in my life will suddenly change for all of us and I don't know if it will be for the better or for the worse?

"Jaci?" Oras starting to get anxious.

His thumb starts slowly caressing up and down my cheek.

Sighing out dramatically, I abruptly decide that I might as well bite the bullet and shoot. I just have to go for it.

" you!" I breathlessly admit it to him. Laying out my heart to him and hoping that it won't get broken ever again.

Oras eyes widen, a slow smirk starts to reveal itself on his surprised face.

"Say it again!" He demands of me, still smirking.

"I love you!" I tell him again.

"Again!" He laughs.

"I love you!" I repeat it for the third time laughing along with him.

He moves his hand to the back of my neck, pushing me toward him, he starts kissing me again but this time it has so much more passion behind it than it has ever had before. I nearly swoon!

"Just please don't break my heart!" I think to myself.

"Never sweet cheeks!" Wait a minute! What?

Tearing away from the kiss I eye him questionably. "What? How did you do that?" I ask him curiously.

"We bonded Jaci. I can mind-link with you." His simple explanation has me heart racing faster.

Why didn't I realize that we could actually communicate this way!

They taught us this in my basic magic class! I feel like an absolute idiot.

But then I start to to think, of naughty thoughts, of all of the delicious and different ways that we can use this particular ability to my advantage.

"Want to go for round two? We are in the gym after all!" Im a raunchy influence for him but I love it!

"Hell yeah!" Ora replies to my new found sexy mind linking ability.

Ding! Ding! It's time for round two!

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