Alkine Academy

Chapter Asher • 30

Today is the fucking day!

We all got up at the crack of dawn with my brothers and all of our gang members, were all now situated in our living room, as we start revising a plan that will hopefully keep Jaci safe from that bastard DC.

He doesn't arrive till seven tonight so that gives us approximately nine to ten hours to get all of our fucking ducks in a row, so to speak.

Ora has been discussing the basics with everyone for nearly thirty minutes now. We haven't even taken the time to even eat a proper breakfast but with so much on our minds I don't think any of us could stomach food at this point anyway.

I know deep down that DC has something awful in store for Jaci I just can't put my finger on exactly what he would want with her or what his plans for her may be.

I have been going over it, again and again, in my mind that I fucking recognize DC from somewhere. I just can't pinpoint exactly where and it's driving me completely crazy.

I tried to blow it off thinking that he just has that type of face that anyone would be familiar with but I keep coming back to the same thoughts that have continually plaque my mind since meeting him for the first time on the night of the fucking auction.

I just know that I know him from somewhere!

It just keeps repeating over and over again constantly like a damn broken record.

"Yonan, Greg, and Cal will follow DC after he picks up Jaci tonight. Max, you and Terry will follow behind them at a respectable distance. Marko, you and Treyvon, David, and Styler will surround the unknown perimeter as soon as we get the location back from Cal and the rest. Meanwhile, Faron, Asher, and myself with scout out the property to see how many men he has at his location. The others will arrive after we get all of this set up and keep guard at a further distance. They will bring the guns and explosives. If there is any problem whatsoever I want each of you to call either one of us leaders and tell us immediately. No pussy footing around about any of this. Jacis life is at stake and with her being your Queen you will protect her with your own lives and am I making myself perfectly clear?" Ora informs everybody of the plan with a strong sense of determination in his voice.

He's not playing around.

We're trying to get all of this done before Jaci wakes up and happens to observe what is exactly going on.

Everyone in the room nods and agrees with Oras demands. I watch them all very carefully. Waiting for at least one of them to come off with some snide remark about them having to risk their own lives on their Queens behalf.

Max is the only one that I catch partially disagreeing with any of this. I observe him rolling his eyes behind Oras back with a disgusted look planted on his face.

It actually doesn't surprise me after what he's been through with Cal but the damn asshole should know better than to disrespect his bosses in this type manner. Acting like he is above all of us when he knows exactly where his dumb ass actually stands.

"Problem Max?" I ask him sarcastically in front of everybody.

I don't care if it embarrass him in the slightest.

Max starts to fidget, bouncing on the back of his heels, while he eyes Cal his face is full disdain.

"Why do we have to risk our lives for someone who doesn't even knows us or even gives a damn about us? Is she really worth all of this bullshit?" Max bravely ask, searching the room for someone to agree with his callous assessment. But not one person looks his way.

Ora stands from the sofa, edging his way over to Max, he gets right up in his face, looking the bastard straight in his eyes.

"She is your Queen. We are the Kings," Ora points to Faron, Cal, and me, "if you disrespect your Queen then your disrespecting us and I know that's not what your doing, now is it Max?" Ora eggs Max on.

"I'm sorry boss you're right I would give my life for you but I don't understand why we should give our lives for her? Cal doesn't claim her! He hasn't even bonded with her like the rest of you have. She can't be our Queen if you all don't accept her! Right?" Max does have a point in a way but we don't exactly follow the rules when it comes to Jaci.

Ora in a mad and frenzied daze grabs Max by his throat, lifting him up off the floor, pushing him up against the wall roughly. Faron, Cal, and myself jump up quickly from our seats. Rushing over to Ora and Max we all try to push Ora off of Max. Cal grabs Oras arm that has Max pinned up against the wall. Faron has his other, trying to push him away from Max while I am grabbing him by his shoulders.

But Ora doesn't budge an inch. We just can't seem to get him off of Max.

Damn the dude is fucking strong!

"She is your fucking Queen and you will give her the damn respect that she damn well deserves or will I kill you and enjoy every second of doing it!" Ora engagingly tells Max furiously.

Slamming his head up against the wall with each word that he spews out venomously to him.

"STOP!" Jaci yells out.

When we hear her sweet scream we freeze in our motions. Ora drops Maxs body unto the floor unexpectedly. Turning to face Jaci that just entered the living room surprising all of us.

Silence ensues throughout the room the only sound that anyone can hear at the moment is Maxs heavy breathing from the living room floor.

Amazingly, even our gang members are immobilized by Jacis sudden appearance.

Well she does captivate a room, I think to myself, as we all stand there watching her with blatant curiosity.

Though at this moment I wished she had chosen something completely different to wear for her abrupt arrival.

She's wearing the fucking dress that DC sent over wanting her to obviously showcase for him tonight. I think she looks sexy as fuck and unfortunately so do the guys that are surrounding her.

"Why the hell are wearing that?" Ora asks Jaci loudly, with a very disgruntled look on his face.

Jaci ignores Oras bluntness completely, she begins to take little strides toward him, the disgruntled look that was planted on Oras face is now firmly planted on hers instead.

They are more alike than either of them seem to realize, which to me, is a scary ass fucking thought.

"Why are you manhandling Max?" Jaci ask Ora instead of answering Oras question. As soon as she makes her way to him, through all of our watchful gang members, she crosses her arms staring defiantly up at him.

Oras eyes soften as he looks down into her bright blue eyes, he's just as whipped as I am when it comes of her.

"Max got mouthy Ora was setting him straight," Faron answers her question before Ora even has a chance to reply, "now answer Oras question. Why are you wearing that?" I would love to hear her answer to that question myself. Who was it that said that curious minds wants to know? Well call me that guy because I am definitely curious as to why she's prancing around in front of all of these men in a seamlessly tiny and provocative dress.

Jaci huffs out in clear frustration rolling those beautiful eyes, "I was just trying it on, alright? I wanted to see if it actually fit!" She swipes away a strand of hair that has fallen on her face, searching around the the living room curiously. "Why is everyone here?" She returns her attention back to Ora, then she looks between Faron, Cal, and I waiting for a answer.


We didn't want her to know the actual lengths we were willing to go through to keep her safe this weekend. All of us thought that if she knew of our plans that she would overreact, demanding that we would not interfere in anyway. Well, at least, to this extent anyway.

When she notices our hesitation her face automatically turns sour, her little hands ball into tiny fist at her sides.

"OUT!" Jaci screams out her demand at the top of her lungs. No one in the room moves in the slightest, everyone is far to surprised at her outburst. "I said OUT!" She turns her head sharply, glaring at every one of our members in the room. They only hesitated for a just a second, before each one hurriedly scrambles out of the manor in an anxious pace. One by one they all exit the room looking morosely upset at taking orders from their pissed off Queen.

When the room clears out, with exception of us of course, Jaci then turns her fury on us. "Would either of you like to tell me exactly what is going on?" I don't think I have ever seen Jaci so upset before. Even when she was so pissed off at Ora and Cal for their adutery. It's actually a fascinating sight to see.

"Sweet..." Ora starts to say. "Don't sweet cheeks me Ora. Please tell me that you didn't have them all here for my protection!" When Ora avoids answering her question Jaci suddenly realizes exactly why we had them all meet us here. I should have known we couldn't keep this from her.

With a disparaging sigh, Jaci drops her shoulders, "guys, you can not ask them to risk their lives for me." She tiredly pleads, "besides, we don't know if DC has any bad intentions toward me. All we know for sure is that he's obviously determined. He has done nothing to even remotely show that he will hurt me in anyway and if that is his intention then I can handle myself. I don't want you to worry over me. Don't you have any faith in me?" She pleadingly stares at each of us.

"That's not it baby. We have the utmost faith in you. We are just scared for you. DC is not a good guy. We may not know what his intentions are but we do know that he never does anything without getting at least something out of it. He's a greedy man." I try to explain to her.

Stepping up to her, I place my hands on her forearms rubbing my hands up and down them, trying my best to soothe her raging emotions and worry.

"Look, we have another problem that we need to vitally discuss before DC arrives tonight." Faron speaks up, clearing his throat, caustically eyeing Jaci.

"What?" I ask. Amazingly curious, I thought we had all of the basics covered already.

"Cal. Since he's the one that's going to be the closest to Jaci this weekend it might be a good idea if he could actually mind-link with Jaci. Don't you think? Just in case she might need him quickly." Oh shit!

This brings up a lot of complications.

Cal drops his head after Faron's statement, Jaci goes wide eyed, but Ora mulls it over thoughtfully. I on the other actually think it's a splendid idea. Only if Jaci can get over her doubts about Cal that is.

"He does have a point baby. You need to bond with Cal. Just in case." I push the idea to her. Hoping she will understand the urgency of doing it.

Cal looks at Jaci wearily, he needs to open up his damn mouth for once and explain how important bonding to her would be. His silence is only hurting him and her.

"Cal do you think that this might be something that you would be up for?" I ask. Pushing the matter further.

"Only if she agrees." Cal informs us though he's looking wistfully at Jaci, I can sense the doubt pouring out of him.

"Jaci. Baby. Do you think you can bond with Cal?" Jaci though hesitant looks thoughtful which sparks a tiny bit of hope inside me.

"It is a good idea. This way you would be in less danger and we wouldn't worry so much about you. Isn't that what you want?" Ora pipes in on the conversation finally.

Luckily, Jaci starts to see the importance of being bonded to Cal. She darts her eyes sharply at Cals hopeful expression, resigning herself to subsequently bond with her overeager but happy left out mate.

If they can accomplish this, without tearing each other's throats out, then the bonding of the two will help them both reestablish some type of relationship between them again.

Hopefully for the better.

"How and when do we do this?" Jaci surprisingly ask Cal. At least now they're communicating without throwing hurtful barbs at each other, that's one step in the right direction.

"You will have to do it before DC arrives. So sometime today." Faron suggest.

We now have a little under nine hours before his unwanted arrival that should be enough time for them two to bond.

"I'm not forcing you Jaci. If this is something you want then I will gladly do it but only if you agree to it. Don't do this because you're being pressured or think that you have to do it. I will completely understand if you don't want to." Cal affirms his thoughts to her.

"No. They are right. It would be safer if we can mind-link just in case DC gets unruly or something but..." Jaci trails off. "Do we have to while we're doing it?" I close my eyes, sighing, I knew that this would be an issue for her. Apparently so did the others with sound of everyone else sighing behind me is any indication.

"No. We wouldn't have to have sex to do it so don't worry about that part of it." Cal says a bit to gruffly. His agitation is apparent in his tone of voice.

I don't understand why he would have a problem with her not wanting to move ahead that quickly.

He is the one that cheated. He is the one that broke her trust. He just can't expect her to jump right into bed with him after everything he has put her through.

"It's a valid question Cal," I ignore his petulant look toward me, "Jaci sex is not required for a bonding. You can do it without it and it would work just the same. So are you going to bond with Cal?" I ask her gently, still rubbing her forearms tenderly.

"Yes. I'll do it." She finally says with determination.

That's my baby.

Always so strong even in the midst of a raging storm. It's no wonder why I love this woman so much. Courageous, loving, and spirited and that's just a minuscule amount of all of her good qualities.

Though I do realize that nobody is absolutely perfect, this woman standing right here in front of me is the closest damn thing to perfection that I have ever had the opportunity to meet, to me at least. I'm a little bias.

"So how do we do this. I'm not very knowledgeable about dragon bonding. Hell! Let's face it I'm not very knowledgeable about anything supernatural." I hate it when she down grades herself like this.

Why can't she see exactly what we see when we look at her?

"You're very smart Jaci. You're just new to all of this. It takes to time to understand all of the aspects of our world. Stop putting yourself down!" Faron tells her exactly what I was thinking. Must the twin thing? Regardless, I'm glad he feels just like I do about her.

"Sweet cheeks. It's understandable. Not everybody knows about the supernatural world. You know more than you think you do." Ora agrees.

I drop my hands away from Jacis arms when Ora's makes his way in between the two of us. He places his hands on Jacis cheeks, locking his loving eyes onto hers.

"We love you. I love you. You will learn everything in due time. Stop worrying about it so much." He tenderly tells her.

I honestly never realized that Jaci had such a hard issue with her not understanding about everything in our world.

I resolve from here and further that I will take time to teach her anything that she would like to know involving the supernatural world.

It's a damn shame that her parents weren't able to teach her these things before their untimely passing. But I'm glad that she did have parents that loved her immensely. Going as far to protect her from the evils of our world. I wish I had parents who actually gave a damn about me and my brothers. How different our lives would have been if they did though.

I'm jealous over the fact that she was blessed with good and loving parents but I'm happy that she was.

"Then let's do this. The sooner the better right?" Jaci says excitedly. Breaking me away from my forlorn thoughts. Placing my attention back on the matter at hand.

"Would you like to go to my room to this?" Cal asks her quietly.

"Sure." Jaci agrees. She grasp Cals hand into hers as they both walk away headed to Cals room to apparently bond.

After they aren't visible I turn my focus back to Ora and Faron.

"When will her room be done?" I ask Ora. Hopefully it will soon.

We decided to redesign the library into a private bedroom for Jaci. We secretly hired some men to work on it behind her back when we have been in our classes. Thankfully the library is a room that she seldom visits too often. It's been something we've been working on since the morning after we all bonded with her. We wanted to surprise her with it during our vernal equinox for spring. We get two weeks off for the celebration. This year we were planning on taking her to the beach after we surprised her with her new bedroom.

"Next week." Ora informs me. "All that's left is the painting and adding the furniture."

Then remarkably it will be finished just in the nick of time since our break is only two weeks away.

Jaci is absolutely going to love it.

When we finally are capable of getting her to the beach I'm planning on making it extra special for her.

My brothers don't know it yet and it may sound absurd to some because supernaturals don't usually abide by human laws. But I'm going to propose to Jaci. It may not be an official marriage but it is the sentiment that counts after all not the legality.

Maybe if I broach this subject with my brothers they might actually want to do this as much as I do but if not I plan on doing it with or without them.

I want to make Jaci officially mine in every way possible.

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