After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 238 by GloryWrites

#238 “Why All The Secrets?”

A week zipped by in a whirlwind of activity, and now only days remained until Alexander’s planned proposal to Sophia. He was at the villa, overseeing the last of the preparations, his mother by his side. The morning was bright, the sun casting playful reflections over the elaborate arrangements that transformed their family home into a fairy-tale setting.

Alexander and his mother walked through the gardens, admiring the way the florists had draped strings of white and pink flowers across the walkways. Every detail was being tuned to perfection, from the soft glow of fairy lights woven through the branches of the old oak trees to the elegant white drapery that flanked the garden paths.

“It’s all coming together beautifully, Alex,” his mother remarked, her voice filled with a mix of pride and joy. She looked around, visibly pleased with how the preparations had turned out. ” I can hardly believe it. My son, ready to propose.”

Alexander chuckled, running a hand through his hair-a nervous gesture he had picked up. “I know, right? It feels surreal. I just want everything to be perfect for her.”

His mother reached over, taking his arm as they walked. “Sophia is a wonderful girl, Alexander. You’ve chosen well, and she loves you deeply. This,” she gestured around at the blossoming garden, “is beautiful, but remember, the most important thing is what you share with her.”

“I know, Mom. I just want to make sure she feels as special as she is to me,” Alexander said, gazing out over the area that would serve as the centerpiece for his proposal.

His mother smiled warmly at him. “She will. How are you planning to do it? Have you thought about what you’ll say?”

He nodded, a slight blush coloring his cheeks. “I’ve been rehearsing actually. I want to tell her about the moment I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her.”

“That sounds perfect, Alex. Just speak from the heart. It’s all any of us can ever really do,” she advised, giving his arm a reassuring squeeze.

They continued their walk, checking on each detail meticulously. His mother pointed out a few adjustments to the floral arrangements, and she experienced eye-catching subtle nuances that might improve the ambiance.

As they rounded back to the front of the villa, Alexander felt a sense of calm settle over him. His nerves about the proposal were still there, of course, but talking to his mother had grounded him.

“Just think, soon you’ll be engaged. And then the real fun begins-wedding planning!” his mother teased, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

Alexander laughed at the sound mingling with the soft rustle of the leaves in the gentle breeze. “Let’s get through the proposal first, Mom. One monumental step at a time.”

“Of course, darling. But whatever happens, know this: I’m so proud of you, and I’m here, always.”

The feelings of unease crept up on Sophia more persistently as days went by marked by Alexander’s frequent absences. She knew Evelyn was busy with inheriting her father’s bank, and logically, she understood the professional demands on Alexander’s time, yet the nagging doubt refused to be quieted.

Evelyn’s charm and beauty were undeniable, and though Sophia trusted Alexander, the seeds of insecurity had been unwittingly sown.

Tormented by her suspicions, Sophia chided herself for even entertaining such thoughts. She couldn’t fathom why Alexander couldn’t wrap up his discussions with Evelyn during regular office hours. Was she, perhaps, inadvertently pushing him away? Determined to dispel these dark clouds hovering over her thoughts, she decided to set up a romantic surprise.

Sophia spent the afternoon transforming their apartment into a haven of romance. She draped soft, gossamer fabrics across the ceiling, set up scented candles that cast a warm glow, and prepared a sumptuous dinner.

The table was set with their best china and crystal glasses, the soft clink of which filled the room as she placed them meticulously. She chose to wear a stunning dress that accentuated her figure, one that she knew Alexander loved.

When Alexander walked in that evening, the door swinging gently closed behind him, he paused, taking in the sight and the scents that filled their home. His eyes widened in amazement and a slow smile spread across his face. “Wow, what’s all this?” he asked as he took a few steps forward, his work concerns momentarily forgotten.

Sophia forced a smile, feeling her nerves jangling. “I just thought… we could use a nice evening together,” she stammered slightly, her hands smoothing down her dress unconsciously.

As they sat down to dinner, Alexander noticed Sophia’s attempts to maintain a veneer of calm, but her small, telltale actions betrayed her anxiety. She fidgeted with her napkin, her laughter a touch too high-pitched, her glances fleeting rather than lingering.

Midway through the meal, unable to bear the weight of unspoken words any longer, Alexander set down his fork and reached across the table, covering her hand with his. “Soph, stop,” he said gently. “What’s going on? You’ve been off lately, and it’s worrying me.”

Sophia’s eyes met his, and she felt the dam of her emotions starting to crack.

I don’t know, Alex… I just, I’ve been feeling a bit out of sorts. You’ve been away so much and with Evelyn, and-”

He squeezed her hand, “Hey, look at me. There’s nothing to worry about. Evelyn and I are just swamped with work. You know how it is. It’s just… work, nothing more.”

“But why so much after hours? Why all the secrets?” Her voice was soft, almost pleading.

“It’s nothing serious…”

“Alexander, tell me, am I putting you off with something? Is the problem with me?” Sophia finally asked, annoyed by the lack of a real answer.

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