After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 226 by GloryWrites

#226 “They’ll Know Something’s Up!”

Sophia’s heart was racing as they ascended the steep, winding steps of the iconic Big Ben tower. They had arranged for a tour guide, but Sophia barely registered the guide’s historical anecdotes. Her focus was solely on scrutinizing every nook and cranny, every gap between the ancient stones as they climbed higher.

She was determined to find the diary at any cost. The previous night, Alexander had updated her about his plan with Michael. The strategy to frame Nelson Stone for the theft of sensitive documents was clever, but it wasn’t sufficient on its own.

For Alexander’s company to be truly secure, they needed irrefutable evidence against the forged documents. Even if the documents did not contain the power to incriminate living people, they were enough to ruin the reputation of the entire Stone Enterprise.

Finally, they reached the intricate clockwork mechanism at the heart of the tower. The gears and cogs were massive, and the sound was overwhelming; the constant ticking and tocking echoed thunderously in the confined space. Thankfully, the tour guide had provided them with earplugs before allowing them the freedom to explore.

Sophia half-hoped the deafening clamor inside the clock tower would serve a dual purpose-not only as a grand, historic symphony of gears and ticks but also as a cloak for any less- than-legal activities they might need to undertake to retrieve the journal. This realization gave her a slight comfort, emboldening her to push forward with her search, each step driven by necessity.

The three of them moved deeper into the heart of the clock tower, the sound growing so intense it felt almost physically, pressing against them with every pounding tick and tock. Sophia’s eyes scanned every crevice and corner, guided by the hastily sketched map that had led them here.

As they approached the central mechanism, the air grew cooler and the echoes of the clock’s chimes resonated through the old metal and stone structure. Benjamin pointed to a narrow passage barely visible behind the giant pendulum. “It could be through there,” he shouted over the noise, his voice barely audible.

Sophia nodded, her heart pounding in sync with the clock’s rhythms. She squeezed through the small opening, the walls grazing her shoulders. Inside, the space opened slightly, revealing a series of old wooden panels that lined the inner chamber.

“Here, help me with this,” she gestured to Becky and Benjamin, pointing towards one panel that looked newer than the others. The trio set to work, their fingers searching for any edge or handle-a sign that the panel could be moved.

Suddenly, Sophia’s hand brushed against a lever disguised as part of the woodwork. She paused, glancing back at her friends with a mix of excitement and apprehension. With a deep breath, she pulled it, and with a creak that was almost swallowed by the surrounding cacophony, the panel slid open, revealing a dark cavity.

Inside, dust motes danced in the beam of light they angled into the hidden compartment. There, wrapped in a faded cloth, lay the final journal. Sophia’s hands trembled as she reached in to retrieve it, the weight of their discovery heavy in the air.

Just as she pulled the journal free, the sound of the clock above them changed. The regular pounding hesitated, an ominous silence falling for a heart-stopping moment before the chimes rang out again, louder and more urgent than before.

“They’ll know something’s up!” Becky hissed, fear sharp in her voice.

“We have to move-now!” Benjamin urged, taking the lead as they scrambled back towards the passage they had come through.

As Sophia, Benjamin, and Becky burst out of the narrow exit, their relief at escaping the clamorous interior of the clock tower was short-lived. Two security guards, alerted by the unusual sounds from the clock mechanism, were approaching them rapidly, their expressions stern.

“What were you doing up there?” one guard demanded, blocking their path with a raised hand. His partner moved to flank them, effectively trapping the trio.

Sophia’s mind raced, her grip tightening on the journal hidden beneath her jacket. She knew they couldn’t afford to be detained, not when every second counted. Her eyes flicked to Benjamin and Becky, seeing the panic rising in their eyes. She needed to think fast.

“We went on a tour of the tower and then we… We heard a strange noise, like something was breaking,” Sophia lied quickly, injecting a note of concerned citizenship into her voice. ”

We thought it might be important to check it, you know, given the age of this structure. Safety first, right?”

The guards exchanged skeptical looks, clearly unconvinced. The second guard stepped closer, his gaze narrowing. You shouldn’t be wandering around restricted areas. It’s dangerous and off- limits for a reason.”

Sophia nodded vigorously, her face the picture of naive concern. “Absolutely, we totally understand. We just thought it might be something serious. We were about to come and find you guys to report it!”

Becky chimed in, supporting Sophia’s quick-thinking cover story. “Yes, we were really worried about the integrity of the tower. Imagine if something was to go wrong during the tour!”

The guards seemed to hesitate, the possibility of a mechanical failure in such a crucial tourist attraction obviously troubling them. Sophia seized the moment, her tone earnest. ” Maybe you should check it out? We can show you where we heard the sound. It’s better to be safe, right?”

Grudgingly, the first guard nodded. ” Okay, show us where you heard this noise. But make it quick. We need to report this.”

As they led the guards back toward the entrance, Sophia gave Benjamin a subtle nod. He understood immediately, murmuring about needing a closer look at a specific part of the mechanism they had ‘ investigated’. As the guards focused on the spot Benjamin pointed out, Sophia, with a significant glance at Becky, slipped away around the corner with the journal, blending into a group of tourists.

Once out of sight, they didn’t stop, moving quickly and quietly until they were several streets away from the tower, the sound of the clock’s chimes fading behind them. They had managed to avoid a potentially disastrous interrogation, all thanks to Sophia’s quick thinking. Now, with the journal finally in their hands, they could focus on the next challenge- deciphering the journal and saving Alexander’s company before it was too late.

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