After the Divorce: Crushed on My Lawyer Ex-wife

Chapter 225 by GloryWrites

#225 “I Hate This Plan Already.”

Two days had elapsed, marked by a frustrating impasse for Sophia as she wrestled with her grandfather’s cryptic message. The dots and commas seemed to mock her, their arrangement a perplexing puzzle that defied her attempts at decipherment. Each misplaced mark, each incorrect point, served as a frustrating reminder of her inability to crack the code.

With a furrowed brow, Sophia meticulously transcribed the symbols onto a blank sheet of paper, hoping to unlock their hidden meaning. Morse code was her initial suspect, but it proved to be a dead end. Undeterred, she delved into other code systems she had heard of, but each attempt yielded nothing but frustration.

Amidst her struggle, the reassuring sound of Alexander’s voice while they called provided a beacon of comfort. His frequent updates and words of encouragement were a lifeline in the sea of uncertainty that surrounded her.

Yet, with each passing day, Sophia felt the weight of time pressing down upon her. Alexander kept postponing the press conference at which he had promised to justify these documents. She knew he couldn’t do this forever.

In the midst of her frustration, Sophia found solace in the presence of Benjamin and Becky. Their unwavering support and tireless efforts to assist her did not go unnoticed. Their presence brought a glimmer of light to her otherwise dim circumstances, a reminder that she was not alone in her quest for answers.

“Any progress?” Benjamin’s voice broke the tense silence, his concern evident.

She rubbed her temples, feeling the telltale ache of a headache creeping in.

Sophia sighed, shaking her head in defeat. “Nothing. I’ve tried everything I can think of, but it’s like trying to crack a code written in a language I’ve never seen before.”

Becky stepped forward, her expression thoughtful. “Maybe we’re looking at this the wrong way. What if it’s not a code at all, but a pattern?”

Sophia’s interest was piqued at the suggestion. “A pattern?”

“Yeah, like a visual clue or symbol that repeats throughout the text,” Becky explained. “It could be something subtle, something we’ve overlooked.”

The idea sparked a glimmer of hope in Sophia’s mind. Could it be that simple? She scanned the page again, this time focusing on the placement of the dots and commas, searching for any recurring patterns or sequences.

As she studied the text with fresh eyes, a faint realization began to dawn on her. There was indeed a pattern, but it wasn’t in the symbols themselves-it was in the spaces between them. A series of gaps, irregular yet distinct, seemed to form a trail leading across the page.

“I think… I think Becky might be onto something,” Sophia murmured, excitement bubbling up within her. ” It’s not about the dots and commas it’s about the spaces between them.”

With newfound determination, Sophia grabbed a fresh sheet of paper and carefully traced the pattern of gaps, connecting the dots-quite literally- as she went. Slowly but surely, a shape began to emerge, faint yet unmistakable.

“It’s a map,” she breathed, her heart racing with adrenaline. “A map to the third journal.”

Benjamin’s eyes widened in excitement. “Well, what are we waiting for?” he exclaimed. “Let’s follow the map and find that journal!”

Sophia chuckled, a hint of mischief dancing in her eyes. “First, let’s figure out where it leads to,” she said, her fingers tracing the intricate lines of the map.

With focused determination, Sophia superimposed her hand-drawn map onto the cityscape of London, carefully aligning landmarks and streets in search of a match.

“Is that Big Ben?” Benjamin interjected, pointing to a familiar icon on the map.

Sophia’s heart sank at the realization. ” Oh my God,” she sighed, a mixture of awe and trepidation washing over her. ” If my grandfather hid the diary in the damn clock and I have to climb this tower, I’m going to freak out.”

Becky couldn’t help but laugh at Sophia’s exasperation, her amusement is evident in the sparkle of her eyes.

“Let’s go,” Sophia declared, a determined glint in her eye. “And then we’ll see if I’m up for playing Spider- Woman.”

With a shared grin, the trio set off, their footsteps echoing through the bustling streets of London as they embarked on their quest to unravel the mystery hidden within the city’s iconic landmarks.

As they approached Big Ben, its majestic silhouette looming against the sky, Sophia couldn’t help but feel a surge of apprehension mingled with excitement. The thought of scaling the iconic clock tower in search of her grandfather’s elusive diary filled her with both trepidation and determination.

“Are you sure about this, Sophia?” Benjamin asked concern etched in his voice as he glanced up at the towering structure before them.

Sophia nodded, her gaze fixed on the clock face high above. “I have to be,” she replied, her voice steady despite the butterflies fluttering in her stomach. ”

This could be the key to unlocking the truth about my grandfather’s past.”

With a deep breath, Sophia squared her shoulders and began to ascend the steps leading to the base of Big Ben.

Behind her, Benjamin and Becky followed closely, their unwavering support a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty of their mission.

As they reached the entrance to the tower, Sophia’s heart raced with anticipation. With trembling hands, she reached for the door handle, her fingers curling around it with determination.

“Here goes nothing,” she murmured, pushing open the door and stepping inside. “The plan is as we talked. We are pretending to be tourists and if necessary, I will give you a signal to distract the guards.”

Benjamin shook his head reproachfully. “I hate this plan already.”

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