After I

Chapter After I 9

Chapter 9

The detectives meticulous investigation revealed everything in under two days.

It emerged that Lisbeth had ingeled multiple box friends throughout college, relying on them for support and then moving on once they were drained Aer graduation, she didn’t seek employment but instead sel her sights on finding a wealthy man to support her. When her search in her hometown vielded no results, she overheard her father mentioning that Nicolas had started a company and achieved success. Seizing this opportunity, she packed her bags and set out to find

The defective also provided a video recorded by a tourist at the scenic spot. The footage captured the entire incident of Lisbeth and me Elling into the water. The video clearly showed Lisbeth viciously gripping my neck. As I struggled to breathe, she picked up a large stone and struck the back of my head. Just as she was about to hit me again. Nicolas arrived. Lisbeth dropped the stone and, in a desperate bid to appear injured, slammed her own right hand against a rock,

Her Thithlessness was evident, both towards others and herself. Nicolas, upon seeing the evidence, chitched his head in anguish his eyes filled with red sorrow.

“When I took Lisbeth away. Ella clung to my clothes, pleading with me not to leave her. ‘She said she was dizzy. I thought she was mist acting, but she was serious… What have I done? What have I done?

The detective glanced at him and added. “Moreover, according to our investigation. Miss Lisbeth turned out to be an excellent swimmer

Both Vicolas and were struck dumb. After a moment, Nicolas composed himself, dialed the police, and took the video before brading to the hospital. Coincidentally, my father was there as well, interrogating Lisbeth. She lay curled up on the bed, and upon seeing Nicolas, she began to wail

Nicks, where have you been these past two days? Why didn’t you come to see me? Eleanor’s father nearly bullied me to death. He said Eleanor is dead. I can’t believe it.. is it true?”

Nicolas y guze turned icy as he looked at her. “As you wished. it’s true.”

Lisheth’s lace shifted instantly, a flicker of guilt crossing her eyes.

Nicky, what are you talking about? I’m also very sad about Eleanor. Llow can you speak of me like this?”

My father, weary of her pretense, said sternly. “Ms. Bailey, as I mentioned earlier, whether the injuries on Ella were caused by you will be determined by an examination. Please cooperate with the police.”

In response. Lisbeth threw herself into Nicolas’s arms. “Nicky, it has nothing to do with me. You have to believe me!”

Vicidas pitshed her away, his gaze remaining icy. “If if‘ has nothing to do with you, then why are you refusing to let the police examine you

Seeing Nicolas’s expression, Lisbeth faltered and began to ery softly, “I didn’t mean it. I was just too scared at the time and held on to her ton lightly. I didn’t expect Eleanor to die…”


“Nicolas’s sudden outburst startled both Lisbeth and my father. He pulled out the video and played it for them, his gaze locked on Lisbeth. “You didn’t expect a tourist would capture your cruel act on camera, did you? What did Ella do to desenr this from you.”

Faced with the undeniable evidence, Lisbeth stopped pretending and burst into maniacal laughter, revealing a side of herself 1 hnd never seen. “She did nothing wrong to me. The person who truly wronged me is you. Nicolas!”

Her eyes glared at him with madness. You promised my mother you would take care of me forever, but you broke that Now. You abandoned me to marry another woman, I was merely reclaiming what was righthilly mine. How is that wrong?” Nicolas looked stricken. “Since you joined the company. I’ve treated you like a sister. I even blamed Eleanor for arguing with you. How could you do this?

Lisbeth sneered. “You toen are all the same, pretending to he noble while harboring filthy thoughts. You say you see me as a sister, but in reality, you’re despicable!

Whether her words hit a nervy or Nicolas was simply disillusioned, he bowed his head and laughed bitterly. He handed the video to my father and walked out, defeated,

Chapter 10

On the day Lisbeth was convicted, Nicolas made his way to my grave,

My family had kept the location of my resting place a secret, unwilling to let him disturb me.

Undeterred, Nicolas knell daily at our doorstep, attracting the curiosity of the neighbors and their whispers.

Eventually, my father, moved by Nicolas’s persistence and the effort he put into uncovering the truth, relented and gave him the address,


It was pouring rain that day, much like the night we had confirmed our relationship..

Nicolas knelt in the downpour before my tombstone, seemingly impervious to the cold, his fools himched, his face contorted in again.

*Ella, did you hate me when you left?*

Uncle said that, in addition to the bruises, your neck had been struck twice. When they found you, the water was red. I’m so sorry. You must have been in so much pain

I wanted to tell him it didn’t hurt, really,

Because death is instantaneous; there was no time to feel the pain before I was gone.

Just don’t kneel at my grave; it’s unsettling.

But he couldn’t hear me. He continued to kneel, speaking to me, sometimes crying, sometimes laughing, tears streaming down his face.

It was the first time I saw him so distressed, as if he truly loved me.

But it was too late. far too late.

That day, after leaving the cemetery, Nicolas shut down the compa

His mental state had deteriorated beyond repair.

He tried to mimb the pain of losing me with work, but without my support at the company, everything fell apart. Guilt and remorse gnawed at him, driving him to the brink of madness.

In the end, he closed down the company and joined the Blue Sky Rescue Team. dedicating himself to saving lives as a form of atonement.

A neighboring city experienced an unprecedented deluge, leading to severe flooding and widespread devastation.

Nicolas, seemingly intent on self–punishment, labored ceaselessly in the rain for two days and nights, appearing impervious to exhaustion. stion.

On the third morning, he received an urgent call to assist with a rescue operation. His team was to retrieve a woman who had just given birth.

Two teammates carefully lifted the woman onto the boat, while Nicolas took the baby into his arms.

But as soon as he held the infant, he froge, overwhelmed by a wave of emotion, and broke down in tears.

I remembered our conversations from long ago, when we dreamed about our future together and talked about having children.

*Nicolas, do you prefer a boy or a girl?”

“As long as it’s our baby. I’ll love them regardless.

“How many do you

“If possible, I’d want a whole soccer team so they can win the

Cup for our country!”

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