Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 27

“Hurry up and pee already!” Bella calls to me from the other side of the bathroom door.

“You rushing her isn’t going to make her pee faster,” Ashley teases. “Do you need some more water or juice?”

These ladies crack me up. “I’m about to open the door and let you ladies have a front-row seat if you don’t stop asking me questions.”

“Don’t tempt Bella. She’s crazy enough to do it. She might even hold the pee stick for you!” Cassie lets out a laugh as I hear someone smack her, presumably Bella.

“I will not. I’m just anxious to know if I’m going to have a little brother or sister.” Bella pleads between fits of laughter.

Finally, I’m able to relieve myself, saturating the strip enough for it to start blinking at me. Thank goodness for digital tests.

I lay the plastic stick on the sink while I wash my hands as someone starts jiggling the lock.

“Open up. We know you’re done peeing. I can hear the water running.”

Opening the door, I see Bella standing there eagerly waiting. She doesn’t even stop to look at me, but instead rushes over to the test and picks it up.

“Bella, that has pee on it!” Alyssa looks horrified as Bella waves the stick in the air, waving it toward her.

“I care for a toddler all day. That includes cleaning up all sorts of bodily fluids. If you think a little pee would scare me off, you’re clearly mistaken.”

I shake my head, laughing at the absurdity of this conversation. If you would have told me months ago that this would be my reality I would have told you you were delusional.

“So? What does the test say?” Cassie barges into the bathroom, attempting to pull the stick from Bella’s hand.

“How about we let the potential mother-to-be look at the test first?” Ashley walks forward, taking the stick from a pouting Bella and hands it over to me.

I accept it, reaching out with a trembling hand. Taking in a deep breath, I look down at the little window, unsure of what I want it to say.

As soon as I see it, all uncertainty vanishes and I know that this is what my heart truly desires. Sucking in my lips, my eyes water and tears begin to fall freely from my eyes. “Pregnant.”

The small room erupts into a cacophony of happy noises, a physical response to the joy I feel deep inside.

Bursting into our little bubble of estrogen, a male voice calls to us from the door.

“Everything okay?” Titus’ body fills the door frame, his curious smile looking at the lot of us.

I smile, quickly hiding the stick behind me. “Yes, just girl time. You know, talking about those pesky emotions you love so much.”

“Aaaand that’s my cue to leave. I thought y’all would have had enough of that at the spa. Apparently, I need to keep my distance at home too.” He cocks a brow, his gaze falling on Ashley very briefly, something silent spoken between them before he steps back out. Interesting.

As soon as the bedroom door shuts, I turn to Ashley. “Okay, what happened to no secrets. I’m over here sharing a big moment with you ladies, meanwhile you and Titus are speaking code with your eyes.”

Ashley sputters as Cassie bursts into hysterical laughter. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you had the balls to call her out on something we’ve been insinuating all year!”

My cheeks burn, and I fear I might have really stepped in it this time. “I’m sorry, I thought it was so obvious. At least it seemed that way to me.”

“Oh, trust me. It is. Even I noticed it.” Alyssa’s little voice chimes in from her position seated atop the bathtub ledge.

“Fine. The cat is out of the bag then, since you all claim to be all-knowing.” She rolls her eyes as she lifts her hair into a messy bun. “It started right around when Aiden had his accident. I’d just broken up with my asshole of an ex.”

“The one who cheated on you with his secretary?” Cassie asks, her mouth going slack.

“That would be the one. It started out as a revenge fuck but then turned into something else.” She flails her hands in the air in obvious frustration. “Y’all know Titus. The man doesn’t do relationships, so I don’t even know what to call us.”

My heart aches for her. I know what it’s like to feel lost and unvalued. Before I can say anything, Bella puts in her two cents. “I say give him the cold shoulder. Stop giving him the cookie if he’s not willing to commit.”

“All in favor of Ashley withholding the cookie, say I.” Cassie rings out.

A unanimous ‘I’ fills the room before we all burst out into another fit of laughter.

Exhaling, Ashley raises her hands. “Now that my tragic love life, or lack thereof, is settled. Have you thought about how you’re going to break the news to Aiden?”

All eyes fall on me and my stomach immediately wants to revolt. I’m not sure if it’s the nerves or the little peanut. Seeing how it’s so early, I’m betting on the nerves.

This is such a mess. I don’t even know if he’ll be happy and we’re hardly in a situation where I could plan something special. “Oh god. I feel guilty for even wanting to celebrate such a special occasion when I shouldn’t even be given this gift in the first place. I’m married to another man for fuck’s sake.” The women around me suck in a breath, no doubt surprised for my use of a curse word. But this moment calls for it. Hell, I feel like I belong on an episode of Jerry Springer. “How can I act like this is amazing news when the world around me is a mess and my sister… Oh my god, I don’t even want to start down that road. She’s going to hate me.” I drop the stick into my lap and bury my face in my hands, unsure of where or how to hide from this shame.

“Don’t freak out.” Alyssa calls to me in a hushed tone. “If she really loves you, she’ll understand. And if she doesn’t, then forget her. You don’t need her. You have us!”

“For someone so young, you’re pretty wise.” Cassie playfully shoves at Alyssa before turning toward me. “The girl has a point. I’m not sure of the history between your sister and Aiden, but I’ve seen the way that man looks at you. You’re it for him, and if that would’ve been the case with her and Aiden, then they’d still be together.”

“I agree.” Bella smiles at me, “And as far as the legal status of your relationship with Preston, that’ll be over before your first checkup, if Thompson has his way. He’s the best at what he does. So don’t you worry one bit. There’s no need to rush out and tell the world. We’ll just keep it in the family until you’re ready to share. Those who love you and truly know you will be supportive. In the words of wise Alyssa, forget them.”

I feel a flutter in my stomach as I let her words sink in. I couldn’t have asked for a better group of women to call my friends. No, not friends. Family. Looking up at my new tribe, I grin. “Alright. I think I know how I want to tell him.”


The house is quiet. A little too quiet. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I check to see if Titus texted me an update while I was out.

Nope. Nothing.

What the hell? Is that a cinnamon bun on the ground? Holy hell, there’s a whole trail of mini cinnamon buns leading into the hallway. My curiosity grows with every step I take, and when the path leads me to the stove, I’m at a loss for words.

There’s a tiny note stuck to the oven. ‘Open Me’ is printed in feminine handwriting.

I reach for the latch, bringing down the door and reveal a massive bun in the oven.

Holy shit.

With shaking hands, I take it out and see the confirmation of what’s been running through my mind since I left Charlotte this morning. My heart stutters and my whole body heats as I read the message written in the frosting.

‘Baby Moretti Coming Soon’

I must stand there for more than a minute because Charlotte’s hesitant voice repeats my name multiple times. Lifting my gaze from the bun in my hands, I see my beautiful woman chewing on her bottom lip as she shifts back and forth from foot to foot.

Dropping the plate on the counter, I rush to her and pull her into my arms. “Baby. A baby. What a blessing.”

She lets out a breath as she trembles in my arms. “I was so worried you’d be upset.”

Cupping her face with both hands, I tell her my truth, “How could I be upset at something that’s a product of our love? I am not ashamed of you or of what we’ve created together. I love you, Charlotte. With every day that passes, I love you more and more. I couldn’t think of a greater gift than the one you’ve just given me.”

Her eyes peer into mine, soaking in what I’ve just admitted. “I love you, Aiden Moretti. And if being elated over this news makes me a selfish hot mess, then so be it.” Her slender arms wrap around me, squeezing me tight. “This is all so surreal. It’s like a dream come true. Well, minus the divorce and the whole sister’s ex thing.”

Her body shudders beneath mine, and I have to pull her back so I can see her face. “Hey, does that bother you? That I had a past with Clara?”

Chewing on the inside of her cheek, she hesitates before responding. “I’d be lying if I said it didn’t.”

I blow out a frustrated breath, I knew this would come up eventually. “Charlotte, she doesn’t hold a candle to you. What I had with her was so insignificant it’s never crossed my mind once since we broke up.” Running a hand through my hair, I groan. “But you. God, I can’t go a second without you popping into my head. It’s all I do, constantly worry, wondering what you’re doing, if you’re safe. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It can’t be quantified or compared. You are on your own level, baby. There could never be another you.”

Charlotte’s eyes water as her little hands reach up to my face, pulling me down for a kiss.

As soon as our mouths come together, the world around us fades and it takes everything in me not to pick her up and throw her onto the counter, having my way with her right-the-fuck-now. Pressing my hips into her small frame, I moan. “Principessa, we need to take this to the bedroom or we’re going to be giving the whole house a show.”

“Yes, sir.” Hand to forehead, Charlotte salutes before turning away and heading down the hall, her heart shaped ass swaying back and forth.

I follow her frame while shaking my head. This woman has me wrapped around her finger and she doesn’t even know it. No problem. I vow to show her I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. I’m not going anywhere, and anyone who has a problem with that is in for a rude awakening.

Charlotte Montgomery is mine.

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