Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 26

The sound of a door creaking open pulls me from my nightmares.

My body is sore and my hair is plastered to the side of my face—a side effect of having cried myself to sleep on the cold hard floor. Before I’m fully awake, big arms scoop me up and press me into a broad chest. The scent of bergamot and cedarwood hits me, Aiden. My home.

His lips fall to my forehead, laying a gentle kiss atop the matted hair. “I’m sorry, principessa. I never want to cause you pain. It’s my job to protect you, not cause you more sorrow.”

He lays my body on the bed, my arms wrapping around his wide shoulders and pulling him down to me. “Stay with me.”

“I’m all sweaty from my workout, let me shower first.” His face splits into a breathtaking grin and my heart stutters.

“I like you sweaty.” Batting my lashes, I flash him a coy smile, though I’m sure I look anything but cute right now. Puffy eyes from too many tears and crazy hair are the least bit seductive.

His nose brushes mine, “If that’s what you want, that’s what I’ll do.”

His weight presses into me, covering me in a blanket of calm. “Yes, this is what I want. What I’ll always want.”

Aiden’s lips find mine, brushing ever so softly back and forth. “Listen to me.” His face pulls back and his eyes peer straight into my soul. “I love you, Charlotte Montgomery. I promise you this, I will always be your rock. Even if you don’t need me, I’ll be here for you. Every step of the way. I give you my word.”

My breath catches, and the tears I thought had long left me resume their treacherous path down my face. “Aiden—”

“Shhh, baby. You don’t have to say anything. Let me take care of you.”

I nod, unable to come up with any coherent words. All I know is that the man of my dreams has just admitted that he loves me and he isn’t going anywhere.

Aiden lifts the covers, tucking us both underneath their blanket of warmth and pulling me closer into his embrace.

Sinking deeper into his chest, I hold on for dear life. If this is some sort of dream, I don’t want to wake up.

“Morning, sleepyhead.” Bella’s glowing face greets me as I step into the kitchen.

“Coffee, please,” I mumble, unable to string together anything longer than those two words.

Bella chuckles as she points to the carafe behind her. “Just made a fresh pot. Call me a masochist, but I love the smell even though I can’t have more than my one cup a day. And believe me, with how overprotective William is, I had to fight him for even that much.”

I shake my head. If Aiden tried to take my coffee away, I’d strangle him. It’s like my life source. This woman does not function without caffeine.

As I fill my cup, I realize what my subconscious has just acknowledged. Aiden is mine. He isn’t going anywhere. He gave me his word and a Moretti’s word is worth its weight in gold.

Then why can’t I shake this sense of impending doom?

Letting that first sip of the magical black liquid slip past my lips, I moan. “So good.” I whisper into my cup.

“Should I be jealous of the coffee?” Aiden speaks into the shell of my ear as his fingers float over my waist, gently caressing me.

Turning to face him, I give him a broad smile. “Maybe. It doesn’t make me cry, you know.”

His eyes narrow, the skin around the edges crinkling. “I promise I won’t ever do that again.” He lays a kiss on my nose and Bella giggles.

“You two are so adorable!” She beams up at us, not at all displaying any signs of discomfort at seeing her father with a woman other than her mother, and I for one am relieved.

Even though Aiden and I can’t have a relationship out in the open, it’s nice to know we have a place where we can be ourselves.

“What do you ladies have planned for the day?” Aiden pours himself a cup of coffee, leaving one of his hands on my waist.

“We have a spa appointment. It’s only a couple of days until the wedding, so don’t you be doing anything too dangerous, Dad. I need you in one piece so you can walk me down the aisle.” Bella smiles, but even a blind man could see the concern etched across her face.

It’s no secret she came close to losing her father this past year. That fear still runs through her today and I don’t blame her, it runs deep within me too.

“No worries as far as I’m concerned. Titus and his team will be with you all day, meanwhile I’ll head up to the team at my home. We are installing extensive security measures so we won’t have to crash here much longer.”

“Finally! Not that I mind you guys being here, in fact I sort of love it.” She purses her lips before continuing. “But it’s about time you installed proper security in that house. It wasn’t but a year ago that we had a crazy woman come into the home unannounced.”

Aiden drops his hand from my waist and walks toward Bella, pulling her into his arms and squeezing tightly. “We had it under control, peanut. It would’ve gotten handled one way or another. But now that our family is growing, it’s time we got more protection than just yours truly.”

Bella’s face lights up, her eyes going wide, “Oh my god, are you guys expecting?”

I spit out my coffee, spraying the black liquid all over the pristine white marble counters meanwhile Aiden chokes on his saliva. “No, Bella. I was referring to Charlotte. Our family is growing because Charlotte will be staying with us.” He pauses, sucking in a breath as he turns to look at me. “Unless there’s something you need to tell me…”

Taking a napkin, I wipe down the countertop at a feverish pace. “Nope. Nothing to share here. No babies in this womb.”

Something flickers in his eyes, but it quickly disappears, leaving me wondering if he does in fact want a baby with me.

My heart flutters at the idea of our love creating something so beautiful, and in that moment I pray for it to be true. Maybe not in this instance, but definitely sometime soon.

Aiden turns back to his daughter, kissing her on the forehead before heading toward me and doing the same. “Okay, well now that that’s straightened out, I’ll be heading out. Call me if anything comes up. I trust Titus, but I don’t want either of you feeling as if you can’t reach me when I’m not with you.”

“Yes, sir.” Bella salutes her father as he walks out, meanwhile I blow him a kiss, mouthing that I love him.

Aiden winks, mouthing that he loves me too, making me beam like a damn fool. I’m lost for this man. Always have been and always will be.

“First comes love, then comes marriage.” Bella sing-songs as the door closes behind Aiden.

I give her the side-eye as I take the rag I’d been holding to the sink.

“Don’t give me that look. I just call it like I see it.” Bella snickers as she walks out of the kitchen. “Meet you back here in thirty! Massages and manis wait for no woman.”

Laughing as I sip the last of my coffee, I can’t help but grin. This is my new family and I finally feel as if I belong.

Despite the things I’ve endured, I’d relive them all willingly if they led me straight here.

I may’ve been born a Montgomery, but my heart will always be a Moretti.

Bliss. I’m in a sheer state of bliss as I exit the massage room. The therapist was able to work out some kinks I didn’t even know existed. To say I feel like a blob of gelatin would be an understatement.

“Over here, Charlotte!” Cassie calls me from the hot tub in the center of the common area. This spa is amazing. All of the treatment rooms converge into a common space where there’s a quiet area as well as a hot tub and plunge pool.

“Shhh. This is supposed to be a calming experience.” Bella chastises her best friend while biting back a smile.

“Fine. No yelling. Anyway, you got here just in time. We’re all asking the bride one personal question and she has to answer.” Cassie moves over in the hot tub, leaving enough space for me.

I’m about to get in when I notice Bella isn’t in the water and there’s only room for one more. “Oh no, that’s okay. Bella can go in instead of me.”

Beaming up at me, she rubs her belly. “Thanks, babe, but I can’t go in. It would be too hot for this nugget. But you could go in… unless there is something you haven’t told us.”

My entire body flushes at the thought. Unable to ignore the question any further, I recognize that I haven’t gotten my period. My body goes from heated to ice cold in ten seconds flat, and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

“Oh my god!” Ashley claps her hands excitedly. “Are you?!”

“I don’t think so, but I’m not one hundred percent sure.” Chewing on my bottom lip, I try to do some quick math in my head. It’s only been a couple of weeks since Aiden and I first were intimate. Groaning into my hands, I let the girls in on my thoughts. “If I am, then it was a determined swimmer.”

“Okay. I’m totally cool with you and my dad being a thing, but please never, and I mean never, talk about his swimmers.” Bella visibly shudders and I can’t help but giggle.

“Deal.” Lowering myself to the ground, I sit next to Bella, submerging only my legs. “Better safe than sorry, right?”

“Right. And you all know what this means…” Ashley shoots me a toothy grin.

“Yes! More drinks for us!” Alyssa rushes to answer, only to have us look at her quizzically. “You know, because she can’t drink like Bella?”

We all cackle, much to the spa attendant’s dismay. “No, it means we are stopping by the drug store on the way home. We need to verify if she can in fact party at the wedding or if she will be partaking in Bella’s virgin drink menu.”

My chest begins to rise and fall rapidly, my head beginning to spin. What the hell was I thinking not using protection? I’m not even divorced yet, and what will my sister think? She doesn’t even know Aiden and I are a thing.

“Breathe, Charlotte.” Bella rubs my back. “It’s going to be okay. Tell us what’s going through your mind? You went from elated to freaked out in under a minute.”

Unable to look any of the women in the eye, I drop my gaze to my thighs. “The first being the obvious, I’m going through a divorce. And the second, my sister doesn’t even know about me and Aiden. I’m not sure how she’d even react to that, let alone our having a baby.”

Ashley scoots over to my side, grabbing hold of my hand and patting it gently. “One thing at a time. First, we need to find out if this is even something you need to be considering. For now, let’s enjoy the rest of the day in this amazing spa. Do you have a question for Bella?”

Face still heated, I look up at the woman that could very possibly become my daughter-in-law and go for broke, “Ready to call me momma Charlotte?”

They all throw their heads back in laughter, the previous tension evaporating like the steam of the hot tub. Thank god these women understand my humor.

Yes. This is my tribe. I’ve found my family and I’m not letting them go.

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