Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 17

As I slip the satin and lace nightgown over my head, I smile. Nanny Sylvie gave me a couple of bags containing hand selected items of clothing she thought I’d need and like.

This woman, if I didn’t know any better, I’d think she selected these pieces to evoke a reaction out of a particularly grouchy man in this household.

But there’s no way. She knows my situation and there’s no way Aiden would ever see me in this, right?

Just as I’m about to head to the bed there’s a soft knock on the door. Grabbing the matching black satin robe, I loosely wrap it around me before answering it.

My breath halts as I see Aiden standing before me. His grey Henley hugs every muscle as his sweats hang low on his tapered waist, the bulge in his pants making my lady parts clench from the sight alone. He isn’t aroused, yet the impressive package of his is enough to create a deliciously large outline of what lies underneath.

Clearing his throat, Aiden chuckles. I squeeze my eyes shut before sighing. I’ve been caught red-handed ogling my keeper. My cheeks heat and I know I’ll have to open my eyes eventually.

“Can I come in for a second?” Aiden’s voice cuts through my embarrassment and I finally step aside, refusing to make direct eye contact.

“Of course. What’s going on? Has there been word of the senator’s wife running away?” I try to make light of the situation, but that isn’t really far from the truth.

“No. All’s quiet on that front. For now, at least.” I see him pacing in front of my bed before he finally lowers himself on to the edge of the mattress, patting the comforter next to him.

Taking a hesitant step toward him, I slowly lower myself to the bed. The sheer proximity of him with both of us dressed in our intimate attire is almost too much for me to bear.

“Okay, so then what?”

Grabbing my hand in his, he squeezes. “I have a favor to ask of you.”

His response takes me aback. He’s done so much for me, I could never in a million years repay him for what he’s given me. “Of course. I’d do anything to help you, though I’m not sure what I could possibly do for you.”

Immediately dirty thoughts race through my mind. Me on my knees before him, taking his length into my mouth, savoring the masculine taste of his… what is wrong with me? Here I am, in hiding, and the first thing that comes to mind is giving him a blow job? Get it together, girl.

Oblivious to my internal thoughts, Aiden moves on with our conversation. “As you may already know, Bella’s wedding is coming up.” His face flushes a deep bronzed color, bringing out the gold flecks in his irises. “I haven’t always been the best father, that’s no secret, and there’s just no way I could let her down more than I already have.”

“I’m sure you haven’t been that bad, Aiden. We always think the worst of ourselves.”

He turns his head, hiding his gorgeous eyes from me. Reaching my hand up, I bring his face back to mine. “Hey, don’t do that. There’s nothing you could say that would change the way I look at you. It might be over a decade since we spent a substantial amount of time together, but I know you.” Placing a hand over his heart, I try to channel all of the love I feel. “I know what’s in here and it is nothing but solid gold.”

Aiden’s nostrils flare and his jaw hardens before he takes my hand and brings it to his lips, kissing my palm in one of the most tender shows of affection I’ve ever received. “How are you so damn perfect, my piccolina principessa?

I shove at him playfully, “How quickly we forget this morning’s breakfast blunder.”

“Oh no, I haven’t forgotten. I just happen to think it adds to your endearment.” Grinning like loons, the perfect silence of the moment bursts when Aiden’s phone vibrates. Looking down at it, he sighs before shoving it back in his pocket. “That was William, and he wants to know if I have an answer for him, but I can’t give it to him until I ask you.”

My back straightens and the smile that was plastered all over my face fades. “Okay. What is it?”

“Like I was saying, I haven’t been the perfect father to Bella. Her mother died when she was only fifteen, and instead of being there for her, I loaded her up with responsibilities that weren’t hers to bear.” He rubs the back of his neck, closing his eyes and inhaling deeply. “Any time she would try to bring up anything having to do with emotions, I just shut her out.”

Squeezing his hand, I urge him on silently. If he needs to vent, I will be his solace.

“She was caring for the twins as if she were their mom. Instead of doing normal things girls her age did, she was going to soccer and t-ball, carting around two very wild boys. Then, when I got injured, I wasn’t able to be there for her for months. Even in the little capacity I had been. William stepped up to the plate and helped her while she helped him with his daughter, Harper. I guess one thing led to another, and they fell in love.” His face scrunches on that last bit, cringing at the idea of his friend dating his daughter. “No father wants to hear that their thirty something business partner and friend is sleeping with their eighteen-year-old daughter. Add to that a brain injury where my temper wasn’t being regulated properly, and it just spelled disaster.”

“It’s okay, Aiden. I’m sure she understood.” I want to give him comfort, but I don’t know what else to do other than place my hands on him, giving him my warmth and letting him know I’m not going anywhere.

“That’s not the worst part.” He takes a deep breath before looking me dead in the eyes. “I kicked her out of our home. Told her she wasn’t a part of my family anymore. And adding insult to injury, I took the boys away from her. Sent them to boarding school while I sorted myself out. Didn’t even give her visitor rights.” His lips press into a thin line as his eyes begin to shimmer with the promise of tears. “By the time I got my shit together, William had already proposed and months had passed where we hadn’t spoken. Yes, I apologized and we’ve worked on our relationship since then, but I can’t afford to lose her again.”

“Life is nothing but a collection of moments. Good, bad, beautiful and ugly. It’s up to us to cherish those that move us, and release those that no longer serve us.” I tighten the grip I have on his forearm before continuing. “You had a severe brain injury. You weren’t yourself, and I know without a shadow of a doubt that Bella has moved on from that ordeal. She’s your daughter after all, and despite your icy exterior, you are a good human being. Hang on to those good moments and let the rest go. I’ve seen you with the twins and how you worry about Bella. Trust me, you’re also a good father.”

The corner of his mouth lifts into an almost smile. It’s something.

“Thank you for saying thatand I appreciate your words—but I didn’t tell you all this to get any sympathy.” He gives me a full on smirk now and I’m graced with his sexy-as-hell dimple. “Jokes aside, I do want to ask you something and I wanted you to know why this was so important to me first.”

“Okay. Spit it out already.” Brushing aside a loose strand of hair and tucking it behind my ear, it’s my turn to smirk.

“As you already know, Bella and William are getting married. As her father, I’m walking her down the aisle. The thing you haven’t been privy to is the date. It’s only a couple of weeks away and I have a feeling that the divorce won’t be finalized by then, nor will we have the situation between you and Preston secured.” His jaw clenches and I know it pains him to say my husband’s name.

“So what are you asking?” My brows scrunch together into a unibrow, trying to guess what that could possibly have to do with me.

“I want you to come.”

I’m stunned into silence. My face heats up and I know I probably look like a ketchup bottle with how fair my skin is naturally.

“I understand if you don’t want—”

I quickly rush to reassure him before he withdraws the invite. “No, no. Of course I want to go. It’s just a surprise, that’s all. It’s such an intimate event. I read in the paper that it’s going to be strictly close friends and family.”

A small smile touches his lips, the warmth radiating through his whole demeanor. “Yes, and your point is? You fit the category, don’t you?” He chuckles and seeing that I’m stunned into silence once more, he takes the reins of our conversation. “Bella has never been one for crowds and after everything that transpired the last year, I don’t blame her for wanting to keep it small. So what do you say, are you in?”

“You mean like a date? I would love to be your date, but I don’t know if that’s the best thing since the divorce won’t be final. But if it were after it was final then I would love that. Not that I want your daughter to change her wedding date or something.” Sucking in a sharp breath, I roll my lips in and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to stop myself before my treacherous mouth and its verbal diarrhea does what it does best. Shits on something beautiful.

His wide eyes and little smirk tell me he wasn’t inviting me as a date, and now I feel like the biggest fool. Thankfully, Aiden steps in before I can say anything else and stick my foot further in my mouth.

“I would love to have you come with me as a date. As you said, though, it’s probably not the best timing right now. But we could settle for you coming as a friend, right?”

Dig my hole and bury me now. If it were possible to melt into the ground and have it swallow me whole, I’d gladly take that option. Instead, I give him a curt nod, my lips still rolled in.

“Char, don’t be embarrassed. You are such a strong woman, shame doesn’t suit you.” His strong hand reaches up, the back of his fingers caressing my cheek. “Now, show me that gorgeous smile of yours.”

Unable to resist, I give him what he wants. The corners of my lips lift into a timid smile, and my reward is the hunger I see reflected back at me as his gaze devours my mouth. His thumb traces the contours, and it’s as if I’ve forgotten to breathe, anticipating his next move.

Excruciatingly slow, Aiden moves his face closer to mine, his lips hovering over the places his finger just traced—like a supernova reaching the end of its life, an explosion of light is all I see as our lips join into one.

One fluid movement.

One single desire.

One damnable offense.

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