Acts of Redemption: A Second Chance Romance (Men of WRATH Book 3)

Acts of Redemption: Chapter 16

Those boys have my heart. Even though they are twins, their little personalities couldn’t be more different. Matt is studious and loves to spend his time reading on his tablet, while Max is much more of an extrovert, needing to spend his time being the life of the party—even if it’s just the five of us in the home.

The five of us. Sylvie, the twins, Aiden, and me. In such a short time, we’ve sort of developed our own routine—like a real little family. My heart squeezes at the memory of my own family. Never in my life had I felt the warmth and love I do with this new little makeshift family of ours.

My face flushes and I realize that these thoughts are dangerous. This isn’t my family, and Aiden and I are most certainly not together.

Needing to reign in my emotions, I decide to call my real family. Starting with my sister.

The home doesn’t have any landline phones, but I know for a fact that Aiden keeps a stash of burner phones in case of emergencies somewhere in the office.

I tiptoe down the hall, leaving the boys in their room. They’re too consumed with their games to pay me any mind, and thankfully they don’t ask me where I’m going.

The floorboards creak and I groan. Aiden’s skills are no exaggeration. He’s a SEAL after all, and there’s no doubt that if I don’t play this right, he’ll figure out what I’m up to.

I hear him talking downstairs to Sylvie, something about dinner plans. Good, this is my chance. I tiptoe down the stairs, making sure to stay against the wall so he doesn’t see me out of the opening in the kitchen.

Just a few more steps and I’m in the office.


I close the door behind me as quietly as possible, something that’s a major feat in this creaky older home.

The desk is my first guess, but after a thorough search I find nothing. Behind the desk is an antique wooden chest. Opening it slowly, my breath hitches. Bingo.

There are passports, cash, and several burner phones.

Picking one up, I try to remember Clara’s phone number. Entering the numbers, my heart begins to beat so loudly I feel it throbbing in my ears.

“He—Hello?” Clara’s voice comes through the line sounding hesitant.

“Clara? It’s Charlotte.” My voice is low so as to not call attention. Aiden’s hearing is insanely sharp, and I can’t have him barging in, cutting me off from my family.

“Char! Oh my god! Where have you been? We are so worried about you!” The ‘we’ in her statement have my hackles rising. “Mom asked me to call you about our family gala and when I couldn’t get a hold of you, I went to your home only to have Preston’s assistant tell me you no longer lived there. I was sure she had to be pulling my leg, but when I couldn’t get a hold of Preston either, I started to really worry. Are you okay? Why are you whispering?”

The concern in her voice warms my heart. I knew she cared, even if it was in her own messed up and twisted way.

“Yes, I’m fine. I’m not supposed to talk to anyone right now until things are settled, but I just wanted to tell you that I’m okay.”

The door creaks open and I immediately drop the phone to my lap.

“I called Tyler’s and placed the same order as al—” Aiden turns his head and finally looks into the room, his words hanging mid sentence as he sees me behind his desk. “Char? What are you doing in here?”

Not wanting Clara to hear our conversation, I quickly end the call without looking up. Aiden’s eyes narrow as he rounds the corner of the desk, his eyes falling to my lap and the phone I have clutched in my hand.

Closing his eyes, he lets out a deep breath before opening them once more. “Who did you call, Char?”

Not wanting to back down to what I know is my right, I answer, full bravado in effect. “I told you, I was going to call Clara and I wouldn’t let anyone tell me otherwise. I’m done with letting people control me.”

Aiden closes his eyes slowly, rubbing his hand over his face. Extending his hand out, he asks for the phone still white knuckled by my hand. “Please, Char. I want to see the damage we potentially need to recover from.”

I hand it over to him, not seeing what the big deal is. It’s just Clara.

Aiden looks through the phone and sighs. “A lot could have been said in this time frame and since I don’t know exactly what was said then we’ll need to take precautions as if you’ve compromised our location. Yes, Preston knows of the divorce filing, but we still don’t know how he will be responding to this new development.”

Bolting up from my chair, I get right up in his face. “I was extremely careful and I’ll tell you exactly what I said if it will get you to stop acting like an overprotective Neanderthal. I get that we don’t want Preston knowing where I am, but this is just too extreme. You’re taking me out of one jail and putting me in another, and I just can’t take it.” My eyes well up with unshed tears, my chest vibrating with rage and hurt all mixed together, slowly bubbling up my throat and ending in a choked sob.

Aiden takes me into his arms, his lips falling to the top of my head. “I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, principessa. I promise it won’t always be like this. If I’m an overprotective Neanderthal, it’s because I couldn’t stand to see you hurt again. Everything I’m doing it’s to keep you safe.”

I press my face against his hard chest, the proximity to his body sending a shiver running through me. “Please, Aiden? No running. I swear I said nothing that would give our location away. I’ve grown fond of our routine here. It brings me peace, something I haven’t had in a very long time.”

Looking up into his cashmere eyes, I see his warring thoughts. Finally letting out a sigh, he brings his lips to my forehead. “If this home brings you peace, then I won’t deny you, little one.”

“Thank you.” I whisper into his shirt before pressing a kiss over his heart.


I know staying here is going against my better judgment, but when she looks up at me with those big brown eyes, there’s no denying her.

God, if we ever have a little girl I’ll be in big trouble.

A pang of guilt hits me, thinking of Bella and how I never gave her the attention she needed growing up. I was on one tour after another, and whatever little time I would be home, I’d be mentally recovering from whatever mission we’d just completed.

Suddenly the realization of what started me on this rabbit hole of guilt hits.

What the fuck am I thinking?

Charlotte and I will not be having babies because there is absolutely no scenario in which we are together. She’s Clara’s little sister, for goodness’ sake. And as if a high-profile divorce won’t bring her enough attention already, her being with her sister’s ex-boyfriend will only bring her more gossip and shame.

Quickly dislodging her from my embrace, I take two rapid steps back—the change in my demeanor not going unnoticed.

Charlotte’s brows come together, her eyes narrowing in confusion. Before she can say anything, I change the subject all together.

“You said you wanted to help more around the house, right? How about you go help Sylvie set the table for dinner while I finish up some work here.”

Charlotte’s brows go from furrowed to reaching her hairline in just a few seconds before she schools her features, and now the coldness of my face is reflected back at me. Good. She needs to toughen up a bit more. I don’t know what conclusions she’s come to in her head about us, but I can’t have her thinking there’s any future there.

There isn’t. The sooner she comes to grips with it, the better for the both of us.

My phone vibrates in my pocket just as I’m sitting down behind the desk. Pulling it out, I see William’s number flashing across the screen.

“Is Bella okay?” He never calls me on this line, and my mind immediately goes to my pregnant daughter.

“Well, hello to you too, Dad.” The bastard drags out that last word, knowing it irritates the shit out of me. “Call me that one more time and we’ll see just how I welcome you into the family fold.” I grit out between clenched teeth while this guy has the audacity to chuckle.

We might all be friends, but If I’m being honest, I’m still not fully over the fact that my thirty-three-year-old friend is marrying my daughter.

“Relax, old man. I’m just teasing. And yes, Bella is okay. I was actually calling to see why you aren’t making it to our weekly dinner. I know you’re taking a special interest in your current case, but Titus said he’d gladly sub in while you came to spend some family time with us. Bella misses the boys, and you too, I suppose.” More chuckling on his part. He thinks he’s a damn comedian.

“I can send the boys over with Nanny Sylvie if they want, but I’m not leaving Char.”

There’s a sharp intake of breath, and I know I’ve fucked up. No doubt he caught on to my casual mention of her name.

“So it is true. You are attached to this one. Want to talk about it?”

“I’m not attached. I dated her sister when I was younger, and if you must know, yes, I care. But only because I’ve known her on a personal level.”

“Look, your love life is your love life. But if emotions begin to compromise your ability to work the case, then I suggest you pull out.” He laughs before continuing. “In more ways than one… get it! Oh, I’m good.”

“No, you’re not. And I already told you, it’s not like that with Charlotte. I do care for her, but like a little sister.” The words taste like chalk in my mouth as I speak them. Running a hand through my hair, I groan. I hate lying and that was straight up a lie. There’s no way I’d tongue down a little sister.

“Mhm, so that’s why Titus says you eye fuck her every chance you get. Look man, like I said, whatever you do as far as your love life is your business. We’re just worried at how it will affect your judgment.”

Immediately, my thoughts go back to whether or not we should remain in this home after Charlotte’s phone slip up. Maybe there is some truth to what William is saying.

“I get it, brother, and I appreciate your concern, but I got this under control. This will all be over soon. Charlotte will be back to her normal life, sans the prick Preston, and I will be back to my usual grumpy self at your weekly dinners.”

“Hopefully this will all be over in time for the wedding. Bella would be devastated if we had to postpone it. You’re walking her down the aisle and there’s no way we could have the wedding without you.”

I press my fingertips to my temple and rub. “I’ve let that girl down more than I’d care to remember. I won’t let her down again. I’ll be there, even if it means dragging Charlotte to the wedding.”

“Now there’s an idea. Why not bring the future Mrs. to the wedding? I’ll tell Bella to add the plus one to the table.”

“Not funny, William. If anyone hears you, your words could be misconstrued, making Charlotte look bad.”

“Is that what this is about? You don’t want her name tarnished? You should know better than anyone that life is short. There are no guarantees in life and you should grab hold of any opportunity that brings you joy.” He sighs into his phone and pauses, continuing after he sees that I’m not chiming in after that bomb of truth he just dropped. “If that’s your only worry then that should be something Charlotte decides for herself. Not you. It’s her reputation that’s on the line and she’s a grown ass woman.”

His words of wisdom echo in my mind. If it were only that simple, but it’s not. Not only is her reputation at stake, but she’s also still married. This is so wrong on so many levels that it wouldn’t just be one thing shaming her name, it would be many.

I’ve messed up a lot in my life, and I sure as hell am not going to let my selfish need for the woman be another one of my mistakes.

Not if I can help it.

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