Acts of Atonement: A Single Dad Age Gap Romance (Men of WRATH, Book 1)

Acts of Atonement: Chapter 8


Dad is on his way and I’m not sure how we’re going to explain a) why we were out to dinner alone, and b) how I ended up with alcohol on my breath.

“Here. Chew on this. Your dad will be here soon.” William shoves a mint into my hand.

Thank you, mind reader.

Not two seconds later, Dad’s car comes swerving around the corner. William, sensing my anxiety, wraps his arm around me reassuring me everything is going to be okay. “Trust me, Isabella. I’ve got you.”

“Thank you,” I manage to whisper back. Despite the circumstances, his affection brings me a deep sense of security. Whoever did this to my car has no way of reaching me when I’m tucked safely in his arms. I could stay like this forever.

Beside us, a car door slams, effectively breaking the moment and causing us to take two steps back from each other. Looking up toward the sound, I see my father, worry and rage warring across his face. “What in the holy hell happened here?” He walks around the vehicle, taking in the vandalism for himself. “What were you doing here so late?”

Before I can respond, William steps in. “She was meeting a girlfriend for dinner and called me when she found her car like this.” He shoves his hand through his hair, tugging at the ends. “I was apparently the last person on her car log, otherwise I’m sure it would have been you whom she called. I’m glad I was close by and could make it here as quick as I did.”

Wow. I’m floored by the ease in which the lies just pour out of him.

Dad stares at William with narrowed eyes. “Did any of the parking attendants see anything or anyone suspicious?”

“I’ve talked to the staff, but nobody saw anything and the vehicle is parked in a corner where the perp’s actions would have been obstructed in the video. It’s a major security deficit on their part if you ask me.”

I take in a deep breath. If there’s no reason to see video footage of the garage, then Dad won’t see William and I walking toward my car together.

Dad takes two steps toward me and pulls me into an embrace. “I’m glad you’re okay. I don’t know what I would do if something happened to you. You’re my baby girl.”

At the words ‘baby girl’, William makes a choking sound. When I look over Dad’s shoulder, I see that his face has turned a deep shade of red. I’m glad Dad isn’t facing him at this moment. There’s no doubt he’d be questioning his sudden aversion to that particular term of endearment.

William clears his throat and raises an eyebrow. “With you leaving town tomorrow, I don’t think it’s wise for Bella and the twins to stay at your house, alone.” William’s eyes flicker back and forth between my father and me. “Since they’re spending so much time in my home already, it would make sense for them to stay there. I have a full security system and I’ll be there in the event anything else were to happen.”

Hold your damn horses. Is he suggesting what I think he is?

I already have a hard time keeping my emotions in check. Living with him twenty-four seven is just asking for trouble. “It’s okay. I’m sure we’ll be safe at Dad’s. There’s a full security system there too.”

William’s eyes shoot straight through me, the intensity in them burning holes into my soul. “Bella, a system can only do so much. It’s always best to have someone on the premises to act in defense. If you don’t feel comfortable in my home then I suggest we post someone from our team at your place.”

“Nonsense.” Dad waves a hand in the air. “The original members of WRATH are the only ones I would entrust my kids to, and it makes sense it be you, since Bella is already caring for Harper and is practically living in your home as it is. I fly out at zero eight hundred hours, so I’ll bring them over to your place tomorrow morning before I leave.” Dad kisses the top of my head. “Keep me posted on any developing information, regardless of how small you think it might be. We need to find the son of a bitch who did this and skin them alive. Nobody messes with my family. Nobody.”

“Ten-four. I’m opening a file for Bella and will be handling it personally. I’ll also be working from home as much as possible, and I’ll send someone from the team to watch over everyone if I can’t be at the house for some reason.”

My knees threaten to give out at the idea of so much interaction with William. Dad mistakes this as my reaction to the vandalism and reaches out to comfort me. “Everything is going to be okay, baby girl. I trust William to watch over you, and he’ll be there around the clock until we find whoever did this.” Dad squeezes my shoulder in a reassuring manner. “We will make them pay. I promise.”

We drive up to what will be our home for the next couple of months. I’ve been here many times before but seeing it today is conjuring all types of new emotions. It appears a family of butterflies have taken residence in my belly since finding out I’ll be sharing a roof with William. Every. Single. Night. Talk about an exercise in self-restraint. Staying away from that sexy man will be damn near impossible.

My thoughts drift back to the night before where I swear he was borderline propositioning me with a no strings attached scenario. I could be totally off base, but I swear I saw hunger in those cerulean eyes of his.

“Welcome to your new home.” William greets us in the foyer, raising both arms wide in an all-encompassing gesture. “Please treat it as if it were your own.”

“We will!” the twins chime in unison as they head back toward the playroom. No doubt they are heading straight for the gaming consoles William installed last week.

“Where’s your father?” William looks behind me and into the front yard. “I would’ve thought he’d want to deliver the precious cargo himself.”

“He had to fly out earlier than expected, so someone from the team met us at the house and followed us here. They’re stationed outside until further notice from you.” I awkwardly bounce on the balls of my feet, not knowing where to go from here. “So… where should I place our bags?”

“In your rooms, of course.” Without further elaboration, William picks up all three bags—as if they weigh nothing—and makes his way toward the stairs.

Does he want me to follow him?

I catch up and quietly trail behind him, my eyes roaming over his body as I unabashedly take advantage of the view. His dark brown hair is damp from a shower and his white dress shirt is pulled taut across his back—his broad shoulders taper into the V of his waist and lead my hungry eyes straight to his ass. Oh, that ass…

“Bella?” William’s voice pulls me from my trance and I immediately feel my cheeks flush with embarrassment. He’s standing a few steps ahead, staring at me expectantly, no doubt having caught me in the middle of my ogling session. “Did you hear me, or should I repeat myself?”

Needing to wipe that smirk off his face, I try to feign innocence, though I’m pretty sure it’s pointless. “I was just running through my mental to-do list for the day. Can you please repeat your question?”

“I was saying that Harper and the boys have rooms on the second floor. You could also have a room on this floor if you’d like, but none of the remaining rooms come with an en suite.” He walks us into a large room with a bay window looking into the back yard. “If you’d rather have an adjoining bathroom, we could set you up downstairs next to my office. It’s ultimately up to you but that room is larger and boasts an amazing tub, so I’ve been told. With all that said, where would you rather sleep?”

William fails to mention that the guest room downstairs is also close to his room. Something that should be a deterrent. Totally a deterrent. It also doesn’t go unnoticed that he is definitely selling the downstairs bedroom over the one on this floor. Ulterior motives, maybe?

“It would probably be best if I stayed close to the kids in case they called out in the middle of the night,” I quickly say while depositing the boys’ bags onto their twin beds.

A glance around the room lets me know William took the time to turn this space into a welcoming environment for the twins. The whole room is decorated in dark blues and varying shades of white, the shelves are lined with children’s literature, and a toy box full of goodies lies at the foot of each bed. “When did you have time to do all this? This is beyond thoughtful.”

“Seriously not a big deal. I messaged my assistant last night and had her pick this stuff up.” He runs the back of his hand along his stubble, pausing at his chin. “Your room has been set up downstairs. You can hear the kids through the monitor we’ve installed in here as well as the one already set up in Harper’s room. There’s no excuse that should keep you from enjoying your own bathroom and the privacy that room provides.” Without accepting further argument from me, William picks up my bag and makes his way downstairs.

Not wanting to give him the last word, I quickly hurry behind William and land a verbal jab—dripping in sarcasm. “If you were going to decide for me, then why even bother giving me an option? Just spare me the illusion of having a choice next time, and by all means, decide what you think is best.”

At my words, William comes to a halt—dropping my bag and slowly spinning around to look at me. “My apologies, little moon.” A wicked glint shines in his eyes and the corner of his mouth lifts into a smirk. “Next time I’ll be sure to just tell you what I’d prefer. It’s good to know you’d be amenable.” William picks up my bag with a wink and turns back around, heading toward my new room.

I’m left with my mouth ajar, shocked at his blatant disregard of the sarcasm I was dishing out. He can’t possibly think I was being serious. I’m so not okay with doing everything he says and wants. Last I checked, this wasn’t the 50s.

It takes me a minute to reach the guest bedroom but when I do, I’m left speechless. It’s bright and airy, done up in a pale blue and white. The room boasts a sitting area in front of a bay window and beside it a vanity fit for a queen. Chanel cosmetics are strewn atop it, and a matching jewelry armoire—which seems to be fully stocked—sits beside it for easy access during dressing. Directly opposite the vanity sits a king-size bed, framed by two large windows. The bed looks as billowy as a cloud, with its excessive amount of pillows and what I can assume is the most luxurious of down comforters. I seriously want to throw myself onto the bed and never get up.

William emerges from the adjoining bathroom, his lips turning up in a sly smirk. “From the look on your face, I can assume you find the room adequate.”

“Yes. Thank you. You really didn’t have to go to all this trouble. The cosmetics and jewelry are a bit too much, don’t you think?” I wave my hand toward the vanity.

Suddenly his face morphs from playful to something I can’t quite put my finger on. “No, It’s not too much. You deserve this and more. Let me take care of you… until we’ve caught whoever’s harassing you, that is.”

My body shudders at the thought of last night and how it could have been so much worse. In a flash William is in front of me, embracing me in his strong arms. “Don’t worry, little moon. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

I tilt my head up, looking into his bright blue eyes. “Why do you call me little moon? It’s not the first time you’ve done it.”

William moves one hand up my back, resting it at the nape of my neck and gently squeezes. “Your eyes. They’re just like the moon. Both the palest shade of silver and continuously pulling me in with their beauty.”

“They are?” I ask breathlessly, wondering if my response was even audible.

William slowly brings my lips to his, gently caressing with the slightest of contact. “Mhmm. They are.”

The vibration of his words against my mouth causes me to gasp, allowing William access inside. Without hesitation, he seals his lips over mine, taking my mouth without mercy—the sensation of his soft velvety tongue so at odds with the forceful pressure of it moving against my own causes my knees to buckle.

Sensing my need for support, William places his forearm below my ass and lifts me up until my face is parallel to his, pulling my legs to either side of him.

William’s mouth seals over mine once more. Our tongues swirling together, as if doing a dance they’ve known all their lives. I can feel his hunger. His need. His kisses are far from sweet or gentle. No, they’re sheer carnal desire and I can’t help but give in.

I return his kiss, matching it with the hunger that’s built up deep inside me. Nothing I’ve ever experienced has felt like this before. This, whatever this is, it’s all-consuming. It’s like a fire that’s been lit within my soul, and the only possible way to sate it is to give it more.

I want more. Need more.

Tugging my hair back, William nuzzles his nose below my ear and breathes me in. “So. Fucking. Good. You smell so fucking good.”

A noise escapes me, something between a gasp and a mewl. The noise seems to spur William on and he continues his delicious assault on my exposed neck—he nips, licks, and sucks his way down from my neck to the dip below my collarbone and onto the swells of my breasts.

William cups a breast in one hand, the nipple visibly erect through the cotton of my top. A wicked smile spreads across his lips as he takes it between his thumb and forefinger, squeezing it and tugging it hard. The sensation causes me to groan in pleasure, making me want more.

I need more.

I slowly and forcefully grind my core against William, trying to relieve the ache in my throbbing clit.

It feels sooo good.

I can feel the head of his aroused cock pressing against my entrance and it causes me to groan with desire. William must be on the same page because he grabs my waist in both hands and starts to grind me up and down the length of his arousal.

“Fuuuuuck,” he growls out. “If this is how good you feel with clothes on, I can’t even imagine how amazing it will be when I—”

His words are cut off by a high-pitched wail from the monitor. Harper is awake and ready to be out of her crib.

“Duty calls.” Panting heavily, I lay my head on William’s chest.

“This isn’t over, little moon. Not by a long shot.” William gives me one last kiss before depositing me on the floor, accepting defeat… for now.

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