Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 11


I couldn't get her words out of my head, "He raped me...he filmed it, Ace."

I wanted her to do something for herself that day, and we rode the bike far away from people. I knew that no one would recognize her with the helmet on, so it wasn't a big deal for me. I didn't expect anything from her that day except to make her happy. And when she opened up and told me everything, I was very shocked. I tried not to show my feelings, but I was so angry. That Ted caused her so much pain, I wanted to torture him just like he tortured her; he doesn't deserve any pity. Prison is too good for him, he hurt my baby, and I wanted to kill him so bad.

We sat in front of the TV and watched a movie like we did every night since the barbecue and our start at the pool. It's been seven days now, and every day is better than the last. Nora and I spent every day together; we went to my parents and walked through the community. We stayed in the safe house just to talk and cook; we played cards and watched TV. She seemed much more relaxed with my brothers from the MC, and I was very proud of her. I was deeply in love with her and enjoyed every second with her. No matter what we did, her presence was the most beautiful thing there is.

The safe house was our little world, and I only left it to spend the night in my room. No matter how much I loved her next to me, I was aware of what she had to go through and didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable under any circumstances. That's why it stayed with the kisses and the hugs, and I was okay with that. It's not her body that attracted me, but her, her inner beauty. I was also very attracted to her body, but I had to have that under control. I sometimes went to my room in the clubhouse a little early just to keep myself under control and not to act like a horny boy. I didn't want her to notice how hard I was getting just from her touches, so I preferred to leave.

I watched her laughing carefree as she watched the film and smiling happily until someone knocked on the door. She turned to me, and I got up to open the door.

"We've been away for a week, and such important things are about to happen here," I heard Ivy say as she walked past me with a smile and hugged Nora.

King followed her and looked from me to Nora.

"Do you want to explain?" he asked me.

"Nora is my girl. She is with me," I said to King, expecting a sermon.

"Yeah...I know. You could have waited until we came back. Duke said the celebration was lit," he said laughing, and I relaxed.

"King, I..." I started, but he interrupted me. "You know that the women from the safe house are off-limits...but if she wants you, then go ahead," King said to me.

"I do! I want him," said Nora, and I turned to her. She looked at me smiling, and Ivy grinned.

"I hope you have something to drink here. I need a damn drink. We just arrived from Alaska," King said as he plopped down on the couch next to Ivy, who laughed.

"Was it that bad?" I asked King and he looked at me with narrowed eyebrows.

"It's so damn cold there," King said, and we all laughed. "It's Alaska," Ivy said, laughing.

When we sat together and King had his beer, he looked at us with a serious expression.

"Tom is coming tomorrow. Void contacted me to come home," he explained, and I looked at Nora, who was looking at me.

"I got you...we'll do this together," I said to her.

"Are you ready to talk?" King asked Nora, and she nodded. "I'll tell Tom everything I know," Nora told, and Ivy smiled. "Just like that, girl!" she said proudly, and I smiled at Nora. "No worries," I said to her, and she nodded again. I felt her tension and calmed her down as I took her in my arms. I knew that she was scared and that it wouldn't be easy.

When Tom came the next morning, we were sitting in the basement where we had our meetings. I felt uncomfortable about it all and knew that Nora felt the same way. After Tom introduced himself and set up his camera, her tension became even greater. I knew he had to record her statement, but Tom and the others in the room knew nothing about Nora's story.

"I have to record the statement, Miss. I hope that's ok," Tom explained, and Nora looked at me.

I held her hand and stroked it lightly to encourage her. Duke, King, and I sat with Ivy and Alice as she was questioned by Tom. I knew it was uncomfortable for her to talk about it in front of everyone, and I felt her pain. I wanted it to be different, but we were a team, and that's how it always went. She took some time to tell her story and looked up when she did, her hands rubbing together. Tom listened to her, and I saw that Alice and Ivy were very upset about everything they heard.

"I'm very sorry, Miss," Tom said to her as he looked at her with pity. "I'm also sorry that I have to ask all these questions," he added.

Nora looked at me and sought comfort in my presence. I was so damn proud of her.

"Do you recognize anyone from these pictures?" Tom asked as he placed photos on the table in front of Nora. Her eyes scanned the faces, and she nodded. Her hand took pictures and put them aside. The more pictures she put aside, the bigger Tom's grin grew.

"Oh, miss, you're helping us a lot," he said as she started to tell him who the men were and what their names were. She told him everything she knew from names to places they brought girls and houses Ted had to the crimes that she witnessed and was dragged into over the years.

"He has videos of everything in his house. He has a safe in his study full of evidence. From rape to torture to murder," Nora said. "He bragged about what he did, and he did it to intimidate me. He thought I'd never be released," she added sadly, looking at me.

"How many women were there?" Tom asked, and Nora thought for a moment.

"He sold 7 women...he held 8 captive for his videos...and he killed 3, including my mother," said Nora.

"How do you know they're dead?" Tom asked.

"He made me watch the videos," Nora replied, and I felt sick. "He cut me with a knife and put his cigarettes out on me when I refused to look. And then he had a Doc who drugged me, and women who worked for him. He played games and made me believe I would be saved by them... I'm sorry for being so emotional. I didn't tell anyone about it except Andrew and Grace. But even they didn't know everything," said Nora and looked at me.

"Grace?...Grace Whit?" Tom asked, and Nora looked at him confused. Tom typed on his laptop and turned the screen to Nora.

"Is that Grace?" he asked Nora, who looked at him with wide eyes.

"Yes, that's Grace," she answered him confused.

"Grace was reported missing a while ago. She contacted me and told me that she was on her way to catch a human trafficker. She wanted to provide evidence. Her last lead led to Irvine, and I've been looking for her ever since," explained Tom.

"What happened to her?" Nora asked angrily.

"Well, she contacted me and sent me some information, but I didn't hear from her in a while... the night we freed you, Grace was there too. We found her in the basement with another girl. Grace is currently safe and recovering," said Tom.

"She's recovering?" Nora asked.

"Grace is in a coma, Nora. She had an operation and hasn't come to since. That's why I couldn't come here right away. I had to make sure she wasn't in danger. We watched her room day and night, and when she was stable for transport, I took her away personally. She's recovering, and when she comes to, we'll see what happens," explained Tom.

"Is she OK?" Nora asked worriedly.

"According to the circumstances," Tom replied.

"But...what was she doing there?" Nora asked in dismay. "According to the bondage marks, she was trapped there for at least a few months. I don't know how Ted caught her, and I hope she can tell us," Tom replied, and she started to cry.

"This is all my fault," Nora said angrily.

"My love, don't do that. Don't blame yourself for this sick man. We don't know what happened," I said to her, and she looked at me sadly.

"He hurt her because of me, Ace," she said with a shaking voice, and I stood up and knelt in front of her. I didn't care that Tom took the statement and I was now disturbing it. My girl was more important to me than the rules. I was so glad that Alice and Ivy followed me and stood by her side to comfort her. Tom turned off the camera and deleted the last part to preserve our identities.

"I'm sorry, Tom," Alice said as she looked at him.

"It's all good, I've heard enough," he said to her.

I held Nora in my arms as she cried, and Ivy stood next to her with her hand over her mouth to stop her sobbing.

"I got you," I whispered to her, and she just cried louder.

When Tom left, no one said anything. King and Duke were visibly affected by the whole story, and Alice and Ivy cried with Nora. I took Nora back to the safe house and put her in her bed.

"Don't go," she said as she held my arm.

"I didn't want to go, doll," I replied.

Nora pulled me onto the bed, and I hugged her. We just lay there, and I comforted her. Her delicate body pressed against me, made my protective instinct only grew. Everything she experienced was much worse than I could imagine. I felt her pain and wanted to bear it for her, but that wasn't possible. The only thing I could do was be there for her and share the pain with her. After some time, she calmed down and fell asleep. The day was tiring, and the interview lasted hours. I watched her face as she breathed evenly. She was relaxed and calm next to me. I adored her even though she doubted herself. I will love her so much until she can see herself through my eyes. I love her already.

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