Ace of Spades ( Mc No limits Book 2)

Chapter 10


I was so happy with everything that happened with Ace in that pool. I was so excited when he kissed me, and I'm sure my flushed cheeks showed it too. He said he wanted me and everything that came with me, even my difficult past. He said he was in love with me. After everything I've experienced, he was the only person who made me feel good. Ace proudly told everyone that I was his girl; he wasn't ashamed, on the contrary. The rest of the evening, he held my hand and looked at me lovingly. When he took me home we stood at the door, but this time it was different than before. He held me in his arms and kissed me.

“See you tomorrow, doll. I have plans for us; I’ll pick you up,” he said, grinning into the kiss.

“Okay, I will be ready,” I replied.

We were like two teenagers who couldn't separate after starting a relationship. I watched him as he walked away from me and kept turning around, smiling and happy. I couldn't believe my luck that this man wanted me. I slept through the night for the first time, and the next morning I woke up to a knock on the door.

"Rise and shine, doll," Ace said, laughing as I sleepily opened the door.

"What time is it?" I asked, still tired.

"It's time to get ready," he said, laughing.

"Where are we going?" I asked, confused.

"You'll see," he replied.

I changed while Ace waited for me at the door and came to him when I was finished.

"You can't leave like that... Something's missing," he said, and I looked down to question my outfit.

He handed me the motorcycle helmet, which he placed on the chair next to the door and smiled.

"But King said I can't leave the community," I said, confused.

"It's not like anyone will recognize you with your helmet on," he replied, laughing.

"I've never been on a motorcycle before," I said shyly.

"Oh, that's even better," he told me with a grin.

He explained to me how to get on the bike and helped me put on the helmet. His fingers brushed my skin as he fastened the helmet and his eyes never left mine.

"Ready?" He asked me, and I nodded.

When he turned the bike on, it was pretty scary, but he laughed and pulled me a little closer to him.

"Don't worry, doll. I've got you. Hold on to me and lean with me. Don't fight the bike. Okay?" He said, and I nodded again.

When he drove off, he was careful at first and drove slowly, but later he drove a little faster. The feeling of riding the motorcycle and holding onto him was indescribable. I felt free and carefree. He often turned his head to me to see if I was okay and kept asking me if everything was okay. It was more than fine, and I quickly relaxed and enjoyed the ride. Ace stopped briefly at a drive-thru and picked up food, which we ate on a hill far from any civilization. The view was beautiful, and I had a lot of fun.

"This is my favorite place... I always come here when I want to be alone. I've never brought anyone with me before," he said to me.

"It's really beautiful," I replied as I looked at the beauty of the landscape.

We sat on the floor and just stared into the distance carefree. Ace hugged me and told me how he found this place, and I listened to him. He kept taking short breaks from talking just to kiss me, and I was happy about all of that tenderness he gave me.

"Thanks, Andrew," I said, and he looked at me smiling. "That I brought you to my super-secret place?" he asked, laughing.

"No... that you have so much understanding for me and are so good to me," I answered.

"I would do anything for you, Nora," he told me seriously. "I've never had anyone who was like that to me," I explained. "You're my first boyfriend," I admitted bashfully. He looked at me and grinned.

"It's getting better and better," he replied with a smile.

"I just don't want to disappoint you," I admitted.

"You can't disappoint me, Nora. I want you exactly as you are," he said seriously.

I looked at his face and searched again for the sign of truth. "I know you think I don't mean it...but I mean every word exactly how I say it," he said and kissed me again.

My trust in people is very low, and I was happy that he understood me so well.

"I'm sorry for always being so suspicious," I explained.

"It's okay. I'll show you every day that I stand behind my words. You're my girl," he said.

"I've been alone my whole life... My mother had me when she was 17, and when I was 10, she married Ted." I started to talk, and he listened to me. "At first, it seemed good, a family, a home. No worries about food and I went to school... But soon I saw what Ted was and what Mom became. The once lovely woman became an empty shell and seemed more and more distant. When I was 13, I realized mom's addiction to drugs, and she was slipping more and more into it. Ted started beating her, and he always brought men with him to go into the basement with mom. I didn't know what they were doing there, so I sneaked into the basement to see..." I added and paused briefly.

"It's okay, doll. You don't have to tell me anything," Ace said worriedly as I became uneasy.

"I have to tell you what you're dealing with, Ace," I said with a shaking voice. "In that basement... Mom was having sex with these men, and Ted was filming it. It was disgusting, and she was half-awake as they took turns. I left the room unnoticed and threw up in the garden... My life was from there... just bad. I could no longer look my mother in the eyes, and my fear of Ted was huge. The older I got, the worse it was. Sometimes Ted came into my room at night and just looked at me. I pretended I slept and just lay there with this great fear. When I was 15, I ran away from home and lived on the streets for a while until I found a job in a restaurant. An older couple took me in. They gave me work and a roof over my head. I lived with them for 5 years, but I was never happy. When the Dawsons died, I was 21... I never finished school and didn't have any kind of documents because I knew Ted would be able to find me that way. He told me so many times that I was going to take Mom's job soon... He thought I didn't know what he was doing in that basement. I didn't want to be like her. I didn't want to be her, Ace," I said as tears covered my cheeks.

Ace took my hand, and I looked at him, his eyebrows narrowed and his eyes full of concern.

"Then I went to L.A. I thought he wouldn't find me in such a big city. Living with fear was terrible, but I had no choice. I have no family and had to cope on my own. That's where I met Grace... I got her roommate, and we quickly became friends. I worked several jobs to keep alive always hidden and scared.She kept her life very private, and only after we had lived together for almost two years did she tell me she was a police officer in training. I was afraid of her when she mentioned the police because Ted was a police officer... He was more than just an officer he was the chief. I had already told her a lot about everything that was happening and felt terrible. Grace encouraged me to report everything and make a statement, which I did... I was portrayed as mentally ill when they informed Ted. He came and played the caring father, and they let him take me with him..." I continued, and Ace took a deep breath.

"He took me back to Irvine that same day and locked me up. He beat me... hurt me... and... he did it too Ace... He raped me and filmed himself doing it," I said sobbing, and Ace took me into his arms.

"I've got you... he can't hurt you anymore," he said quietly. "Ted showed me a newspaper article, and it said that I was dead. He had everything planned out, and no one was looking for me. If Tom can stop him... then I'll tell him everything I know. I was there for two years, Ace, I know a lot," I said as I held onto him.

"We'll catch him. Trust me, Tom is nothing like your stepfather," he assured me.

I looked into his face, my eyes saddened by tears, and I saw his worry. "I promise you," he said reassuringly.

After Grace, I didn't tell anyone about it and felt terribly ashamed of my life. But I had to tell Ace what a burden I was and what danger I brought with me. Ace kept reassuring me that I was safe with them and that he wouldn't let anything happen to me. And I trusted him. For the first time in a long time, I felt safe by his side. He didn't run away; he wasn't disgusted with me, and all he did was be there for me and support me.

"I got you," he kept saying as I cried in his arms, and he kissed me.

"Are you still sure you want me?" I asked, sobbing.

"More than before.. You have so much courage and strengthen my love. I adore you even more because you trust me and told me this," he said.

I enjoyed his caresses and the love he gave me. He managed to calm me down and took me into his lap. I felt protected in his arms, and my feelings for him only grew.

When I calmed down, we drove back. Duke was pretty angry about my leaving the community, but Ace quickly calmed him down. No one recognized me, I didn't take off my helmet while driving, and there was no one on the mountain except us.

"Don't do that anymore, King will take my head off," Duke said to us.

And we promised not to do it anymore. We were out all day, and in his favorite place, we talked for hours. Ace did let Alice know that we were ok; her concern was still there. I was kind of relieved that I told Ace everything. He understood and listened to me, and he didn't leave. He was there for me because he wanted to... he really wanted me. He got me... he got me good.

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