A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 31

I led him into my bedroom and I began undoing the buttons holding my dress together. Once they all came off; the fabric fell to the floor, leaving me in my black lacy panties and bra. He undid his trousers as well and took off the grey shirt he had on, and my eyes followed his every movement with keen focus.

He came into the bed, and we kissed hard while our hands roamed over each other. I moaned when I felt him press again my lower stomach and my legs grew damp with need. He pulled at the black lacy panties I had on and, just as he was abc to slip his finger inside, my home line rang.

We paused and a few seconds later Daniel kissed my lips, “Don’t answer it” he mumbled, trailing it down my neck.

I moaned and my eyes shut, letting it ring until the call ended. A second later, it rang again, and I knew whoever was calli wouldn't stop until the call went through.

Groaning, I picked the line on my lamp stand and held it to my ear.

“Where did you keep your phone?” came the annoyed voice of Aaron and I immediately sat up.


“Yes, it's me. Who's Lionel?” he asked. He had skipped so many formal greetings before the question, but I ignored it. “That's my brother, Zion's uncle” I rubbed my temple, feeling a slight ache there, and I didn't know if it was from being sexually unsatisfied or from Aaron's voice.

“He wants to speak to him," he informed me as if Lionel lived with me.

I exhaled. Aaron's tone was setting me in a very irritated state and it wasn't even funny at this point. “Lionel doesn't live with me, Aaron.”

“Yes, I know that's why I am in front of your house,” he said, and a hunk went off the same second.

“You brought Zion back?!” I exclaimed. I couldn't believe he did.

“He wouldn't give it a rest” he defended his decision as if it was the right one. “What was I supposed to do?”

How about telling him you would do that tomorrow? That's what a parent does. Who in their right mind drives a kid over their mother’s house at past ten p.m. to talk with their uncle?

Someone crazy, that's for sure.

someone called Aaron.

“Hey, come open up.” his voice called out over the phone and before I could reply, he ended the call. I groaned, throwing my head back onto the bed and my hands balled into a tight fist.

I felt frustrated with the day; I felt frustrated with Aaron and also with not getting my due o****m.

My son was important, however, and I had to put him first, always.

This was what you wanted. You didn't want Zion spending the entire day with him and you wanted him back. Don't act lik you aren't happy.’

Ves, I was happy. Throughout the day, I missed Zion and wanted him with me, but having him tossed to me suddenly didn help.

I was this close to exploding. I got up from the bed and picked my dress up from the floor where I'd tossed it earlier and put it on quickly.

I ran my hand through my hair to reduce its messiness before turning around to Daniel, who was now seated on the bed. For a moment, I forgot he was even here. Why did everything have to be complicated for us?

My eyes dropped, “Daniel... I"

“I understand,” he answered, flashing me a small smile.

I made my way over to him, placing my hands on his bare legs. “You don't have to understand.”

He stroked my face, and 1 leaned into him. “But I understand. You're worth waiting for.”

I leaned in and kissed his lips, deepening the kiss by snaking my tongue into his mouth and again and the car horn went off.

I pulled away, hissing in irritation. “Please put on your clothes," I told him before getting up and walking out of the room. I came to the door and open it. The eyes of Aaron who stood beside the car sparkled in delight as he saw me step out, bu that was not about to sway the words I had to say.

“What in the name of all the beautiful things created did you think you're doing by horning like that?!" I thundered, and h backed away from me, “it's past ten p.m. an—"

He didn't et me finish. “All the more reason to let us in”

My eyes flashed red, and I was so close to cussing at him when Zion called to me, “Mommy!”

The fury that had built up within me died off at his tender voice, and I became weak with happiness. “Baby!” I turned to see him opening the car door and stepping out.

I raced to him and took him into my arms. “My boy. My sweet boy” I cooed and nuzzled his back. Taking him into my arms brought him inside.

aron followed behind and despite not wanting him in my house, I didn’t object to him. He was Zion's father, after all. We had to do things like adults for his sake.

“Mommy, I missed you.”

I kissed his head. “I missed you too”

“I miss Uncle Lionel. I want to talk to him. Can I talk to him?” he asked with eager eyes, and I couldn't say no.

Since Lionel left rehab, Zion hasn't called or visited him. They both shared a tight bond until he overdosed months ago ar it was only natural a boy missed his uncle.

“You can, but I can't guarantee you he’s still awake.”

I moved to the armchair I had dropped my bag when I got in earlier with Daniel and picked out my phone. I saw three missed calls from Aaron's number and I knew he had called my phone before trying to home line.

I heard footsteps from the door and I turned to see Daniel already back in his clothes. I noticed the look on Zion's and Aaron's faces. While Zion looked a little confused, Aaron had mixed emotions on his face as he beheld Daniel.

I dialled Lionel's number and after three rings he picked up, “Hello, Zera?" he called out, his voice low and confused. “Lionel, hey. I hope I didn't wake you up’

“You did, but it's fine. What's up?” he said, and 1 felt him sit up.

“Nothing serious, Zion wanted to speak to you,” I answered.

“Oh, okay, give him the phone, then.”

I handed the phone over to Zion, who took it and ran towards his room. With him gone, 1 stood alone with the two men in the room.

There was tension in the room, and I didn't like it. Aaron kept a keen gaze on Daniel as if there was something about him needed to figure out. Daniel didn’t seem to care about that and instead paid more attention to me.

“I guess this is what I interrupted.” Aaron finally broke the silence. “I see why you didn't want to pick up or let me in, despite knowing I was with our son,” he spoke, and his tone came off harshly.

I bit my lips but didn't reply. “I don't think we've been formally introduced. 'm Aaron Hart, Zion's father,” he said, steppin; toward Daniel with his intimidating build and stretching his hand out.

Something flickered in Daniel's eyes at his words, and he turned his attention to him. “Oh, we have met and just like now, you were an a*****e then,” Daniel replied, and took his hand in for a shake.

Aaron smirked and his grip tightened around Daniel's hand and I saw Daniel wince at the grip. “You will do well to stay fa from me, then.” He said, still squeezing Daniel's hand, and pain showed in his eyes.

That was when I realized what he was doing. “Stop it!” I snapped at him, shoving him back, and he broke the handshake. “Get out. Zion will stay with me tonight. You can leave now.”

His teeth clenched, and he glared at Daniel, who now stood behind me, as if everything was his fault. Then he turned to n and without another uttered word, he turned around and took his leave.

Pettiness wasn't something I thought Aaron would possess, but the truth was I didn't know the man I had a child for and every day he showed traits that make me wonder who he really was.

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