A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 30

“Zera," Diya called from behind, and I spun around to see her holding onto Zion's hand while they both stared at us.

She released his hand, and he walked over to me with slow steps. I stooped and stroked his hair down his face tenderly before standing up and stepping out of the way so he can meet his father.

He took his step carefully, and I watched Aaron's agitated look as he waited for Zion to meet up with him. He stooped doy when Zion reached him and they came to almost the same height.

“You have the same eyes as me,” Zion said, his tone coming off shy.

Aaron laughed and my stomach fluttered at how amazing it still sounded after many years. “Yes, I do. And you have the same dimple I have.” he pointed out.

zion bit his lips and nodded, “Yes I do” then he asked, “My favourite colour is blue, what is yours?”

“Also blue”

I turned away from them to Diya, my heart aching in my chest and my eyes glassy. Aaron looked 50 good with Zion and th clicked so well, as if they had met before. I knew he would be an exceptional father to him. Aaron already seemed to have everything figured out.

If I didn't keep Zion away from his father all those years, my position in my son's life would not feel threatened now. As good as this looked, it scared me. I didn’t want to lose Zion, and I didn’t want to fight with Aaron, but he wasn't giving me much of a choice, either. He wanted more than I could give, and that was unacceptable.

She gave me an understanding look. I couldn't lose everything. I had lost enough.

“Your mind is somewhere else,” Daniel said and my senses returned from the thought in my head to the man sitting acros the table, staring at me with the most fascinating look ever, despite the point he was making.

“am sorry” I apologized, my eyes dropping a little.

He smiled, and his hand came across the table and took mine for a quick squeeze. “Its fine. A lot of things are changing i your life. It's okay to have a disoriented mind because of that. I would if I were in your shoes."

Daniel was the sweetest and most understanding man I've ever met, and I wonder why it took me so long to give him a chance.

“Zion is with Aaron.” 1 said, “he took him this morning for swimming classes. They called a few hours before we left the house. Zion is having so much fun with Aaron.”

“As he should. But you don’t seem to be happy about that.”

I was happy, but I was scared. I feared the more time Aaron got with Zion, the more my son would get used to him and the options he provided. He had the luxury and lifestyle I couldn't provide, and that would take Zion's heart away from me. “'m scared. I've had him to myself for over four years and now I have to share him. I don't want to share him” I whined lil a spoilt brat, pouting sadly.

I wouldn't even consider what Aaron wants as sharing. He wanted Zion all to himself and I feared someday he would achieve his goal.

Neither of us had spoken about his proposal after that night. It was the elephant in the room whenever we met in the las week, yet we acted like it didn't exist. Zion spends most nights with me and spends most of the days with Aaron and so it has been in the last week. Though the silence existed, I didn't take it as a good sign. I moved to get my legal team ready and prepare for the worse. That's what I've done so far.

I was ruining this perfect dinner with the worries of my son and I didn't think that was fair to Daniel.

it had been a hard day at work and throughout the week we barely hard time out to ourselves and so knowing Zion woul be with Aaron today; I picked the day out. Here I was ruining the date I had longed for since the week began.

“I'm sorry, Daniel, I'm ruining this date.” My voice dropped in its tempo.

He shook his head and flashed me a small smile. “You're not. You're with me now and your problems are also my probler and we will figure it all out together”

How did I get so lucky with him?

“Let's eat, and once we are done, you can tell me about your journey so far in attaining a PhD degree in psychology.”

This made him laugh, but he nodded. “Sure, we can do that”

The date went well after I stopped worrying about Zion's well-being and concentrated on the man before me. Daniel had fascinating tales to tell that made the night worthwhile and, as he brought me home, I wanted him to spend the night. zion wasn't home, and that meant he could spend the night without me feeling guilty for disrupting the peace or putting myself first.

He walked me to the front door and tucked his hands into his pocket. “I guess this is where I say good night?”

“You don't have to." I pulled closer to him and kissed his lips. He drew a sharp breath and kissed back, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer to himself.

I opened the door and pushed into the room, not breaking the kiss. I needed him and wanted us to cross this point in ou relationship. It's been over a month and I believe it was long overdue. Perhaps this would also help take my focus from Aaron back to him. In the last few days, I've had dreams, and they weren't the purest.

He broke the kiss to stare me in the eyes. “You sure about this?”

I nodded, “Yes” I had waited for five years, and it was long overdue now. “Come with me."

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