A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 24

There was silence in the next few weeks that followed. I had initially thought Aaron's presence at the fundraiser or the University would set my world upside down, but as it turned out; it didn't. 1 saw him a few times after that day, but only i professional settings, which came as a relief to me and everything around me.

still, I couldn't take chances. Diya made a schedule for picking Zion up from school and in the last few weeks, we have all stuck to it. From Monday through Fridays, each person was assigned to pick him up and take him to their place until evening and I'd go over to pick him up and bring him home. The only days I had to pick him up were Fridays because bot! Diya and her parents were busy on that day. Lionel got discharged from the rehabilitation hospital last week and he was slowly getting back into the outside world. Although I could fit him into this schedule, I knew it was best to leave him out for now.

With Aaron being out of the picture for the last few weeks, I could conclude that he would soon return to the United Kingdom where he belonged once the university collaboration completes, and that's in a few more weeks.

Daniel and I have been moving on with our relationship and at first, I was sceptical and unsure about everything, but eve day he makes it worth it. He always made me smile because of the little things he did, and he was happy only when I was happy.

I also wanted him happy.

Everything was falling into place, and I was grateful for it all.

A slight knock came on my office door to disrupt my attention. My head lifted from the few projects I was currently assessing to see Daniel poking his head through with a smile on his face.

“Hey!” he called out.

“Hey, I smiled, dropping the pen in my hand in the book and closing it.

He stepped into the office. “You seem busy." His eyes scanned over the document on my desk before returning to mine. “The perks of being a professor at Stanford University.” I chuckled, and he smiled.

He strode over to me and settled on the desk, trapping my legs between his. “I came in to see how you are doing and fro what I see, I'll say you're very well, beautifully well”

I kept my eyes fixed on him. “Are you complimenting my work or me?”

“Both.” he leaned in and kissed my forehead, sending shivers down my spine. He moved his lips over my nose, pecking it and then moving down to take my lips between his. I sighed into the kiss, knowing I needed this today. I needed him and so I relaxed against him.

I can't believe I denied myself this man for so long because I was afraid I would give too much and neglect Zion.

We have been together this three weeks, and this has been my happiest and I wanted it to last.

His hand snaked into my blouse and I felt it run over my nipples, trapped in my red blouse. They hardened to his touch a a light moan tore through my throat.

Despite dating in the past few weeks and also going on a few dates, we have taken everything at a slow pace. He was beir a nobleman, and I didn’t want to rush into anything with him, including intimacy. Our pace was fine with me and it gave n time to think about other things, including work, my son who would always come first, and my friends and loved ones. His hands cupped the heavy swell of my breast hidden in my bra and gave it a soft squeeze while his tongue flicked into i mouth to taste it. My body lighted up, and I squirmed against him in response.

I moaned when his hand moved down over my stomach and way past the belt of my trousers and as he slid his hand insi to find my love spot, my phone went off on the desk. We broke away, and Daniel withdrew his hand before taking a step back. I reached into my bag and pulled out the phone, only to see Mrs Edwin Loretta’s ID on the screen.

I sit up properly and cleared my throat before picking up the call and placing the phone to my ear. “Hello, Mrs Loretta.” I greeted with an unsure voice because Zion had been in her class for close to a year now and she had never called me at this time, coupled with the fact that this wasn't even close to closing hours. It gave me room for concern.

“Good day, Ms Adams. I am sorry to call and bother you, but we will need you to come to the school as soon as you can.’ “Is there something wrong?” I asked, already standing on my feet.

“Zion was in a fight and badly hurt the boy he fought with,” she said, and my heart sank in my chest.

“He's in Mrs Paula Williamson, the headmistress’s office now, and they are waiting for you.”

“I will be there as soon as I can,” I said and ended the call.

I slipped the phone into my bag, which sat on the desk, and picked it up. That was when I noticed Daniel still in my office and my sadness grew in multiple folds.

I opened my mouth to speak, but he beat me to it, “If this is about Zion." he cupped my face and smiled, “You don't have feel bad for leaving” he kissed my forehead tenderly before stepping back.

This is one reason I can't get enough of this man. His level of maturity and understanding was higher than most. I knew I had found myself a rare gem and I wonder why it took so long.

“Thank you.”

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