A Weekend With The Alpha

A Weekend with the Alpha Chapter 23

His eyes flickered as he stared at me as if trying to figure something out. Whatever he searched for, he didn't see. At least not before we got interrupted. “Ah! There he is. I thought you wouldn't make it’ the vice-chancellor, Mr Tobi Akindele, said, coming in from behind and offering him his hand for a shake. Aaron's attention shifted from me over to the middle-aged man and a smile came onto his face, “Good morning, Mr Akindele.” they shook hands. “Good morning, Mr Hart.” Mr Akindele turned his attention to me, “This is Aaron Hart,” he told me. “Mr Aaron Hart, this is. “Zera Adams." Aaron beat him to the introduction, and that made him raise a brow of interest. “You two know each other? While I moved to say, “We met at the fundraiser.” Aaron said, “We have a bit of history,” at the same time. Well, I didn't think this would go well and so far it hasn't. “Okay, that's good then.” Mr Akindele said, brushing what Aaron had just said off lightly. It wasn't good, but it would be less complicated if he thought so. “He met with everyone after the fundraiser on Friday. You left earlier, so he didn't get to meet you finally. Mr Hart would visit the university from time to time in the coming months, as you already know. We also expect every staff at the university to give their total corporation in achieving this year's goal” he explained. “Yes, sir, I will do my best to," I answered, and he smiled warmly at me. Mr Tobi took Aaron into his office to continue whatever discussions they had, and I hurried over to my first class. I taught the students and forged my way on with the lecture the best way I could. The last person I wanted to find at my door as I ended my first lecture was Daniel. I wished I had magical powers to make him go away, but alas, I didn’t. I opened the door to my office, and I stepped in without uttering a word. I set my bag on the desk and I heard the door close from behind, telling me he was also inside. My mind wandered to where I could start. I needed a cover-up story, one that he would believe without having a doubt. All those thoughts disappeared when I heard him ask. “Aaron Hart is Zion's father, isn't he?” His voice already sounded certain of the answer. I raised a brow as I spun around to meet him. “What makes you say that?" He walked past me and picked up the small framed picture on my desk and showed it to me. It was a picture of Zion and me, taken three months ago at the museum. He had the biggest smile visit ing there for the fi time, and I wanted to have the memory. When the photographer came over to us and asked if we wanted our pictures taken, I couldn't say no to him. Zion had a grin that brought his dimple out and made his Hazel eyes flicker adorably. I ha my arms wrapped around him while staring at him in the picture. My eyes dropped as the picture answered my question and I knew lying and pretending would get me nowhere. “He doesn't know, does he?” I bite my lips and shook my head. “He doesn't” I replied with a small voice. “I didn't think we'd ever meet again, and I did want him back in my life. So I kept him out of Zion's. I'm a horrible person, but I was scared.” “Do you still love him?" The word love echoed in my ears. I don't love him. I didn't even love him to begin with. What we had were fleeting emotic and infatuated reactions. It wasn't real, and I have told myself that every time I have thought back to those times. “I never loved him, Daniel. We spent a weekend together, and that was it He flashed me a smile. “I think you have told yourself that for so long that you believe that's the truth. I don't know what happened between you two, but it shows in your voice that it was more than mere fleeting feelings.” I don't need a shrink! I groaned. “Fine, I might have given my heart to him, but I wasn't what he wanted. So, I snapped out of the madness and decided to put myself first” “50 you no longer love him.” “I don’t and I'd appreciate you keep what you know about Zion to yourself. Can you do that for me, at least until I'm read to tell him?" He nodded, adding, “It's not my secret to spill” I smiled, feeling at ease, but knowing safety was now very far away. “Besides, now I know why I'd never measure up.’ His words made me stare at him, confused. “Why?” “Aaron Hart set the standards of men you should be with, and that's above where I can reach.” I stepped toward him. “Never sell yourself short. You're as good enough as Aaron Hart. The heart is the most important thing at the end of the day." His smile was small, and there was a happy flicker in his brown eyes. “Thank you.” he leaned in, closing the space betwee us and kissing my lips, taking me by surprise. I kissed back before I could stop myself. My arms wrapped around his neck and I deepen the kiss and pull him closer. I moaned when he wrapped his arms around my waist, moving it up to my back and squeezing the flesh there. He let go after a while and pulled away, placing his forehead against mine while we both caught our breath. “am sorry if I took you by surprise. I just couldn't help it after you said those mice words." I licked over my bottom lips and smiled, still dragging deep breaths. “Don't be sorry. I liked it and 1 like you. I think you're nice guy. I'm just not sure I can give you what you want. My life is at the point where nothing is certain and 1 don't think it would be fair to add a relationship to the mix. So yes, 1 like you, but I don't know if that's enough.” He grinned and stroked the side of my face, making me shiver at his touch. “Only one way to find out” Again he leaned in and took my lips between his for another round of heated kiss and it made me smile. Maybe giving another try to love wouldn't be such a bad idea.

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