A Warrior's Love

Chapter 12: Cherry causes trouble

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

“Is that who I think it is?” Demi growled as she stared at the girl standing next to the table the two guys sat at.

“Yep, it’s the one and only Queen of Mean, Cherry,” Becky agreed. She gave an internal growl of her own as she saw how close to Wyatt the girl stood.

Demi stalked toward the three of them, but Becky hung back slightly, waiting. She wanted to see what kind of excuse Cherry would use for being there.

Jake looked up as Demi approached them. He looked relieved but didn’t say anything, just waited.

Demi gave another light snarl, announcing her presence to Cherry and Wyatt.

Cherry turned, and seeing Demi standing there with her arms crossed, Cherry gave a fake smile. Then, she said, “Hello Demi, I was just reminding Jake about the Winter Fling Dance. I was curious as to whether the two of you planned to be there.”

Becky noticed Cherry seemed oblivious to the fact she was close, either that or she hadn’t noticed her yet. Then again, Cherry knew better than to say something rude in front of Jake and Demi and probably thought it best to pretend Becky didn’t exist. Whichever it was, Becky was glad because anything Cherry said to her would have been hateful.

Thing was, Becky wasn’t even sure why Cherry hated her so much. As far as she knew, she’d never done anything to Cherry. Cherry made it her life’s work, however, to make sure Becky was tormented on a daily basis at school by most everyone in their grade. If Demi was around it was only verbal abuse, if not things sometimes became physical.

“You know I wouldn’t miss it Cherry, it is our senior year after all. Of course, Jake will come with me.” Demi finally spoke up to say.

Becky took a moment to look over at Wyatt. He seemed to be ignoring the whole conversation, as he concentrated on the milkshake sitting on the table in front of him. She smiled because he was still acting as if women were invisible. By the way Cherry kept looking his way, a pout on her face, Becky could tell it was annoying Cherry greatly that he wasn’t looking her way. Wyatt must have ignored her the whole time she’d been standing there.

Becky held back a giggle at Wyatt’s ignorance of Cherry because it was funny to her as she decided to join the group. As she moved forward, Wyatt’s head turned her way and his eyes had lit up.

Cherry’s face was now red in color and showing extreme annoyance and anger. She almost had steam coming out her ears, but she was trying so hard not to glare at Becky.

Becky didn’t care about Cherry though, she only had eyes for Wyatt. So, moving up to stand next to him she softly told him, “Hey, I got what you wanted.”

Wyatt took the bag she held from her and peeked inside. When he looked back up his eyes were dark and full of heat. His voice was husky and low as he asked, “Model it for me?”

Becky nodded, feeling her face flush as Demi giggled, knowing what Becky had bought. Jake snickered as he gave Demi a knowing look. He’d probably figured out what was in the bag just by how red Becky’s face was. Cherry just looked even angrier because she was being ignored.

“Then let’s go,” Wyatt suggested as he stood up to leave.

“Do you want a milkshake Demi?” Jake asked as he also stood up.

“Yeah,” Demi answered, then asked, “what about you Becky?”

Becky looked at Wyatt’s shake as she asked, “What are you having?”

“Vanilla,” Wyatt answered.

Becky cocked her head before asking, “Vanilla, no chocolate?”

Wyatt shook his head, saying, “Allergic.”

“I’m allergic to chocolate too,” Becky informed him, giving him a big grin.

Wyatt held out his cup, which was almost full, and said, “I’ll share if you like. I’ve not drunk much of it.”

“Yeah, thank you” Becky answered as she took it from him. She took a sip before turning to Demi and said, “I’m good Demi because Wyatt is going to share his shake with me.”

Demi gave Becky a thumbs up as she and Jake made their way to the counter to order Demi’s shake. When they were finished, the four of them headed out, leaving an angry Cherry standing there alone.

Once they’d reached the SUV and climbed inside, Jake turned to look at Wyatt. He huffed lightly, then said, “Dude, a little help in getting rid of that chick would have been nice.”

Wyatt frowned as he asked, “What chick?”

Jake growled, rolling his eyes as he said, “The one asking you all the questions. What’s your name? Where are you from? Are you in school? Which one? Are you single? Are you busy on Friday? And on, and on, and on she went. Did you not hear her?”

“Yes, but I thought she was speaking to you,” Wyatt replied in a monotone.

“ME! You should have known she wasn’t talking to me! You had to know she was a wolf by her scent, and you know I have a mate, so why would she be talking to me?” Jake almost yelped.

Wyatt just shrugged, looking unconcerned.

So, with a groan, Jake turned around and beat his forehead on the steering wheel. He then muttered, “Ugh... I have a headache.”

“That’s what happens when you beat your head like that against something hard,” Wyatt blandly informed him.

“Ugh, I had one before the head beating began! Cherry gave it to me with her endless questions,” Jake said with another groan.

Becky leaned forward to tap Jake on the shoulder. When Jake turned to look at her, she gave him a sympathetic smile. She could see the frustrated look on his face but tried not to laugh at him, instead, she explained, “Don’t feel bad Jake, women are invisible to Wyatt.”

Jake’s eyes widened as he turned once more to gaze at Wyatt.

“Women are not invisible to me K’aalógii. I have explained this to you,” Wyatt said gruffly as he stared at Becky.

“What did she look like then?” Jake questioned him.

“Who?” Wyatt asked, turning back to look at Jake.

Jake huffed as he said, “Cherry, the girl who was annoying me with all her questions.”

Wyatt shrugged, as he answered, “I don’t know, I paid her looks no attention because I didn’t care to know her or to look at her.”

Becky smirked when Jake looked back at her, his eyes wide with disbelief. She shrugged as she sat back in her seat saying, “Told you, Jake, invisible.”

Shaking his head, Jake turned around to face the front once more. Then, after cranking the truck, he took off left the parking lot behind as he headed toward home.

Becky ended up not getting a chance to model her new bra for Wyatt, much to her disappointment and his. They had stayed at the mall longer then she’d realized and when they returned home, she noticed just how late it was.

So, she informed Wyatt she had to get her homework done first because she knew if she didn’t, they’d get sidetracked and it wouldn’t get done. By the time she’d plodded through all her homework, it had been dinner time. Then, Jeff had called telling them that Mom expected them for dinner.

Wyatt hadn’t been thrilled about eating at her parent’s house. Since neither of them had started cooking anything, however, they had no excuse not to go.

When they’d arrived at her parent’s things had been a bit tense, but by the time they were ready to leave her mom had at least stopped sending angry looks Wyatt’s. Becky knew though that even when Mom did speak to Wyatt, it was out of politeness and would never amount to much. No, they would never be close, it just wasn’t in the cards.

Papa seemed to like Wyatt well enough though. Since Becky had always been closer to Papa, she felt happy that he liked her mate. She was also happy that Jeff liked Wyatt too. So, at least Wyatt didn’t have everyone against him.

Needless to say, it was late when they returned home. So, after wishing Wyatt a goodnight, Becky shuffled off to bed, asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Becky groaned as her alarm blared at six-thirty the next morning, she so didn’t want to get up! Knowing she had to though, she shut off the alarm and rolled over. When she did, she heard paper crinkling under her cheek. Having expected a warm chest, she frowned at the note that was laying on Wyatt’s pillow.

The note read: Good morning Becky. I’m sorry to say I can’t take you to school this morning. Alpha Bannon called early, he wants to have a meeting before training starts, but I will hopefully be able to pick you up. --W/Stone

Becky pouted, not because he couldn’t take her with him, but because she wouldn’t get to see him, or kiss him good morning and goodbye. So, heaving a heavy sigh of disappointment, she stood up and grabbed her crutch. She then made her way to the bathroom to get ready for school.

A little later she walked into the kitchen and saw another note lying next to her phone. It read: I forgot to give you my number in case you need it, so here it is. --W/Stone

He is always so sweet, she thought as she quickly put his number in her cell phone contacts.

She then sent him a quick text, saying, “I miss you already”.

Then just to be silly, she signed it B/B/Monroe. Only a minute had passed before he texted back asking, “Why the extra B?”

Becky/Butterfly/Monroe, Becky told him in a quick text back. She then waited. Her phone pinged, and she read his texted reply, “Oh. I miss you already too”.

She stood, debating on if she should continue the text conversation with him when she heard a horn beep. Knowing Demi had arrived, she quickly texted, “my ride to school is here, see you after school”.

“See you, have a good day”, was his return reply.

Putting her phone away in her purse, she grabbed her school books and hurried out to the car. With a quiet “hello” as she got in the car, she and Demi headed for school. Once inside the school doors, the day seemed to drag by more than usual. When Becky said as much to Demi at lunch she’d laughed.

“That’s because you’re in loooovvveee!” Demi said with a snicker.

“Oh, I am not!” Becky denied with a blush.

“Okay, fine be that way,” Demi said with a slight pout, “but if you miss him then you obviously feel something for him.”

Becky just shrugged. She wasn’t ready to put a label on her feelings for Wyatt quite yet. Demi had given her own shrug and they moved on to other subjects. Soon, lunch was over, and they returned to class to finish out the day.

Later, when the school day had finally ended, Becky was ready to run out the door to avoid anyone who might want to mess with her. Her bladder was killing her though and she really needed a bathroom first because she wasn’t sure she’d be able to hold it until she got home. So, closing her locker, she turned to Demi and said, “I’ll meet you outside, I have to go to the bathroom because I’ll never make it home.”

“Do you want me to go with you?” Demi asked, closing her own locker door.

“No, I won’t be long, and the restroom is just down the hall from the outside door,” Becky said as they began to walk. “I’ll be okay.”

“Are you sure Becky, because I can wait for you,” Demi told her as they stopped outside the girls’ restroom.

“It’s alright, really. I think everyone is gone now since I had to stay after to talk to Ms. West about my English project,” Becky reminded her. She then walked into the restroom as Demi headed down the hall toward the outside door.

Becky quickly finished her business. She then left the restroom and jogged toward the doors and freedom.

“Hey, you! Stop, I want to talk to you!”

Becky heard the voice yell. Puzzled, she stopped at the door and turned slightly as she started to push it open it. It was Cherry that had yelled out, and she was almost at her. So, Becky decided it was time to make tracks. She moved out of the door but had only gone a couple of steps when Cherry grabbed her arm.

Cherry held onto Becky’s arm with a vice-like hold, her nails were digging in, and probably drawing blood. It took everything Becky had not too scream in pain as Cherry snarled, “I said, I want to talk to you Gimpy.”

“Demi is waiting for me Cherry, you know how little patience she has,” Becky murmured, trying not to whimper in pain. She didn’t want to set Cherry off because she really didn’t want to explain any bruises to Wyatt.

“I don’t care! I want to know who the wolf was with you yesterday. He ignored me, and that brat Jake wouldn’t tell me anything when I asked him earlier. Now tell me what I want to know because he’s sexy and I want him,” Cherry snarled almost baring her teeth.

Becky swallowed hard, fear riding her hard. She knew what Cherry was capable of, and yet she still found herself thinking, I’m sure you do, but you can’t have him. She sighed as she looked up through her lashes at the snarl on Cherry’s face. I know better than to antagonize Cherry, but I’m so tired of being a wimp. I’m a warrior’s mate, so shouldn’t I have a backbone?

So, Becky took in a deep breath and straightened her spine. She then looked Cherry straight in the eye as she calmly said, “The only thing you need to know about him Cherry is that he’s mine.”

Cherry’s eyes narrowed, her lip lifting to show her canines had sharpened as she silently growled.

Becky knew she was in trouble then, but she never expected what happened next.

“Wrong answer,” Cherry growled before she gave Becky a hard push.

Becky screamed as she went flying down the school steps behind her.

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