A Warrior's Love

Chapter 11: Something in green, please

(Shidá’í: Uncle in Navajo)

(K’aalógii: Butterfly in Navajo)

An hour later Wyatt finally walked his Shidá’í to the door before returning to the living room. He then sat down on the couch with a tired grunt and waited for Becky to join him, picking up the remote and turning the TV on.

Becky hummed softly as she finished cleaning up the kitchen. Once she was finished, she turned to leave, shutting off the lights. She paused in the doorway, a soft smile on her face as she watched Wyatt flip channels on the TV. She stood quietly, debating within herself about something she had been thinking for a while now. I want to be close to him, to be more intimate with him. I’m not sure how far I want to take it, but I know I want more.

Wyatt finally looked up, as if feeling her gaze, and asked, “Are you going to join me?”

“Yes, but...?” Becky began, only to stop, unsure.

“But what?” Wyatt asked as he flipped the TV off. He then turned and gave her his undivided attention.

“Would it be to... forward of me to sit on your lap?” Becky asked, figuring that sitting in his lap would be a good place to start. She’d seen Papa and Mom get cozy and loving as they sat that way.

Wyatt watched her with those dark eyes of his as she moved forward. Becky saw his eyes darken even more as she drew closer, the pupils becoming dilated.

“I would like that,” Wyatt told her in a husky voice. He then patted his thigh in encouragement.

So, Becky stepped closer, she now stood directly in front of him. Leaning forward, she placed her hands on his shoulder before spreading her legs to sit down with her knees digging into the back of the couch cushions on either side of his hips. Once she was comfortable and well balanced, she raised her hand, pulling the leather strap out of his hair. She then ran her fingers through the soft strands as she softly whispered, “So thick and soft.”

Wyatt just sat, calmly waiting for her next move.

This caused Becky to feel even bolder. The feeling of boldness had her leaning forward and placing her lips on his. The kiss was soft and only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to stir a heat in her and make her want more. She had no experience with boys to fall back on though and that feeling of unsurely was in the back of her mind. All she’d ever done with a boy was what little she and Wyatt had done, and she felt that he was just as inexperienced as she was. So, all their first would be experienced and that thought alone had the heat in her body heating with the flame of arousal.

When their lips met again, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tight against her, tilting her head to try and deepen their kiss.

Wyatt growled a bit before he nipped at her lip, which caused her to moan. Soon instinct took over him and Wyatt was kissing and nipping his way down her neck. Her moans encouraged him to continue as her hands tugged at his hair. Needing more, his face buried in her neck, he mumbled, “K’aalógii, is it too soon to ask if I can see you shirtless?”

Becky stiffened, she couldn’t help it because the thought of him seeing her body made her nervous. She could feel his hands on her waist holding her against his hardening manhood. So, she knew he was as aroused as she was by what they had been doing, little as it had been. Deep down inside her, if she were honest, she just wasn’t sure if she was ready to go too far, not yet.

Am I ready for him to see me shirtless? That isn’t too much, I mean, I’d still have my bra on, not like I’d be completely bare. So, would taking my shirt off really be a bad thing? Maybe he’d be willing to take his off to, I wouldn’t mind seeing him shirtless and it would be a fair trade.

Wyatt pulled back from Becky when she didn’t answer and said, “I’m sorry, it’s too soon, I shouldn’t have asked. I guess I just let my hormones run wild, but I shouldn’t. I’m too old to be letting myself...”

Becky placed her hand over his mouth stopping his fast speech. Then, taking a deep breath she murmured, “Wyatt look at me.”

Wyatt raised those dark eyes and as their gazes collided, she saw the heat still in them. On his face though was the expression of a nervous boy who was scared he had gone too far.

“It’s alright to ask Wyatt, and my hormones are going pretty crazy right now too,” Becky admitted. She then said, “It’s just that nobody but my mom has seen me without a shirt, ever, and that was a long time ago.”

“I understand,” Wyatt whispered.

Wanting to please him, and perhaps see a bit of him too, she asked, “Will you take your shirt off if I take mine off?”

Wyatt’s eyes brightened, and he quickly pulled his t-shirt up and over his head. He then sat, waiting patiently.

So, taking a deep breath, Becky did the same. She then watched as his eyes took in her shirtless chest. Her skin was pale and had no tan lines because most of the time she kept everything covered. This was mostly because she was always cold, but it also meant her skin was extremely white compared to his beautiful red-brown skin. Her boobs are a size C, not so big that they entered a room before her, but large enough to have Wyatt looking at them in awe.

I am so happy right at this moment that I wear pretty underthings, satin and lace are my favorite because they make me feel pretty, even when the kids at school are calling me names. The look on Wyatt’s face tells me that perhaps he likes what I’m wearing also.

Wyatt ran his fingertips lightly over the curve of her breast. He then rubbed the lightly at the skin on the edge of her bra as he murmured, “Beautiful.”

Becky leaned toward him, placing her hands on his chest for her own exploration. She then leaned further in, thinking she’d kiss him just as the doorbell rang. She jumped a bit before she and Wyatt both turned their heads to look at the door.

“Really?” Becky huffed, feeling disappointed that their time had been interrupted. She then muttered, “Who even knows we’re here?”

Wyatt shrugged.

So, with a slight pout on her face, Becky stood up and pulled her t-shirt back on. With a huff of annoyance at being interrupted, he walked over to the door and opened it. She found Demi on her doorstep grinning. Becky gave Demi a grin of her own, her annoyance fading, before asking, “How did you find me?”

“We stopped at your house and Jeff said I could find you here,” Demi told her.

“We?” Becky questioned.

“Yeah, Jake’s over there mooning over Wyatt’s car,” Demi said, laughing as she pointed.

“The car is Becky’s,” Wyatt said coming up to stand next to Becky, now wearing his shirt once more.

“Really? Oh, wow, Becky! I know you’ve been wanting a car and that is one really nice car,” Demi said.

Wyatt walked around Demi and headed over to where Jake stood. Jake began to ramble on, his hands waving to make his point. Jake could talk for hours and never expect you to say a word, which is good since Wyatt doesn’t talk much.

“So, what brings you by?” Becky asked, “I wasn’t expecting to see you until Monday.”

“I know, but you remember that dress I bought Friday? Well, it didn’t look as good on as I thought it would,” Demi told her with a pouty look.

Becky shook her head as she said, “I told you to try it on.”

“I know, I know, but now I have to take it back,” Demi grumbled. She then suggested, “Besides, I was thinking about that new pizza place in the mall and decided we need to try it. Does Wyatt eat pizza?”

“Um... you know I have no idea,” Becky admitted. So, she called out to Wyatt, saying, “Wyatt!” When he turned their way she asked, “Do you eat pizza?”

Even at a distance, the girls could see Wyatt’s total disgust, his face wrinkling up. This caused the girls to laugh.

“That answers that question, I guess,” Becky murmured when her laughter had subsided. “Well, there are other foods to choose from, so I’m sure he’ll find something to eat. Just give me a moment to put some shoes on and grab my purse, then I’ll be ready to go.”

Demi gave a nod and headed back to Jake’s side.

Becky stepped back inside the house and ran to the bedroom. Once there, she pulled her shoes on and grabbed her purse from the dresser. She then walked out of the house, locking it behind her before walking over to where Wyatt stood next to Jake’s SUV, with a slightly out of breath huff, she said, “I’m ready.”

Then they all climbed inside Jake’s SUV and headed for the mall.

Becky and Wyatt walked together through the mall, hands clasped together between them, trailing slightly behind the other couple. She had nothing to buy, so she just windows shopped as they went.

When they reached the dress store where Demi had bought her dress, Demi pulled Becky inside. She quickly returned the dress and they made their way through the store to find a replacement.

“Being the more mature one here Becky, I wanted to give you some advice,” Demi whispered once they’d separated from the boys.

“Okay, oh great one, what is your advice?” Becky asked.

“Well, from the looks of your neck, I’d say things are heating up fast between you two...”

Becky gasp at Demi’s words and holding her hand to her neck, she went in search of a mirror. Wyatt had left small love bites all down the side of her neck. She groaned with embarrassment as Demi giggled behind her. Becky whisper yelled, “Why didn’t you say something, Demi?”

Demi shrugged and said, “It’s not that big of a deal Becky. It was probably his way of sort of marking you as taken, nothing to be embarrassed about.”

“No, I would be surprised if he even realized he was doing it,” Becky disagreed, still staring at the love bites on her neck.

“Hm... maybe, but as I was saying maybe you need to think about protection,” Demi suggested, “you know, just in case.”

“Protection,” Becky whined in a strangled voice.

“Yes, protection, unless you’re ready to give him a little Wyatt already,” Demi smirked.

Becky watched in the mirror as her mouth dropped open and her face turned bright red before, she turned to glare at Demi. She then whispers yelled, “I’m only seventeen Demi. I may be feeling a bit hormonal, but I’m nowhere near ready to be a mom.” Then a thought crossed her mind and she blurted it out, “But he might be!”

“You know it’s physically impossible for Wyatt to be a mother Becky,” Demi said drolly.

Becky smacked Demi’s arm but couldn’t stop the laugh that came out all the same. She then muttered, “You know what I meant! Seriously though Demi, he’s almost twenty-six, what if he is ready to be a Daddy?”

“Well, I think maybe you two need to talk about it,” Demi suggested. She then went on, saying, “I would at least convince him to wait until you graduate to knock you up. It would be even better if you waited a year. A year would give you time to really get to know each other and that would be harder to do if you add a baby to the mix.”

“Yeah, I think I’d like some time for just the two of us before adding a baby,” Becky agreed.

Demi nodded and asked, “So, protection?”

Becky sighed and said, “Yeah, I have a feeling we’re gonna need it.”

The girls left the changing room and deciding to go find the guys since Demi had lost interest in finding a replacement dress.

“Hey Becky, do you feel the bond between you and Wyatt? I know you’re human, but I’m curious as to whether or not you feel it,” Demi said as we walked back through the store.

“I don’t know Demi,” Becky said, then asked, “what does it feel like for you?”

Demi turned, and Becky turned with her. The two of them spotted Jake and Wyatt across the way and paused in their walking.

Demi then turned to look at Becky as she said, “Well... I guess the easiest thing to explain is the need. I need Jake all the time, and it isn’t just the lovemaking part of it. It’s also just wanting him with me, to feel his arms around me, to hear his heartbeat in sync with mine. When I’ve been at school all day, and then I see him, I become so excited. When he’ll tell me he loves me, that he missed me, I can just hear his love for me in his words. Oh, and when he tells me how beautiful I am, it makes me the happiest girl in the world. So, I guess he just makes me feel...?”


Demi smiled, turning back to look at Jake who was standing with Wyatt just outside a store across from them. She then whispered, “yeah” before she began to jog across the floor, calling out to Jake and snagging his attention, saying, “Hey Jakey, I’m hungry, feed me!”

Jake turned and held his arms out to her as he said, “Well, come on then my chickadee, let us feed you before you perish with hunger and I am forever alone!”

Demi giggled as she jumped into Jake’s arms and began kissing him. About every two steps, Jake would stop and kiss her back or whisper in her ear causing her to giggle.

So, Becky quickly grabbed Wyatt’s arm and began pulling him toward the food court. She whispered, “They’ll be a while, better to act like you don’t know them right now.”

“Are they always so... affectionate in public?” Wyatt asked in a dazed tone, his face blank.

“Yeah, that’s why Jake brought Tim along the last time to keep me company. They were a lot worse that day. Demi practically had her hands down his...” Becky stopped and cleared her throat as she felt her face heat at the memory. She then said, “Anyway, enough about that. Let’s find some lunch.”

Wyatt nodded and walked along with her. Suddenly he stopped moving, and she looked over to see why. They were standing in front of a lingerie store window. She then looked at him questioningly.

“Becky, would you do something for me?” Wyatt asked very softly, his face looking a bit pink even though it held no emotion.

“Sure, if I can,” Becky agreed.

“I really like the color green, the darker green, like the gemstone.”

“Emerald?” She asked.

“I really like your pretty...um...” Wyatt began as he looked down at her chest, pausing.

“My bra?” She asked, guessing.

“I was wondering if you would... never mind,” Wyatt murmured, his face now even pinker, as he tugged at her hand and once more began to walk.

Wyatt was clearly embarrassed by the fact that he wanted to see her in his favorite color, but Becky found it cute. To be honest, it turned her on just thinking about what his reaction would be if she were to wear something sexy for him. She bit her lip, thinking, stupid hormones! Then she almost groaned because now she wanted it as bad as he did.

So, she whispered, knowing he would still hear, “We’ll go there after lunch Wyatt and I’ll find something pretty in green if you like.”

Wyatt turned to look at her and she saw the heat flare in his dark eyes as he said, “I like.”

They continued walking.

Jake and Demi caught up with them just as they walked out of the sub place where Wyatt had gotten himself two large steak subs, extra meat, no cheese. Then together they continued to the pizza place for their pizza.

When they were finished eating, Becky told Demi she wanted to make a quick stop before heading out. Demi agreed to go with her.

Jake said him, and Wyatt would wait for them at the ice cream shack. He then mumbled, “I’m tired of walking and shopping in every store we pass.”

“That’s fine Jake, we won’t be long I promise,” Becky told him solemnly. She and Demi then left the men and headed for the lingerie store.

“What do you need here?” Demi asked.

“Something in emerald green,” Becky told her as they began their search.

Becky looked at bras, teddies, negligees, and panties. She was ready to just give up when she saw the perfect emerald green and white lace bra with matching booty shorts. She also found a pretty negligee that looked sexy without being slutty.

“Yes, these are perfect, I’ll get them!” Becky exclaimed as she pulled her size off the rack.

“Those are really pretty Becky, but why green? I don’t think you’ve ever worn green. You lean more toward white and yellow,” Demi commented as she looked at what Becky had picked.

“I don’t usually, but it’s Wyatt’s favorite color. So, I figured I’d give green a try,” Becky told her.

“Oh!” Demi said giving her a knowing look. Then, dropping a box of condoms on the counter, she gave a muffled giggle before adding, “Then you better get this too, because when he sees you in those it’s going to have him ALL amped up!”

“Where did you get that?” Becky asked, embarrassed as the cashier, a woman about her mom’s age, rang her up. She watched as Demi pointed to the display she’d never noticed before during the multiple times they’d been in this store. She finished paying for her purchases as she asked, “Has it always been there?”

“Yep, you’ve just never noticed because you had no need for them. Now, let’s go,” Demi said and turned to leave.

Grabbing her bag, Becky walked out right behind Demi. It was now time to search for their men. Unfortunately, when they found them, they weren’t alone!

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