A Summer Of Missing Princesses

Chapter Scotty Sorcerer Of Magical Winds

I set out once again, my eyes fixed upon that massive stone tower. It nearly looks like a perfect cylinder, but upon looking at it more closely, I can see that it very slightly becomes smaller as it goes up, having slanting walls. While walking, I accidentally trip over a clump of grass and fall.

“Ouch!” I cry out.

Luckily, I am not hurt that badly, so I get back up. Under the grass that got ripped up is a few colorful coins. How did coins get under a patch of grass? I pick them up to examine them, never having seen such before. I would have asked somebody about it, but there was nobody around. It’s just me in a big open grassy field.

The sun starts getting lower in the sky, making it gradually become dark. It sure is strange how time passes so quickly... I guess I should have asked Fraizer about it while I was at his house. Oh well, it is too late now. As I look around again, I realize I am already far away from that little house.

I put the coins in a baggy and keep on walking. In just a moment, that massive tower that once appeared to be hundreds of miles away is right in front of me, looming ominously. I don’t bother knocking as it will be better if Scotty doesn’t know I am here. I open the door and it creaks loudly. Well, there goes my plan to sneak in...

I step into the tower and see that it is well lit with tons of little lanterns along the walls. It’s a bit cold inside, though, this causes me to shudder. I venture further in, looking for any sign of the missing princess. I hear another loud squeak and whip around only to find out that the door has been shut. Next, I hear a little kid giggling.

“Who’s there?” I ask.

“Who’s there?” a little kid asks back, mocking me.

A shadow races across the floor and then transforms into a child when close to me. He has black hair and blue eyes. He grins at me creepily.

“You’re in my house, you know!” the kid says.

“Yes... Are you Scotty?” I ask.

The little boy laughs at me and then resumes grinning.

“No, but I’m sure he’d be delighted to meet you!” the boy says, “As would the others...”

As he says this, a bunch more shadows start swarming around me and turning into identical copies of the first boy. That’s when I realize that these must be the minions Fraizer mentioned. The original breaks free from the pack and balances on a handrail of the stairwell.

“OH, SCOTTY! WE HAVE A GUEST!” the first boy yells up the stairs.

A strong gust of wind sweeps down the stairwell and then a new figure appears. This new figure is not much taller than the little boys. He has long hair that has been dyed lavender, but I can tell by the grown out roots that it was originally pale blonde. His blood red eyes glimmer as he examines me. I also notice that rather than finger nails, this guy has claws. I say a quick prayer, knowing this might not go over so well.

“Ah... A female! You just walked right into my tower? I didn’t even have to invite you?” Scotty asks.


“Ooh hoo hoo! A feisty one! Just like her... I like you!” Scotty says.

“TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!” I demand again.

“Ah... If you want your precious princess so badly...” Scotty says, leaping onto a gust of wind, “Then catch me!”

He takes off up the stairs and I follow quickly. The stairs wind around and around with occasional spots where they lead to new floors. He keeps on going up, so I do too. At first, there are tons of windows, but the higher we go, the less windows I see.

“Still following me?” Scotty asks, snickering.

“Of course! I need the princess!” I say.

“You can’t have her! She’s mine now!” Scotty says.

He throws open a door at the top floor and flies out. I follow him, finding myself standing on clouds. All around me is clouds.

“Tada! Now I’ve got you right where I want you!” Scotty says.

“Where is she?!” I ask.

“Somewhere,” Scotty says, wiggling his fingers.

I unsheathe my sword.

“Oh... You want to kill me, don’t you...?” Scotty says, looking disappointed.

“Only if I have to,” I say.

“I don’t like fighting girls,” Scotty says, crossing his arms and pouting.

“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any uglier,” I say.

“Oh! You disapprove of my pouty face?! Why?! It’s magnificent!” Scotty says.

I swing at him and he leaps out of the way.

“Oh! That could have hurt!” Scotty exclaims.

“Either you tell me where Sìneag is or fight me!” I yell.

“So conflicting... I can’t let you have my precious girl, but I also don’t want to fight...” Scotty says, sitting down.

I feel a little tap on my back, so I turn around to see one of the little clones.

“What do you want?!” I ask.

“Hi... I’m Mungo Clone 77897653,” he says, grinning.

“I’m trying to confront Scotty, please go away,” I say.

“I like you. Please, stay with us...” says Mungo Clone 77897653.

“Well, I don’t like you. You work for this creep!” I say, pointing behind myself.

I can sense him waving hello behind me.

“Of course I work for him. He’s my daddy!” Mungo Clone 77897653 says.

“How do I get him to fight me?” I ask.

“I’m not going to!” Scotty shouts.

“You just gotta make him hate you, I guess...” Mungo Clone 77897653 says, shrugging.

“Okay... Well... Scotty! You are a piece of trash!” I say after turning to face him.

“What kind of insult is that? Really?” Scotty asks, crossing his arms.

“Uh... Your name rhymes with ‘potty’?!” I say.

“Boring... Hey, I’m not going to fight you so you might as well give up,” Scotty says.

“Mári,” Mungo Clone 77897653 says.

“Who’s that?” I ask.

“Our mom, I think...” Mungo Clone 77897653 says, shrugging his shoulders, “Say! Why am I helping you?!”

“Who’s Màri?” I ask Scotty.

“SHUSH! DON’T SPEAK HER NAME!” Scotty yells, becoming furious.

“Màri!” I shout, pointing my finger accusingly at him.

The clone retreats back into the building.

“I DIDN’T KILL MÀRI!” Scotty wails, turning into a giant lavender one-eyed bat.

“I BET YOU DID!” I taunt him.

He swoops at me. Ah-hah! Now I can fight him! I tap the button on the side of my helmet and the mask appears over my face. I swing my sword at Scotty as he swoops and dives at me. He keeps evading my attacks and then flies just out of reach. I hear an electrical noise and notice he is charging up an energy ball. He launches it at me, but I reflect it with my shield and it hits him, causing him to fall.

I rush at him and strike him with my sword while he’s still down. He shrieks and swipes me away with a clawed wing. My armor protects me from getting injured by his attack, but now I am too far away to keep slashing him. He gets back up and swoops at me again. We both keep going at this for awhile, neither of us are willing to give up.

His attacks become weaker and weaker until he eventually transforms back into his human form mid-flight. He falls to the ground with a thud. I approach and point my sword at him. I could easily just drive my sword through him and it’d be done with, he hasn’t done anything to deserve to live. He stares at me weakly. I sense something now that I didn’t sense before; a child-like fear within him that is now radiating greatly. I put my sword away.

“You aren’t going to kill me?” Scotty asks.

“I said only if I have to,” I say.

He trembles. I hold out my hand to help him up, but he flinches as if I am about to sock him across the face. This thousand year old or so wizard who could have easily crushed me or tossed me aside in a wind gust is now the weak one.

“Take my hand, let’s right the wrong, Scotty,” I say.

“Sìneag... I... I locked her away so she wouldn’t run from me... Not that she would. She likes me,” Scotty says, “She does, she told me so.”

“Yes, but it’s against the rules. You’re too old to date her,” I say.

Finally, he reaches up and takes my hand and I help him to his feet.

“This way,” Scotty says, “I’ll take you to her location for real this time, so please don’t kill me.”

He guides me back into the tower and down a few floors. We make a turn and end up in a hallway that doesn’t seem like it would fit in such a tubular building. He opens the door and lights a torch, bringing light into the room.

“Oh there you are! I was wondering when you’d show your face again,” Princess Sìneag says.

She’s a blonde haired princess. Blonde hair is rare back in Fairwood Kingdom.

“And who is that with you?” Princess Sìneag asks when I appear in the doorway.

I press the button and the mask of my helmet vanishes.

“I’m Selima, and I’m here to rescue you,” I say.

“Oh, pooie! Did my dad send you here? I’m fine! Scotty is a nice man!” Princess Sìneag says.

“Actually, I was sent here by the king of Fairwood,” I say.

“Oh...” Princess Sìneag says.

She’s got a shackle around her left foot attached to a long silver chain that is tacked into the floor.

“Sorry, Scotty, but I have to go now...” Princess Sìneag says, “Can you unlock the shackle?”

“Yes, I will...” Scotty says.

He holds out his right hand and a clone places a key in his hand. He approaches and unlocks the princess. She hugs him tightly.

“I hope you find a girlfriend one day so you won’t be lonely anymore!” Princess Sìneag says and lets him go.

“GAH!” Scotty exclaims, blushing.

“Thanks for not forcing me to kill you! I’ve got another princess to pick up and then I’m out of here!” I say.

“Bye-bye!” Scotty says, trying not to cry.

“Don’t be sad, daddy! You still have us!” one of the clones says, grinning creepily.

I take Princess Sìneag‘s hand and lead her away back into the hall and down the stairs.

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