A Summer Of Missing Princesses

Chapter Princess Party

“Do you have to bring me home?” Princess Sìneag asks, looking up at me with big sad eyes.

While she’s looking at me, she almost trips over a branch that happens to be on the ground.

“We must at least stop in to make sure the king knows you’re alright,” I tell her.

“But can’t we just pay a messenger to tell daddy?” Princess Sìneag asks.

“I mean, maybe? But wouldn’t he want to see you in person?” I ask.

Princess Sìneag pouts and she clenches my hand tightly in anger. If I don’t do something quick, she might just burst into full tantrum mode.

“Sìneag, look, if your father says it’s okay, I’ll just bring you with me. I have to speak to him on behalf of Princess Aleena anyways,” I say.

“Aleena? Who’s that?” Princess Sìneag asks.

“The Princess of Fairwood,” I say briefly.

This makes Princess Sìneag fall silent, but I see a little smirk developing on her lips as the left half starts to curl upwards in such a mischievous manner.

“Well, then, let’s speak to my father... I’m sure he’ll be willing to get rid of me, again, for awhile...” Princess Sìneag says.

A full on smirk has now been plastered onto Princess Sìneag’s once pleasant face. I don’t know why the king would be so willing to hand over his daughter for awhile, but here we go! Just as quickly as I walked the 100 miles from Fraizer’s house, I walked the 50 or so miles with Princess Sìneag at my side.

“Wheee!” Princess Sìneag exclaims, breaking away from my side and bursting through the castle doors.

I thought she didn’t want to go home, but I guess she’s so sure of what her father will say that she has no care left.

“Dad! Dad! Guess what?! I’m back! But not for long!” Princess Sìneag cries out.

I follow after the sound of her voice until the guards stop me where I am.

“Hey! You can’t just come into this castle! Strangers are not allowed!” one guard says.

“And your silly knight getup won’t fool us!” the other guard says.

Just then, a very exhausted looking king shows up with his daughter at his side.

“Your Majesty! We caught an intruder!” the first of these two guards says.

“That’s Selima. She “rescued” me,” Princess Sìneag says proudly while doing air quotes.

“Is that so? Well, nice to meet you, Selima,” the king says.

I instinctively bow to the king.

“Dad! Selima told me on the way here that she’s on a mission to rescue a bunch of princesses! She has one with her already and I wanna go too!” Princess Sìneag says.

“Selima, please, take my daughter. I think she’ll be safer in your hands,” the king of Mycono says.

“If you insist, Your Majesty. I also have a request for you from the Princess of Fairwood,” I say.

“Fairwood! Uh oh... Are they still mad?” the king asks.

Not long ago, Mycono Kingdom led an attack against Fairwood which will forever be known as The War for Fairwood. A lot of people died during the war. My father was lucky and made it out alive.

“Honestly? Some people are still mad, but not everybody. Princess Aleena requests chocolates. Your kingdom produces the greatest chocolate and, if you need me to, I am willing to come back and serve you to pay for monthly supplies of chocolate to Fairwood,” I say.

I know my parents won’t be too happy, but this is something that must be done. The king examines me in my armor and smiles, nodding gently.

“I accept your offer. You’re definitely a strong young woman and I could use one of those,” the king says.

“Thank you, sir! I’m sure this will also further smooth things out between our kingdoms,” I say.

“Bye, dad!” Princess Sìneag squeals, following me out of the castle.

I hear the guards whisper in disgust as I leave.

“We don’t need a woman doing our duties, sir. Perhaps we should call the offer off.”

“No. You don’t understand. She’ll make work so much easier, you’ll be relieved, I do believe,” the king answers strongly.

“So! Where is Princess Aleena?” Princess Sìneag asks, sticking her nose into the air.

“I left her in Fraizer and Lilas’ care, that’s where we are heading first. I need information on the next princess,” I explain.

“We’re going to have a princess party!” Princess Sìneag says, cracking her knuckles ominously.

“Why are you cracking your knuckles?” I ask.

“That’s strictly princess business! You shouldn’t ever know!” Princess Sìneag says, rubbing her hands together excitedly.

Somehow, I know this cannot be a good sign. We make it back to Fraizer’s house and I knock on the door. The young man opens the door and smiles.

“Princess Sìneag! And Selima, of course! Welcome back, Selima!” Fraizer says.

“Hey! How come you didn’t come to find me, Fraizer?” Princess Sìneag asks.

“Well, you see, that’s because Selima here was already on your case,” Fraizer responds.

Princess Sìneag peers into the house passed Fraizer. Passed them is Lilas and Princess Aleena, both messing around with a sleeping Tarish.

“Might I come in?” I ask.

“Yes, yes! Of course! Both of you!” Fraizer says, going back into the house so that he isn’t clogging up the doorway anymore.

Before I can do anything, Princess Sìneag darts into the house ahead of me and runs right up to Princess Aleena.

“Hi!” Princess Aleena cries out with cheerful innocence.

“Princess of Fairwood! It is I, Princess of Mycono! I challenge you to a battle!” Princess Sìneag cries out.

“Hey! That’s not fair or nice!” I interrupt.

Princess Aleena steps away from Tarish and stares wide-eyed at her challenger.

“Princess Sìneag is a feisty one,” Fraizer comments, echoing what both Lilas and Scotty have said of their princess.

“Fraizer, I don’t mean to bother you too much, but I could use some help figuring out which kingdom I am to head to next,” I say.

“There are rumors of an unexplored land somewhere far to the west. West of both Fairwood and Tellis. This land is very mountainous with freezing temperatures in the mountains and hot tropical temperatures in the valley. Nobody who has ever attempted to reach the land has ever been heard from again. The only information we have on this land mass is from one person who tried to sail from Fairwood to this place, but his ship was dashed to pieces and he just barely avoided drowning or getting swallowed up by a large creature! …and yet...and yet I have a feeling that it may not be as barren as we suspect. If it isn’t, then they probably have royalty just like us. I can’t imagine an island kingdom without monarchy!” Fraizer says.

“So you are advising I sail to the far west in search of an unknown land that may or may not be inhabited, but will most likely kill me in the process?” I ask for clarification.

“If anyone can make it to this here Forgotten World, it’d have to be you. Get this, you are the first female to have successfully rescued a Sìneag from Scotty,” Fraizer says. “It’s usually my job.”

I hear a horrible screech and look over just in time to see that Princess Sìneag has pinned Princess Aleena to the ground and is beating her up.

“Hey! Girls! Be nice!” I exclaim.

Princess Sìneag gets up, smoothens her dress, and looks up at me with an innocent face.

“I’m taking both the princesses with me,” I say.

Tarish wakes up abruptly and shakes his head sleepily like a dog.

“You’re back?” Tarish asks.

“Yeah, but I’m leaving soon,” I say.

“Dang! I must have been asleep for a long time!” Tarish says.

“I wish you good luck, Selima!” Fraizer says.

“As do we, right, Tarish?” Lilas asks.

Tarish nods.

“Bye, everyone!” I say.

I lead Princess Aleena out with one hand and Princess Sìneag with the other to keep them apart.

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