A Pucking Wrong Christmas: A Hockey Romance (The Pucking Wrong Series)

A Pucking Wrong Christmas: Chapter 2

An hour later, I’d finally let her out of bed and she was seated at the counter while I made breakfast.

“So how far does this hatred of Christmas go? Are Christmas pancakes allowed?” I asked casually.

She cocked her head, biting down on her lip in a way that made my dick twitch despite the fact that I’d cum several times this morning already.

“Christmas pancakes…what are those?”

“Let me surprise you,” I told her, an idea forming. I had a shitty upbringing with my psycho parents. But the one time of year when my family always pulled their shit together before my brother died…Christmas. It was the only time where my mom acted like a mom. Where my dad wasn’t the consummate asshole. And after my brother died…I’d had Ari.

Since one of my goals was to replace all of Monroe’s bad memories with good ones…Christmas seemed like a good one to add to the list.

I couldn’t cook for shit, but Mrs. Bentley had left us the batter for her famous Christmas pancakes, a tradition we’d had for years. I could handle those at least.

Thirty minutes later, the pancakes were done. Buttery, coconut perfection if I didn’t fucking say so myself with whipped cream, macadamia nuts, and coconut syrup. I set the plate down in front of Monroe with a flourish before lifting her up and settling down in the chair with her in my lap. She squirmed and I sighed. Another breakfast with an erection pushing against her ass.

She glanced back at me over her shoulder with a smirk, and I growled.

“Eat your damn breakfast, pretty girl.”

I scooped up a bite of the pancakes, making sure to get one loaded with all the toppings, and I held it up to her lips.

She opened like the fucking good girl she was and let me feed her the bite.

“Holy crap,” she murmured after a moment. “I think that’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted.”

I bit down gently on her neck, thinking that covering her in that coconut syrup would be better.

“Christmas pancakes,” I murmured.

“Just pancakes,” she corrected, opening her mouth for another bite.

“Christmas pancakes, baby. And you love them, so that’s one point in the Christmas is great column.”

She huffed, but there was a small smile on her lips right before I fed her another bite.

My plan was officially in action.

I’d dropped Monroe off for her class and I was sitting in the arena parking lot, about to go in for weights, when my phone buzzed.

It was Ari, of course. And Walker.

Ari: December 1st fools. It’s xmas time.

Me: We have a problem.

Walker: What do you need!?

I snorted at Walker’s eagerness.

Ari: Aww Disney. Such a cute simp.


Ari: But if golden boy has a problem, I will be the one solving it. Bestie privileges.

Me: Focus.

Ari: Sir, yes, sir.

Walker: He’s eye rolling at you so hard right now.

Idiots. Both of them. And the best fucking guys I knew.

Me: Monroe hates Christmas.


Walker: Um…sorry about that?

Me: Don’t worry, I’m going to change her mind…but any ideas you boys have…

Walker: I’ll send over a list!

Ari: OMG, Walker. I will send over a list.

Shaking my head, I ignored them to check my tracking app and make sure Monroe was in class where she was supposed to be. Assured she was where I’d left her, I tossed my phone into my bag and headed inside to work out.

My phone buzzed the entire walk inside as Ari and Walker both sent me idea after idea of how to make Monroe like Christmas.

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