A Pucking Wrong Christmas: A Hockey Romance (The Pucking Wrong Series)

A Pucking Wrong Christmas: Chapter 1


“Oh the weather outside is frightful…” Christmas music cut through the cozy silence of my sleep and I blearily opened my eyes, searching for the offensive song.

“Good morning, baby,” Lincoln purred, suddenly hovering over me.

His beauty stunned me for a second, as it did every time I saw him. It was enough to push the song out of my head. Whenever he was near, he was all I could see.

“Hi,” I whispered, reaching up to touch his cheek. He pushed into my touch, that awestruck look in his eyes that he always had around me, like I was the prize and he couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have me.

He was out of his mind.

But I guess I already knew that…

And so was I.

“It’s December 1st,” he said as he leaned forward and pulled down the sheet covering my chest. My nipples pebbled as the cold air hit them.

“Mmmh, is it?” I asked, my voice breathy.

“My favorite time of year,” he continued as his lips trailed along my neck, kissing and licking.

I moaned as his hands began to knead my breasts.

“For some reason I thought Halloween was your favorite.” Lincoln lifted his head up to stare at me with those golden eyes of his. Amused. Very amused.

“And why’s that?” he asked innocently before he suddenly bit down on my nipple, making me writhe on the bed.

“Because you’re kind of a psycho.”

“A psycho, huh?” he asked, moving his mouth to my other breast.


His hand slipped between my legs, probing into my sex and attacking my sensitive bundle of nerves.

I was panting, whimpers steadily flowing out of my mouth.

He thrust his fingers in and out as my eyes closed and I grabbed onto his broad shoulders as an orgasm began to build.

Lincoln licked and kissed along my pulse. “I’m pretty sure you like that I’m a psycho, dream girl,” he growled.

“Hmmm…I’m not sure about that.”

His growl deepened this time, and he thrust another finger inside me, making me squeal.

Lincoln abruptly pulled his fingers out of me and pushed my legs apart, shoving them wide. A second later his mouth was on my clit, and he was sucking and licking feverishly. His amber gaze stared at me with a dark, possessive look. ‘You like how crazy I am about you, baby.’ His tongue slowly slid through my folds. ‘You like that I have to begin and end my days in your sweet pussy. That I can’t concentrate on anything else. That all I think about is how much I want you, need you, fucking love you.” He shoved my legs up to my shoulders, his mouth closing over my clit once more, sucking on it…hard. I squirmed against his face but his arms were across my hips, holding me down. His tongue fucked inside my pussy, and he moaned as if it was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

Knowing Lincoln, he probably did think that.

And I was perfectly okay with it.

The sounds coming out of his mouth were erotic and raw, and I was gushing all over his face.

‘Fuck. That’s so good. You’re so fucking sweet.’ His tongue slid through my folds, circling my clit before sliding back to plunge into my core. The sounds of his mouth on me, his pants as he thrust into me, his breath against my skin…how he hit that perfect spot every time. My insides wound tighter and then…everything inside me clenched violently as an orgasm shot through me.

Lincoln was a man possessed as he continued to devour me, licking and sucking like he was desperate to get every drop.

When I was so sensitive it was almost painful, he abruptly pulled back, angled his hips, and forced his thick cock into my still clenching core. A thrill ran through me as I saw the last of my name disappearing inside me, a mark he carried with him everywhere, right along with the ring on his finger that he refused to ever take off.

‘There’s nothing that feels as good as this. You fucking take me so fucking well.’ He arched back displaying his perfect, straining muscles. His abs flexed as he moved and I felt a little dazed as I stared at the tensed muscles in his neck. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful in my entire life. And he was all mine.

‘Lincoln,’ I moaned as he pushed deeper inside me. No matter how many times he took me—and it was constantly—it was always a tight fit. Like now, as he forced that last inch inside of me, making me feel whole in only the way that he could…only the way that he would.

‘Good girl,’ he whispered as he settled on top of me. The words spread through my insides, warming me with pleasure, just like they always did.

‘Look at me,’ Lincoln demanded, and my gaze shot to his dark and possessive stare. His fingers dug into my hips, every thrust hitting that perfect spot inside me.

My pussy pulsed around his thick length and a wave of pleasure laced through me. My breath was coming out in ragged gasps.

‘Baby, that’s right. Squeeze my dick.’

‘Lincoln, please,’ I whimpered as he slammed in and out of me.

‘Tell me that you love that I’m a psycho for you,’ he suddenly demanded, sliding out of me slowly, a sensuous pace that threatened to do me in. My gaze slipped to his cock, glistening with our combined wetness. Lincoln slid his hand between us, sliding his fingers over his dick and bringing them up to my lips. I immediately opened, sucking every drop and moaning as I did so. This might be a game that I liked to play to drive him over the edge, but we both knew that he owned me.

Body and soul.

There wasn’t anything about Lincoln Daniels that I wasn’t crazy about anymore. Hence why I considered myself a crazy person too.

‘Are you going to say it?’ he asked after he pulled his fingers from my mouth. “Or do I have to stop?”

“No! Don’t stop,” I pleaded and he laughed wickedly, running his thumb across my bottom lip.

“Then say it, Monroe. Give me what I want.” Each word was punctuated by a staccato thrust that wasn’t enough to get me what I wanted.

“Please,” I gasped as he bit down on the slope of my breast before licking the pain away.

“Say it,” he whispered.

“I love you, you crazy fucking psycho,” I growled as I thrashed underneath him.

His answering smile took my breath away, and my pussy flooded and clenched around his cock.

“Good girl,” he murmured as he pulled back and slammed back in, finally giving me the pace that I was desperate for.

“Is that what you needed, sweetheart?” he murmured. “My big dick inside your pretty pussy?”

“Yes, Yes, Yes,” I chanted as his body worked above me. I devoured the sight of his muscles flexing.

My orgasm was building, sharp pleasure already sliding across my skin in anticipation.

“Who do you belong to?” he growled as he angled his hips, plunging into me in long, deep strokes.

“You,” I told him, unable to play games anymore.

“That’s right. Only me. You’re mine.”

I fell into a spiraling, devastating orgasm that had the edges of my vision darkening because it was so freaking intense. His possessiveness and dark devotion were everything to me.

He was everything to me.

Lincoln Daniels owned me body and soul.

“I love you, I love you so fucking much,” he murmured as his hips rolled into me, sending smaller orgasms sparking through me.

“I love you too,” I gasped as I watched in a lust filled daze as he chased his orgasm, his body finally going rigid as his cock pulsed inside me, filling me with his hot cum in bursts until I was overflowing with him…just like I always wanted.

His large frame collapsed on top of me, covering me with his perfect warmth.

“I wish I could live inside of you,” he murmured.

“I’m pretty sure you do,” I huffed faintly. He stroked my cheek softly before nuzzling into my hair.

“Yeah, you’re right.”

It felt like too much, this thing between us, a living, breathing, overpowering beast that overtook everything else.

Just then the fact that Christmas music was still playing filtered into my consciousness.

“Can you turn that off?” I asked with a sigh.

His forehead crinkled in confusion. “Turn what off?”

“The music.”

“Not a fan of the Biebs? “Mistletoe” is a classic!”

“Not a fan of Christmas actually.”

Lincoln gaped down at me.


I stared down at my beautiful girl, my cock still buried deep inside of her. What had she just said? And why didn’t I know that about her? I thought I knew everything about Monroe at this point. I’d made it my mission in life—find out everything so that I could make her life the best it could possibly be.

But maybe I’d just assumed…

Immediate hatred spiked through my gut because I knew it had something to do with the worthless piece of shit that was her mother. Maybe you shouldn’t think ill of the dead, but I’d have a lot to say to that woman if she was alive right now. She deserved all the pain and misery she’d had in her life.

I rolled us over so that I was on my back and she was sprawled across me. My dick was hard again, but I was used to ignoring it at this point. If I fucked her as often as I wanted, her pussy would probably break.

And we couldn’t have that. I loved it too much.

“Tell me,” I demanded, hating the look of defeat in her gaze.

She tried to look away and I thrust up so that I had her attention once again.

Monroe sighed and rolled her eyes. “Do I have to tell you everything?”

“Yes,” I replied simply. “That’s how this works. You tell me what hurts. And I make it better.”

Her features softened and I held in my groan. Because when she looked at me like that…it was hard not to fuck her. Immediately.

“Just a bad Christmas when I was a kid. She made promises. Broke them. And Santa never came. Kind of scarring as a little kid,” she whispered. “It happened a bunch of times but for some reason that Christmas was what broke me.”

I groaned and brushed a kiss against her lips, licking up the tear that had fallen down her face.

“I hate that I can’t erase every single one of those bad memories, baby,” I murmured, surging up into her.

She gasped and grasped my face, brushing her own gentle kiss across my lips. “You make everything else better though,” she whispered. My fingers dug into her hips and I pushed up into her again.

Sometimes…a lot of times…words weren’t enough with this girl. I couldn’t adequately tell her why my soul lived inside her. Why I was obsessed with everything about her.

My words weren’t enough to make her feel this need inside of me.

But my body sure as fuck could.

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