A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter The Sweetest Thing

A/N -so later on in this chapter, listen to Kane Brown’s song Heaven. I chose the cover by Amanda Renee because it was a little slower/softer. Just imagine something similar but with a guy’s voice.

Nick’s POV

I am currently thanking the heavens above for giving me another chance to see Spencer. Saturday was truly a bright part in my life. It felt normal, natural to help her care for Jay and do chores on the farm. I didn’t want to leave. I wanted to stay and wrap her into my arms as we drifted off to sleep. I wanted to wake up with her beside me in the same bed. I wanted to cook meals for us like a family. I knew this was fast. It was too soon. But honestly, I don’t care. I just want her; her and Jayden.

After Spencer left for work, I took the time to put Jay to bed for his nap before having time to think. As always of late, my thoughts drifted to Spencer. Her face constantly swirled around my memory. Those beautiful, red blushes that I always seem to be able to extract from her. Her amazing, sea green eyes as they widen and desperately try to avoid my gaze. It was almost comical how ruffled I could make her. I got the sense she wasn’t used to this attention and I’ve made in my mission to make her so flustered it becomes normal. There won’t be any shortage of loving words or romantic notions with me. I will always put her first and she will no longer feel deprived of attention.

Just watching her mannerisms and how easily she became embarrassed, it was blatantly clear that her ex didn’t give her the attention she deserves. Christ, did he even look at her like he was so attracted to her he would ravish her at any second? I doubt it. She makes it seem like it’s the oddest thing to ever happen to her, that it doesn’t happen often. I know my gaze holds that heat. I can feel it whenever I look at her. At this point I can’t and won’t bother to hide it. She needs to know I’m all in. I want something, everything with her.


A few hours have passed by and Jay and I were watching some cartoons in the living room. My phone buzzed on the table.

Goddess: Will be here a few more hours. I’m so sorry 😩

Me: Spencer I’ve told you, it’s not a problem. I don’t mind at all ok? Don’t stress and just finish when you can. I’m not going anywhere. Little does she know I mean this long term.

Goddess: Ok. I’ll be home as soon as I can. Seriously, thank you.


I watch as the notification says read. Then the little dots appear showing she’s writing. I wait for a moment but then they disappear. I chuckle to myself. Even over text she is nervous. I wonder what she had wanted to write.

I spend the next few hours cleaning up small things around the house. Jay and I played games and I started teaching him how to use a phone. Spencer and I had the same model phone so I figured in case something happens, he should know how to reach someone. I knew from Spencer that she had begun to teach him. He knows how to open her phone and get to the right application. We spent awhile learning how to make a call using Siri and he succeeded in calling my house. I figured that would be a good one to call since I knew no one was home. He was beaming when he made it. It was awesome to see his little face light up and I was proud he was able to do it.

We then spent time mucking stalls, collecting eggs, and watering everyone. I gave some animals some hay, but I didn’t dare feed them grain since I didn’t know the feeding regimen Spencer had them on. But at least that’s the only thing left to do. Doing a head count would have to be skipped tonight. I didn’t dare take Jayden out there when Spencer wasn’t home.

I glanced at the clock. It was almost 8 and Spencer still wasn’t home. She had texted again earlier to say a surgery went downhill so it would be longer. I hate that she works herself so much. She’s going to get sick one of these days without proper rest. I had made dinner for me and Jay and put a plate for Spencer in the fridge. Jay wasn’t too happy about eating dinner without his mom, but we got through it.

Jayden and I were collapsed on the couch when I see his eyes begin to close.

“Let’s go get ready for bed, buddy.” I lift him into my arms to carry him upstairs.

“No, I’m waiting for momma. I want momma.” My heart ached a bit. I can tell he is normally not away from her this long.

“It’s ok bud. We can get ready while still waiting for her. You don’t have to close your eyes until she comes home.” I assured him as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

We had bath time and he changed into his Spider-Man jammies. When trying to tuck him into bed he had a small melt down.

“I want momma!” His lower lip quivered as tears streaked down his face. I quickly scooped him into my arms and laid down on his bed with him beside me.

“I know you do little man. She will be home soon. For now, we just need to wait.” I rubbed his back to soothe him as his sobs became lighter. Wracking my brain for something to keep him calm, I glanced down at him in my arms. His head was lying on my chest and his little arm clutched my stomach. It filled me with a sense of pride and longing. I want this. I want a family. This was heaven right here. With my arms around Jayden, in this home. The only thing missing was Spencer.

I began to sing.

Spencer’s POV

This has been the worst fucking day ever. Not only did I hate leaving Jayden, I had to leave a man who, I had to admit, I was starting to really care for. And now I’m stuck at work with a dog who was practically bleeding to death. We were trying to remove his spleen that had a mass on it. But the mass ruptured right as we were prepping. I’ve been frantically bolusing fluids and adding hetastarch to try and keep him stable. We were prepping a blood transfusion while the vets were trying to locate the many bleeding vessels and tie them off. This was the last surgery to be done and it’s turning into a shit show.

My blue scrubs are now splattered with blood. I had a large bloodstain on my stomach and my feet are killing me. I’ve been on my feet for 6 hours straight after doing barn chores. I haven’t eaten since 11 and I still have to do chores when I get home. I’m exhausted.

We finally got the patient stable and closed up. The owner picked him up and immediately transferred him to an emergency clinic for overnight monitoring. I dragged myself to my car, trying to keep my eyes from closing.

I tried to be as quite as possible coming home since I knew Jay should be in bed. I crept in the front door and was surprised to see Nick wasn’t down here. Figuring he might be with Jay, I tiptoed upstairs.

A soft but gravelly voice greeted my ears with a song I knew well. Heaven by Kane Brown. The voice was thick like honey and deep. I immediately relaxed my tense muscles just by the sound alone. Softly nudging Jay’s door, a tiny bit open, the sweetest view greeted my eyes.

Nick laid next to Jay in his bed. His head was turned away from me so he couldn’t see me. His arm was wrapped around Jayden, softly rubbing his back. Jayden’s head was resting peacefully on Nick’s chest. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing slowly and peacefully. He was asleep.

I leaned against the door listening to Nick sing. He was incredibly talented. I could listen to this forever. I rested my head on the door jam and the movement caught Nick’s eye. He turned to face me but continued singing. My breath caught in my throat as his gaze grew more intense, more heated as he watched me, never looking away, he continued to sing.

“Everybody’s talking about heaven like they just can’t wait to go

Saying how it’s gonna be so good, so beautiful

Lying next to you, in this bed with you, I ain’t convinced

’Cause, I don’t know how, I don’t know how heaven, heaven

Could be better than this

Could be better than this

I swear, this is perfect

Come kiss me one more time” Nick ends the song still gazing into my eyes. I couldn’t look away. The moment was so intense, more so than I ever could have imagined. It was like he was singing those lyrics directly to me. He smiled slightly making me blink out of my daze state.

Nick’s eyes drifted over my body and his gaze immediately became concerned and shocked. He swiftly but gently slipped out of the bed, tucking Jay back in and came rushing towards me.

“Are you ok? What happened?” I furrowed my brow. What was he talking ab... oh! I glanced down at my scrubs to see the blood. I can see why that could look shocking.

I shake my head and smile at him. “Just a long day at work. It was awful.” He softly grasps my hand, squeezing it once before leading me from the room.

“Tell me about it, while I heat up your dinner.”

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