A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Asking for help

Spencer’s POV

I’m seriously thinking of quitting my part time job. This is the third time they have called me in this week and I’m only scheduled regularly for one day and a half day on Saturdays. I couldn’t exactly say no. They are all emergencies, and they haven’t hired a new emergency technician since the last one quit. So, it’s either me going in, or refer the client to a 24-hour emergency clinic for thousands of dollars. Then I proceed to get the guilt trip for not coming in when I’m only ten minutes away. I guess the only good thing about working more is the money. I’ve been saving it up to hopefully be able to hire someone for farm work or a babysitter for Jay.

The past two times I’ve gone in, I was luckily able to bring Jayden since it was after normal business hours and the receptionist offered to hang with him. But today is one of the busiest days of the week. Monday, and it’s just after lunch.

I’m currently scrambling through my almost nonexistent contact list to try and find someone who could come watch Jay. My first thought was obviously Richard and Judy. But just my luck, they are out of town visiting a friend for the day. As my finger scrolls through my contact list, my gaze landed on Nick’s name.

We had swapped numbers after he had helped me this weekend. He was honestly a godsend and really helped ease the burden of nightly chores. My stomach still feels queasy from all the sexual tension between us. I think I have some sort of disorder that causes me to blush so much. I’m fairly certain Nick was doing everything on purpose just to watch my awkwardness bloom.

He would always get this stupid triumphant smile when he succeeded in making me blush. I’m really not sure my body can cope with seeing him again so soon, but I have no option. My finger presses the dial button before I can think twice.

I can practically hear the smirk in his voice when he answers.

“Hey beautiful! Miss me already?” I can visualize the heated look on his face, already, it was making my body fill with desire. I chuckle awkwardly.

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

Though it’s kind of true. I think to myself.

I did kind of miss him. Looking back, it was nice to have someone to lean on. After it just being me and Jay for so long, I’m starved for adult interaction. His constant “innocent” caresses and heated gazes lit my body on fire more than I’ve ever felt in my life. I’ve been in a constant state of flustered since he left Saturday night. But something in me craved to see him again. I had to stop myself from texting him like a lovestruck fool the next day.

“Well, obviously. Don’t worry, you don’t have to admit it out loud. I already know it’s true.” I roll my eyes. This man.

“I called to ask a monumental favor and hope you are free.”

“Ok. Shoot.” Nick’s voice turns serious. I sigh.

“Are you free like, now-ish, to watch Jayden? I got called into the clinic for emergency surgery and I have no one to watch him. I just don’t know when I’ll be done by.” I cringe at the desperate tone my voice took.

“Of course! I’ll be there soon......That way I get to see your gorgeous face again.” I can imagine him winking at me right now with that stupid smirk on his face. He knows how hot he is and it’s infuriating.

“Um. Uh... ok see you...uh...soon.” I stutter out, my whole face heating up. I groan as soon as I hang up. Why does he get to me like this? Why can’t I be as assured and confident as he is. I’ve never been a stuttering, blubbering, embarrassing person before. In one conversation he makes me that way and I hate it. Just once, I wish I could do it to him. I want to make him just as nervous and oh man would I love to see him blush just from a comment from my lips. Yeah right. You’re about as uncoordinated with words as they come. I roll my eyes.


I can hear Nick’s truck rumbling up the drive not 15 minutes later. I hate having to leave Jay like this in the middle of the day. The poor guy was already dozing off in my arms ready for his nap, but I didn’t want him to wake up and find Nick and not me. I know he likes Nick, but it may be too much of a shock for him.

I open the door just as Nick stepped up onto the porch. He immediately smiled at me, his eyes lighting up with warmth.

“Thank you so so much!” I returned his smile with relief evident in my voice.

“No worries. I didn’t have much planned.” I raise my eyebrow as if to say really?

“I swear!” He made a cross over his heart and smiled devilishly. “The only thing on my mind was figuring out how to come see you again.” He grinned again while wiggling his eyes brows.

Ugh. He’s killing me. I shake my head at him and let him come in. Still holding Jay in my arms, I gently try and wake him.

“Baby. I have to go to work so Nick is going to stay with you.” His weary, blue eyes opened slightly to look at Nick before he turned bashful, smiling and nuzzling into my neck as he mumbled incoherently.

We both chuckle at the exhausted child. “So, I’m not exactly sure when I will be back. I’m so sorry. There are at least two surgeries that need done so at least a few hours. Are you sure that’s ok?” I glance hesitantly up at his gorgeous, blue eyes.

“Spence it’s fine. I promise. I love hanging with the little dude and I seriously have nothing planned.” Nick grabs my shoulder with one of his calloused hands to try and convey his sincerity. I tried to ignore the feel of his hand on me or the fact that him calling me Spence created a fiery inferno inside my belly.

“Ok.” I sigh. “Just watch him and if I’m not home by five, feed him dinner please. I will do the chores when I get home when he is asleep.” I gently kiss Jay’s head before shuffling him my arms to hand him to Nick. He gently scoops him into his arms and positions him so that Jay’s cheek is resting on his shoulder. I internally awe at the scene before heading out to work, trying to forget that I left a smoking hot man behind in my house that has been making sexual advances on me.

This is going to be a long fucking day.

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