A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Now and Forever: Epilogue part 1

Spencer’s POV

My stomach was swimming with nerves. The constant churning in my gut was making it difficult to keep from gagging. My hands would occasionally tremble. I felt hot and clammy.

Today is Nick’s birthday.

Jayden and I had planned a surprised for him that I knew he would absolutely love. It was even (sort of) Jay’s idea. We were doing a small get together with his family and sister. I knew he would love Jay’s gift but I’m still a mess of anxiety. It’s going to be big and emotional.

Hopefully we wouldn’t have any unexpected visitors....like last time.

Our last get together with Richard and Judy, which was the week after we became engaged, Lucinda decided to pop on over to win Nick’s favor back. She apparently hadn’t taken him blocking her number and not answering, as a sign he didn’t care about her anymore.

Cue eye roll.

Richard and Judy were disgusted, Nick was furious, Jayden was confused, and I was trying to keep fights from breaking out. Talk about fun!

Lucinda sneered at me and said some things I wish Jay hadn’t heard. She was also dressed in the skimpiest outfit even a hooker probably wouldn’t wear.

Nick set her straight. While also throwing me on a giant pedestal and Lucinda drove away in tears and anger.

If Jay hadn’t been there it might have been funny.

But he was. And was thrown into Lucinda’s cross hairs.

Right before Nick almost punched her for her words, she called Jay a bastard child.

She told him Nick wasn’t his daddy. That he had no daddy and would never have a daddy.

That because he wasn’t biologically Nick’s, then Nick wouldn’t view him as a son and had no rights to him.

I literally had to throw myself in front of Nick when he lunged for her while trying to calm myself down as well. Nick couldn’t hit her.... but I sure as hell could. I have never felt so angry towards another person (except maybe the person who attacked us). It shocked me.

No one messes with my baby.

Once we kicked her out, we spent the next several hours calming Jayden down and answering his questions. He was so sad and upset. Not only did he question not having a “biological” father he also questioned why he doesn’t have any of his birth parents.

It broke my heart. I may not have birthed him, but he was mine. And he was Nick’s. Nick was absolutely devastated. He told me his heart felt like it shattered at the look on Jayden’s face. He wanted to hit Lucinda so badly that it scared him as he isn’t a violent person. I understood far more than he could think.

To Nick, Jay is his son. He had never thought about him not being blood related because honestly, it hadn’t mattered. They both took to each other and acted like they had been father and son for life, not just a few short months.

We assured him that Nick was definitely his daddy. Jayden, being the smart kid he is, asked what biological meant (though he couldn’t pronounce it.)

So, we informed him as best we could about what it means but that we are a family and that would never change.

I didn’t know how much he understood until recently. He’s a smart kid. He asked what rights meant and we tried to explain it. We would never lie to him.

It’s definitely difficult explaining legal issues with a toddler.

But he understood. The rest of the night was spent with all three of us cuddling in bed as a family. Jayden was sandwiched in between us and we both smothered him in kisses and affection.


It was almost time for Nick to arrive home. We had sent him to the grocery store for a few more things while Richard, Judy, and Sadie and I hung of decorations and prepared the food.

I was busy chopping fruit for a salad when two, warm arms wrapped around my waist drawing me back into a muscular chest. I sighed and leaned back in content.

He placed a kiss to my neck causing me to giggle and tilt my head to give him more access.

“Hey, baby. This looks good.” I smile and turned in his arms.

“Well, it’s your special day, so it better.” I smile, gazing up at him. He leans down and kisses me softly.

“I love you.” His warm hands slip under my tee to softly rub my sides.

“Mm. I love you, too. Happy Birthday.” I peck his lips once more.

“Hey, lovebirds! Let’s get this party started!” We chuckle, turning to look at Sadie who walked in with giant happy birthday glasses on her face and a bottle of champagne in each hand.

“You look like you’re ready for New Year’s.” I chuckle.

“Hey, a party’s a party!” Sadie deadpans.

“Well, I wanted birthday kisses.” Nick pouts as I walk to the fridge to put the salad away.

Sadie rolls her eyes and gives him a pointed look. “We all know you got plenty of birthday kisses this morning......and maybe something more.” She smirks as my face turns red.

“Pfft. I can never have enough kisses.” Nick scoffs. He turns to me as I chuckle, his eyes lighting up with mischief as he begins to stalk towards me.

Uh oh.

I inch my way backwards until he makes a lunge for me. Shrieking, I run around the counter to evade him.

“Gimme kisses!” Nick yells while trying to catch me. I can see Sadie in the background laughing while she videos us.

We pause, both on either side of the counter in a stand still. Then, he makes a final lunge, and is able to grab me around the waist, yanking me against him as he kisses every part of my face. My stomach lurches as he suddenly dips me in his arms until I’m almost touching the floor. He plants his lips to mine in a demanding kiss. My breath catches and butterflies fill my stomach. Even after all our kisses, he can still make me feel like it is our first. He pulls me up as he breaks off the kiss, making me dazed and breathless. He smirks at me before turning and disappearing outside, leaving me in a lust filled fog.

“Ugh. Little shit.” I grumble. He can’t kiss me like that and then just walk away.


Sadie laughs. She grabs my hand and squeezes. “You have no idea how truly happy I am that you’re going to officially be my sister.” She pulls me into a hug.

I squeeze her tight. “I’ve never been this happy in my life. Your brother is truly something.” We walk out to the front porch and stop abruptly seeing Nick in another set of giant glasses, a big fluffy pink boa wrapped around his neck and he’s doing as exaggerated strut making Jayden squeal with laughter.

Sadie whips her phone out for more pictures. “He’s definitely something all right.” She mumbles.

I continue gazing at Nick’s hilarious display. He’s such a kid. Sometimes I forget he is 31. 8 years older than me. He definitely does not act his age. God, I can just see him if we have a little girl someday. He would be playing dress up constantly. I wonder if I could get him a man-sized princess dress. Knowing him, he’d probably wear it too.

I should investigate that. I’ll definitely need to have photo evidence to send to Sadie.

Life with Nick will certainly not be boring.

My heart skips in happiness as Jayden’s laughter echoes around the yard. He’s made such large strides with having Nick with us.

He’s no longer dwelling on what the wicked witch of the west told him and has put it behind him. He is such a smart little monster.

He has started preschool, much to my dismay. My heart aches when he’s away from me. The first day of preschool was such a trial. He had a melt down and I almost had one too. Nick and I were both kind of sad and withdrawn that day. It’s gotten much easier. Jayden enjoys going now and has made friends. It makes me feel so much better now that he has kids his own age to play with.

Nick and I both set aside time in the evenings to teach him and help him learn things he’s having difficulty with. After he does lessons, we have family time where we pick a movie or game.

Nick and I have our own special time when Jay is at preschool or at night.

I can say that I am a thoroughly satisfied woman.

Nick ditches the outrageous get up and wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

“So, have you thought about when I can finally call you my wife?” He nuzzles into me.

“I was thinking soon.” I smile. It has been a little over a month since he proposed. The weather was getting chilly and the holidays were right around the corner.

Nick told me he didn’t care when we got married as long as he was getting married to me.

I want to do it soon though.

Our relationship may have been fast paced, but honestly, I feel like we’ve known each other forever. It was perfect for us.

“Really?” He beams at me when I confirm with a nod.

“The sooner the better.” I look at him oddly when he suddenly shoots away from me, running into the house and grabbing his keys.

“Uhh. What are you doing?” I raise my eyebrow.

“You said the sooner the better! We can go get married now.” He looks adorable pouting the way he is. I burst out laughing along with Sadie who overheard his ridiculous plan.

“Babe. First, it’s your birthday. Second, it’s Saturday. The courthouse is closed right now.” I chuckle before wrapping my arms around him and gazing up into his eyes. “Besides, don’t you want to see me walk down the aisle in a gown?” I jut out my lower lip in an exaggerated pout.

“Of course, I would, baby.” He replied. “Though, I’d rather be married to my soul mate right this second.” He mumbled under his breath.

I jabbed him in the side with my finger causing him to jump and look down at me. “You have me for life regardless of a piece of paper or a ceremony.” I raise my eyebrow. “Just be a little patient.” I smirk.

“Fine.” He sighs sadly. I shake my head at how ridiculous he can’t be sometimes. But I really want our wedding to be special and to be able to celebrate it. Plus, I have something better planned for his birthday.

The afternoon flew by as we danced to music and had a nice BBQ. It was finally time for the presents and Jayden was bouncing excitedly as he noticed everyone gathering.

“Momma. Momma, now?” Nick looked at us quizzically.

“In a minute baby. Let’s let him open presents from everyone else first.” Nick eyed me but I tried to avoid looking directly at him.

I have a terrible poker face.

Jayden continued to bounce on my lap, impatient just like his dad.

It was great watching Nick and his family interact. Over the years, he hasn’t been able to be here as much. I can see the joy on his parents’ and sister’s faces as they watch him open presents. I’ve caught Judy discretely wiping tears from her eyes a few times today.

These are the things I’ve been missing. As hard as it has been to not have my parents or best friend around any longer, I’m finally at a place where I don’t completely hate the holidays.

I would always put on a good show for Jayden’s sake, especially this past year since he could remember more. Once he was put to bed, I would cry myself to sleep after a mug of cinnamon cocoa.

Now, I’m looking forward to family time with my new family. I’m looking forward to sneaking around laying presents under the tree with Nick. I can see us watching on with joy as Jayden opens his gifts and then giving each other our own.

I’m especially looking forward to waking up early Christmas morning with a kiss to the neck that leads into Christmas sex with those funny, slightly naughty pajamas. Nick knows just how to wake my body from its slumber. Not like he has to do much. He knows all the right buttons to push and areas to caress......

To lick....

Jesus, now I’m hot. But I can just imagine his tongue softly stroking......


His fingers slowly slipping into me as he strokes my g-spot.


My body quivering and warming in bliss against his touch.

“Mommy!” Jayden’s voice snapped me from my thoughts. I look around to see everyone staring at me in concern.

“Sorry, I uh...um was lost in thought.” I glance quickly at Nick who shot me a knowing smirk causing my face to heat up impossibly more.

He knows. He can always tell when I’m thinking dirty thoughts.

Don’t ask me how.

Maybe it’s because my face turns ten shades redder.

Oh god. And in front of his family. I hope they don’t realize. Nick’s smile widens seeing my flustered state.

“Momma, momma now?” Jay bounces up from my lap. I glance around and make sure everyone has given their gifts.

“Sure, baby. Can you go get it from the room?” Jayden runs off to get his gift.

“What’s going on?” Nick looks at me suspiciously.

“Jayden wanted to give you his gift.” I smile before shooting Sadie a look, who discretely nods.

She’s known what Jayden wanted to do so agreed to take a video, so Nick doesn’t catch on.

Jayden comes racing back into the room and climbs right onto Nick’s lap. Nick wraps his arms around him, keeping him securely rooted to his lap as Jayden hands him a manila envelope.

It was decorated with the words, I love you Daddy, love Jayden. With hearts and balloons.

“What’s this?” Nicks voice turns thick and I can already tell he’s trying to control his emotions.

This is his first birthday being a dad and to have his son give him a gift was already making his eyes misty.

“For you, Daddy.”

“Well thank you, buddy.” Nick opens the top of the folder and I can see Sadie raise her phone from the corner of my eye. Richard and Judy look on with curiosity.

Nick opens the folder and slides out the documents.

“What is it?” Judy pipes up.

Nick doesn’t answer as he continues reading them. I can see tears gathering in his eyes which causes my own to water. He blinks rapidly.

His head snaps up to look at me.

“Is this for real?” He whispers in shock.

I nod, choked up and unable to speak.

A tear trickles from Nick’s eye causing Richard and Judy to glance at each other worriedly.


Nick’s POV

I watched on in amusement as Spencer went into a daze. I could see her shift every so often as red painted her skin.

What I wouldn’t give to be able to read her thoughts. I know she’s thinking dirty things right now. The blush gives it away as well as her constant shifting in her seat. No doubt she’s now feeling an itch she wants to scratch. Or rather, wants me to scratch.

I smirk when she sends me a fleeting glance. I will totally be asking about that later.

Jayden seems so excited when he shoots upstairs for his gift. His gift for me......

My first gift from my son. I honestly never thought this would happen. That so soon after a messy divorce, I would have a fiancé and a son. A family of my own. I’m the most blessed man alive right now.

Jayden comes down with an envelope decorated in both their handwriting (though Jayden’s is completely illegible still. I mean, he is only 3). He wiggles his way onto my lap and hands me the envelope.

I wonder what this can be. Spencer has been refusing to meet my gaze so I’m not getting any hints from her.

My breath hitches as I read through the documents. I can feel my eyes glazing over as I try to keep myself from choking up.

Oh my god. I whip my head to Spencer. Please don’t tell me this is some cruel joke.

“Is this for real?” I can barely get the words to move past my lips.

Spencer nods, tears in her eyes. She’s just as emotional as me right now.

Jayden bounces a bit on my lap. “Yup! You’re my offic...office......” he sighs in exacerbation. “Momma what’s the word?”

Spencer chuckles. “Official.”

Jayden nods. “Ya. You’re my off-i-cial daddy.” He sounds out the word.

It’s official. I am legally Jayden’s father. Well, after I sign the paper.

I turn him around on my lap and hug him to my chest.

“You have made me SO happy little man.”

My mom and dad look confused while Sadie is smiling through her tears as she holds up her phone.

“They are uh...adoption papers.” Spencer speaks.

Mom gasps and holds her hand over her heart as her water works start back up. She can’t pretend she hasn’t been crying all day. I’ve seen her. I know she’s thrilled I’m home for good now.

“Oh, that’s just fantastic! I’m a grandma!”

“After that whole situation before, Jayden decided he wanted to make sure no one could ever say that again.” Spencer smiles at our amazing boy. I hug him once more and kiss his head before he wiggles to get down and play again.

I grab Spencer’s hand and tug her from her seat, pulling her into my lap. She sits sideways so she can wrap her arm around my neck.

“I love you so much, baby. Thank you for giving me this.” A warm smile breaks over her face as she leans in to kiss me.

“Happy birthday. I love you.” She leans up so her lips graze my ear. “I’ll give you the rest of my present tonight.” She purrs.

I can feel my dick instantly spring to life. Just having her small body on my lap is making me want to drag her upstairs.

She giggles. “Down boy.” Scooting off my lap, she tells us all its cake time.

The rest of the evening is filled with laughter and embarrassing stories of my youth. Spence seemed to love hearing them.

I just know she’ll blackmail me later.

The minute we bid my family goodbye; I’m thanking the higher power above that Jayden was put to bed two hours before.

I pounce on Spencer, drawing her into my chest as my lips descend on hers.

“Mm.” Spencer mumbles as my lips continue to ravish hers making her unable to get her words out.

“What?” I break off to breath.

“Give me ten minutes.” She kisses my lips and runs upstairs before I can utter a word.

My erection is pressing painfully against my jeans.

I’m not sure I can wait ten minutes, the little minx.

After about 8 minutes, I walk upstairs.

“Ready or not, here I come!” I try and softly shout so that hopefully I don’t wake Jayden.

I walk into our room to find the sexiest sight I’ve seen in my life.

Spencer sat cross legged on the bed wearing a black, lace top. It had a red trim along the edges and a red ribbon that was tying the two portions together in a bow at her waist. She had on lace panties as well. The top showed just enough of her breasts to get you excited without showing everything.

Her brown tresses curled down around her neck as she looked up at me with hooded eyes.

My eyes continued to watch her in awe.

“Are you going to open your present?” Her voice drifted to my ears like a melody, drawing my body into a dance we both knew well.

I kicked my shoes and socks off without breaking my gaze from my delectable goddess.

Slowly, I crawled between her legs and sat back on my knees.

“So beautiful.” I breathed, almost to myself. I can’t take my eyes off her.

She arched her back a bit, displaying the bow she had tied at her waist.

Best present ever.

I unraveled the tie, allowing her top to fall open displaying her silky breasts. My eyes raked down her form slowly, drinking her in until I stopped abruptly her abdomen.

“What.....” my voice trailed off as I read the words written on her stomach. My birthday gift.

Hi daddy!

Two simple words that made my heart stop.


I look up at Spencer who smiles, love and admiration filling her gorgeous eyes.

“Please, tell me you’re not joking.” I croak out.

She shakes her head, tears slipping from her eyes and trailing down her cheeks. “Congratulations, Daddy. Happy Birthday.”

“You’re really pregnant? Like really really?” I crawl over her, caging her in my arms.

“Really really.” She whispers right before I smash my lips to hers.

A baby! We are having a baby! This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.

My mouth moves with hers in synchrony. Her small, breathy moans make me even harder for her.

I trail my hand up, massaging her breast before tweaking her nipple that elicits a gasp from her.

I slip my tongue into her mouth to gently stroke against hers. I will never get enough of her taste.

I break away from her lips, grazing mine against her jaw, trailing down her neck before I gently suck.

Her moan fills the room, making me shudder in need. Trailing my lips further down, they latch onto the nearest nipple.

Twirling my tongue around her hardened peak as her hands move to grip the back of my head. Gently biting down gives me an even louder moan as her hips shift in desperation.

“Nick.” She moans.

I move further down before stopping at her stomach. I place a gentle kiss over the words written there, gently massaging her hip with my hands.

“Daddy loves you......be a girl.” I whisper against Spencer’s skin. She giggles.

“Why a girl?” She gazes lovingly at me.

“Well, we already have a boy. And I want my little princess who will be a badass, cowgirl warrior. Don’t worry, we will have a herd of children. I’ll get my girl eventually.” I grin.

“A herd of children?!” She laughs. I kiss her stomach more.

“Mmhm. I want as many as we can handle.” I drag my tongue along the inside of her thigh. I can feel Spencer’s breath quicken as I get closer to my destination.

“You’re already so wet baby.” I can see her pussy glistening with moisture. “Have you been thinking about this all day? I saw you zone out earlier. You are quite the temptress. I wanted to take you right there and then. That beautiful blush painting your face, seeing you squirm.” She moans. “Tell me. Were you thinking of us then?”

“Yes.” She moans as my tongue gets closer.

“Naughty girl.” I swipe my tongue up her slit, gathering the sweet honey that’s already fallen. She tastes so fucking good. Her hips jerk of the bed.

I latch onto her clit, sucking deeply causing her to shriek slightly. Her legs wrap around my shoulders as she spasms.

“You’re so responsive.” I mumble against her. “Your hormones going crazy already, baby?” I smirk, this should be an interesting pregnancy.

I continue, alternating between fast paced licks and then slow gentle strokes. Slowly driving her crazy.

Parting her folds with my fingers, I gently slip one into her warm haven. My tongue continuing its slow torture as I curl to find her G-spot.

“Shit.” She drawls out. Her hips jerking towards me, grinding, trying to find that release.

I flick my tongue faster while continuing to finger her. She’s close: I can feel her clenching around me. I slip in another finger, working in tandem.

She cries out as she releases around me.

I shuck off the rest of my clothes before sliding back over her body.

“I love you so much.” I can already see the desire building back up in her eyes.

I rub the tip of my cock up and down her pussy, gathering her juices to lube myself.

I slide into her slowly. Her walls clench around me immediately making it a little more difficult. I grit my teeth until I’m fully seated in her.

She feels amazing. Heaven on earth.

“Fuck, baby.” I thrust into her. I can already feel her on the threshold again.

“Yes, right there.” She groans out as I thrust into her sharply.

I pick up more speed, taking her hard and fast like I know she wants. Right when I feel her about to cum, I stop.

“Erg! I hate you!” She whimpers, causing me to chuckle.

“You love me. And you love when I deny you. It makes the payoff that much better.” I pull back, teasing her so that just my tip is inside her, rubbing against her walls.

It is true, she orgasms harder after denial, but honestly, I’m just trying to keep myself from getting there so quickly. She’s so much more responsive now that she’s pregnant. Just the slightest thing makes her cum.

I’m loving it. I wonder how many orgasms I can get out of her.

I continue to tease her until she clearly has enough.

I’m slightly shocked when she manages to flip us so that she’s riding me.

She slams herself down onto me before grinding her hips into me. Her pussy clenching as she strokes my hard shaft.

Shit. I am definitely not lasting this way.

She picks up speed until she’s found a steady rhythm. She grinds into me again causing me to curse.

Her breath comes in pants and moans. Her skin is blushed pink, and I can see a trickle of sweat running down between her breasts.

Those luscious breasts.

That are bouncing right in front of my face.

I latch onto one, nipping and sucking, and massaging, while my other hand trailed down and begins to rub her clit in fast circles.

“Shit!” She cries out at the added stimulation before crashing over the edge. She shudders and tremors, her legs spasm around me before I flip her over.

Not letting her recover, I pound into her from behind. Each thrust meeting her G-spot head on, making her next orgasm come quickly.

Her juices make me slide in and out easily, her walls tighten around my cock, milking me. I reach around to finger her clit once more.

Just a little more.

I groan out, as I erupt. Another few thrusts and she soon follows before we collapse onto one another.

Our pants fill the room as she rests on my chest, my hand brushing up and down her back. Her skin smooth but sticky with sweat.

Her hand rubs my chest, and she tilts her head up to look at me.

Leaning down, I take her sweet lips with mine. Kissing her slowly and sweetly.

We cuddle together, coming down from our highs for a few more minutes.

“I love you.” Spencer whispers.

“I love you, too. So much.” I squeeze her tighter. I’m not sure how this could get much better...

I tilt her head back up.

“You want some cinnamon cocoa?” She grins.


4692 words...what?! Almost triple my usual!

I hope you enjoyed this story. I am planning on doing a few chapter specials in the future on where their lives are now. So, watch out! ❤️

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