A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Forever Hers

Spencer’s POV

Oh my god.

Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod! Is this really happening?!

When Nick had let go of my hand, I immediately felt the loss of his warmth. Turning around, I was about to demand for it back, but he totally shocked me.

He was a sight. His worn jeans and cowboy boots, his blue tee slightly dusty from the ride and his cowboy hat shading his eyes.

Talk about swoon worthy.

But the fact that he was down on one knee, holding a box with a gorgeous diamond ring in it, he just about made my heart stop.

It sputtered and stuttered back to life as my eyes began to tear. This is really happening.

Nick takes a deep breath, looking directly into my eyes before talking. He’s so nervous. I can see his hands trembling as he holds the box, a bead of sweat trails from his forehead.

“Spencer.” I can hear his voice begin to clog with emotion. He blows out a breath before starting again.

“Spence. You have been the brightest source of joy in my life. You came in at what I thought was the lowest point in my life. Come to find out, it would be the highest. You are my life. Both you and Jayden. I’ve waited for you all my life and I’m asking to remain yours for the remainder of time we have left. I want a lifetime with you. Please. Will you marry me?” A tear slips from his eyes while I’m pouring down buckets. Blubbering like a fool.

“Yes! Oh my god! Of course, yes!” I launch into his arms sobbing loudly. I might have been embarrassed except it was only Nick here and we have seen each other through our lowest times.

He clutches me tightly, shakily exhaling as I continue to sniffle against his shoulder. He pulls back and takes the ring from the box.

Holding my hand, he kisses my ring finger before slipping the ring on. Perfect fit. The ring is amazing. A large oval cut diamond fixed on a simple but elegant band that had small diamonds encircling it. It was brilliant in the sunlight.

I let out another sob as I view it on my finger. Grasping Nick’s face, I lock my lips to his. I can feel our tears mingling. I can taste the saltiness on his lips. Somehow that makes this kiss so much sweeter.

He’s mine. All mine, forever.

And I am his.

I think now I understand the cryptic look in Judy’s face. She must have known.

I wrap my arms around Nick’s neck, and he stands up, pulling me up with him, and then into his arms.

I giggle as he spins us around.

“I can’t thank you enough, baby. Thank you for entering my life. Thank you for giving me the family I’ve always wanted. Thank you for agreeing to be mine.” Nick leans his forehead against mine.

“Always yours. Forever.” I murmur before kissing him once more. Our lips molding perfectly together. His firm arms wrap around me tightly, as if he was afraid I would disappear and this would be a dream.

I run my fingers through his hair, cupping the base of his head as our kiss deepens. His tongue brushes softly against mine.

We sink together. Memorizing each other as we touch and caress. Our souls calling to each other.

We spend another few hours at the lake. We swim and play like the teenagers we aren’t and just enjoy being with each other.

The sun is high in the sky and our stomachs are rumbling letting us know it’s time for lunch. We have some more jerky and snacky foods before packing up. Though this was an experience I’ll never forget, I will enjoy real meals when we get home.

“Now I can show you our final destination.” Nick smirks. I look at him confused.

“I thought this was our final destination?” Nick shakes his head.

“No. There’s a cabin about an hour from here. Dad was going to bring the truck and trailer up to it since it has an accessible road. I also may have asked him to bring dinner.” Nick grins.

My eyes widen in relief. “Oh, thank god! I’m so hungry for something not jerky related! I wish it were easier to pack food on trail rides!”

“Tell me about it. I wanted to bring eggs and sausage for breakfast.” Nick pouts.

“Let’s get going then! Or else your dad might decide to eat it all.” I scramble to finish packing, hearing Nick’s deep chuckle follow me.

We arrive to the cabin just as Richard was pulling in. He waves to us as we dismount.

Talk about perfect timing.

He hops from the truck. “So, how’s my future daughter in law?” I giggle as I walk into his arms for a hug. “I am so happy girly. I’ve always considered you family.” He squeezes me as I try not to tear up.

“What, no love for me?” Nick’s voices from behind me.

“None for you, son. You took long enough. If it was up to your mom you’d have had the wedding by now.”

I laugh while trying not to show how freaked out I would have been. That definitely sounds like Judy though. She seemed to know something was up the day Nick and I met.

“Sure, dad.” Nick rolls his eyes, sending me a wink. “Where is the wedding planner?”

“Oh, she’s on her way. I left a bit earlier than her since I wasn’t sure how difficult it would be to drive the trailer up. She was having a blast at the base of the mountain. She saw a friend of hers who was hiking. So.....I may be here for another few hours.” He grumbles.

We had just finished unloading the food that Richard had brought and had loaded up the horses, when Judy pulled up.

They would take the horses home and we would drive the car back in the morning.

I was just coming out of the cabin when Judy’s shrill scream caught me off guard.

Something or rather someone, hurdled into me, squeezing me in a viciously tight hug.

Damn that woman can move!

“I’m so happy!” She cried, fanning her eyes. She grabs my hand to view the ring.

“Oh, that is just gorgeous! He did a good job!”

“He did!” I laugh. This whole trip has been thoughtful and amazing. He never ceases to surprise me.

That night, we dined on burgers and dogs we cooked over the fire. Judy had made pasta and potato salad and we had s’mores for dessert. She had even packed eggs and sausage for breakfast tomorrow which Nick was incredibly happy about.

We sat outside by the campfire. Watching the sun set and the stars become visible. I was sitting between Nicks legs, my back snuggled against his chest. His arms were wrapped around me like a warm cocoon.

I could stay like this forever...well if Jay were here too. I sure do miss the little guy. I can’t wait to see him. Sadie had come home for the weekend and had watched him while Judy and Richard came here. It hadn’t been planned otherwise Jayden would have come. They said he’s doing great though, so I’m not worried.

Warm lips pressed against my head pull me from my thoughts.

“What’s running through that beautiful mind.” I arch my neck as Nick places his lips against it.

“Thinking about Jay. I miss him.”

“Me too. But we will see him tomorrow. For now, let’s enjoy the time we have left alone.”

I smirk before standing up. Holding my hand out for Nick to take, I begin walking backwards to the cabin.

“I know how we can enjoy our time.” Nick matches my grin before darting forward and scooping me into his arms.

I giggle, wrapping my arms around his neck. I could certainly get used to this.

Now that he is forever mine.


Only the epilogue left guys! 😭😱 I hope you enjoyed this journey. It certainly was a change of pace from my other book, Wildling, but I enjoyed writing it!

If you haven’t checked out my other book, Wildling, you may enjoy it. It is a fantasy/supernatural romance.

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