A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Mountain Sex


Spencer’s POV

It is so peaceful. The serenity of being with nature. The birds are calling to one another. Occasionally, a few squirrels will squabble with each other, running past us to climb the trees while fighting amongst the branches. The sun is high in the sky, but it wasn’t overly hot. There is a nice breeze the further we got, blowing through the forest making the branches sway softly. It is simply gorgeous.

I followed Nick up the trail through the mountain range that he had found. Leading Demon carefully along the path while enjoying the ride.

I had no clue where we were going. Nick was being very mysterious and wouldn’t tell me a thing. Luckily, he was leading.

I had the best view of the most perfect male specimen in front of me. His tee stretched over his broad shoulders, showing off the muscles I have now memorized. His admittedly sexy ass sat comfortably in the saddle; like he was born in it. His body swayed as his horse plodded along, carefully picking its way around stumps and rocks. His face was partly shaded from his hat and every so often he would turn, his hand resting on the horse’s rump as he twisted to ensure I was behind him still.

His eyes lighting up whenever he saw me, crinkling at the corners as he smiled. I have never felt so loved before. He makes me feel like I’m a treasure.

This morning, he had loaded the trailer with our horses and equipment and then we took Jayden to his parents. All he would tell me is that he was taking me on a three-day trip that Jayden was too young for. He planned everything.

Judy had an odd twinkle in her eye as she saw us off, her expression odd but unreadable. Hopefully, she was okay.

We drove for about two hours before reaching the base of this mountain range. We unloaded the horses, packed our saddle bags, making sure the rifles were loaded, and then took off.

Nick has been slowly leading us up through the mountains. He seems to know where we’re going, so I relax and enjoy the ride.

The past few weeks have been stressful. I am finally healed and cast free. This is the first long ride I’ve done since my accident. I’m loving it even though my muscles are becoming sore. I can already tell my legs will be jelly and numb when we dismount.

Hopefully, Nick will catch me.

Riding has always been a passion of mine. The musty, rich smell of the leather saddle instantly brings a calmness over me. The feeling of sitting in the saddle, following the sway of Demon’s gait was relaxing and every so often the leather of the saddle would squeak as I shifted. The scenery you can’t beat either. Greenery surrounding us and every so often we would come near a ledge allowing us a peek at the view around us. Certain areas of the trail were flatter and had meadows of flowers on both sides. Other areas were sparse and rocky depending on where on the mountain we were. It was picturesque.

Nick’s been behaving oddly ever since we set out. He was so excited for this and now he’s been very quiet. Almost nervous. I catch him staring at me when we are able to walk side by side. His eyes trained on my face but his focus far away. I don’t think he even knows that I catch him looking. I’m not sure what’s going on with him, but I’ll figure it out later. He seems content for now.

The trail before us began to widen again so Nick and I could walk the horses beside each other.

He reached over and grabbed my hand that was laying on my leg. Squeezing, he then laced our fingers together. A sparkle is in his eyes and he has that far off look again as he smiles at me.

No words were needed. It was romantic and peaceful. I’ve never been treated to something like this and it was making me fall further and further in love with him. He never ceases to surprise me. He always tells me I’m worth this and so much more. I never used to see it. I never used to believe that I was special enough to have a love like this. But slowly, Nick has proved all my assumptions and beliefs inaccurate. He has taught me to love myself and see my worth. I just needed the push to see it.

Another hour passed in blissful silence. But now I really wanted to know what was going to happen.

The trail had narrowed again and started to become rockier. We had been winding our way through the range. Skirting around one mountain to reach the next, never quite climbing to the peak.

“So, where are we going, Nick?” I pouted towards him as he turned to view me.

He smirked. “I’m surprised it took you this long to ask again.” I roll my eyes. I didn’t want to be annoying.

“We will stop to set up camp soon once we descend the mountain a bit. Then tomorrow, we will continue on until we reach the place I want to show you.” I huffed knowing he wouldn’t give me more than that.

We finally stopped at a beautiful meadow that had a creek running by it.

We had plodded down the mountain side and came into a valley. The green grass of the meadow was dotted with bright yellow flowers. The horses could graze to their content and we would have a nice cushion of grass for the tent.

I took care of rubbing down and watering the horses while Nick made camp. I ground tied the horses and left them to graze on the rich grass.

Strong arms slipped around my waist to pull me back against his chest as he laid a kiss to my neck. I sighed in content, loving the feeling of his embrace. He makes me feel so safe.

“You enjoying it so far?” He sounded almost nervous.

“This is the best thing ever. I love it.” I smiled, looking back towards him. His eyes lit up and he let out a quick breath of relief before leaning down and softly connecting our lips. Did he really think I wouldn’t like this?

I turned in his arms, continuing the kiss as my hands drift from his chest to intertwine around his neck. God, I love this man.

How with just one look or one touch, he can make me feel so much love. He makes me feel beautiful and wanted.

Even on the days we fight or are stressed, he manages to make me feel loved. I never feel at odds with our relationship. We have been working on our communication since our last fight. We never go to bed angry and we always make sure the other knows what we are needing.

The past few weeks I’ve been injured have been hell. I’ve been hornier than I ever have in my life. Constantly wanting to rip his clothes off and devour him. He has ways of just making me so hot and bothered. Even if it’s just him stepping out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel that’s hung dangerously low on his hips. That v-line leading down, tempting and teasing me.

I’m pretty sure he does things like that on purpose. I always catch that stupid smirk growing on his lips when he sees me staring.

Nick, of course, was convinced he would injure me especially with the stupid ass cast still on my leg. It infuriated me but I understood. He refused to move further until the doctor gave the all clear and my cast was off.

Now, I was itching, burning and longing for him. I just want to feel him. All of him.

Our kiss becomes heated. I pull him harder against me, feverishly moving against each other. A moan slips past my lips as he parts them with his tongue, swiftly pushing through to caress mine. His hot breath fanning my face as we both become breathless.

His hands tighten around my waist until he crouches slightly, hands drifting to the back of my thighs to pick me up. My legs automatically wrap around his waist and I can feel his growing erection brushing against my jean clad core.

We need less clothes on.


Like right fucking this second.

I feel like I’ve waited my entire life to feel him


Thank god we haven’t seen anyone else on this trail.

I can feel us moving before my back meets with the gnarly bark of a nearby tree. Nick pushes me up against it, grinding into me.

“Nick.” I moan. His erection rubs harshly against my core. I need more. I frantically tug at his shirt. Desperate to feel his skin.

“I know baby.”

He lets me down before pulling me towards the tent. We crawl in after removing our boots and collapse on the queen air mattress Nick had pumped up. I scoot back towards the pillows as Nick watches my every move.

He looks like he wants to devour me. His eyes glint with determination and lust. As soon as he sees I’m situated, he pounces. Quite literally. He’s been waiting as long as I have.... if not longer.

He lunged from his spot, quickly attacking my lips as his hands reach the hem of my shirt.

His hands slip under and softly caress my flesh before pulling the shirt up over my head. His fingers deftly pop open the buttons on my jeans, unzipping them before pulling them off.

He pauses. His eyes sweeping the length of my body.

We’ve seen each other naked many times. But he always stops to admire me.

“So beautiful.” I hear him murmur. I lean up and place a gentle kiss to his lips, conveying how much I adore him.

I pull his own shirt off before running my hands along his tensing muscles.

Rising to my knees, I kiss his neck as my fingers work on his jeans. Pushing them down to his knees. He groans softly as I let my fingers trail along his hardening length.

I kiss his neck once more, gently sucking his skin and leaving a nice mark, before moving down. A kiss to his clavicle. To each of his pecks. My lips drift over each of his ab muscles. Slowly, tauntingly. He twitches, becoming impatient. My lips curl upwards against his skin. I love making him wait.

I press my lips against each hip bone, still avoiding his large erection that occasionally brushes against me. I can feel Nick shudder around me.

I gently kiss the tip of his cock before circling my tongue around his slit. He jerks in response.

“Shit.” He groans out as my mouth envelopes him further.

“Oh. Just like that baby. Your mouth feels so good.” I take as much of him as I can, sucking up and down with momentum occasionally letting him hit the back of my throat.

My hand trails from his cock to his balls, gently massaging them as I keep sucking. I can feel him tensing around me. The vein in his cock pulsing against my tongue.

He’s close. The knowledge that we are about to have sex, finally, is making us both incredibly aroused.

He pulls back suddenly, grasping my ankles and flipping me onto my back. I let out a shriek at the sudden position change.

His mouth descends, laying a rough kiss to my lips before moving along my body as he shucks off his jeans and boxers. He’s teasing me just like I did him. I groan.

His hand slips behind me to unclasp my bra, yanking it off me before moving to rip my underwear off.

I gasp. That was one of my better pair! He’s getting a little impatient...not that I was much better. But at least I didn’t rip his clothes!

I guess not being able to have sex for weeks (even though I wanted to plenty of times) has made him a little antsy.

Maybe I should remind him it was his fault we waited.

Hmm. Is this what he had planned? Whisking me away for hot, mountain sex? Can’t say I’m complaining.

“I’ll buy you more.” He mumbles against my lips. “A whole store if it means I can have this gorgeous pussy even faster.”

I arch into him as his lips wrap around my nipple. First one, sucking it into a point before moving to its twin. While his lips are attached to one, he fondles the other with his hand. Massaging the flesh and tweaking my nipple with his fingers.

I moan, shifting my hips against him. Desperate to feel the delicious friction I desperately seek.

Sensing my frustration, he moves back. His hot gaze sweeping over my body before he shifts to lay between my legs.

His breath fanned across my pussy, making me squirm. I desperately want to feel his tongue on me, working wonders on my clit.

“Let’s see how wet I made you, baby.” He murmurs before trailing a finger in between my folds.

I groan as I feel him gather some of my arousal that has seeped out.

“So wet....and all for me.” He mumbles before latching his lips to my clit.

“Fuck!” I shriek and lift my pelvis off the air mattress. I’m always so sensitive when he teases me.

I relax back down, trying to ease my muscles and enjoy the feel of his tongue.

He laps at me, running up my slit and twirling around my clit before trailing back again. Every so often he slips his tongue inside me, gathering more wetness.

“Fuck, you taste so good.” I jerk as I feel a finger slowly pushing through my entrance.

He curls around to find my g-spot before gently stroking it. Building me up while he continues to lick me.

My abdomen tenses, I can feel myself on the brink. Just a little more.

“Just like that! I’m so close.” Nick smiles against me before gently biting my clit as his finger hits the perfect spot.

The tightly wound coil shatters, bathing me in pure bliss. Nick continues to lick me clean as my trembling legs begin to relax.

“Fuck.” I breath out. He sure has talent with that tongue.

He climbs back up me, smashing his lips against mine.

“I love you so much, baby.” His eyes gleaming with a tenderness I’m still getting used to. He rubs the tip of his cock up and down my leaking cunt, lubing himself.

“I love you too.” I whisper.

He looks into my eyes, silently making sure I’m still okay. He must realize I’m close to punching him if he doesn’t give me what we both want. He nods slightly, giving me one more kiss.

He gently presses in. Taking it slowly since I haven’t had sex in three years. It’s been so long, I almost forgot what it was like to have someone inside me. It burns slightly but he feels so good. I’m already clenching around him.

“Shit.” He groans as he pulls out slightly and pushes further in. He does it slowly and gently. Letting me become used to his size. The burn fades away as I adjust.

I gasp when he hits a certain spot. He looks at me slightly concerned but I nod away his worries.

Once he is fully seated inside me, he leans down to brush my lips with his. Slowly, tenderly kissing me. The passion coursing through us leaves me breathless. Our tongues tangle together as he slowly begins to move.

After a few strokes it becomes easier, and he picks up speed.

“Fuck, you feel amazing.” He groans against my neck.

“Mmmm, right there.” I moan as he hits a sensitive spot. Stars dancing across my vision as my pleasure builds. I clench around him.

“Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. You still okay?” He questions, looking worried.

“Perfect.” I smile at him, jutting my hips up to meet his thrusts. It feels so good. Almost too good. I’m already on the edge. It has been way to fucking long.

He thrusts harder and I moan his name as I cum harshly around him.

He pulls out quickly, making me look at him in confusion.

“Hands and knees baby. I want you from behind. I want to see that sexy ass move as I pound into you.” I quickly shift positions, eager to feel him once more.

He lays a kiss on my ass before thrusting back into me. I feel so much tighter this way. I can tell he feels the same with the string of curses that just slipped past his lips.

“Faster, Nick!” I need more.

He grunts as he picks up speed. Thrusting into me hard and fast. I’m completely soaked, allowing him to slide easily. My orgasm begins to build again. This position feels so different. He hits all the right places. He’s deep and I feel even tighter, able to feel the ridges of his cock as he continues to pummel into me. His tip hitting my G-spot perfectly as he pulls out and pushes in.

Sensing I’m close, Nick reaches around me and fingers my clit. Circling it quickly which makes me shriek as I cum harshly.

Feeling an intense pressure, I slip off his cock just as a jet of liquid rushes from me, saturating the sleeping bag below us.

“God, you’re so amazing.” Nick groans as his cock is bathed in my cum.

I’m panting and completely spent but he isn’t done yet.

He flips me back over. Immediately latching his mouth to my throbbing cunt as he tastes my most recent orgasm. His flicks his tongue against my clit mercilessly, making my weary body reach its orgasm once more. I’m way to sensitive right now, which he’s finding quite enjoyable.

“Shit!” My legs tremble and I jerk as I fall over the edge. How the fuck is he still going?! I’m spent. I don’t think I have much more in me.

He kisses me passionately as he enters me once more. Slowing down slightly but making his thrusts harder. His tongue sweeping inside my mouth to taste my own. I moan against his mouth as a particular hard thrust brings send me into an almost instantaneous orgasm.

I can feel him tense as I clench around him. His breaths come out in pants and groans as he reaches his release.

“Cum with me baby. One more time.” He reaches between us and brushes my sensitive and swollen clit with his fingers. I squirm and thrash while he does his best to keep me still and stay seated inside me.

It seems impossible, but I’m tossed over the edge a final time. We groan out together as he spills inside me. My pussy milking him as his thrust become harder and infrequent until he’s completely empty.

He collapses onto my chest as we try and catch our breath.

“Shit.” I stare at him wide eyed. He quirks an eyebrow up. “That was amazing.” I gasp out.

He smiles, taking pride in my gelatinous body that has melted against him.

“It was. Absolutely breathtaking. You’re absolutely breathtaking.” He murmurs while stroking my cheek with his hand. He gently kisses me. “I love you.”

“I love you too. So much.” We cuddle against each other, his arms wrapping around me in a warm, safe cocoon.

He kisses the side of my head as we decide to take a nap to replenish our spent bodies.


There we have it! Their first time! Was it hot enough? :D

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