A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Brownie Batter

Nick’s POV

My breath hitched as I turn my head to look at her. Her eyes remained closed, seemingly unconcerned. I shuffled around so that we were both laying on our sides as her eyes blinked open.

“Baby, I’m so sorry you had to see those. Please believe me that I want nothing to do with her. I immediately blocked her and deleted her messages. She’s nothing to me.” I pleaded with Spencer to understand. I can’t let that bitch ruin what I have with Spence. The best thing in my life. She smiles softly, relieving me.

“I know. After everything she put you through, I’d be surprised if you decided to initiate contact with her. It was just bad timing all around.” She sighs. I know she must have felt worried and confused by seeing those messages.

I tilt her chin up to look at me. Leaning down, my lips meet hers in a small kiss. “You are so special. I never thought I could have a connection with someone like we do. It completely knocked me off my feet and took my breath away. I can only breath when I’m around you.” I kiss her again, gently slipping my tongue in to brush against hers. She moans softly at my words and touches.

God, I love this woman.


The next two weeks flew by. Spencer finally got her cast off and has been slowly increasing the amount of work she does. We have decided to keep two men on the farm to assist with the work. That way, we can spend more time with Jay and manage and build the farm. I decided to sell my online business as I had lost my passion for it and developed a new passion with Spencer. I now manage the farm alongside her, along with some of the heavy-duty work. Safe to say, I have quite the nest egg saved up. Enough to never worry about finances for another several years.

“Daddy.” I look up from my computer to look at Jay who was playing on the floor in front of the television.

“What’s up bud?”

“Where’s momma?” He tilts his head adorably. Spencer was at her last doctor’s appointment to get the all clear. She of course refused my help in driving her there.

“She’s at her doctor’s appointment. She’ll be home soon.”

“I’m hungry.” He’s always hungry. I mentally roll my eyes.

“Okay, buddy. How about we go make lunch and make something special for mommy.” He nods his head emphatically.

His giggles and shrieks sound through the kitchen as we make brownies for dessert and chicken sandwiches for lunch. His face was absolutely covered in chocolate from licking the spoon. (I didn’t let him, I swear.)

“What’s with all the commotion?” An angelic voice rings out, halting our movements. From the amused expression in Spencer’s face, I can only imagine what we look like. She shakes her head.

“What am I going to do with you two?”

I swoop in to give her a kiss, pulling her into my chest for a hug. “Everything go okay?”

“Yup. I’m all clear. No more pain.” This is what I’ve been waiting for. I try to hide my grin as I continue to smother her to my chest.

Spencer has been working extremely hard at both recuperating and managing the farm. I want to treat her to a mini vacation. I have everything planned out since the weather is still good. My mom will watch Jayden, and we can have three days to be by ourselves.

Just the two of us.... alone.

I just hope she likes it.

I’ve arranged everything. The cabin, the food, childcare, farm care. I want this so bad. To be alone with my love without interruption, while she is finally healed.

“Time to clean up, lil man.” I swoop Jayden into my arms amidst his giggles. I can see a soft, wistful smile grow on his mother’s face as she watches us.

Yes, time to move forward. She will be mine forever.


Yes, super short I know! It was mostly just filler to get from point a to point b. Only a few more chapters left.... I’m assuming you know where we are going 😉

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