A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Him


Ugh. Why am I nervous. My stomach is in knots and I’m constantly wiping my sweaty hands on my jeans.

I’ve been to these parties before, but something just feels off. Maybe because I’m meeting the legendary son I’ve only seen in pictures. I don’t know.

As soon as I entered the house, Judy came rushing up to me, flustered beyond belief. I really don’t understand why she likes entertaining if it makes her like this. Her eyes widen in relief when she spots me.

“Oh, thank god! Hi, Jay!” Jay runs to give her a hug before running towards where Pop normally is.

“Are you ok? What can I do?” I’d rather stay inside than mingle honestly. I don’t know a lot of the people here.

“Would you be able to chop the veggies? I have broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, and cucumbers to go with dip.”

I head towards the kitchen. “Of course. Keep an eye on Jay, will you?” I get busy chopping the veggies. It’s a repetitive task by now with how much I meal prep for Jay. I’m in my own little world trying to think about what to do about the farm.

I didn’t notice someone enter the room.

I didn’t notice the watchful eyes that were heated on my body.

Had I been paying attention; I may have felt my body heat up and tingle with awareness.

“Hello.” A husky voice makes me jump and see Nick enter the kitchen. My breathing quickened just by the sight of him.

Holy. Shit. Yum.

He’s hotter than the photos make him look. I’m suddenly extremely self-conscious of how I looked. God did I even remember to reapply deodorant?!

I think I may be drooling now.

Stop it! You’re not some 16-year-old girl with a fan girl crush!

But he is swoon worthy. Short brown hair that’s just long enough to run your fingers through, a chiseled jaw covered in scruff that trailed down to his Adam’s apple, and piercing blue eyes. His arms were muscular, and I bet if I saw underneath that tee he had on, he would have a great six pack too. He is exceptionally fit. His blue eyes held a warmth to them that caught me off guard. They twinkled in the kitchen light, as they raked over my body.

Jesus Christ.

I’ve never felt this much desire for one man before. I almost snort out loud for that thought. I’ve only ever been with one man. And he had never made me feel like this with just his gaze. My body doesn’t know what to do with itself.

His gaze is intense, trying to figure me out. My body felt tense, just knowing he was watching me. Like any minute I would completely embarrass myself.

It felt like fire was rushing through my veins and I’m pretty sure my face is bright red right now.

I wish I could know what he was thinking. Why does he keep staring? I’m nothing special to look at.

When his hand lifted and slowly brushed a strand of hair behind my ear, my heart just about leapt from my chest. A churning fire in the pit of my stomach kept me frozen in place. Why did he do that? Why didn’t I react? Oh my god this is embarrassing.

Such a simple action, but it seemed so much deeper for two strangers to be engaging in. He seemed just as shocked as me as he stared at his hand, paused by my face, before he withdrew it. My stomach was swimming right now. The tingles were spreading from the slight warmth of his body near mine. His warm breath fanning my face made me desperately want to lean in and feel his lips against mine.

What is this? I’ve never felt this insecure or nervous before. Not for anyone.

After his romantic caressing blunder, he stuttered out a sentence to redirect our conversation. He seems just as nervous as I am. That’s an achievement right there.

He seemed to finally indirectly ask the question he had been wanting to. It was odd.

Why does it sound like he’s seeing if I’m available?

I mentally scoffed at that idea. I’m nothing special. I’m not worth someone’s attention. Especially this Adonis before me. I’m plain, boring, and very unsexy.

Just wait until he sees Jayden, he will be hightailing it as fast as he can.

Just like everyone else.

Speak of the munchkin, “Momma. Momma. Momma.” He was speeding into the room to latch on to my legs. Here we go.

I crouch down and send a fleeting glance to Nick. This will be awkward.

“What baby?”

“Where Pop?”

“I don’t know, baby. He is probably in the backyard. Maybe you can ask Nick. Pop is Nick’s dad so maybe he will know where he ran off to.” I point to Nick who is looking utterly confused. Jayden looks up at Nick who immediately schools is expression and smiles warmly down at him.

“Nick, this is Jayden.” Jayden took a few unsure steps towards him as Nick crouched down to his level. He tilted his head to study the large man and seemed just as captivated as I was. He didn’t even look very nervous which is very unlike Jay.

“Nice to meet you little man. Should we go look for him?” I smile as he offers Jayden his hand. My boy completely shocks me by lifting his hands to be picked up instead, after only a moment’s hesitation. Nick scoops him up immediately and looks completely comfortable doing so.

What the.... Jay has never been like this. He takes forever to warm up to people, especially men, and now he’s just letting Nick hold him like it was nothing. What the hell is going on?

“Let’s go find him, little man.” I watch, dazed, as Nick walks out the door with Jay wrapped around his neck without another word.

Well........That was unexpected.

I watched them the entire night. Nick would chat with friends and would include Jayden in conversation. I watched him prepare Jay his own plate of food when he was hungry even going as far as cutting his food for him. He played with him when he was asked. Eventually, Jay fell asleep and Nick continued to hold him. I tried several times to take him off his hands. This was his party so no doubt he would want to mingle. He refused each time so eventually I gave up and went into the living room, knowing Jay was safe.

I needed to sit down. My feet were killing me, and I was so fucking exhausted.

I didn’t know when my eyes drifted shut but I vaguely felt myself being moved around and lifted into someone’s strong arms. They felt so warm and safe, so I drifted off back to sleep, no longer caring about the outside world. Jay was safe, the animals were taken care of before I left, I could sleep.

I woke up with a start to a pitch-black room. The bed didn’t feel familiar to me and a clock on the nightstand next to me showed me I was in fact, not in my own bedroom. Where am I? I remember Jay being with Nick all night and then I went to the couch.

Shit, I must have fallen asleep.


I bolt upright intending to rampage the house to find him when my eyes finally adjust to the darkness.

My breath caught in my throat when I see a large man shaped form on the couch. Nick was sleeping in what looked like a rather uncomfortable position. His long legs dangled off the edge of the couch. Jay was sleeping peacefully on his chest with Nick’s arms wrapped around him. They looked peaceful and content.

My chest blossomed in warmth at the scene. They look so adorable. It amazes me how easily Nick and Jay took to each other. But it also gave me questions. Was Nick the one to move me to a bed? Why is he taking such an interest in Jay? He seems like he wants to be involved with us. Both of us.

Heck, he is involved. In just one night, he’s been more involved than anyone in my life. This is not an area I’m familiar with.

I’m used to being alone.

My last relationship ended quickly and was a huge blow to me. We were together for over three years and he said he wanted to start a family, get married, do all those usual things people in long term relationships do. But when Jayden came, he hightailed it as fast as he could the other way. I was heartbroken. I fell into a pit of depression and self-doubt while caring for a newborn. It was a challenging time in my life, especially with the farm just starting up.

I was on my own. No family to help, my best friend had just died, and my life was a disaster. It wasn’t until Jayden turned a year old, that I got my shit together. I learned a good routine that worked, I received help from Richard and Judy who grew exceptionally fond of us, and my farm was booming. Since then, it’s always been me and the little guy.

Glancing at the clock I see that it’s 4 am. My typical chore time. Eh. They can wait a few more hours. I burrow back under the warm covers, wrapped in the scent of musky cinnamon, and fall back asleep quickly.

The second time I awoke, I was alone in the room. The sun was drifting through the window and I could hear the birds singing. Glancing at the clock again it was almost seven. Shit! Jay’s awake already and I should have been home. How did I sleep so long? I need to find him so we can go home. I throw the covers off me and creep downstairs, hoping to not wake the rest of the house.

I hear giggling coming from the kitchen as I reach the last step. Slowly peeking my head around the corner, I have to hold in my gasp of awe. This man is really surprising me lately.

He and Jayden were in the kitchen standing near the stove. Jay stood on a stool safely in front of Nick who had his arms around him. They were covered in flour and Jay was laughing as he helped mix whatever was in the bowl.

“Ok, little man. Now we have to pour the batter into the pan making a little circle.”

Mmm pancakes. A sexy man cooking for us? This is turning out to be a great start to the day. I could get used to this.

Wait....snap out of it!

I watched as Nick carefully helped Jay pour the batter in the pan. He laughed loudly as to much was poured in.

“Whoops. This one will be big!” I smile watching the scene unfold. Nick glances up, catching my eye and smiles widely at me. The butterflies in my stomach come swarming back. I have to hold back my cheesy grin. We maintain eye contact, gazing into each other’s eyes before it becomes too much for me.

“Ah, momma is awake.” Jay immediately turns to me with a toothy grin.

“Mamma! We making pancakes!”

I laugh. “I see that baby. I hope you thanked Nick for letting you help!” I sneak a peek at Nick to see him already watching me intently, a look in his eyes I couldn’t quite identify. I can feel my cheeks heat up as I bite my lip and avert my gaze.

He lifts Jay off the stool and tells him to come sit at the counter with me. I can still feel his gaze on me as I lift Jay into my arms and give his cheek a kiss.

My little boy.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Nick walk around the counter before grabbing my hand and softly placing a mug of coffee in it. Tingles shoot through my arm at his simple touch. I look into his eyes and murmur a soft thank you.

He finishes breakfast and plates it. I watch on as he cuts a pancake into bite size pieces followed by a sausage patty. He drizzled maple syrup over both and placed in before Jay. He’s acting just like a father. To a kid he doesn’t even know.

“Thanks!” Jay chirped.

Nick smiles before sitting down next to me with a plate for me and himself. As he places the plate in front of me, his other hand softly brushed against my shoulder. He smiles and sends me a flirty wink before he takes a seat next to me.

Does he feel this odd connection too?

I take a bite of the fluffy pancake goodness. “Mmm. Baby, you’re such a good cook!” I nudge Jay and kiss his cheek causing him to giggle. Nick watches on with an amused expression.

We were almost finished eating when I hear Judy’s footsteps entering the kitchen.

“Oh, hello dear!” She looked at me somewhat amused. I glance down. It’s not like I meant to fall asleep.

“Good morning Judy. Sorry I conked out last night.” I mumble, embarrassed.

“Think nothing of it. I’m sure you needed your rest. What are you up to today.”

“I have to go do chores. Seems like I got a late start.” I sigh.

“Well, Richard wanted me to ask if you still wanted the hay? He can have one of the men trailer it over.”

“Yeah, that would be great. Have him send me a bill and I’ll cut a check.”

Nick glances between us. “I can bring the hay Mom. Don’t sweat it.”

I avert my gaze from them both. I can see Judy lift her eyebrow and smile towards Nick, from the corner of my eye. Nick seems to see it too as his cheeks tinge pink at his mother’s look.

Aww he’s blushing! Jesus, I may as well be 16 again with how I’m acting. What is wrong with me?


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