A Pinch of Cinnamon

Chapter Don’t leave me; us

Spencer’s POV

A sharp pain across my abdomen pulls me from my sleep. I groan, turning my head to see the clock.

4 am. Things have definitely changed. I used to be up at this time doing chores. Now, my husband lies next to me, sleeping contently until his alarm sounds at 6. My kids are asleep in their bedrooms and I am currently housing the next two in my giant belly.

Another sharp pain ricochets through my body. Shit. My heart drops to my stomach making me feel queasy.

I slap Nick’s arm, becoming nervous and frightened.

“Nick. Baby, wake up!”

“Hmm?” He groans, barely waking.

“Nick, I think I’m in labor!” That’s all it takes for Nick to bolt from the bed, suddenly wide eyed awake with panic.

“You’re only 30 weeks! It’s too soon! Isn’t it too soon?” He rambles.

“You know the doctor said twins sometime come early. Though this is pretty early. She was hoping I would make it to 35 weeks.”

Nick fumbles for the phone before calling his mom to come watch the kids.

“Stay here. I’ll pack you a bag.” He kisses my forehead before kissing my belly.

Once Judy arrives, with a very sleepy Richard in tow, she sends us on our way. I could see a hint of fear in her eyes. She knows it’s early.

The pain is steadily increasing. It doesn’t feel completely normal which is scaring me. My water hasn’t broken, and the contractions are not very far apart. An immense pressure on my back and pelvis is making it increasingly hard to get comfortable.

Five minutes before we reach the hospital, I feel warm liquid slowly leaking out of me. I glance down thinking my waters finally broken.

A dark, red spot seems to be growing across the front of my pajama pants.

“Nick.” I whimper causing him to glance over. What’s happening to me? Are the babies alright?!

He sees the blood stain and curses, gripping my hand tightly to try and comfort me and himself.

He puts his foot to the gas pedal, hurrying us to the front of the hospital. He races from his side to mine, ripping open my door.

“Nick, I can’t.” I tell him breathlessly. I can’t move.

“I know, baby. I have you. Forever.” Nick swings me into his arms, carrying me bridle style to the front door as blood continues to leak from me.

“Help! Someone help!” At this point Nick has abandoned trying to act calm. A nurse rushes towards us, calling out for a bed and doctor once she sees the blood coating my thighs.

We explain the situation as they begin to attach monitors to me and my belly.

They end up doing an ultrasound immediately. My babies’ heart rates were dropping indicating that they were incredibly stressed. The doctor could not find where I was bleeding from on the ultrasound but said we needed to do an emergency Caesarian.

As they place the epidural and Nick gets changed into scrubs, my nerves skyrocket.

I am feeling incredibly scared but I’m trying to be brave. I keep telling myself everything will be fine. The babies will be healthy and after a brief stay in NICU, we can take them home to their brother and sister.

“So, we are going to wheel you into the surgery suite so we can deliver these babies.” The nurse comes in and starts unlocking the bed wheels.

“Wait! Where’s Nick! They said he could be there! He has to be there! I can’t do this alone!” I scream beginning to hyperventilate.

He has to be with me.

“Hey, hey, it’s okay! He will be meeting us in there as soon as you’re completely prepped!” The nurse tries comforting me.

I settle down with the knowledge that he won’t be away from me during the procedure. Dread has settled in my heart and I can’t help but think something bad will happen. I’m glad that Nick will be by my side.

It’s a hard reality. To come to terms with the fact that my twins are being born early and that something is happening to me or us that could be life threatening. The doctors weren’t sure where the blood was coming from so they said they would find the problem once I was cut open.

I shivered on the table. It felt so cold and clinical. Not at all like I had with my first birth. A large drape was covering my view of the lower half of my body.

“Hey, baby.” Relief flooded my system at the sound of Nick’s voice. He kissed my forehead gently while wiping away the tears I didn’t realize I was letting escape.

The doctor begins the procedure warning me I will feel pressure and tugging.

“I’m scared.” I murmured. Nick clutches my hand to his chest as he locks his eyes to mine.

“I know you are sweetheart. I am too. But the doctors and nurses will do everything they can to make sure all of you are healthy. You are so amazing.” He kisses my lips softly as more tears trickle from my eyes. “You are my soul mate. A goodness on this earth. Every day I thank whoever brought you to me. I’m the luckiest man alive and you make life worth living. You became my family, gave me a son and a daughter, and today we get to welcome two more beautiful babies that we created together. You are so strong. You create life and carry them in your body until they feel safe enough to come out. I love you so much, baby. So much.” He kisses me again and leans his forehead against mine. A tear drops from his eye onto my cheek gathering with my own.

“Here comes baby A.” The doctor suddenly announces. “It’s a girl!”

Suddenly, a piercing cry sounds through the room as our baby screams its head off. Relief immediately floods my body. The doctor raises our baby girl over the sheet so I can see her before they immediately take her to NICU.

“And here’s baby boy B!” I feel a tugging sensation and wait to hear that cry.

Silence greets me.

Nick and I glance worriedly toward each other.

“Where is he? Is he okay?!” I ask, suddenly feeling tired and drowsy.

“Give us a moment.” The doctor and nurses sound hushed and frantic at the same time.

A few seconds late a gurgled cry sounds.

Oh, thank god.

“He’s fine now. The cord got wrapped around his neck briefly, but he is okay.” The doctor lifts him up briefly so we can see him before they whisk him along to the NICU like his sister.

As if my body was holding out for them, the drowsiness becomes too much.

“Nicholas.” I slur out, trying to remain awake.

“Baby.” He looks at me suddenly becoming frantic.

“What’s going on?! Doctor she looks like she’s passing out.” I hear Nick yell just as the doctor yells; “She’s hemorrhaging!”

A button was pressed, and the room suddenly floods with more people and a flurry of activity. The doctor is barking orders, but I can’t focus enough to understand him.

My gaze is on Nick, who looks like petrified. Tears are running down his pale face, his hands are gripping mine fiercely.

I hold on just long enough to hear his words and offer my own, stuttered reply.

“Hold on! Don’t leave me baby! Please don’t leave us!

“I....love...you.” The last words slip from my lips before my vision turns black.


Part two is on the way so never fear! It will be posted later tonight but I wanted to do this in two parts one with Spencer’s POV and one with Nick’s. I’m not sure what made me add this drama into their lives but I was hit with sudden inspiration after the Valentines Special. Don’t hate me! 😬

This is not edited yet so you may see mistakes!

Thoughts? Emotions? Do you hate me? 😂

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