A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Six.

“Mr President we can offer assistance but what you are about to see must remain a secret.” She had released control only on his mind, having ordered the other humans to ignore what was been said. As she revealed to him her abilities she also placed an image of non-aggression to keep him calm, and then requested Antony to mind meld and show him the images of him fighting back. His mind was shocked at the speed and strength of the person before him, yet he realised this person was here to offer help.

As the Presidents mind calmed, he ordered the Chief of Staff to observe all he had seen. Been a military man he immediately requested to be turned and that a secretly trained section of military be set up to defend the planet. What he did not realise was that they all including him would become subservient to Willow, and she carefully kept that hidden from them.

Carefully she requested to know if they would like her gifts, the Chief of Staff immediately answered yes, he was a soldier through to his marrow, The Prime Minister took time…, “Yes but could my family be gifted at a later date.”

Willow smiled “No problem, she still calmed their minds not allowing them to become scared. “Sirs you need to contact your offices and inform them you are in emergency talks and will be returning in the morning.” This they did explaining it was above top secret and they would just have to wait for them to explain.

Willow turned them both just to ensure they took although had any vampire turned them, they would still be subservient to her alone, and although they would follow guidance from others, but because of who they were she wanted to ensure no one other than her could control them.

By the next morning they returned with a space craft materializing cloaked above the Parliament. They arranged an emergency broadcast and announced long range sensors had detected an alien craft approaching and that intelligence from another life form had revealed it was hostile.

He then proceeded to show the data stream of Mark Antony destroying hideous looking soldiers, “This is one of the alien representatives from a nearby world who is peaceful by nature and who has been sharing technology with us,”

He paused breathing in and then exhaling. “BMW have been producing part of their shared technology and our vastly superior increase in computers was also thanks to this race.”

The public were in shock and at first thought this was some type of crazy joke and many even refused to believe in aliens. As it was ever since Willow had made available selected technology to the military they had created some incredible new weapons and had included a small fleet of highly advanced shuttles each equipped with technology latterly out of this world.

There was one fortunate piece of good fortune, Willow had turned a selection of military on request, and they had quietly been subservient to her ever since. As it was Willow had reluctantly exposed her cover to both the PM and the Joint Chief of Staffs, who were themselves now subservient to her, and through these two individuals Willow was able for a time to keep her true identity secret.

The Altearirans Empire had grown and was reaching into multiple universes, they had started as a subservient race bred to serve, until one day their creators decided to breed a gene to encourage them to weed out the weaker offspring and produce only strong minded driven subjects, who exceeded their masters desires and turned on their creators having seen a flaw within them, and their total focused drive to constantly improve themselves.

Over the millenniums they had genetically driven out subservience and focused entirely only on the gene pool which could survive.

Each new generation produced fitter and stronger offspring and they were encouraged to fight Each other to the death, so only the best survived. It had been a tragic failure of one single apprentice who wanting to explore and advance his skills in an act of revenge.

Deciding to create a subservient race into servant’s who would not only serve, but also protect and fight, as the apprentice had recently lost his family due to his home been attacked by raiders. Only in his grief he had not the true skill in reprogramming the DNA, and over corrected selected genetic markers, by the time the mistake was discovered, they had created a monster who sought only true genetic advancement, which to them was to remove the weak, destroying it and all who stood in their way.

Grendarral was their leader and the original servant who was assigned responsibility of attending to the apprentices needs. Before the Master had left and unknown to his grandson, the Master had changed Grendarral into a vampire.

It was only after in obedience he had carried out the young master apprentice’s orders and later informed by this assigned ward who confessed to him that he had made a mistake and needed to correct his last project. He Grendarral was that last experiment and had not liked been told he was a mistake, to the apprentices cost he was later placed into a semi-comatose state, and then due to advanced technology partly suspended in a cryogenic state so his mind remained active while his body shut down to its basic function of remaining alive.

Now over a million plus years later he remains crucified hanging over the throne room of Grendarral’s chair on their mother ship. It is a constant reminder to Grendarral to see the one who created this new life form by genetic tampering, he left him eternally alive and conscious to show his creator the error of his ways. The ship was the size of a small moon and could traverse into folding space with precise jump drives powered from dark matter. This resulted in traversing vast interstellar distances up to fifteen times the speed of light.

Unknown to Grendarral and his race the very youth for whom he was responsible to serve and care over, was himself the grandchild of a highly evolved race, and who were themselves the founders of the Vampires. They were the oldest living race in the known universe, and had colonised millions of Galaxies.

The Queen now living within Willows mind was actually the great, great granddaughter of the Master himself, the very first of his kind to evolve and due to his astute mind and passive nature, he sought peace and to further life expanding into the heavens.

As he created more of his kind, they grew into a family, then a community, from there a nation and just continued growing and extending further and further into the heavens. As they came across other life forms they educated them helping them to progress, and on coming across a distant world in a far out solar system, they met the Altearirans who were themselves a peaceful race whom preferred servitude, and in exchange for knowledge they offered freely to serve.

Grendarral became the favoured friend of the Master but not realising these were the very original Life forms of this race, and it was now he who was trusted to oversee the grandchild when the Master took a fleet of interstellar jump drives ships to explore a newly discovered galaxy. This child who had been studying under a genetics master thought he knew how to modify selected genes and create new traits into his friend and servant. Ordering Grendarral to administer a small potion into the food of the entire race, explaining it would give longevity of life and increase their strength and awareness. In as much as his thoughts were true, and the genetic potion did as he expected, it also did by far more, and over the next fifteen months the Altearirans started to change in body mass, mind and aggression.

On realising the mistake, the youth apologised to his long life friend, not realising he was unstable and now a different life form to the one he had loved and known. The Altearirans took advantage of their non-violent masters and started murdering them before they realised what was happening.

However, when provoked the vampires fought back, but not understanding or wanting to kill the race they had known and loved for so long, so they held back. By then millions had stolen interstellar ships and launched into orbit, and from there under the leadership of Grendarral they destroyed the planet from high orbit, totally killing the vampires and even thousands of their fellow race who failed too escape.

It was this which set them on the path they now took, as time passed the genetic tampering created a formidable violent new race who reproduced faster than a plague of rats. To further their genetic development they started culling their young, by setting them against every new race they came across. Upon discovering the planet where Octavia called home, they had not realised it was part of the highly evolved and extended Vamperic Nation as they now called themselves.

They had already sent the call for surrender, when Grendarral realised which life form inhabited this planet, and knowing his race could not defend themselves against this race when prepared and no element of surprise was on their side, he panicked and destroyed the planet rather than risk extinction.

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