A New World - Book One

Chapter Chapter Seven.

From there they colonised every non vampiric planet which they found and destroyed from orbit any vampire planets they came across. Only now worlds had become aware of this race and had sought protection, sending envoys to search deep space trying to warn all they came across and to search out the Master himself. Even then the vampires been passive by nature offered protection to all whom requested but refused to actively seek out the Altearirans unless they threatened their planets.

They had vastly superior technology and space weapons, but unless provoked they refused to act aggressively. Only now there Queen who they thought murdered had been reborn but into a humans mind. Humans thought differently and were peaceful usually by nature, but would become super aggressive if provoked and go all out to protect themselves and the ones they loved. Thanks by pure chance to the alien life forms who had sought interstellar trade, had met Willow and this changed the course of life for earth and the human race.

Their technology had developed at a formidable rate and they started creating a space fleet plus highly evolved intelligent munition and methods of defending themselves and fighting. Only fate played yet another ace to aid the human race. Willow discovered the genetic sample which purely by fate turned out to be frozen remains of the Queen’s tissues, containing her XDNA and inherent memories. It took time but the samples eventually became part of field trials and Willow opted to be the first intelligent human species to test trial the newly developed XDNA.

The rest was history and once again the Queen lived on through Willow, and was now sharing her mind with an intelligent life form open to learn and like the Queen passive by nature, yet held human traits enabling her to respond to violence in an entirely different way. When the mining colony of humans were discovered prisoners were taken from an asteroid before the vampire security had realised their theft. On seeing this world held intelligent life forms who fought back, the Altarians decided it was worthy of testing their young against this race, to hopefully cull the weaker minded and less strong, and leave them only the strongest to survive and breed, carrying their race forward on its path of perfection.

It was now known the Altearirans were less than a month away, as their scout ships had raided Willows mining colony in search for worthy Life forms, only not realising that there was now a substantial vampire race living alongside them.

Having captured their prisoners who were hard strong rough mining type and fought with considerable skill and violence in defence of their lives. They had killed over thirty of the advanced raiding party sent against them.

Even though these were untested young Altearirans, the resistance had lasted over three days, and when finally over powered by sheer numbers the remaining captors from the asteroid were taken for torture and interrogation. Each team was shuttled to the asteroid and carried out a five day shift working twelve hours, returning to their near orbit shuttle to rest sleep and return to work.

The shuttle was destroyed immediately leaving the miners with no escape and all communication was blocked so no rescue could be mounted or be aware of them been under attack. It was only when the Altearirans announced to planet earth they were about to be invaded that they realised they were already here. The Mother ship and its fleet vacated Jump Space twenty thousand miles from their intended destination, and slowed to spread out across the galaxy, with the mother ship settling into obit by Neptune.

From there fleets of ships were sent to start their invasion, having informed earth they could use their primitive weapons to defend themselves other than weapons of mass destruction, if they chose such weapons then their planet would be sacrificed including any Altearirans there, as they were deemed unworthy for failing to prevent their destruction.

The accidental genetic modifications had altered their mind set and ways of thinking, resulting in little care for life other than seeking the perfection that their minds kept striving for. As such they held a very blinkered attitude, and failed to see the love, and peaceful nature of the humans, only having seen a handful of angry miners fighting frantically against better armed aliens trying to kill them.

As such almost all humans would fight back with intelligence and rage if facing such a situation rather that hand themselves over and voluntary die a violent long and painful death. Fortunately Antony had pre-warned the humans and the vampires had been ordered to start turning as many military and civilians as possible. The only other advantage they held was they could continue turning people even while under invasion, and their space fleet was well equipped.

In the early stages the humans fought incredible space battles trying to prevent the invasion, and this enabled Grendarral to observe their tactics and counter them on later attacks. It was the sheer volume of Altearirans, they were like huge swarms of lotus just never ending and by sheer volume alone some would always get through. Fortunately Willow had established many orbital stations and factories to process her mined ore, and had them cloaked by the same technology used on the shuttles she originally purchased.

These were sent into orbit into a neighbouring galaxy and constantly produced much needed munition and crafts, also the medical research laboratories had started researching cloning and had already created cloned animals and started cloning humans. Only these remained blank, kept in cryogenic storage awaiting a mind-set awaking.

The animals were cloned for off world food, and now Willow had requested that Antony took a small team to awaken the cloned humans and turn them into vampires, passing on all generic history and memories at the same time.

The clones were themselves a new life form, bred to live and work in outer space, and equipped with highly advanced nano technology. This combined with the vamperic gene transformed them into highly skilled soldiers enable to automatically call upon memories from those who knew the skill of war, planning, flying or piloting highly advanced space craft. Also their reflex action was faster than even that of Willow and Antony as they had inbuilt reinforced nervous systems, now empowered by the vamperic gene as well.

The queen had requested that a genetic sample be kept of Willow for her own safety and then requested a sample of the XDNA found from her own remains be cloned, this had been carried out as requested and an young adult clone had been set aside. The queen explained to Willow her intentions “We need to divide our resources, you have an army you created which are truly loyal to you, yet I remain in love with Antony and request to have a body of my own.”

Willow understood her Queens’s request, “My Queen I am unsure how, but if you so wish you may have my body and I will live within a cloned body, or if it is possible you can transfer into your own cloned body.”

There was a moments silence within Willows mind this was something she found very disturbing as the human mind was constructed to constantly be gathering or sorting information. “Child your offer is truly appreciated and shows to me your heart is true. However, neither is necessary as the moment you activate my clone and pass on my, correction I apologise your blood, then I can transfer my inherent mind and memories into the clone and be alive in my own body.”

Willow thought, “Thank you my queen but please forgive my ignorance will you not also have left a remnant of you within still in my mind.”

The reply was instant, “Yes but the remnant will be silent and what you call asleep, allowing you to live your own life and possibly as I have seen in your mind allow you to love the one you call John who you gave a partnership in your company.” Willow became embarrassed as she had liked john but had not followed through, she was also unsure just of his feelings towards her.

To her embarrassment Willow heard a laughter within her mind, “Child forgive me as I forget you are truly new to this, your mind can read that of this John Winston, look I will show you how to read into his mind.”

At that before Willow could even reply she saw herself looking directly into the mind of her friend and business partner John Winston. To her acute embarrassment she saw he fanaticised been with her and that his heart had loved her even before her husband had died.

This realisation gave her embarrassed hope, “Thank you my Queen” replied Willow. However the Queen realised she had intruded into Willows personal space and that it was something she herself would be uncomfortable with. “I apologise child please forgive my intrusion”. At that she requested the cloned copy of herself be brought before willow.

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