A New Era

Chapter Chapter Seven

"Okay, let me get this straight. You believe that your parents were involved with something, or knew something and they kept it all from you, just to protect you guys and keep you from making the mistakes they made?" Ben said. He was in complete shock, as were the rest of us. It made no sense that my parents had a whole other life that we didn't know about. If they did keep stuff from us, it was probably to protect us. But if we knew, then maybe it would have been helpful in the situation we're in now.

"Honestly, I have no idea what this all means." I said to them. "Our parents, they followed the rules for years. To us, they would never once break the rules, risk their lives." I added as I leaned back in my seat. We were all back in the car now, on our way back to the hide out. Before we left, we made sure to get rid of the clues on the wall, if someone decided to show up here without us knowing about it.

Kyle found some supplies in our garage, some sort of wall scraper that we somehow had for whatever reason. Once he Ben and Noah got rid of the evidence we all piled back into the car to go back to the hide out.

Finally arriving back at the hideout through the secret route, we made it back in time before curfew began. When we got back, Dave and Joe went over everything with Jill, Linda and Alec.

"I'm gonna go shower." Krista said, Ben nodding in agreement as the two of them headed towards the shower room.

"I'm gonna lay down." Kyle replied as he headed over to his bunk, leaving me and Noah standing there. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned my attention over to him. His eyes were filled with worry and concern.

"You doing okay?" He asked me. Honestly, I had no idea how I was feeling. So many emotions were flowing. Was I angry, upset, shocked? Possibly all of them. I just shook my head, no words coming out of my mouth. Noah then wrapped an arm around me and pulled my body close to his as he held me there for a few minutes.

My face buried in his chest as I took in slow deep breaths before letting them out. I felt his hand lightly stroke my hair, trying to soothe and calm me, which thankfully worked. I slowly lifted my head to face him and he looked down at me with love and adoration.

His face inched closer as he placed his lips on mine, closing the distance between us. My fingers found their way into his hair as his arms snaked around my waist.

We finally pulled away to catch our breath and his forehead rested against mine.

"I know that things have gotten a little out of whack. But I'm here no matter what you decide to do."

I let out a long heavy sigh, not realizing I had been holding in my breath for that long, before slowly nodding my head. There was a lot I had to figure out now, especially with secrets that my parents kept from me and Kyle.

"Well, right now I just need to get some sleep." I replied and he gave me a nod. The two of us then headed back to our bunk and I plopped down on the mattress.

"I'm gonna go talk to my dad and the others." He said to me and I turned to look at him. "Get some rest." He added before placing a kiss on my forehead and making his way over to the others.

My eyes slowly began to droop and in an instant I was fast asleep.


Noah's POV

I turned back around to see if Sam was asleep, and of course she was. Thankfully she was able to get some rest, along with Kyle. These past few days have been hell for the two of them. Losing your parents, the people who raised you, hurts. Although I thought I lost my parents, not having them around sucked. But right now, this wasn't about me, it's about Sam. I wanted to make sure that everything would be okay and that she knows she still has a family, with me, Ben, Krista, Jill and everyone else here. We are all we got right now.

I plopped down in one of the empty chairs along side my parents, Jill, Dave and Alec. Jill looked up from the papers and maps they were all scanning and she gave me a concerning smile.

"How's Sam?" She asked as I let out a long heavy sigh.

"Okay, I guess. I don't know."

"Kyle too?" She added as I gave her a nod.

"It's hard right now, I understand that. But they gotta get out of this funk soon." My dad said this time. We all turned to look at him and my eyebrows furrowed.

"It's gonna take some time dad, they lost their parents, and they're not coming back. It's different in our situation, cause you left and mom was in prison, close to death. But I got you guys back. Sam and Kyle are never getting their parents back." I snapped at him. I shook my head to what he said and crossed my arms over my chest.

"We can't rush their mourning." My mom answered. "We let them mourn, as long as they need."

It got quiet amongst us for a few minutes, my dad, Dave and Alec went back to the maps.

"I see how much you care about her." My mom said and I turned to look at her.

"I love her mom. She's been through a lot. I'd say the same thing for me but..after finding out your parents are dead, and then finding out they have secrets kept hidden from you, it's a lot to process."

She nodded her head slowly as she turned her gaze over to the bunks. I looked over my shoulder to see that Kyle had gotten up.

"They'll be okay, they need some time." Jill said as she placed a hand on my shoulder before standing up. I watched as she made her way over to Kyle, the two in a conversation now.

"Noah.." Alec spoke getting my attention.

"Big Pine Key, that's what the map said at Sam and Kyles house?" He asked as I gave him a nod.

"It's gonna be very difficult to get there, it's an island. A small island. Everyone thinks it's inhabited. Which is perfect for us, so we can find out what's out there. But it's gonna be hard to actually get there. We don't have access to a plane." Alec explained.

"What about a boat?" I asked as I sat up a bit. "You know anyone with a boat? A friend of yours that can help?"

They all turned to look at eachother before Dave spoke up.

"Henry..." he said with a sigh. I sulked back in my seat, my heart sank deeply. Shit. I thought to myself. My fingers ran through my hair as I shook my head before resting my elbows on the table.

"Well he probably has it hidden somewhere, right?"

"Probably, but Noah, it's gonna be hard, we don't know how the security is out there after the bombings and the death of Sam and Kyle's parents." My dad said.

"We scout it then. We do our own security sweep." I suggested as I looked at all of them. "Come on, we have to do this. If there's something on that island that can help us, we need to get to it before the fucking president does."

"He's right." A voice spoke up and we all turned to see who it was.

Kyle and Jill were standing there. But you could tell that he was upset, eyes all red and puffed from crying.

"We do this, to avenge my parents.." he added and everyone exchanged looks.

"Okay, tomorrow Dave, Joe and I will patrol the area. We'll send word when it's safe. You guys in the meantime, pack up the van. Once we get there we go. No breaks, no stops, nothing." Alec instructed.

"Let's get to work then." Kyle replied.

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