A Mother's Love

Chapter 54

Two days had passed since Lous had sent Ragog to Amora with a request for a meeting. He

had requested that she meet with him and James to discuss the possibility of opening a transport portal. Lous was getting frustrated that her response was taking so long. Everyone else knew that he ruled this world and bowed to his every command, but she did not. She knew he could not touch or harm her in any way. He could control everything but her little area of existence that was beyond his reach.

Lous and James were heading back after a long day of practicing at opening a portal. They were in need of some good wine and food. They were halfway to James’s quarters when Ragog popped into existence right in front of them. They both came to an abrupt stop as not to trample over Ragog. Ragog looked as surprise as they were to see him. He dreaded going to visit Amora because when he returned he remembered nothing about being there with her. All he could remember is the messages that she gave him to deliver. It was so frustrating to him not to remember anything of the time that had passed or how long he was gone for when he visits her. As soon as he got himself together and calmed down he delivered the message that was running through his mind. “Amora accepts the request to meet with the one called James immediately, if now sooner.” With that said and done Ragog and James popped out of existence leaving Lous standing alone.

Lous let out a bellowing howl that sounded like an angry wounded animal. Anger burned in him like the fires of hell at her. He has requested meetings with her countless times and she has never accepted his requests. He thought this time she would see him with James knowing that they were trying to open a portal to transport out of this forsaken existence. What gives her the right to ignore his request after all he ruled here?

Why did she treat him as an inferior? He was the last of his race. The only red skinned Soavas still existing, a one of a kind much like herself. He let his anger subside and sink away into his subconscious mind to store for later use. He would question James when he returns, if he returns, about his meeting with her. James’s mind and will was much stronger than that of Ragog. She may not be able to manipulate his mind as she does Ragog’s and he may remember what had occurred while he was there. He walked to the center of the open area where James had first seen him when he arrived. He sat and waited for James to return.

James and Ragog found themselves transported to a small open field next to a flowing brook of crystal clear water. The air smelled fresh and the scent of spring flowers carried on the air. The area was surrounded by a thick forest of massive oak trees and ground bushes. Passage into the forest seemed impossible because the bushes were thick and full of thorns. James scanned the area with his eyes and mind and found no trace of Amora. He looked down at Ragog and saw that he was in some sort of trance and oblivious to his surroundings. No wonder he never remembers what happens here when he comes to visit Amora. Using his voice James spoke and said “If you are here show yourself and let us not play this childish game of hide and seek. You must have called me here for a purpose, so let’s not waste time.” The only response he heard what the rustling of the leaves on the trees as the gentle wind blew through them.

James then realized that his mind was being probed. He felt it reaching deep inside his mind and exploring his inner self and memories. He tried to stop the mind probe but the power and will of his mind was no match for the mind probing his. James started to remember the injured blue colored man he had saw in the military complex. This mind probe was just as strong as the one he could not battle against in the military complex. He wanted to quantum tunnel out of his present location to a safer one but could not control the thoughts passing through his mind. He was waiting for the same type surge of energy that disintegrated the General from the agency to end his existence. Instead the mind probing stopped abruptly and he was in control of his mind and thoughts.

A melodious voice started to speak and it seem to come from all directions and it said, “You are quite a contradiction to what you seem to be James” “Who are you and what do you mean a contradiction” he replied.

“It is I, Amora, and what I meant is your mind and memories contradicting the hate you feel. There are scattered memories of a great love within you that are a part of you yet they seem somehow separate from you.” Amora replied. “The only love I know and hold treasured is the love to hate all things that stand in my way to achieve my goals. Show yourself or send me back” James demanded. “Do not make demands of me James. I would hate to end your existence here and now. Besides I like you and for your benefit it is not wise for you to try and change that by being so arrogant. Lous may put up with your arrogance for he seeks to use you to his own end, but I need you not to leave this place. So heed my words and humble yourself.” said Amora in a commanding tone. Fear filled James’s to the deepest part of his soul. He came to the realization that Amora was much more than what he had been led to believe. “Please accept my apology for my arrogance. I assure you from now on it will be in check.” James said and truly thought. “You need not fear me James for I mean you no harm as long as you truthfully honest with me.” Amora said as she appeared to James.

Before him stood the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. She appeared to be about eighteen years of age with long flowing raven colored hair. Her golden eyes reflected the sunlight making them appear to glow with a warm energy. She was statuesque in physical appearance and she had a soft blue hue to her flawless skin. Her movements were elegant and graceful and had an air of nobility. The smile that adorned her fill rich lips was pleasing and enticing. His whole being was in awe by her beauty and elegance and it filled him with a wanting desire and he did not hide his feeling from her. He felt she shared the same emotional desires that he felt and reach to her and brought her close to his body. He closed his eyes and softly kissed her lips and a passion rose in him he had never experienced before. She had lit a fire of desire and want in him that had to extinguish and only she power to do so. He let himself fall into her mental and physical embrace and gave himself to her completely.

James opened his eyes and he was still standing in the central plaza of the building. Ragog was standing next to him but Lous was gone. He heard a flapping of leather wings and looked up to see Lous flying towards him. Upon landing within walking distance of James Lous said “So how did the meeting go with the elusive Amora?” James appeared to be dumbfounded by the question and replied “What are you talking about? Ragog and I haven’t left to meet her yet.” Lous let out a loud and sinister laugh that filled and echoed through the plaza. “She has done to you as she does to Ragog. She has erased all that happened to you while you were there. You have been gone for five days.” said Lous still laughing. Lous’s words angered James.

Amora had used him and he didn’t like to be used as he had taught Doctor Scull when he killed him. He swore to himself that if they ever meet again he would make her pay for using him and stealing his memories. The anger he felt reached and apex of frustration and he let out a loud and terrible scream that mixed with the echo of Lous’s laughter to create a symphony of terror and despair. Among the sounds of laughter and screaming James heard a voice in his mind say “You are not the contradiction I thought you were.”

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