A Mother's Love

Chapter 17

Ten years had passed since Peter entered the life of May and Parker Garrett. Over that time there never came that knock at the door that they feared. That knock that would be followed by a stranger’s voice hollering “Police, open the door or we will knock it down. We know you have the child.” The Garrets were a happy little family, but that’s not to say that everything was perfect. Over the three years May and Parker had come to know the hardships of parenting a special child like Peter. As he grew older his abilities became more apparent to them.

For instance when Peter has just turned two years old he decided that he would like to have a fairy for a friend just like Tinkerbell in the book. So using a little stuffed toy lamb he created one. It wasn’t really alive but he made it fly around the room glowing and leaving a trail of fairy dust behind it that vanished into nothing before reaching the floor. At first May and Parker were a little concerned about letting him keep it because it could cause a problem. If someone saw the toy in action they may report it and that would lead to some type of investigation.. But being parents that understood and supported their child, they made him understand that he wasn’t to make his fairy come to life in front of strangers or in public. They taught him that there is a difference between what is good or bad and what is right and wrong. His fairy was a good thing for it made him happy and he had fun with it, but it was wrong to do it at certain times and places. So his fairy was limited to exist within the confines of the house and only when May or Parker said it was ok. Peter abided by these rules and they never had a problem.

What occurred on his third birthday was even more astounding. May was cleaning the house for a birthday party when she heard tiny voices coming from Peter’s room. She had just laid Peter down for an afternoon nap but he hadn’t fallen asleep. When May entered his room to see what was making the sound of small voices, she was startle. There was Peter sitting up in his crib with four tiny figures orbiting around his head. What surprised May the most is that the four figures were Peter Pan, Wendy and her two brothers. The figures finally broke formation from around Peter’s head and flew off to the other side of the room. While they were flying May could heard the tiny voice of Wendy say “How does one get to Neverland?” and then hears Peter Pan reply “Second star to the right and straight on till morning.” The tiny figures flew around the room for several minutes somersaulting through the air performing aerial feats that the Blue Angels would have been envious of. The four tiny figures were acting out the part of the story went Peter Pan takes the Darling’s Children to Neverland. Peter lied down in his crib and watched them soaring back and forth across his room and as he finally started to drift off into sleep the figures simply faded away into nothingness. May and Parker set down the same rules with Peter as they had with the usage of his fairy.

By now Peter had grown into a handsome child with the brightest blue eyes and thick wavy reddish blonde hair. May and Parker home schooled him so that Peter abilities couldn’t be discovered and raise all sorts of questions and inquiries. Peter could now mentally communicate with Parker and any other person of the male gender. In fact he could communicate with any living thing in that way. The biggest problem the Garrett’s had was teaching Peter to block out all what they called the “background noise”. Every living thing has some sort of thought pattern that Peter could interact with. This created a problem as his abilities came more into focus. He could hear every living thing’s thinking thoughts all at one time. It must have been a chaotic symphony of thoughts all overlapping one another creating an unbearable collage of free flowing images that were not connected or related. This would drive a person mad and force them to question the validity of reality. The Garrett’s discovered this ability of Peter’s one day when they were both trying to communicate with him at the same time at from different locations.

May was at the house and down stairs and Peter was at the bakery. May was checking to see if Peter was okay and Parker was just saying hello to his son and let him know he was thinking of him. Peter’s reply to them was, “I love you both Mom and Dad and yes Mom I’m OK.” May wonder why he responded the way he did and went upstairs to ask him. As she entered Peter’s bedroom she heard him say in her mind “Because I could hear you both at the same time.” May walks over to Peter and actually speaking said “You can hear us communicating with you at the same time?” “Yes.” she heard Peter answer in her mind. “Use your voice to answer please when Mommy uses hers.” May requested. “”Yes Mommy.” he said using his voice. “Do you hear anyone else?” May asked. Peter looked up at May and nodded and said “I can hear the birdies and insects and Papa Angie and the lost boys and a bad person named James. What do you mean you can hear the birdies and insects and who is James and the lost boys.” asked May. I hear the birdies thinking of making their nest and feeding their babies. I can feel when they are afraid when there is something around that wants to hurt them. The insect think very strangely Mommy. They all seemed to have the same thought altogether like they have only one mind. James is a bad person and he wants to talk to me, but I don’t let him Mommy because he is bad and mean. I can feel an evil thing in his thoughts. The lost boys live in the same place as James. They have no mommies or daddies but they aren’t bad like James. They don’t like to live there and they want to leave but a bad man won’t let them.

May wondered if this James can communicate with Peter can he also locate where he is at. May said to Peter ” Peter if James can talk to you can he find where you are located?” Peter replied “No Mommy, I know how to hide from him.” “How do you hide from him?” asked May. “I hide in Neverland Mommy. He can’t find me there.” Peter replied. “How do you hide in Neverland?” asked May. “I just think of the first star to the right and straight on till morning and I am there in Neverland. It’s a place where I can turn off all the things that I hear. There I can hear only the people and things I want to hear Mommy.” Peter said with a happy tone in his voice.” I’m there now hiding from James. He says he and the lost boys are my brothers. Is that true Mommy?” Peter asked. May thought back to that day in the kitchen with Angie and Parker and the question that was raised about who fathered Peter. Before she could reply Peter said “Who is our father, Mommy?” Without thinking she replied, “Daddy is your father and always will be.” “Silly Mommy, I know that and you are my Mommy, but I also know I had another Mommy once so did I also have a Daddy too?” May knew she could lie or mislead the child so she replied “Yes I guess you did, but I don’t know who he was and neither did your other Mommy.”

May and Parker worked with Peter to develop a way to shield his mind from unnecessary thought inputs from the world around him. They started with the Neverland place he created in his mind and help him develop a way to distinguish between the mind patterns of individual beings or thing. Peter learned to assign a particular thought pattern to a star in the sky of the Neverland he had created. When he saw a star twinkling in the sky that meant that someone was trying to communicate with him. The brightest stars in the sky where for May, Parker and Angie. These three stars formed a triangle in the center of the Neverland Sky and they were the brightest of the stars and yellow in color. These stars always twinkled. All Peter had to do was close his eyes and think “First star on the right and straight on till morning” and the star field would appear. He simply had to choose a star that he had assigned to a person or thing and it would open up a mental communication between them. The star in the sky that was assigned to James was the least bright, red in color and just above the horizon. The lost boys each had a star: 12 in total, and they shined brighter than James’s star, where blue in color and surrounded James’s star in a semi circular arc. The rest of the stars in the sky were white.

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