A Marionette's Dream

Chapter War:Part Two

August 8, 1903

Cold water splashes against my face, my eyes fly open and I gasp. “Wakey Wakey sleepy head!” Adeline exclaims as she gives me a big smile. I glare weakly at her, I try to lunge at her but I can’t. Her smile widens when she notices my attempt to move, “Nice try darling! I knew that you would try to do that!” She spoke happily as she skipped around me, I try to move my hands, but I can’t. They’re bound together behind my back, “W-Where is Daniel.” I say softly. She grins at me, “Well I got my darling husband to dispose of him. he wasn’t a very good player in our game.” She replies as she trails a blade across my cheek. I flinch away.

“W-What do you mean by ‘dispose of’?” I ask, she taps the flat side of the blade on top of my head and scoffs. “You should already know what I mean.” She replies. Dread fills my chest, they killed him. Adeline laughs loudly and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “The look on your face is priceless! Please keep that gutted look, pretty please?” She asks softly as bounces my hair on the blade. I growl and close my eyes tight, “S-Screw off.” I say through clenched teeth. Her playful demeanor falls, her face becomes serious as she says, “Funny, I was about to say that to you!” The blade cuts into my cheek.

I hold back a scream as I bite my bottom lip hard, I will not scream for this witch. Adeline lets out an animal like growl as she slices my skin once again, “SCREAM FOR ME DAMN IT!” She yells as she continues to slice my skin open. Warm blood falls from the cuts, I’m aching to scream but I hold it in. She stops for a moment, her breaths coming out shallow. A grin formed on her face, I could tell that an idea had hatched into her twisted little mind. “I know how to make you scream.” She says as she digs the knife under the stitches across my nose. A scream ripped through my throat as she began to pry the stitches from my face. I could feel the skin begin to rip and fall away, her face lit up in delight as she began to pry the stitches under my left eye off.

“That’s right! Let that beautiful scream be heard!” She yelled as she pried more stitches off. I screamed until my throat became raw, I pant hard as I stare at the ground with tears in my eyes. Adeline grips my hair and yanks my head back, “Awe...no more pretty screams? Come on~ you can’t just tease me like that.” She says as she taps the knife on my nose. I breathe hard and glare weakly at her, “S-Screw y-you.” Adeline glares and digs the knife under the stitches on my collar bone, “You’re being so mean to me Scar.” She says softly and she pries the stitches off, a new wave of screams rack my body roughly. Tears fall from my eyes as I continue to scream in agony, my throat is burning.

“You should be nicer to your host little dolly, if you’re not nice then you get punished!” She yelled as she stabbed my shoulder multiple times. I can’t scream anymore, my throat hurts too much. I close my eyes and pant softly, I gasp as Adeline jerks my head back. “You’re not allowed to be tired! You need to stay awake for the fun dolly.” She whispers harshly as she traces my neck with her blade. Tears stream down my cheeks as I look at her with pleading eyes, all she did was laugh at me. She kept laughing and laughing, “W-What...d-did I d-do to you?” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. Adeline growls and presses the knife into my throat, “What did you do to me? You were born that’s what you did to me.” She replied while pressing the knife into my throat deeper. Darkness danced at the edges of my vision, “L-Lucas...“I whispered.

Lucas’s pov

“L-Lucas...” A soft voice startled me, I look around the sitting room in a panic. “Did you say my name?” I ask the barely conscious vampire. He slowly raised his head up, his left eye was swollen shut. “W-What...t-the bloody hell are you talking about?” He asked. I glare at him, he’s gotta be lying, we’re the only ones in here! “Are you telling me you didn’t hear a voice say my name?” I ask again. Confusion flashes in his one good eye, he slowly tilts his head. He’s not lying, “L-Lucas!” Every muscle in my body tenses up, there it is again! A forced laughed catches my attention this time, “Y-You...i-idiot...y-you’re hearing Scarlet.” The vampire said softly as he gave me a small smile. Why would that stupid doll be calling for me? ‘We’ve been searching for days Scarlet. We’re close to finding her Lucas we can’t give up now!’ I blink and hold my head in my hand, what the hell was that?

‘Do we have a deal, Scarlet Afton? We do.’ I remember this, it’s the day we made our deal. ‘We will stop her I promise.’ My eyes widen as realization hits me, “I-I swore to protect her...b-but I’m not doing that.” I mutter to myself. The man in the chair laughs softly and says, “Y-You can still protect her mate...g-go and save her from that bloody psycho path.” I look at him and give him a soft smile, I remove his bindings and lay him down on the sette. I rush out of the sitting room and to the basement, knowing Adeline that is where she would keep Scarlet. I rush down the stairs and down the corridors, “Scarlet!” I yell as I run down the halls quick. Silence replied to my scream, “Scarlet please answer me!” I yell once more. I stop dead in my tracks when I see Adeline standing at the end of the hall. She’s covered in blood, it’s dripping down her hands and her dress. “Sweetie you should go back upstairs.” She says softly as she slowly tilts her head.

I step back in disgust, “Where is she Adeline?” I ask calmly. She gives me a sharp toothed smile as she sways back and forth. “I believe she’s out of commission right now, or should I say permanently?” She laughs loudly clinging to her stomach. My heart drops, she wouldn’t kill her, I know she wouldn’t. I run past her and took a left down the hall, I stop in front of a single lit room. Dread pools into my stomach, there sat Scarlet slumped forward in a chair. She was motionless, blood covered her from head to toe. “S-Scarlet...” I whisper. Not a single muscle of hers twitched, I take a step into the room. “S-Scarlet wake up!” I yell as I take another step. She still wouldn’t move, tears swam in my red eyes. “Mm...if it means anything to you dear husband she put up one hell of a fight.” Adeline whispered as she ran her fingers through my ebony hair. I clench my eyes shut and ball my fists.

“Y-You killed her.” I whisper trying my best to keep my tears at bay. I could hear the smirk in her voice, “What are you going to do about it?” I scream in anger as I pin Adeline to the wall roughly. “I’m going to rip you to fucking shreds!” I yell as I dig my claws into her neck, blood slowly sips through the cuts on her neck. She tries to pry my hand from her throat. I squeeze harder, “You have done nothing but put us through hell! Now I’m going to send you there!” I yell as I dig my claws in deeper. She begins to slowly lose consciousness, I growl and rip her throat out forcefully with my hand. Adeline’s lifeless body slowly slumps to the ground, I pant hard and glare at her lifeless form. “T-That was for all the people you hurt.” I mutter as I walk away from her corpse. I walk over to Scarlet’s body and remove the rope that holds her arms and legs. I gently pick her up and carry her back upstairs. I walk into the sitting room quietly and set down in my chair. I stare at her bruised pale face, “T-This is all my fault.” I whisper as tears fall from my eyes.

I hold her closely to my chest and cling to her tightly. “A-All your life will c-come and stay...c-come and stay...c-come and stay. A-All y-your life will come and stay...m-my fair lady.” I sing softly as a sob rips from my throat. I hold onto her tighter as I cry over her ended life, if only she hadn’t made that deal, if only she hadn’t trusted me she’d be okay. “L-Lucas...w-what...h-happened?” I gasp and look down at Scarlet. Her blue eyes are barely open, she looks so tired and frail. “D-Don’t speak okay? I-I’ll fix you up okay? Y-You’re going to be okay.” I say in a rush. A cough catches my attention, I look up and see the vampire sitting up. “S-She needs blood mate...i-it’s what she has been living off of for awhile now.” He says tiredly as he takes his hand through his hair. Where on earth am I going to get blood?

An idea pops into my mind, “S-Scarlet open your mouth for me okay?” I ask as I gently lay her down next to her vampire friend. She slowly nods and opens her mouth slight. I take a breath and slice my wrist open with my claw, I wince and let the blood drip into her mouth. I close my eyes and think, ‘Please let this work...please!’ She begins to cough uncontrollably. “I-IT HURTS!! M-MAKE IT STOP!!” She begins to scream in pain. My eyes widen as I stare at her withering in pain. “I-I...I-I didn’t know! I-I’m sorry.” I whisper. Scarlet continues to scream in pain, the man beside her pulls her small form into his lap. He whispers soothing words into her ear, as I watch this I feel powerless. I made her who she is, I am her creator, and I can’t even keep her safe.

I choke back a sob as I place my hand upon her head, “I-I release you from me...y-you are no longer under my control...neither is your brother. I’m sorry I ruined your life Scarlet Afton.” I whisper as her screams die down. I make my way out of the room, I walk down the halls quickly. My tears fall freely from my eyes, I thought I would give her an easier life as a demon, but I only made it worse.

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