A Marionette's Dream

Chapter War:Part One

August 8, 1903

The streets of London stand quietly in the night, a cool breeze blows over Daniel and me. We walk side by side in silence, we’ve finally found that bloody witch. “Promise me you won’t allow your rage to blind you, Scarlet.” Says Daniel as he gently grabs my hand. I look over to him and smile softly, “I promise.” He returns my smile and faces the road in front of him. Adeline has been playing house with both Lucas and my brother, I smile softly to myself as I mutter, “Play time is over.” I pull at the black trousers around my waist, Daniel said that I need to wear something that would help me move easier. He had bought me a pair of trousers and a black button down shirt, he had gotten me a pair of shoes, but I don’t like to wear them.

Daniel stops in front of a two story brick house, his bright green orbs stare at the closed wooden door. “Are you sure that you’re ready for this love?” He asks as he glances down at me. I glare at the door in front of me and nod, “I’ve been ready for months. This witch deserves to burn.” I growl as I kick the door down. Inside the house is dark, you can’t even see the walls. I walk inside and yell, “ADELINE! WHERE THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU!?” A shrill laugh answered my question. I growl again, how dare she laugh at me again! Before I could take another step Daniel had grabbed me. “Calm down, you’re letting your anger control you Scarlet.”

I take a breath and close my eyes, he’s right, I need to calm down and think. I open my eyes and look up at him, “I know, I’m sorry. How about you take the lead?” I say. Daniel nods and walks ahead of me, I follow behind him quietly. Something doesn’t seem right, the atmosphere of the room doesn’t feel right. Before I could ask Daniel if he felt anything wrong I was sent flying into a nearby wall. The air was knocked from my lungs as my body slammed against the wall, “Well hello there dear sister.” My brother’s cold voice filled my ear. I struggled to catch my breath as I stared into his piercing blue eyes, he gave me a sinister grin. “Mummy said I could play with you.” He said as he slammed my head into the wall.

I groan in pain as my head throbs with pain, “You should know by now Scarlet. Mummy isn’t going to give daddy back to you.” He says as he slams me into a different wall. The wind is once again knocked from my lungs, I cough and gasp for air. “S-She i-isn’t your mother!” I yell as I push him away forcefully. Aidan stands within seconds, he glares at me. “And you’re not my sister!” He yells as he kicks my chest. The blow sends me down the hallway, I pant hard and cough. “D-Daniel...” I mutter. Aidan begins to walk closer to me, I take a breath and scream at the top of my lungs.

My brother covered his ears and clenched his eyes shut, my screams echoed off the walls. “WOULD YOU SHUT UP!” Aidan yelled as he planted a swift kick onto my ribs. I gasp and fall onto my side, I pant heavily and groan in pain. My brother grips my hair and yanks it causing my head to fall back. “I don’t know what you thought screaming would do, but no matter you’re too weak to do anything now.” He says. Before Aidan could harm me any more a white blur pulled him away from me, “Your sister was right, you are a bloody brat.” Said, Daniel, as he held Aidan up by the back of his shirt. My brother was kicking his small legs, he growled and tried to reach for Daniel’s neck. “YOU PUT ME DOWN YOU FILTHY BLOOD SUCKER!!” He yelled as he kicked his legs more.

Daniel chuckled and carelessly through my brother into a nearby wall, “Oh hush up you little ankle biter.” He said as he walked over to me. He bent down and placed his hand on my cheek, “Are you, alright love?” He asked. I swallow and nod my head. Daniel takes my hand gently and helps me up, a small laugh startles me. “Fraternizing with vampires now huh? Could you hit any lower Scarlet?” I growl at the voice. “I do believe it’s better than what you’ve been doing Adeline.” I spat. She laughs again, but this time much louder.

“What have I done? I’m quite innocent here if you ask me.” She replies with her sickly sweet tone. I growl louder and try to lunge at her, ”Arachne Stop.” A familiar voice speaks from behind her. I’m left unmoving, my eyes widen when I see a familiar set of red eyes looking at me. Adeline gives me a Chesire smile, “Aidan dear, could you please handle your sister’s little friend.” She says as she steps closer to me. “You little shit get off of me!” That’s the last thing I heard Daniel say before everything fell silent. I growl and try to turn my head, “What did you do to Daniel!” I yell.

“Oh my, you seem to really like him! Don’t worry Scar he just knocked your little boy toy out.” Adeline spoke happily as she played with a strand of my black hair. I growl and glare at the witch in front of me, “Don’t you dare touch me!” Adeline sent a rough smack to my face. “Now who said you could speak to me like that?” She asked. My bangs fell over my eyes, I wish I could move so I could rip her throat out. Adeline grinned at me as she gently patted my head, “I do believe that you had a special little song for our dear little dolly, didn’t you darling?” She said as she glanced over her shoulder.

Lucas stepped forward and grinned at me, “Every stitch will burn away, burn away, burn away. Every stitch will burn away, my fair lady.” He sang. My eyes widen in fear as a loud scream rips from my throat, every stitch that covered me began to feel like pure lava. My skin began to burn, I could smell the white cotton begin to smoke. My screams grew louder as each stitch began to burn hotter. I could hear Adeline’s laughter resonate over my screams, “This is only the beginning my precious little doll! So you better buckle up for the ride!” She yelled as she laughed more. I stare into Lucas’s eyes, they hold mixed emotions. “L-Lucas...p-please,” I beg softly as darkness engulfs my consciousness.

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