A Marionette's Dream

Chapter Two Years Ago

pril 5,1900

“We’ve spent almost a whole year looking for Adeline Scarlet. She’s not here anymore.” My voice comes out tired. Scarlet chooses to ignore me, I hold back a sigh and stare up at the sky. I understand that she wants revenge, but she has to know that going after Addie will just get herself killed. “She deserves to pay the price for what she did to me. She tried to take my life away, she stole Aidan’s life away.” Her voice was sharp with anger. I heave a great sigh and place my hands in my pockets, she’s letting her humanity get the best of her.

The piercing scream of a child catches me off guard, Scarlet looked back at me with a scowl on her face. “Thought she wasn’t here anymore!” She yelled as she ran towards the scream. I curse myself mentally as I run after her, I can barely keep up with her. “Oh goody! Just the two demons I was waiting for!” I stopped in my tracks when I heard Adeline’s voice. I pressed my body against the brick wall of the alley. I listened closely to the two’s conversation, “You’re not getting away this time.” Said Scarlet, I heard her knitting needles cling together. “At at dear did you really think I came unprepared?”

I frown in confusion, “Would you like to know a little secret Lass?” Adeline spoke again. I could sense Scarlet’s confusion and fear. “What is your secret wench?” She was doing good at hiding her insecurities. “I’ve seen your future. I good friend of mine; who is a seer might I add told me about it.“My interest had been peaked, she continued to speak. “She told me that your fantasy world would be coming to a major halt. She said that the life as you know it will be gone, tonight.” My eyes widen in fear, she’s going to kill her. I run out of the alley, “Scarlet!” A sharp pain filled my chest, I look down and see a single silver dagger sticking out from my chest.

The world fell black, it felt like an eternity in the blackness. I had no idea if I was falling or if I was just merely floating inside the darkness. It feels peaceful in here, there are no more problems, and no more cares. Soon the darkness faded away, I take in a sharp breath and sit up from the ground. Where am I? Who am I? I look around and take in my surroundings. “How the bloody hell did I end up here?” I ask to no one in general.

“You know a thank you would be appreciated.” A feminine voice caught me off guard. I look towards the voice and see a woman in a stunning white gown. Her skin was beautiful like a porcelain doll, her eyes a vivid ember. “May I ask who you are?” I ask curiously. The woman smiles at me, “I’m your mother Lucas.” Confusion pooled into my chest, my mother? There is no way this woman is my mother.

She chuckled, “You must be wondering why I’m so young yes?” I nod. “You are part angel and part demon Lucas. Your father was Azazel, he sadly died when you were a toddler. I wasn’t able to take care of you, I had no idea how to.” This woman is obviously bonkers. “I am not bonkers young man! If it weren’t for my half you wouldn’t be breathing right now.” She scolded. I look down in embarrassment. “So...my name is Lucas? What is my surname?” I ask softly.

She smiles at me and replies: “Your surname is Kane, I have to leave you now my child. In two years time, a young woman named Scarlet Afton will come to you. Do not fear her, for she is the key to your memories.” Before I could ask anything else, my mother had disappeared. I place my hand on my head and laugh nervously. “I’ve gone bloody mad.”

I stand up from the ground and a small jingle caught me off guard. I pat my jacket and hear the jingle again, I reach into my pocket and pull out a small brass key. There is a small white tag attached to it, I squint to read it. “House key? I have a house?” I ask myself. If I own a home then I need to find it. “There must be something there to give me an insight on who I am, and what I am.”

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