A Marionette's Dream

Chapter Save Me

October 31, 1902

It’s been two years since Adeline took me hostage, two long agonizing years. For the past two years, I have been broken and put back together. Each time gets worse, Adeline would either sing my melody or use her bare hands to harm me. Now I swing back and forth from the ceiling, the strings that prevent me from moving keeps me tethered. I’ve tried everything to get free, I’ve tried to beg, I’ve tried to seduce, hell I even tried to free myself from my strings.

Nothing has worked, my spirit has been broken beyond repair. Though, I guess my spirit was broken a long time ago. It was broken the day Lucas made me into this stupid monster. The day I left my little brother to fend for himself, I should have just let Lucas kill us. Both of us being dead would be better than this hell. “Did you miss me, darling? If you didn’t then oh well.” Hearing Adeline’s voice causes me to flinch. I ignore her and stare ahead, the wall of weapons in front of me make me sick.

“The silent treatment then? What a pity.” She said in mock hurt. I bite my tongue and keep my banter to myself. I hate her so much, first, she kills my brother, then she kills my master, and now she’s killing my spirit. ”Arachne go.” My arms fall to my sides, I look at her in shock. She smiles at me, I don’t trust that smile one bit. “Go on love move around work your muscles.” She says. I look at her suspiciously and slowly move my arms and legs.

Some of my stitches pop open, I bite my tongue and hold in my scream. My body still hasn’t healed from the last torture she put me through. “Today is All Hallows Eve my dear little doll, all the little kiddies will be out tonight for the festival.” I look her in the eye and raise my brow. “I’m letting you go out, but only for tonight.” Hope filled my body, I can run away from this place. I can finally be free from this hell hole. “I’ll be keeping my eye on you, I can’t let you have the chance of sneaking off.” Adeline’s voice held mock cheer.

Dread once again fills my body, no I can’t lose hope now. I won’t let her control my actions anymore. “I-I understand Ma’dam...I shall be a good doll tonight.” I say softly. She smiles and holds her hand out to me, I take it. While she’s not looking I reach for my knitting needles, I grip both of the needles in my right hand. I take a breath and jam them into the side of her neck. The blow won’t kill her but it will buy me some time, Adeline crumples to the floor unmoving. I stare at her shaking, I snap out of my stupor and make a run for it.

I run down the corridor and notice something familiar. The patterns on the walls match the ones on the walls of Lucas’s cellar. “S-She brought me back to his house,” I breathe as I pick up the pace. I take a left and see a large metal door at the end of the hall. I remember that door, it’s the way outside! I run faster and push the door open, a cool breeze washes over my face. The outside world seems different, it’s incredible how the world changes within just two years.

I run down the alley and bump into a man in a top hat. I look up at him and gasp, he looks just like Lucas. “L-Lucas?” I stutter. The man looks confused. “How do you know my name ma’dam?” He asks. Tears swim in my eyes. “I-Is your last name Kane?” I ask once more. Confusion turns to fear, “How do you know my full name?” It’s my Lucas, but he’s different. “I-It’s me Lucas, i-it’s Scarlet Afton! T-Ten years ago you and I made a deal so I could save my brother’s life.” I explain tearfully. He still looked scared and confused. The door to the cellar began to creak open, the sound forced me to start running.

I don’t look back, I don’t want to take the chance in seeing Adeline. I’ll find Lucas again, and when I do I’ll make him remember me. It’s been three days since I escaped from Adeline’s clutches. I’ve been hiding in the cellar of the nearest pub, no one really comes down here. Every time I sleep I always dream that I’m back in Adeline’s torture chamber. I sometimes wake up screaming, I’m always paranoid now, I’m so scared that she’ll find me.

“I need to find Lucas...maybe...my soul is still tethered to his,” I say softly. When I turned seventeen he had bonded our souls together. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, hope fills me once more. I can feel his soul, it’s close. I open my eyes and stand up, my bare feet are cold against the stone floor of the cellar. I sneak my way up the cellar stairs and slowly push open the trap door. I peek out and look around, the pub is still empty.

I push the trap door open all the way and walk out. I grip the ends of my torn dress and make my way out of the pub. I walk quickly down the streets, the sun nearly blinding me by its brightness. I close my eyes and try to sense Lucas’s soul again. It was easy to find, it’s resonating from inside the town library. I run towards the building and push the door open. I scan the large room in search of my master, I spot him in the back reading the newspaper.

I walk over to him slowly and gently touch his shoulder. He jumps in surprise. Brown eyes met blue. “I know...you’re probably scared but...h-hear me out please?” I ask softly, he slowly nods his head and gestures for me to sit in the seat in front of him. I sit down and give him a small smile. “Well? What is it you have to say?” He asks. I play with a piece of my hair and look down, “You...used to be a demon...m-my master. Until...y-you were killed by a succubus named Adeline.” Lucas just nodded. “You...t-tied mine and your soul together when I was seventeen...t-that’s how I was about to find you,” I explained softly.

“I see, you’re one of those storytellers yes? Your performance is spot on might I say.” He replies. My stomach drops, he doesn’t believe me. I grab his hand and hold onto it tight, “N-No please, you have to believe me! Y-You’re the one who made me into a demon, y-you showed me how to steal a child’s soul!” I say desperately. He tries to pry his hand from my grip, I cling onto it tighter as tears stream down my cheeks. “L-Lucas, please! Y-You have to save me, A-Adeline keeps tearing me apart a-and I can’t take it anymore!” I plead with him. His brown gaze softens slightly, “Okay Okay...I believe you...I’ll take you back to my place okay?”

I sniffle and jump over the table and cling onto him tightly. “T-Thank you master...t-thank you,” I whisper as I grip his coat. He wraps his arms around my trembling form and rests his head on top of my head. “It’s okay love...I got you...it’s okay.” I place my hand on his chest and close my eyes, please remember me...please. Lucas’s arms wrapped around me tighter, he spoke through gritted teeth. “W-What are you d-doing to me?” I looked up at him in confusion. I remove my hand from his chest and stare at him. He breaths come out in big puffs, “L-Let’s head home alright?”

Lucas’s home was beautiful, he had dark wood floors, beige walls, and beautiful red furniture. I look around in amazement, “My bedroom is down the hall...and the guest bedroom is the first door on the left. The bathroom is on the right.” He explains as he hangs his hat and coat in the closet. “I’ll see if my sister left any of her clothes behind...that dress look filthy.” I look down at my black and white dress. I smile to myself, “I would say so...it’s covered in blood and dirt.” I reply. I sensed Lucas’s uneasy feeling.

“Ah ha...right well love if you want you can bathe and I’ll bring you some clothes.” He quickly walks away. I look down at my bare feet as my smile widens, he may not remember me right now, but my master has saved me. I just hope I can save him from the burden of memory loss.

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