A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 9

Hey Estrello, the boss is coming, cheap, he will scold you, he will remove your fangs, he will defecate in your burrow, I heard he was depressed by your failure.

“Well, I tried, I tried to do my best, it's not possible for the alpha to bury me.

They were talking and growling, besides smelling each other to see if they were lying and the feeling they were carrying, they were deep in the forest, in a big cave, Estrello was sweating fear, -No doubt I acted without thinking, I thought I coul capture such a tender prey and I would have succeeded if not for the arrival of that hero out of nowhere, I hope we find 2 way to destroy them, thought the great werewolf.

I hope we find a way to destroy them,” thought the great werewolf. “Calm down, it's the only thing you have left, the truth that I'm really worried about so many wolves that have arrived from all the packs, although the ones that piss me off the most are those that are cursed, that were once humans and that live among them, I can’t stand their smells, it's outrageous, one is either one or one is not, there is no in-between.

“Wolff, don't be a flea, don't scratch, nobody chooses what to be and neither do they, they have more in common with us than with humans, they are also hunted for being different, if you see the only sin of many is just that, I guess what if everything was the same, for example the smells, the world would be very boring with only one fragrance.

“Well Estrello, you're right, although to be honest I'm very disgusted with mephistos, I can't stand to smell them and vampires that smell nothing but blood.

“Wolff, you are very prejudiced, I don't think hunters have their favorites for them, we are all threats regardless of our differences, in fact, they fear us for being different.

At that moment a big gray-haired wolf came by, everyone was crouching down to worship him, stopping where these two lycanthropes were, and he growled at them:

-Estrello, Wolff, it gives me almost pleasure to smell them, I don't understand, why do they expel fear, instead of respect, they must think I'm upset because you couldn't capture the sacred prey, I know it was very difficult to capture her withou slitting her tender neck or if you had followed the indications which was to find her and call reinforcements, that hero wouldn't have been a problem, maybe we would have had her, we had the situation by the skin of our teeth in the meetir that is about to begin, come on come with me, let's share the blame, look here she is.

A large tangle of leaves and dirt that did not walk, it seemed to emerge from the ground at every movement, sometimes changing size and shape, she came in waving:

wonderful this great day that blooms before us, I am honored to glimpse you, my beautiful buds, do not think that I hav come to punish you, on the contrary, 1 am glad that you almost achieved the goal, only that luck was not harvested for us although I know that soon our efforts will bear fruit.

The Alpha Wolf spoke to her without looking at her face, which was sometimes drawn between the leaves:

my dear lady, you impress me, how can you not be furious with my pack, if we fail and failure gives no room for excuses. -1 still don’t know if it's worth it to make a pact with all those creatures, especially with the obsessors, those of Mephistopheles and all those creatures that feed on suffering, after all, what guarantees us that when we exterminate humanity, we won't follow, those beings are not moved by the desire that the planet becomes green, they are moved by their thirst for death and destruction.

This time Estrello does not resist and asks even though his protocol does not allow him to skip the Alpha:

estimated mistress, please excuse my boldness, it would be better to do our things, none of us want those things and ws all know that they are beings that can't be trusted, starting from the fact that they don't smell good.

-1 apologize great wolf, it's true although I may no longer have a choice, it's already germinated, the meeting will be today with the moon as a witness, I've thought about it a lot, it could be a suicide pact, a moment of desperation that bloomed withered and now it's scything its scythe over everything beautiful, although there is not much difference with humans a their insatiable hunger, I simply cannot stand idly by waiting for the end, besides that girl may be the key to save us, the prophecies have many ways to be interpreted, besides I have a surprise for you, look what we have on our side.

She materialized a hand that waved causing a swirl of flowers that became a portal of light from where a human dressed white and some strange symbols came out, but that there some knew and translated it as dangerous, Wolff burst roaring -How can it be divine mistress, that you brought one of those stinking knights who have done us so much harm and slaughtered so many of our kin?

-Calm down,” said the man, “although I am one of the warriors of the light, I am with you, I agree with the greatness of Mother Monte, allow me to introduce myself, I am Francisco, I am at your disposal to serve you in the best way I can.

“You will serve us as fertilizer,” Estrello shouted, “that’s the only thing your kind does well.

Relax, he is here to help us," sighed Mother Mountain, “he was the one who brought us the prophecy and he has given u: lot of juicy information.

-1 don't want to eat you guys,” said Francisco, “although I could use some fuzzy socks.

That's enough too, Francisco,” interjected the green mistress, “the puppies have the right to be suspicious like everyone else, after all, who can trust a traitor?

1 am not betraying my species, what happens is that I have lived a lot thanks to the teachings of my masters, but it has been several centuries since I stopped seeing life as something wonderful, I am tired of loving, laughing, crying and even killing you, 1 am tired of living, I have tried to find a way to become old to Leave this world that really disgusts me, I don’t see an end to it, no matter how many bugs I destroy, more always appear and the truth is that I dislike everything, but if have to choose between a world full of trees or a world of sand, I choose, although I would prefer a world of lava without banal intelligent creatures and less overdeveloped dogs.

“You see it's an animal,” the Alpha grumbled, “it's going to be very difficult to collaborate with that.

Please calm down, very soon the others will arrive, this will be a very important meeting, -interceded Mother Mountie, - remember Francisco that I know that what most motivated you to betray yours was that you found out that you were deceived all your existence.

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