A Love In Dark Times

Chapter 10

-But old Richard, I want you to tell me about Luis and Luisa, the other thing worries me, but I want to know if my love sto is similar to theirs.

-Of course Mike, they are similar, it's like saying that everything sweet is the same, even if it's not made of sugar, love makes us dream, fly and dream, but it can also make us suffer when we deceive ourselves,

-that can't be, love is pitiful when we're betrayed or it's not reciprocated.

-Love is a gift that we have to give from the heart without any interest, you don't have to tie it or use it as bait, it is your pure energy that you give, the complicated thing is when you think you can own something or you get illusioned.

-0r when you fall in love with someone who is not worth it.

-In the same way, if it is not worth it, you comply with giving love, that person is the one who loses it, you will already be complying with the sacred commandment of loving your neighbor.

-And what do 1 do with the love I still feel for her?

simple boy, that's where another sacred commandment comes in, that of loving God, above all, send it to Him, in case sI comes back, He will give it back to you or He will send you a better partner, you must not forget that He is the perfect intelligence and that He loves us infinitely.

that's hard to consider when I'm suffering, now that the only way I'm happy is to imagine I'm with her.

“Maybe it's good that you think about it, although you should also go your own way, better may come.

-1 know there must be better, but I just want her, man, you better tell me what happened with those lovers, I hope they have a happy ending, not like mine.

-1 hope they have a happy ending, not like mine," said Mike, “relax dear Mike, your ending has not been written yet, as for theirs we will see.

The hero convinced Luisa’s parents to let him stay in a corner, it was very complex, since they did not trust this stranger that although he seemed to have good manners and his appearance of a pretty boy contrasted with his white clothes full of patches and strange symbols, something that reminded him of the savior of his daughter when she was a little girl, Perhaps that is why they believed it was true that he had saved her from a werewolf, although I don't think it would be e: for any parent to let a man into a small house full of children, especially if they, the parents, had to work from sunrise to sunset every day, although the balance was tipped in favor of Guio, who called himself the warrior, He was a somewhat s attered boy, a little strange, he built a bonfire in the courtyard that he would watch until it was consumed, and he would out at any time of the night at the slightest noise, The parents were worried and reassured why he always accompanied h everywhere, to the point that she had to start telling him when she was going to £0 to the bathroom or to sleep, that was another thing, that guardian spent the night sitting on the floor against the improvised door of Luisa’s room and her eigh sisters, her other two brothers slept in the room with the parents,

He is like a bodyguard, a builder and even a caretaker said the father.

He's like a bodyguard, a builder and even a caretaker,” said his father, “don’t worry, he will become a son-in-law,” his friends answered,

-1 don't think so, my daughters are still too young for that, they have to be professionals first,” he replied somewhat annoyed.

He is a very handsome boy anyway, it would be good if he could improve his race,” the neighbors gossiped.

That's why in the early mornings the husband and wife took turns to keep an eye on Guio who almost always stood at the door before they left and greeted them with a smile, so much so that he would accompany her to study and since he couldn't get in, he would spend his time outside the school trying to look at her through the walls, Linda sometimes got upset because her friends thought he was her toxic boyfriend who protected her to the extreme and that maybe she love him, what happened is that the boy only knew how to talk about weapons and fights, without a doubt he knew nothing about women, besides she only thought of Luis she remembered how he had saved her and the days they lived under the same roof, of his smile that was as if the sun rose at dawn, that made her wonder:

“Where will my beloved be, when will he return, will he be my beloved, or is he just a whim?

A girl's whim, I have not even had a boyfriend, I would like to know what it feels like, maybe if Luis does not return or whi he returns I could experiment with Guio, what if 1 fall in love with him and when Luis returns I no longer want anything wi him, maybe he left and no one knows where, maybe he is in jail as the neighborhood gossips say, or maybe he doesn't come back or he has another love and I am like a fool waiting for him, if only my guard would behave more like a man an less like a dog, that would be the spark to feed my flame, just one sentence, do you want to be my girlfriend?

'm sure he would say it if he knew that yes is what awaits him, the yes produced by curiosity that although Guio is quite handsome when I close my eyes I see is my Luis causing sighs to escape me, maybe they will go to look for him, I want them to find him to Lull him, I want them to find him to Lull him to sleep, I want them to provoke him to send me his sighs too, my heart is racing wanting to get out of my chest as if I knew where he was, I would run without stopping if I knew hi whereabouts, but everything is uncertain, what if after crossing the world I found him with another woman or even worse kissing with another male, anything can happen in the distance that breaks memories and feelings, hopefully my sighs ar a barrier that protects him from all evil and temptations, although I don't know why he overlooks the obvious, his father thinks he is better than us, he may have sent him to study abroad or where a relative, certainly one of his brothers must know the truth, his younger brother loves sweets, tonight I will take him some gummies so he will confess me the whereabouts of me maybe “love”.

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