A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 91

She continues to cry but we continue to hold her close and little by little, slowly, these sobs become less frequent as she calms down. Her breathing becomes calmer until it is so calm that we both know she has fallen asleep.

“she did,” Dorian said softly.

- I know. But at what cost.

~ Believe me, she knew the price. She knew what she was doing.

- I know, that doesn’t mean it was the right decision.

- Do you think I made the wrong choice?

~ I know she will never be the same again. Last time she killed because she had no choice, it was her or them, this time it was different.

- That's what she wanted.

- That's what she thought she wanted. She thought it was her duty, her responsibility. She was sure of it, certain even. Bu she is different, she is not like us.

~ You think I don't know? Do you think I could have done otherwise?

- Of course not. It's just that this should never have happened. This should never have happened. I know it.

He in turn sighs, softly while kissing her forehead.

~ We cannot go back, we cannot rewrite history, but on the other hand, we can shape a future, another chapter, if we wor on it together.

I smile while sticking my nose in his hair, he always has the right words, the ones that come from the heart. Those who or tell the truth. I squeeze these fingers a little tighter before kissing Emma's neck, who shivers under this touch.

~ That's why I brought him here, he said while observing her. She loves me, I know it, I feel it but I am not you, I am not he true companion.

- Do you still believe in that? Really ? Open your eyes handsome, Emma doesn't just love you, the bond between you is a strong as the one between us, or between her and me.

- There are times when I tell myself that maybe I'm too much.

- However, it was you that she came to see recently, it was you that she asked for help for her sister.

At the same time, while she is sleeping, she moves closer to him by taking him in her arms and hugging him to her. Immediately and despite the pain, I move to stick to her.

- She does not seek my presence, she reacts to both of us, to our two beings, to our two Wolves.

She lets out a fine moan, light but enough to make my heart race, she is against us, between us, where her place has alwe been. I smile, lean my head against his. I know he understands,

He clings a little tighter to my hand while sliding his head into his neck, just a few inches from me, close enough that I ca feel his breath on my skin, on my face. My body shivers, trembles slightly. I like knowing it is within my reach, I like knowi that I only have to step forward to taste the flavor of these lips. Despite all my doubts, everything that has just happened feel myself reacting more than I should and even more so when Emma places her hands on both of us while she is still sleeping.

He moves forward one inch at a time and leaves Emma's neck to place his lips on mine. I can’t resist, I can't fight. He neec me too and I'm not going to abandon him. His tongue slides across my lips and mine responds quickly. Between us, Emm moves gently while clinging to us. I almost blame myself for feeling this way now, but my c**k stands erect and tenses while I can't hold back.

She moans softly as Dorian lets his fingers brush over her arms. Trembles against us while still asleep. She lets herself go releasing the pressure weighing on his body while he kisses me with a little more force, with voluptuousness. I shouldn't myself £0 too, not here, but she gets up, rubbing her buttocks against my c**k and it's my turn to let out a fine moan.

~ Let yourself go, he said softly, let yourself go.

I would like to tell her that now is not the time, that she needs something else right now but before I can say anything, st turns onto her back and he takes the opportunity to come and pinch her. tip of these breasts visible through her t-shirt. She moans a little louder, still immersed in this sleep which is surely saving her while he pulls up her t-shirt slightly to reveal her skin.

She is so beautiful, as beautiful as the first time I saw her, when during those few days we spent together, she slept so close to me and I looked at her knowing that it couldn't work. . How stupid could I have been. She is perfect but at the time, I didn't see it, I didn't understand it. Today, things have changed and seeing her shudder like this while calling us or makes me tense up more.

Dorian only asks for my lips, he kisses me breathlessly, as if it were the most important thing in his eyes as he slides his fingers through my hair. I shouldn't, this isn't the place or the time for that, she needs something else, to know that we're there. Yet he breathes against my lips.

- Leave it to yourself, look how much she even wants it.

Then he reveals his chest which rises more and more quickly. My gaze never leaves these breasts, their tips which stand v proudly, showing that they react to our presence. Dorian places his fingers on her stomach making her shiver a little mor She shakes, moaning softly as she continues to sleep between us. She lets herself go, relaxes, between our bodies while she knows deep inside that she no longer fears anything between the two of us.

My hand comes up to rest on her hot chest and this time she moans a little louder before opening her eyes. At the moment, I'm almost afraid that she will push us away, that she will make us understand that this is not the time for that, but on the contrary, she passes her hand over mine to encourage me to continue.

Dorian leans up, kissing her neck as she arches under those lips. The bed is not very wide but we don't need a lot of spac we just need to be together, all three of us together. She turns her head towards him to kiss him, this simple vision is enough to make me tense up a little against her.

It's crazy how beautiful they can be when they're together, when they love each other before my eyes. When they offer themselves to each other without restraint. Dorian's hands slide over her stomach before passing between her thighs which she spreads slightly. I hear myself groan as his scent hits me full force.

I stick to her a little, rub my erect p***s against her leg, making her moan a little louder as I lean over her to lick the skin her neck before nibbling it. 1 try to do as little movement as possible so as not to pull on my wounds, but I must admit th the pain is secondary. In this moment, they are the only ones who matter.

Only and the way they manage to set my body on fire with just a few sighs. Dorian leaves these lips to come and take hol of mine while my fingers gently pinch the tips of these breasts, making her arch more. He moves over her while continuin to kiss me and places himself between her thighs while unbuttoning his jeans. She lifts her hips to help him in his maneuver and quickly finishes, naked on the bed.

I can't resist the urge to slip my fingers between her thighs before letting them enter her, going back and forth gently. The heat from his body spreads through us both. She is so beautiful languid, thus offered while she is just waiting for us. She moves her hips on my fingers, moving as she seeks more pleasure. She's already soaked, as if Dorian was right, that's all she wants. Feeling ourselves in her to make her forget everything else.

She stands up before making me lie down in her place and goes over me while Dorian stays behind her back. He caresses her for a long time, kisses her skin making her shiver a little more while she grabs my p***s for my greatest pleasure. I fee myself throbbing between these fingers, shuddering as I feel them close around me before she begins slow movements which only make me groan a little more.

Al three of us are aware of the fact that we could be surprised but that won't stop us from continuing, its too late for tha to restrain our bodies and our desires while each of us feels this burning fire gaining strength. . She leans over me to com and kiss me, Dorian lets these fingers roam her private parts, preparing her for our arrival. She stands up, throwing her head back, offering me a magnificent vision of her to which my p***s responds by throbbing in her hand. She looks into mine, smiling. Even if her eyes are still red from the sobs that ran through her earlier, she is no less resplendent and she knows it, because her smile widens a little more as she positions me and impales on me, making Dorian grunt as he passes, his fingers withdrawing before he gets into position himself.

She leans over me, offering herself to him and when he sinks into her, when I feel him in turn, we moan together. Finally, we are one. Finally, the three of us are reunited. Our hands grip each other, our lips seek each other to better find each other and when he starts to move inside her, each of these movements reverberates in me. It's crazy how good it can be, especially after everything we've been through, after everything that's happened in the last few days.

I can't really move, but I don’t need to, they do it for me. Dorian grabs her to straighten her, biting her mark without takin his eyes off me. He knows that I like seeing him like this with her and that it only increases my excitement even though it not really necessary. Our movements are slow, we intend to take advantage of this moment, this moment of pure pleasur I grab these breasts while Dorian belts them in order to better take control of this exchange.

She lets him do it, lets herself be intoxicated by what she feels, biting her lip while she closes her eyes under the effect o the pleasure that rises in her, in us.

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