A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 90

She takes another step back, enough for me to enter before closing the door behind me. My Wolf shivers, seeing Emma li this makes me react much more than I thought. His sister looks at me out of the corner of her eye, placing her hand on h cheek.

~ You were so afraid of me that you felt obliged to take your guard dog with you.

Emma steps forward abruptly before grabbing her by her t-shirt, holding on to her.

~ You better watch your language, My guard dog as you say, could very well show its fangs before you can even react.

She smiles as they are so close.

- It looks like you've grown up.

- You wanted to kill my children. The pulpit of my pulpit. How did you think I would react?

- I thought you would be dead, just like them, she said without even trying to lie.

My breath catches in my chest hearing these words. I knew it, but seeing that she doesn't break down, that she doesn’t even try to plead her case, is destabilizing. Well for me, because Emma gives her a headbutt which makes her fall to the ground. Blood runs down his forehead to spread on his face. In those eyes, I see only disgust towards his sister, hatred. I can't understand the reason but what I do know is that my wife responds to it even more forcefully.

- You were ready to have two innocent children killed for your own pleasure, for your personal satisfaction. My poor thins could almost pity you if only you still had the slightest importance in my eyes, she adds, leaning over her sister.

- Yet you are here.

- Do you think I'm here because you matter? Really? I'l tell you again, I could almost feel sorry for you, big sister, if only I gave a damn about you, she concluded, giving him a punch that shattered his nose.

Eléa tries to defend herself, but unlike Emma, she was not trained by Wolves. I've never seen him fight like this but I don’ miss a beat. She remembers everything I tell her. From the posture of these feet on the ground to have better support, to the angle she gives to these blows to get the most force from them. She goes wild, she gives everything, focused on her enemy, focused on this person who is nevertheless her family.

They roll on the ground, chaining blows without me moving. I know Emma wants to deal with this alone and I don't want I take that right away from her, I can’t do that. Besides, I'm not worried even when her sister takes over, she almost can’t touch her. My wife fought against a wolf, she survived,

~ It's all your fault. Only your fault, her sister screams as she dominates her for a short moment. I lost everything because of you, she said, almost spitting out the words.

So Emma parries his blow before throwing her fist into his stomach. Eléa takes her breath away, just for a second, but a second enough for my wife to regain the upper hand and grab her head and hit it with all her force against the ground.

- I don't care about your pretexts, Emma screams, about anything you can say. You will never hurt my family again. Never again.

Blood begins to mark the ground. I don't know if she realizes it, but her sister is stunned, the pain is starting to take hold her.

You're just a weirdo, a crazy person who likes to make me suffer even though I'm away from everything.

She lets go of her head to administer punches, one after another, distorting her sister's face before our eyes. This rage sh feels increases her strength tenfold. I never would have believed that she could have so much and yet, she is remarkable she doesn't give up, she gives everything she has by expelling this darkness that lies dormant deep inside her.

it was she who launched the hostilities, it was she who did everything to find us, well here we are, we are here and this w be the last lesson she will receive in her entire life. Emma stops for a moment, breathing heavily, quickly while keeping h fist in the air. She's not a murderer, she has nothing to do with it, that's why she takes the time to observe her future victi when I would have already finished him off.

- You were my f*****g sister. You should have done everything to protect me but no, your need for money, for power. Tha the only thing that matters. Only that.

~ I took care of you for so long, you could at least return the favor, she manages to say while spitting blood.

Emma laughs, a sad, dark laugh. With a laugh that does not bode well for his sister. She is about to strike another blow when I see Eléa quickly pass her hand behind her back. The shine of the metal catches my eye, my body tenses, ready to jump but Emma is faster and in turn, she passes her hand behind her back to take out her weapon before firing two successive shots.

at this distance, she couldn't have missed it, by the smell of blood spilling on the ground, I already know I'm right. Eléa’s arm falls to the ground, losing her grip on the falling weapon. Emma in turn drops her weapon while her body seems heavier on that of her sister.

Along sigh is heard before Emma says as a last thought,

- You shouldn't have taken it out on my family.

She then gets up, her legs trembling, her hands bleeding, her breathing too fast for her to hold on. I then rush at her and manage to hold her before she collapses. She clings to me, to my body, her face burying herself in my neck before her breathing turns into sobs.

I knew it would happen, I knew she would eventually realize, understand and that this hurt would follow her forever. Because that's what it is, a wound that cuts into his heart, that nothing can heal. She will move forward, she will act as if she has moved on but deep inside it will continue to mark her. Like any person who must kill someone who was importar one day.

I hug her as tight as I can. At the same time, Jason makes himself felt, sending us all the love he has for us, that he has fo her. She did what anyone would have done, she acted without any hesitation. My Wolf is proud of her as is Jason's I can f it, but we both know that she will need both of us in the coming days, in the coming weeks and probably much more. Of course, that's not a problem, we love her, we have always loved her and we will do everything to make her smile again, sc that she is happy again even if this scar will last.

- It's all over, my dear, I said softly. All is finished.

She doesn't respond, just cries at me. Jason sends us a new wave of love, of tenderness to which she reacts by shivering gently. I smile tenderly while kissing his head. She needs both of us and that's exactly what I'm going to give her.

I lft her in my arms before leading her into the car. It's almost as if she was lethargic, she only cries without really seeing what's around her, I feel her far away, behind a wall of pain and suffering as if all her hatred had just flown away to make way to something else.

I start and go without asking myself any questions. My Wolf pushes me to follow my instinct, confirms to me that I am making the right decision. I continue driving, as fast as I can, I know there is a road ahead but the further we go, the close we get to him.

POV Jason

Fk. 1 lie in this bed while she suffers, while she cries. 1 try to get up but my body hurts and I moan as I lie down again. I groan without being able to stop myself. I feel so weak, so helpless when my role is to protect her, to do everything to ma her happy.

My fists hit the bed as if that would have any effect. When I think I've been fooled. When I think that I'm still here while they are outside. I who believed that everything rested on my shoulders, I suddenly realize that ultimately, they are also doing very well without me.

Dorian succeeded where I failed and Emma did better than me against this Wolf. I don't like how I feel, I'm not used to th I'm not used to feeling this helpless. I close my eyes and breathe, I have to force myself, I have to find them. I have no choice, they need me.

I then open my eyes, determined to get out of this bed, force on my chest, on my wounds, on the points that hold my skir together. The pain is so strong that I moan uncontrollably. But I must not go back, I cannot give up, I must move forward, must see them.

My hands grip the sheets as I manage to sit up. As I place one foot on the ground, I grimace again. I don’t know if my legs will be able to carry me, but I have to try, at least for them.

It's at that moment that I feel them, that I feel them, both. At the moment I have difficulty understanding, but it's them. M Wolf shivers when he sees them. They should return to the children so why? Why do I feel them getting closer?

I don't have to wait long, the door to my room opens revealing Dorian carrying Emma in his arms. Just seeing her makes r heart tighten and break. She's not like us, at times I come to forget her. He comes close to me, closing the door behind hi and places her on the bed next to me.

She lets out a deep sob that hurts me as much as it hurts her and him. Dorian grabs my hand as we place them on her.

- It's going to be okay love, I said softly against his ear.

- We love you so much, Dorian continues, placing a kiss on her forehead.

I forget my own pain to cling a little closer to her. I want her to know that I will support her until the end just like Dorian who passes one of those legs between hers as he moves a little closer too.

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