A Game of Crowns

Chapter 7- The weight of the world

May you rise to your higher calling. May you choose the high road. May you lead others to do the same.


The warmth of his breath had left me briefly stunned, but the fog had begun to clear. I shoved him off me.

“What are you trying to accomplish by this Tobias?”

He wiped his bottom lip with his thumb. It was hard to stay angry at him when he looked at me that way; eyes darkened and lips parted. I tore my eyes away from his mouth.

He sighed. “I wanted it to be different for us but there isn’t much time.”

I was lost. What was he talking about?

He continued, “I think we should make an alliance. A real one. I know you stood behind that ginger head idiot Lucas, but I think you should be with me. Work with me, I mean. Be my queen Penelope. Help me make things better.”

I swallowed roughly. What had gotten into him? Was he serious? I sat down on one of the many stone benches. I sighed. He took a seat on the bench opposite me.

“What is it?” He asked.

“Why me, Tobias? Why don’t you go and ask Viktorya or Siobhan? Or really, any of the other seven girls here. They’d all happily take your alliance.”

“Because you’re not in it for the power or the money. You’re here because you have no choice. You genuinely want to help and do what you can while you’re here.” He hesitated before continuing, “Because you’re the girl who gave her hard earned money to children who had nothing.”

My mouth formed an O. How had he known about that?

I didn’t know what to say. My mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. It wasn’t an attractive look. “How do you know about that?”

“I have my ways.”

I narrowed my eyes at him and waited until he gave an honest answer.

He rolled his eyes. “Fine. Fine. I was there that day. I was in the bank when you asked for change. You had caught my attention. I followed you out and when you started giving out your money I was awed. I had never met anyone who would willingly give away their money that way. Most tourists hate the child beggars of the city.”

“That says a lot about the company you keep.”

He didn’t disagree. “I was one of them, but your actions inspired something in me. After you left with nothing to give, I went back into the bank and got change and continued where you left off. That day you made their lives a little bit better. You’re capable of inspiring others to be better. Iron Forge needs you. I need you. Will you help me?”

The silence after his speech was long. I didn’t know how to respond to that. Was he serious? Could I be more than what I was now?

“If I agree...Will I be more than just a pretty face next to you? I need to be more than that if I were to do this. We’d need to be equals.”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. We don’t have to be intimate if you decide against it. It would be purely political.”

The hope he held in his eyes had begun to sway me into saying yes. “When it comes to an heir what then?”

He thought for a moment, but then shrugged. “I don’t have all the answers right now, but we can figure them out together.”

“How would we get The Trinity to pair us together in the first place? It’s not like we have a say in the matter. Do we?”

“Not really, but we have chemistry. You can’t deny that and from here on out we’ll stick to each other like we’re glued at the hip. They’re bound to notice we work well together. In fact, we can pair our humanity projects together.”

He was so sure of himself. His eyes bright with optimism and alight with the prospect of changing the future of Iron Forge.

“What do you say?”

I looked away from his pleading eyes. Instead I looked at the four-tiered water fountain near us and watched as the water fell over the side of the bowls. The trickle and splashing was a nice distraction, but I could feel Tobias’s eyes piercing the side of my head.

His eyes begged for me to say yes, but a small part of me hesitated in agreeing. Thomas would be hurt by my decision, but the path I’d be embarking on with Tobias would change the lives of so many. They’re lives would improve and I knew I could make it happen for them. It was a higher calling and I was willing to answer.

“Okay, let’s do it,” I said as I stood up and brushed the imaginary dust off my clothing. I prayed to Xandra that I wouldn’t regret agreeing to this.

His grin was victorious.


It had been almost a full two weeks since the kiss between Tobias and I had happened...since his proposal. He had kept true to his word. He practically attached himself to me. He pulled me out of my room for all meals and decided it was best if we spent all of them together. He made sure we were seen around the palace together by all the members of The Trinity. How he pulled that off was a mystery to me. Since arriving at the palace, I had never seen them out of special gatherings. To say it was odd to spend so much time with Tobias would be understating it.

We spent the time working on our humanity projects and found ways to make sure they complimented each other. We were days away from our trial. We would have to present them individually, but we hoped they’d see how well our projects would enhance the other.

We were in one of the many studies in the palace, lounging on two of the stuffed armchairs when in stumbled Viktorya and Lucas wrapped around each other; lips locked in a sensual kiss. To say I wasn’t surprised would be a lie. I didn’t think he’d be open to a fling with Viktorya.

Tobias coughed to announce our presence. They pulled apart quickly. Lucas turned an unappealing shade of red that clashed horribly with his hair.

Viktorya on the other hand smirked. “I’m sorry we thought this room was available.”

“It’s not,” I said firmly.

Tobias raised an eyebrow at my tone. As did Lucas.

“Careful sweetie. Your jealousy is showing.”

I scoffed. “As if I’d ever be jealous of you, Viktorya.”

She shrugged as she pulled a sheepish Lucas by the collar and out the door.

“So, that was awkward,” Tobias said as he tried to fill the silence.

“Right, what were we talking about?”

“The budget for your children’s orphanage.”

“Right,” I said as I let him read my budget estimate.

I counted the books on the shelves behind the desk as I waited for him to finish reviewing my work. It was just a way to keep my mind off Lucas and Viktorya’s disgusting display of affection. It was such a blatant disregard of the rules. Ugh, who was I to talk? Hadn’t Tobias kissed me? And hadn’t I kissed him back? Why was this bothering me? Was Viktorya right? Was I Jealous of her? I didn’t like Lucas. He was nice and he was friendly towards me. He made me laugh occasionally but that was it.

Maybe it was because she looked like a young girl having fun. She didn’t seem to have a care in the world. Meanwhile, I felt the weight of the world on my shoulders. I couldn’t help but worry about my family and now all of Iron Forge. I threw my legs over the brown suede armrest of my chair and leaned my back against the other armrest and closed my eyes. Thankfully, I was wearing pants. It was very unladylike and thank the Priestess that Madame Lorrelle hadn’t witnessed this or she’d have my head.

I sighed. What would it feel like to not have my mind thinking nonstop? Maybe Viktorya had the right idea. Maybe I needed to find a way to relieve the stress and maybe the thing I needed sat in this very room with me. My eyes popped open and searched the room for Tobias. He had moved to sit behind the dark mahogany desk. His hair was tousled in the way that made it seem as if his look was effortless but I could tell he took the time to style his hair just so. He bit the top of his pen as he continued to review my work. My heart escalated at the memory of his lips on mine. He must have felt my gaze on him because he chose that moment to look up and meet my stare head on. I bit my lip. He grinned as his own eyes narrowed onto my lips. I groaned and sat up. We couldn’t do this...Right?

Definitely not.

I began pacing the room. I didn’t need him to make me forget. I’d be fine.

He chuckled lightly. I pretended not to hear him.

“Your work is perfect. This project will help thousands of Iron Forge children. My program should feed directly into yours. It’s a small tax that most wouldn’t even notice when shopping. The tax will provide the meals for your orphanages and money for clothes.”

“Thanks. Your work was amazing as well. The way you got those companies to agree to such a low price for manufacturing is a feat in itself,” I said knowingly boosting his ego. He really had done a great job.

“Look who’s talking. You were able to strong arm the contractors into free labor when they build you the orphanages and to top it off you got a discount on the supplies needed.”

We had both done an excellent job. I wasn’t below giving myself a pat on the back. I just hoped the Trinity would think so too.

“I guess we’re done then. We completed our projects,” I said as I walked around the room picking up small trinkets and pretended to examine them.

“We did.”

I heard him get up from his chair. I refused to turn and face him. I picked up a clear champagne sized bottle and gazed into it. A miniature boat was held inside. I can’t imagine the patience to put one of these together.

Tobias’ arms encircled me from behind and retrieved the bottle from my hands. He laid it back in its spot. He then put his hands on my waist as his breath left a trail of heat against the nape of my neck. My heart beat was an erratic mess. He brushed his lips against the tip of my earlobe. I gasped and freed myself from the cage of his arms.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What are you doing?”

His smiled mischievously.

“I was simply giving you a massage.”

“With your lips?” I deadpanned. “And nothing is ever simple with you Tobias.”

He chuckled and sat behind the desk again.

He held up his hands in resignation. “Okay. Okay. I get it. You want to keep it purely business with us. I know we didn’t really discuss it, but if that is what you want.”

Was that what I wanted?

His raised an eyebrow at my hesitation.

I quickly answered, “Yes, only business.”


I tossed and turned in bed for at least an hour until sleep finally claimed me. The day with Tobias was anything but peaceful. Georgiana was sweet enough to bring me a cup of warm milk but it did nothing to soothe me. So, when I felt the sweet pull of slumber I let it take me.

I awoke in a bed of foliage so lush it was as if I was in a bed of clouds. What was this? A dream? If it was, it was a rather odd one. I got up and took in my surroundings. My bed of greenery was surrounded by a small field of orange and yellow flowers. I walked until I came upon a temple made of some sort of white stone.

Where was I?

I hesitantly ascended the steps until I reached the entrance of the temple. Above the entrance was a phrase carved into the stone.

‘All who enter and come freely will find solace in me’

I recognized that from somewhere, but where?

“Should we go in?” A voice asked.

I screamed and turned around. I automatically punched whoever was behind me.

Tobias held the right side of his face with a hand.

“That hurt Penelope,” He said simply.

Oh Priestess, what was he doing in my dream? I crossed my arms over my chest. The crisp air was playing with my body and making things perk up in an obvious way. My thin nightgown did nothing to conceal it.

“What are doing here?” I asked.

“You tell me. This is my dream after all,” he said as he softly rubbed his face and eyed my arms as they covered my chest.

The nerve of the guy. Even in my dream was he pervy.

“Uh, no. It’s mine.”

He raised an eyebrow.

“Well then if this is all just a dream...” He pulled me into his arms and laid his lips against mine. The sensuality of the kiss had me shivering in my nightgown. I was tempted to continue, but I wouldn’t allow myself to do this.

“Keep dreaming Carter.” I said as I pushed him away gently.

“I thought I was,” he grumbled.

I rolled my eyes.

“Come on let’s go see what’s in there.” I took his hand and led him into the temple acting more confident than I felt.

A woman of magnificent beauty wearing a gown of flowing water and a crown of Iron stood at the alter waiting for us. Her gown did nothing to hide her body. Tobias’ eyes were practically popping out of their eye sockets. I gave his stomach a pat. He needed to be thinking with the appropriate organ right now.

Her tawny beige skin tone matched her gorgeous golden-brown hair that fell the ground in luscious waves. The expression on her face was regal and other worldly.

“Welcome to the Hidden Realm.”

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