A Game of Crowns

Chapter 6 - A thousand times over

“Believing that within you is the ability to change the world is the first step in making a difference. ”

-Dan Waldschmidt

I scratched my ear a bit to see if my hearing was impaired. Had I heard correctly? Did he say he was King Stefan’s son?

“What do you mean you’re a bastard?” I hesitated as I said bastard. It was such a crude way to describe an illegitimate child.

“What I said is what I meant,” he said simply. He propped himself up on his elbows and watched me.

“Then why aren’t you King right now?”

He looked at me as if to say don’t be daft.

So, was he or wasn’t he royalty? Didn’t he have a right to the throne?

He looked at me exasperated at having to say it aloud. “My mother slept with the King or rather my father had an affair with my mother. I have no legal right to the throne. So, here I am trying to win what should rightfully be mine.”

“Who knows about you?”

“Just a few people. Madame Lorrelle, Sir Hawthorne, a friend, Thelonious, and now you. My mother kept my father a secret from society. She claimed my father was a traveling merchant who never returned to hear the news of her pregnancy. It was a scandal of her own making, but can you imagine if people knew the truth?”

“What would your mother say if she knew you told me?”

He sighed and laid back down. “I don’t know. She’s dead.”

It was as if I received a kick to the gut.

“I’m sorry, Tobias. What happened to her?” I hesitated before asking my next question. “Did Thelonious kill her too?”

“So, you believe me then? Good, hopefully, you’ll listen and stay away from him. He’ll only use you for his agenda.”

I laid back on the cot as well. I stared at the steel ceiling and waited to see if he’d respond.

“No, he didn’t kill her. She died about two years ago. Cancer was the culprit. She suffered more than she should have. King Stefan tried to help her with all sorts of experimental treatments, but in the end, they just kept making her worse. She refused to decline anything because he kept offering. She’d say it was rude to deny the king. I’m guessing that’s how I was born. She didn’t want to be rude and deny the king.”

I gasped.

“I didn’t mean that,” he whispered.

“I know,” I reassured him.

A thud resonated through the room. The door was being pushed open. We both jumped off our cots. He grabbed the flashlight I used on him and pushed me behind him. It was nice of him to have thought of my safety, but I was more than capable of taking care of myself. I had hit him after all; although, the thought of hitting someone again was making me hyperventilate.

“Calm down,” he urged.

I did as he asked. I took two deep breaths and didn’t think about hitting anyone.

The door was opened by Georgiana and a male attendee. Tobias’ shoulders visibly relaxed. I squealed and ran for Georgiana.

“You’re okay!” I exclaimed.

She chuckled. “I am. There was nothing to worry about. The attackers didn’t make it very far.”

“Do you know who they were?” Tobias asked them.

“We don’t know for sure, but either way we’ve been asked not to tell our charges anything,” the male attendee said.

“What?” I asked.

Georgiana shrugged. “I’m sorry, my lady.”

I shook my head. It was ridiculous. They couldn’t keep us in the dark. I’d find out what happened somehow. Tobias hadn’t looked too happy about it either.

The male attendee let Tobias know he’d be outside the panic room waiting for him. Georgiana set about picking up after us. She straightened up the cots and put away our flashlight. She left to check on the restroom.

Tobias moved to leave.

“Does this mean we’re friends, Tobias?” I smirked.

He turned back to face me and stepped a few steps closer. “No.”

He moved into my personal bubble, took a strand of my loose hair and wrapped it around his finger. He pulled in close to my ear and whispered, “I plan on being more than just friends with you. I plan on making you my queen.”

My mouth fell open an inch. He pulled back and winked. He left me wondering what he could have meant. I scoffed. He had the nerve to call me a tease when he was the expert.


The next day was agonizing. I wandered around like a walking corpse. I needed more sleep, but everyone had us going to lessons and going about our day as if nothing had happened last night. It aggravated me. No one answered our questions. I needed to find someone who’d be willing to let a bit of information slip.

I needed to find Thelonious. He didn’t know I knew who he really was. If I acted the same then just maybe I could use him.

I asked Georgiana to send Thelonious an invitation to have lunch with me in one of the palace verandas on the following day. Her eyebrows had flown up practically hitting her hairline. She was curious for sure, but she hadn’t pushed for answers.

His reply was quick to return. Georgiana handed me his response.

I look forward to being graced by your beautiful presence tomorrow. I will see you at noon.

Being nice to him made my skin crawl, but I would do what I had to do to get answers. I didn’t want to be near him, but what choice did I have?

Georgiana kept her lips sealed about the attack and I bet everyone else had received the same results. So, tomorrow I’d have to play nice. I was capable of that.

I went down to the dining hall in hopes of catching a glimpse of Tobias to confront him about his statement, but he was a no-show.

Either he was avoiding me or he normally skipped meals with everyone like I did. I can’t believe I endured an hour with Viktorya and Siobhan when I didn’t have to.

The next morning passed quickly. I hurried to meet Thelonious at the veranda Georgiana selected and prepared. I was sure to dress especially for him. I wasn’t naïve enough to not notice his attention. I wasn’t above using my looks to get the information I wanted.

I let Georgiana dress me in the morning, but I made sure to change for my lunch with Thelonious. Georgiana knew something was going on, but she knew better than to ask. She’d find out eventually. She was to be our chaperone over lunch.

I had put on a black backless halter top bodysuit detailed with a lace pattern with white sandals. It hugged my curves in all the right places. I painted my lips a kiss me fiercely red and put on two coats of the blackest mascara I had in my room. I put my hair up into a loose messy bun which left my back exposed for anyone to see. I was being rather indecent. That thought almost made me run back to my room to change.


My mother would have had a field day with her spoon.

Georgiana’s face was comical when she saw me in my new outfit.

Thelonious had already arrived. His eyes ran over my body appreciatively. I wanted to grimace but I plastered a smile on my face. I pretended to be happy to see him and grateful that he accepted my invitation to lunch.

After our first course, he got down to business.

“So, what is the reason for this lunch and your delicious attire?” He asked as he took a sip of his wine.

I choked on the water I had been drinking.

He had called me out. He was a very astute man.

“It’s okay. What do you need?” He asked.

I played coy and batted my lashes at him.

“I was curious if you knew what happened the other night; when the palace was attacked. I was wondering if you could tell me.”

He watched me over the brim of his wine glass.

Georgiana who was refilling my water glass narrowed her eyes at me. I bet she had an opinion about the lengths I went through to find this out.

He looked at Georgiana. “Would you excuse us, Please?”

She hesitated.

“Don’t worry I’ll be the perfect gentleman,” he said to her as he winked at me.

She nodded still hesitant but left us anyways.

He waited until she was gone.

As soon as she was no longer within hearing distance he turned back towards me.

“Although I appreciate the attire you have worn for our lunch it was completely unnecessary. You could have just asked me what you wanted and I would have told you.”

I needed to regain some control. “I didn’t wear this for you. You flatter yourself too much sir.”

He grinned at me knowingly. Whatever, let him think what he wanted.

“What happened? If you don’t mind telling me.”

He hesitated before answering, “We told the staff not to utter a word about the attack to their charges because we didn’t want anyone going home. Iron Forge needs a new King and Queen. We can’t let a few bumps in the road keep us from our destination.”

I guess that made sense. A few of the girls had already voiced their desire to leave.

He obviously wasn’t going to tell me any of their nefarious reasons. Men like him used their charm and looks to blind people. I had fallen for it. Who knows if there was any other reason for them being tight-lipped about it.

“Can you tell me who attacked us?”

“We’re not sure yet, but we do know it was one of the other territories. Of the two, it’s more likely to have been Terra territory.”

I didn’t know much about the other territories, but I knew that Terra was the first of the territories to have been supposedly created by the three Priestess’s. Terra was under the control of Priestess Kaitha. The territory was mainly known for their growth of exotic crops.

Clearwater was another territory that was said to belong to Priestess Meylee. As for what they were known for I’m not sure. I knew it had to do with the sea. How I longed to see the ocean. They say it is beautiful.

I looked back at Thelonious. He’d been watching me as I considered his words.

“You’re quite beautiful,” he said boldly.

I didn’t want to blush at his words, but my body was in control.

“Thank you.”

He leaned over the table and placed his hand over my own.

“If you happen to not make it to the end of this game, would you mind if I were to call on you?”

The audacity of the man never failed to surprise me.

“Sir, you go too far,” I said sounding appalled.

I playfully slapped his hand away from mine.

He laughed it off.

I laughed with him. I didn’t want to offend my new well of information.

A cough interrupted us. “I hope I’m not interrupting.”

Tobias looked at me from behind Thelonious.

“No, not at all,” Thelonious said.

How had I not seen him walking towards us?

“In fact, our lunch was over. Would you mind walking me back to the entrance of the east wing?” I asked.

He nodded and withdrew from the table a bit so I could say farewell to Thelonious.

Thankfully, Tobias had given me an out.

“Thank you for your company and the pleasant conversation,” I said alluding to his useful information.

He stood up and kissed my hand. Oh, sweet Priestess, the man was getting on my last nerve. I wanted to smack him for all his forwardness and for what he did to Tobias’ family. Instead, I smiled shyly and said goodbye.

Tobias greeted me warily. We said nothing as we walked towards the east wing. He stopped us in an alcove in the wall before we reached our destination.

“Enough, tell me what you were doing with him?” He held his arms folded one over the other as he accused me of treachery with his eyes.

“Relax, will you? I was finding out what happened the night of the attack.”

He let his arms fall.

“Oh. Well, what happened? I’ve been trying to get someone to tell me, but everyone has been so closed-lipped about it.”

It was my turn to cross my arms. I jutted out my hip and smirked at him. I loved having the upper hand.

“Don’t look at me like that. Just tell me.”

I laughed and told him everything.

“Hmm, things are happening a lot quicker than I anticipated. The other territories want to overtake us while we’re weak. The longer Iron Forge doesn’t have a monarchy the easier it will be for them. We need to speed things up. I need to go.”

He was halfway gone when he turned around and said seriously, “You do look beautiful by the way.”

He had heard a portion of my conversation with Thelonious. He turned away and again left me thinking about his intentions.

I didn’t see him for a week after that encounter. My lessons for the game weren’t co-ed again so I didn’t have a reason to see him. I wandered the palace after my lessons hoping to run into him, but he remained elusive.

The week flew by. I was basically going through the motions during my classes. Nothing had caught my attention. Nothing they had shown us so far was difficult to do. It didn’t require my full attentiveness.

That is until they assigned us a humanity project. It was the first time I wanted to take part in something here. It would be our first trial for the Trinity.

“You are to come up with a project that will help Iron Forge flourish. It must be attainable. The winner will have their project come to fruition.” Madame Lorelle eyed us over the spectacles she’d taken a liking to recently.

This trial made me want to stay here and help. Maybe not win, but stay long enough to make a small difference in my territory.

I was excited for this trial. I knew exactly what I wanted to help with. The homeless children in the inner city would be my muses.

“There will be no more lessons until after the trial. You will have two weeks to get your presentations together as well as a budget for the cost of the project. Understood?”

We all nodded.

“Now, we have a surprise,” she said slyly.

This brought murmurs of anticipation.

“Your surprise is in the throne room. Get going.”

The girls giggled and took off at a ladylike pace. Running indoors was frowned upon my Madame Lorrelle.

Melanie, a petite girl with lovely brown skin, was the first to get to the throne room doors. She pulled one open and gasped. She ran at the unladylike speed we were told not to engage in. She didn’t care.

The room was full of women and men I had never met. The male competitors were among the group chatting with their own individual.

Melanie was in an older woman’s embrace. The woman looked exactly like her. Same skin tone, same brown eyes, and brown hair with streaks of gray. They had moved up the day our family could visit.

I scanned the room searching for either mamma or papa, but they were nowhere to be seen.

“No one loved you enough to come?” asked the annoying voice of Viktorya.

I would not let her words get me down. I faced her and the small woman next to her who wore a fake smile that resembled her own. This had to be her mother.

“I’m glad your mother was able to visit Viktorya. I will let you catch up. Excuse me.” I said it in the nicest manner possible. I didn’t want to start anything with her today.

“I would have expected you to sock her in the face,” a voice whispered behind me.

I whirled around. “Thomas!” I yelled as I threw myself into his arms.

The display we put on was quite disreputable, but it was Thomas. I had missed him so much. He swung me around as I laughed in his arms.

“Alright, P. I’m going to put you down now. Two gentlemen here are eyeing us rather enviously,” he said as he placed me back on the ground.

“Nonsense, don’t be silly.”

“If you say so, but I know what Jealousy looks like. I’ve been there before when it comes to you.”

“Don’t lie, you fibber.” I playfully punched his arm.

He grinned as he held his shoulder in fake pain.

“Let me look at you,” he said holding me at arm’s length. “Well I’ll be, you’re wearing a dress. Your mother would die of happiness if she saw you. You look gorgeous. I could get used to seeing you in dresses, Pen.” He chuckled.

“Come on,” I said taking a hold of his hand. “Let me give you a tour.”

I led him out of the throne room and noticed Tobias eyeing us. I wondered if Thomas wasn’t joking when he said someone was watching us jealously. If he wasn’t joking about that then did that mean he wasn’t joking about being envious once too?

No, he had to have been joking. If he had ever cared for me in a way that wasn’t platonic he would have told me. I pushed the thought away.

I spent the day showing Thomas the palace and the grounds. I even showed him my room. Georgiana was present of course. They couldn’t have us dallying with others when we were sort of engaged. Well, on route to being engaged.

We sat down to a light dinner in the glass room I had shared a dance with Tobias in. I blushed briefly remembering the encounter.

“You have it nice here, Pen. I’m glad you get to enjoy this even if it’s only for a brief amount of time.”

“What do you mean? Do you not think I have a shot at becoming queen?”

“It’s not that Penny, but be realistic about it. There are women here who’ve had the upbringing that it takes to become queen. They stand a better chance at winning this. If I was a betting man...”

I interrupted him. “So, you’re saying you wouldn’t bet on me?” I didn’t want to be queen so I don’t know why I was arguing over this with him, but it hurt that he said it.

He leaned over the table and caressed my cheek. He’d done that plenty of times before. There was no need to read into the action. It was normal I told myself. “Of course, I think you have a shot, Pen. I’d bet on you a thousand times over. Ignore me, I’m just projecting my desire for you to not make it to the end. I’d miss you too much if you became queen.”

The look in his warm brown eyes sent shivers down my body. Was I seeing things that weren’t there? I racked my brain trying to remember instances where Thomas and I were together in the past. Had he always been like this with me?

I’m sure he had.

Then what changed that made me see it? My guess would be Tobias. I had never really had any experience with boys or knowing when they were interested. Tobias made me see that I was desirable. Therefore, opening my eyes to what an interested male looked like. Not that I was even sure if Tobias was interested. But yeah, I had been naïve about the way Thomas saw me and it was becoming all too obvious to me now.

The look on his face told me he had become aware of my realization.

“We don’t have to talk about it now, Pen. We can wait till you get home. If you go home...”

I didn’t know what to say. I was shocked by the revelation.

Thankfully, Thomas changed the subject before things became too intimate.

“Your mother was disappointed she wasn’t able to make it, but they couldn’t afford to hire an extra hand for the day. I offered, but they wouldn’t accept my help. She asked me to come today. They’ll both be here at the mid-way visit if you’re still a participant.”

He hesitated a moment. What did he mean they couldn’t afford a hand? Things were great on the farm and they were receiving a stipend for my time here.

“Look Pen, your parents would kill me if they knew I was telling you this. I feel you should know. They’re having problems with the farm. They might have to sell it.”


“But how? We were doing fine when I left.”

“They must’ve kept it a secret.”

“Will the stipends help them?”

“I’m not sure, Penny. I don’t know the details of their finances. It’s just what I heard one afternoon when I went to leave a pie my mom made for them. Your parents were discussing it.”

“Thanks for telling me, Thomas. I know my parents would have kept me in the dark about it. I’ll find a way to help them. Will you tell them that for me, please?”

“Of course, Pen. Anything for you.”

We walked back to the throne room in silence. My mind consumed with thoughts of how to help my parents from the palace.

We entered the throne room where the drivers would be waiting to escort our families home. Not many were left, several had already left. A few of the competitors were saying goodbye to their loved one. They wanted every last second with them that was allowed.

I fetched a driver for Thomas. He went for the car and would be at the gate in five minutes.

I hugged Thomas fiercely. “Please come back and visit with my parents if I’m still here by the halfway point, will you?”

“Of course, Pen,” he reassured me. He gave my hand a squeeze which I was reluctant to let go of. I was thankful that we hadn’t discussed the possibility of becoming more if I didn’t become queen. I wasn’t ready for our relationship to change.

He gave my cheek a quick peck and left. I stood watching him until he was out of the throne room. I started walking towards my room but instead headed for the glass room.

Thankfully, no one was present. I looked up at the night sky and enjoyed the twinkling lights as they danced on the sky’s endless stage.

The room had quickly become my sanctuary, but at the moment it was anything but.

“Jealousy isn’t an emotion I’m used to experiencing. I don’t like it.”

“Not now, Tobias,” I said without looking at him.

He turned me to face him.

“Now, sounds good to me.” He pulled me flush against him and brushed his lips against mine. It wasn’t a rough kiss, but it wasn’t gentle either, but what did I know, this was my first kiss after all.

My eyes fluttered closed of their own volition. I moved my lips in a way that I thought would be pleasing. I tried to mimic his movements. He certainly seemed to know what he was doing.

His pulled back and whispered, “Didn’t I say I’d make you mine?”

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